Regardless of whether you’re going out, or staying in for New Years celebrations, safety should always be top of mind. New Year’s Eve is actually one of the more dangerous holidays for car accidents. Here are a few tips to share about being safe when ringing in the new year:


  1. Drink responsibly — This can be whether you decide to go out, or even if you choose to stay home. Alcohol and safety don’t always go hand-in-hand. Pace yourself, and if you’re away from home, make sure you have a designated driver. If you’re the host, make sure those who are buzzed don’t get behind the wheel of a car. In some states, you can be held responsible for people who leave your party and cause damage.
  2. If you’re the host, serve plenty of food. Not only will it keep guests happy, it’ll counter the effects of alcohol. If you’re going to a party and don’t plan to eat, make sure you do so before you leave.
  3. Avoid loud music where guests will have to shout.
  4. If you do have guests, avoid accidental sharing of glasses by making sure everyone’s glass or champagne flute looks different. Use wine glass markers, colored glasses, or look into single serving wines or cans of bubbly.
  5. No guns or fireworks — Shooting guns into the air is dangerous because the bullets will land somewhere and they could seriously hurt. Fireworks can be dangerous and may break local laws and noise ordinances. Stick to sparklers and noise makers.
  6. Keep pets and children away from lit candles and fireplaces. Also, keep matches and lighters in a locked cabinet out of reach of children.
  7. Do not leave food unattended in the kitchen when you are cooking, this is especially true when frying and boiling items on the stovetop. Keep children and pets away from cooking surfaces and hot pans and dishes.
  8. Be mindful of your car. New Year’s Day is a top holiday for car thefts! If you’ll be away, don’t leave your car overnight, leave it at home if you won’t be driving home. Keep it in the driveway, and keep it locked.
  9. Stay alert when walking and stay off your phone when walking. Did you know that New Year’s Day is the most dangerous day for pedestrians? Do not ignore traffic lights or crosswalks and be on the lookout for impaired drivers.  The most dangerous time is 1-3 am.
  10. And when it comes time for the New Year’s kiss, with COVID and the hacking cough lurking around, stick to kissing someone familiar, or at least someone who won’t get you a black eye afterward.



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