iSi CEO Gary Mason
Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler selects iSi CEO Gary Mason to join EPA’s National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology, or NACEPT.
“This is an amazing opportunity to participate on developing environmental policy for our nation. I’m extremely excited and look forward to working with other members of the council,” said Mason.
NACEPT brings together representatives from the government, business and industry, environmental organizations, academia, and other groups to advise the EPA Administrator on issues relating to federal environmental statutes, executive orders, regulations, programs and policies.
As part of the Council, Mason will be providing advice and recommendations on:
- Developing and implementing domestic and international management policies and programs;
- Developing guidance on how EPA can most efficiently and effectively implement innovative approaches throughout the Agency and its programs;
- Identifying approaches to enhance information and technology planning;
- Improving approaches to environmental management in the fields of economics, business operations, and emerging technologies;
- Increasing communication and understanding with the goal of improving the effectiveness of federal and non-federal resources directed at solving environmental problems; and,
- Evaluating statutes, executive orders, and regulations and reviewing and assessing their progress.
As a co-founder of iSi Environmental and former Deputy Secretary for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), Gary has developed insight to the regulatory climate that businesses must operate under, and the systems and processes that facilitate compliance in a cost effective manner.
Mason’s term for NACEPT will run through November 30, 2020.