Electronic injury and illness reporting is required annually by July 1st for select companies depending on size and industry. What gets reported is also dependent on size, that is, companies with 250 or more employees submit the 300, 300A and 301 while companies with 20-249 employees submit only the 300A. The following table summarizes the requirements for electronic reporting. Immediately after the table is a link to the NAICS industry codes which are included in the requirements.

Click here for a list of NAICS Codes covered industries applicable to this regulation.
How to Report
Injuries and illnesses will need to be completed through OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application website. If you are in an OSHA-approved state program such as California, Maryland, Minnesota, South Carolina, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, you are not required to participate in electronic reporting.
For those who do need to report, you’ll be able to enter your data through three different methods.
First, you can enter data in manually through a web form.
If you have multiple records and multiple establishments, the second option allows you to upload a database file to the system. It will need to be saved as a csv file. You can create csv files from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. OSHA has csv templates on their site, but these templates are more or less a list of the column names for your spreadsheet and examples of what needs to go into each.
The third option is for those of you who use automated recordkeeping systems. For those systems, OSHA will have the ability for you to transmit that data electronically through an application programming interface (API).
If you need help submitting, or help in determining if you need to, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help you.