The iSi Blog
Featuring the Latest From OSHA and EPA as Well as Other Regulatory and iSi Updates
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Centrifugal Pump Machine Guarding Issue Solved
If your company has a centrifugal pump, you may have a machine guarding issue issue at risk for violation. There is an exposed part of the machine that many manufacturers do not make guards for because the seals in this area are important for...
OSHA Electronic Injuries and Illnesses Reporting Rules Change
OSHA electronic reporting of injuries and illnesses rules have undergone another change, and this time it's to account for worker privacy. The new final rule was published in the Federal Register on January 25, 2019 and is effective February 25, 2019. What Has...
The Federal Shutdown: EPA, OSHA and DOT
We were working on preparing price proposals for two separate federal agencies this week and one greeted with a return email saying it was closed, while the other is still open. This prompted the question…what about the other regulatory agencies we work with such as...
iSi’s Environmental Reporting Webinar
Attend our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization.Attend our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization.There are a number of environmental reports companies in general industry must prepare on an annual basis....
Mason Selected to Join EPA Policy and Technology Council
Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler selects iSi CEO Gary Mason to join EPA’s National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology, or NACEPT. “This is an amazing opportunity to participate on developing environmental policy for our nation. I’m...
Snakes as an Indoor Air Quality Issue: iSi’s Memorable Projects
At iSi we get the opportunity to come across all types of industrial hygiene and indoor air quality projects. One of our most memorable ones involved something that isn't typically thought of as a indoor air quality problem: snakes! In Chapman, Kansas, employees at...
Frequently Asked Asbestos Questions – A Free Webinar
As a long-time asbestos abatement, survey, inspection, sampling and training firm, we get a lot of questions about asbestos. In this webinar we will be covering the questions we are asked the most, from who regulates asbestos to where it can be found, to training and...
What is an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System?
The International Organization for Standardization, or ISO, determines internationally agreed upon standards for businesses. ISO standards that end in “001” are management systems. ISO 14001 is for environmental management systems as ISO 9001 is the standard for...
iSi Covers Industrial Hygiene at Tennessee Conference
iSi Project Manager, Ryan Livengood, presents "How Can I Tell If I Have an Industrial Hygiene Issue and What Do I Need to Look For?" at the Chattanooga Regional Manufacturer's Association Annual EHS Summit in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The term industrial hygiene (IH)...
Semiannual Regulatory Priorities Set by EPA and OSHA
Twice a year each of the President’s cabinets and executive agencies submits a regulatory agenda for the upcoming months. It’s a list of priorities and which regulatory areas they intend to focus on. The following items were listed as priorities in EPA’s agenda and...
The Importance of Professional Organizations and Conferences to Your EHS Compliance
Fall is a busy time for iSi as there are a number of environmental, health and safety (EHS) conferences and professional organizations we're involved in. At a recent conference, I was reminded how important getting out to these events can be to an EHS professional’s...
OSHA’s Ammonium Regional Emphasis Program
iSi can help you determine what you need to do to get ready for enforcement.OSHA has announced it has developed a regional emphasis program for ammonium starting October 1, 2018. Who is Affected? The emphasis program targets fertilizer grade ammonium nitrate and...
Overheul to Discuss Link Between Safety Prequalification and Sales
iSi's Manager of Safety and Industrial Hygiene, James Overheul will be presenting "The Safety Prequalification: Where Sales and Safety Meet" at the 69th Annual Kansas Safety and Health Conference. In recent years, you may have seen an influx of companies requiring...
Livengood to Cover Identifying Industrial Hygiene Issues
iSi Project Manager Ryan Livengood will be presenting "How Can I Tell If I Have an Industrial Hygiene Issue and What Do I Need to Look For?" at the 69th Annual Kansas Safety and Health Conference. The term industrial hygiene (IH) covers a wide variety of issues found...
Who Regulates Hazmat Shipments?
In the environmental and safety world, it’s pretty simple to determine who’s the regulatory authority. For safety, in most cases it’s OSHA, and if you’re in a “state plan” state or if you’re a public entity, your state has an additional safety regulatory agency. For...
New Clean Air Act Interpretation May Affect Facility Air Permitting
Facilities required to have an EPA Title V air permit, New Source Review (NSR) air permit, or a Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) air permit may soon be affected by a proposed new interpretation of the word “adjacent”. Adjacent Properties In the...
What is EPA’s Affordable Clean Energy ACE Rule?
EPA has proposed a new rule for greenhouse gas emissions at power plants called the Affordable Clean Energy Rule (ACE) Rule. This rule is a replacement for the controversial Clean Power Plan (CPP) Rule. The CPP Rule was developed by the Obama Administration, and it...
EPA Superfund Task Force Sees Successes
In a previous blog we discussed the plans EPA had for expediting the cleanups of Superfund sites in hopes of reducing costs, reducing delays caused by long studies, and speeding up the timeline for getting the lands turned over for redevelopment, reuse and community...
Live Chat Now Available
iSi has added live chat as another way to contact us. To open the chat window, click on the blue button which is hovering at the bottom of each of our pages. Use this new feature to ask about our training, request quotes, or find specific information you're looking...
OSHA Compliance and Temporary Workers: Who’s Responsible?
When it comes to temporary workers, who’s responsible for OSHA compliance? Is it the host employer or the staffing agency? Overall it’s the responsibility of both parties to ensure OSHA standards are being followed and workers are being protected. As a general rule,...
Watch iSi’s Free Webinar Covering OSHA’s General Industry Silica Regulation
Watch our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization. OSHA's general industry silica standard went into effect on June 23, 2018. iSi recorded a webinar on Friday, June 22, 2018 which covered: Elements of the New Standard...