EPA Issues Air Permitting Updates for New Sources, PSD and Title V Air Permits

EPA Issues Air Permitting Updates for New Sources, PSD and Title V Air Permits

​EPA has issued air permitting updates in order to help companies save time and reduce paperwork and compliance burdens.

Air Permitting Update:  Definition of Adjacent Areas

As we first reported here last fall, EPA was considering changing the interpretation of the word “adjacent” for its EPA Title V air permit and New Source Review (NSR) air permits for new construction or modifications.  That interpretation change is now final.

In the regulations, the word adjacent comes into play when determining if a facility qualifies for permits.  When determining sources, a building, structure, facility or installation must be under the control of the same person, belong in the same industrial grouping, and located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties.  When it came to “adjacent”, EPA had been also considering “functional interrelatedness,” that is, grouping together facilities with similar functions, even if they were miles apart.

According to the new rule, for all industries other than oil and natural gas production and processing, adjacent is physical proximity only.  EPA makes additional comments on the word “contiguous” as well, noting the difference between adjacent and contiguous.  Operations do not have to be contiguous to be adjacent.  That is, operations that do not share a common boundary or border, not physically touching each other will be adjacent if the operations are nearby.  If there is proximity (neighboring or side-by-side operations where the “common sense notion of a plant” can be deduced) that will be considered adjacent.  Railways, pipelines and other conveyances will not determine adjacency.

Please note that states with their own air permitting programs aren’t required to follow the new interpretation, so be aware of the regulations in your own state.

More information about EPA’s change can be found here.

Air Permitting Update:  Revised Exclusions for Ambient Air

EPA has broadened the exclusions industrial facilities can take from the ambient air regulations.

The Clean Air Act sets standards that affect ambient air quality, that is, that portion of the atmosphere, external to buildings, to which the general public has access.  In the air permitting process, companies are required to make air quality analyses of how their operations, (or changes to operations) will affect the ambient air quality.  Within that requirement, there’s been an exclusion for areas that the public didn’t have access to.  That is, you didn’t have to count the effects to the air quality of the areas of your facility that the public didn’t have access to as long as your company owned or controlled that area.

Until now, fences and other physical barriers have been the determining factor on public access.

In the updated regulations, EPA is allowing for other types of measures to which deter public access.  Some examples could include:

  • Signage
  • Security Patrols
  • Remote Surveillance Cameras
  • Drones
  • Natural Barriers Such as Cliffs or Rugged Terrain (case-by-case basis)

Your company will still need to have the legal authority to prevent the public from going onto that property.  Please note that in this case as well, states with their own air permitting programs aren’t required to follow the new interpretation, so be aware of the regulations in your own state.

For more information, check out the EPA’s guidance page here.

How Does This Apply to Your Facility?

Need help determining where you stand on air compliance? Let iSi’s environmental team help you with your site-specific obligations.

iSi can help you with air permits & determinations – Contact us today!

SPCC Plans:  What Are They and Does Your Company Need One?

SPCC Plans: What Are They and Does Your Company Need One?

Need an SPCC Plan?

iSi can help you determine if this applies to your company, and then we can help you write the plan.  Contact us today! 

If your company uses or stores large quantities of oil, you may be subject to EPA’s Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures, or SPCC regulation and be required to have a plan to prevent discharges of that oil into navigable waters.

Who Needs to Comply with SPCC?

SPCC regulations cover all types of oils, including petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, vegetable oils, mineral oils and synthetic oils.  If your facility has the capacity aboveground of 1,320 gallons or more or underground capacity of 42,000 gallons or more, you quality for this regulation. 

To count capacity, add together everything that can store 55 gallons or more of petroleum.  This includes drums, totes, tanks, or any other storage vessel.  Also included in the total is the capacity from equipment such as hydraulic systems, lubricating systems, gear boxes, coolant systems, heat transfer and transformers, circuit breakers and electrical switches. 

Therefore, all types of industries are included within this regulation, including, but not limited to:

  • Industrial and Commercial Facilities Using or Storing Oil
  • Oil Exploration and Production
  • Refining and Storage
  • Airports
  • Marinas
  • Power Transmission, Generation and Distribution
  • Construction
  • Waste Treatment

What’s the Purpose of SPCC?

