Gary Mason
iSi’s CEO Gary Mason presented “Emergency Response Lessons: Chemical Fire, Neodesha, Kansas” at the monthly meeting of the Wichita Chapter American Society for Safety Engineering (ASSE).
Gary discussed the emergency response actions for a chemical fire which broke out right before Thanksgiving 2016 in Neodesha, Kansas. Gary represented KDHE during the response and was responsible for managing the environmental impacts both during the fire and impacts on nearby public water supplies. Gary gave insights the into response needs both during and after the fire, the planning and coordination involved, how state and federal governments work together during times of emergency response, and lessons learned from this event which attendees could take back to your own facilities.
The Wichita ASSE meets at iSi Environmental’s offices the first Monday of each month. The cost to attend is $10 and is open to all safety and environmental professionals. Register online at http://wichita.asse.org.
If you’re interested in having Gary present this program at your conference or seminar, contact us here.