The iSi Blog

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Mason Joins PrairieChar Advisory Board

Mason Joins PrairieChar Advisory Board

iSi's Gary Mason has joined the Board of Advisors for biomass waste recycling innovator PrairieChar, Inc..  PrairieChar has developed an innovative approach to converting biomass waste into products such as organic fertilizer, phosphoric acid, and specialty phosphoric...

EPA Delays Air Regulations

EPA Delays Air Regulations

EPA has announced at least four postponements of upcoming regulations regarding air emissions and air quality. RMP Rule Amendment In the final days of the Obama administration, EPA issued amendments to the Risk Management Program (RMP) rule. These included additional...

iSi Speaks at Economic Development Group Luncheon

iSi Speaks at Economic Development Group Luncheon

iSi enjoys the opportunity to present to industry groups, professional organizations, and other business groups. Our Consulting Services Manager Nikki Chavez was the keynote speaker for this month's Cowley County Economic Development luncheon.  Nikki...

The New Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule

The New Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule

Called the "Hazardous Waste Improvements Rule," EPA has issued updates and changes to its Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste regulations.When: EPA has made over 60 changes which are geared to make technical corrections, clarify, increase...

Ensure Safety Incentives Promote the Positive

Ensure Safety Incentives Promote the Positive

OSHA Electronic Reporting Rule Adds Language About Disincentivising Employees From Reporting Another piece put with OSHA’s recent final rule regarding electronic injury/illness submittals was some additional language and safeguards to protect workers from deterrence...

OSHA’s Silica Rule for Construction

OSHA’s Silica Rule for Construction

Watch our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your company. Construction requirements are more geared toward methods of controlling exposures and silica exposure sampling. Table 1 The construction standard has a table of common construction tasks and...

OSHA’s New Silica Rule

OSHA’s New Silica Rule

Watch our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization. OSHA’s crystalline silica rule has been finalized.  There are separate requirements for general industry/maritime and construction. First, How Do You Become Exposed to Silica? Crystalline...

Hazardous Waste Manifest Signers Need DOT Training

Hazardous Waste Manifest Signers Need DOT Training

Did you know anyone who signs a haz waste manifest on behalf of your company is required to have DOT training? We come across many companies who have overlooked this important requirement, especially if their haz waste transporter is filling out all the paperwork for...

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