SPCC planning is the practices, procedures, structures, and equipment used at the facility to prevent spills from reaching and contaminating navigable waters.  Most facilities will discharge to navigable waters because this often includes ditches, storm sewers, and other drainage systems that can lead to streams, creeks and other bodies of water.

SPCC planning includes three basic functions:

1)  Practices devoted to the prevention of spills,
2)  Planning for containments should a spill occur, and
3)  Removal, cleanup, and disposal of spilled materials. 

These basic functions are incorporated into the SPCC Plan.

What’s Included in an SPCC Plan?

A SPCC Plan has several required elements, including:

  • Petroleum-related chemical quantities and locations;
  • Release prevention structures;
  • Release prevention procedures;
  • Procedures in place to respond to a spill, should it occur;
  • Equipment used to prevent or respond to a spill;
  • Key personnel;
  • Training programs;
  • Spill history; and,
  • Certification.

In most cases, the certification of the SPCC Plan needs to be completed by a professional engineer. 

Compliance Deadlines

If you make changes to your facility, such as adding containers, secondary containment structures, or installation of piping, you must update your SPCC Plan within six months of the change. 

Per requirements, review your SPCC Plan every 5 years and make changes accordingly.

Where Do You Send the SPCC Plan?

Unless you’re asked for it, your plan stays onsite and is not required to be submitted to EPA or your state office.  Some states do have SPCC requirements in addition to the EPA requirements.  EPA says that if the facility the SPCC Plan covers is staffed at least 4 hours per day, the Plan needs to be maintained there.  If the facility is not staffed 4 hours per day, then it can be maintained at the nearest field office.


Do you need an SPCC Plan?  If you have one, when was the last time it was reviewed?  iSi has worked with hundreds of plans and we’d like to help.  Contact us today!

Does this apply to your facility?  Do you need help writing or updating your SPCC Plan? — Contact us today!

EPA’s “Once In, Always In” May Be Officially on the Way Out

EPA’s “Once In, Always In” May Be Officially on the Way Out

EPA has proposed a rule that would officially eliminate the air regulations rule of “Once In, Always In” for major source hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions.  As a result, EPA is estimating reduced regulatory burden for thousands of locations, and thousands of others could now have a better incentive to reduce air emissions.

Background: Air Emissions Regs

Locations that emit one or more of the 187 named hazardous air pollutants above a certain threshold are classified as a “major source.”  As a result, they become subject to a number of additional regulatory obligations.  They are required to follow certain rules established by their related Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) rules and are required to complete annual Title V Air Emissions permitting. 

If locations have HAP air emissions below the stated threshold, they are classified as “area sources.”  The regulatory requirements at this level are much less burdensome.

What’s Once In, Always In?

EPA’s Once In, Always In policy stated that once a location reaches that major source classification, they were always going to be a major source, not matter what – even if the company took steps to reduce emissions below that threshold.  It was developed in 1995 as a guidance memo and originally intended to only be in place until the agency could propose amendments, but it stayed in permanently. 

As part of the 2017 Executive Order for agencies to review and reduce regulations, EPA looked at Once In, Always In.  They determined the Clean Air Act really did not specify or support time limits.  As a result, EPA issued its own interpretation memo saying there was no basis for major sources to have that classification permanently.  These sources should have the ability to reclassify as area sources if they implemented the controls and reductions necessary to become area sources.

This new proposed rule is the formal step to make this interpretation final.

The Benefits

This rule will benefit companies that have already implemented technologies to control HAP emissions, and companies whose processes or operations have changed to the degree that they no longer emit or have the capabilities to emit HAPs above the thresholds. 

EPA estimates that out of 7,920 major sources, approximately half will now be eligible to reclassify as an area source.  Besides the lessened compliance burden, EPA estimates costs savings of $168.9 million in the first year, and $163-$183 million each year after.

Those companies who are still major sources will also now have a concrete incentive to make changes to operations that would further reduce HAP emissions.

Public Comment

Find out more information about this rule here.  EPA is also soliciting public comment at regulations.gov.  They want to hear about all aspects of their proposal including their interpretation of Once In, Always In, requirements for establishing effective HAP limits, allowing limits issued by states/local/tribal agencies as effective as long as they are legally and practically enforceable, and ideas for safeguards to ensure emissions are not increased.

Which Source Are You?

Is your site a major source or an area source? Can you reclassify?  Let us help!

iSi can help you with air emissions determinations & compliance — Contact us today!

EPA’s Mercury Inventory Report Due July 1

EPA’s Mercury Inventory Report Due July 1

Any person, company or organization who manufactures or imports mercury or mercury-added products, or intentionally uses mercury in a manufacturing process are required to file a report to EPA by July 1, 2019. 

Called the “Mercury Inventory Reporting Rule,” it is a part of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).  The final rule for this was published in June 2018.  TSCA requires EPA to publish an inventory on mercury supply, use and trade every 3 years.  EPA’s next inventory is due in 2020, so as a result, they are requiring those use and import mercury to get their data submitted by July 1, 2019.


If you fall under this requirement, it doesn’t matter how much mercury you use, you still need to report to EPA.  Reporting is done through EPA’s Central Data Exchange.

The data you’ll use in the report are quantities from calendar year 2018.  Some of the items required to be reported include:

  • Amount of mercury produced, imported, stored, used, sold, or exported;
  • Types of products made;
  • Types of manufacturing processes and how mercury is used;
  • Business sectors to which mercury or mercury-added products are sold;
  • Country of origin of imported mercury or mercury-added products; and
  • Destination country for exported mercury or mercury-added products.

Once submitted, you’ll be required to submit this report again every 3 years.  EPA will not publish names or identifying information once they publish the results.


There are a few exemptions to reporting.  In the following instances you won’t need to report:

  • Your mercury activity isn’t for commercial advantage;
  • The mercury you use is only as an impurity;
  • You’re generating, handling or managing mercury-containing waste only (and not recovering it for commerce purposes)
  • The mercury is in an assembled product that contains a mercury component (EPA gives the example of a mercury light bulb for a car manufacturer); or,
  • You manufacture assembled products that contain a component that’s a mercury-added product but you didn’t manufacture or import that component.

EPA Webinar

EPA is having two webinars to explain this Mercury Inventory Reporting Rule.  One is Tuesday May 21, the other is Thursday May 23.  Click on those dates to go to the signup page for each.

Need Help?

Does this apply to you? What other environmental reports apply to you?  We can determine that for you!

iSi can help determine if this applies to you, and what other environmental reporting applies to you too. Contact us today!

iSi’s Environmental Reporting Webinar

iSi’s Environmental Reporting Webinar

osha-silica-dust-construction-general industry-webinar


Attend our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization.

osha-silica-dust-construction-general industry-webinar


Attend our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization.

There are a number of environmental reports companies in general industry must prepare on an annual basis.

Some like EPA’s SARA Tier II, SARA Form Rs, Air Emissions Inventories and Hazardous Waste Biennial Reports have set dates.  Others for air, hazardous waste, wastewater, stormwater and boilers may be guided by your state or your permit itself. 

In this webinar, we’ll cover the basics of the most common reports you may be required to prepare for your facility each year and the due dates you need to know.  

Need help sorting out your reporting requirements? Let iSi help!

Mason Selected to Join EPA Policy and Technology Council

Mason Selected to Join EPA Policy and Technology Council

gary mason

iSi CEO Gary Mason

Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler selects iSi CEO Gary Mason to join EPA’s National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology, or NACEPT. 

“This is an amazing opportunity to participate on developing environmental policy for our nation.  I’m extremely excited and look forward to working with other members of the council,” said Mason.

NACEPT brings together representatives from the government, business and industry, environmental organizations, academia, and other groups to advise the EPA Administrator on issues relating to federal environmental statutes, executive orders, regulations, programs and policies.

As part of the Council, Mason will be providing advice and recommendations on:

  • Developing and implementing domestic and international management policies and programs;
  • Developing guidance on how EPA can most efficiently and effectively implement innovative approaches throughout the Agency and its programs;
  • Identifying approaches to enhance information and technology planning;
  • Improving approaches to environmental management in the fields of economics, business operations, and emerging technologies;
  • Increasing communication and understanding with the goal of improving the effectiveness of federal and non-federal resources directed at solving environmental problems; and,
  • Evaluating statutes, executive orders, and regulations and reviewing and assessing their progress.

As a co-founder of iSi Environmental and former Deputy Secretary for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), Gary has developed insight to the regulatory climate that businesses must operate under, and the systems and processes that facilitate compliance in a cost effective manner.

Mason’s term for NACEPT will run through November 30, 2020.

What is an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System?

What is an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System?

The International Organization for Standardization, or ISO, determines internationally agreed upon standards for businesses.  ISO standards that end in “001” are management systems. ISO 14001 is for environmental management systems as ISO 9001 is the standard for quality management systems and 45001 is for safety and health management systems.

Standards in the “ISO 14000 family” relate to environmental management.  There are actually other standards in the 14000 family such as 14004, 14006 and 14064-1 that complement ISO 14001 or take it a step further.

Who Is Required to Have ISO 14001 Certifications?

ISO 14001 is voluntary; however, many national and international companies are increasingly requiring their suppliers to become certified. 

Having the certification signals that your company conforms to pre-approved standards of environmental performance and has procedures in place for compliance and improvement. It also shows your company is committed to certain environmental objectives like waste minimization, pollution prevention and climate change mitigation as well as has perspective on the effects of life cycle and the value chain of a product/service.

What’s the Process for Creating an Environmental Management System?

An ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS) is all about developing and documenting objectives and processes, implementing them, monitoring and measuring their success, reporting results, maintaining them, then taking actions to continuously improve upon them. 

Some of the elements of the EMS include developing procedures for:

  • Scope of the EMS
  • Leadership and commitment;
  • Defining and documenting your environmental policy;
  • Organizational roles and responsibilities;
  • Identifying risks, threats and opportunities
  • Identifying environmental aspects and impacts;
  • Establishing environmental objectives and plan for achieving them;
  • Resources;
  • Competence, training records, skills, experience and qualifications;
  • Internal and external communication;
  • Document control;
  • Operational control;
  • Emergency preparedness and response;
  • Compliance obligations and evaluation;
  • Monitoring and measuring results;
  • Internal auditing the EMS and the results from this;
  • Management review results;
  • Nonconformity and corrective action; and,
  • Continual improvement.

How Do You Become Certified?

Once you have your procedures developed, you will need to conduct an internal audit of the procedures.  From here, tweaks are made and deficiencies are corrected.  An external audit is next, that is, a third-party auditor such as iSi will review your system to verify it complies with the requirements.  After the external audit, corrections are made before an ISO certification agency does the final certification audit.

ISO 14001:2015

The most current version of ISO 14001 is 14001:2015.  Any company with the original 2004 certification had until September 15, 2018 to upgrade to the newest version.  Thus, the 2004 version is now out of date.

As with newer ISO standards such as safety standard 45001, the 2015 revision increases emphasis on commitment from company leadership.  ISO is required to be more prominent in an organization’s strategic direction and stakeholder-focused communication is important.  Other revisions require proactive initiatives for protecting the environment from harm and degradation and requires companies to consider life cycle, that is, how the entire process from development to end-of-life can affect the environment.

Benefits of an EMS

Even if you are not required to have ISO 14001 certification, developing an environmental management system can be beneficial to your company.  Having procedures in place can help improve your overall environmental compliance It can help give your company personnel a roadmap of how to manage environmental issues, which can be helpful in times of employee turnover.  An EMS will help ensure systems are continuously improved and evaluated.  In addition, there may be additional cost benefits through pollution prevention, increased efficiencies, consistency, better resource management, and good public relations.

ISO Audit

iSi can help you create your EMS and has the auditors to inspect it.

How can an environmental management system help your compliance? Let iSi help you put the pieces together!

EPA to Propose Repeal of Clean Power Plan

EPA to Propose Repeal of Clean Power Plan

power plant
A number of news agencies have obtained a document outlining EPA’s plans to propose a repeal of the Clean Power Plan. The announcement from EPA may come early this week and then a formal proposal will be issued in the Federal Register.  The plans include a 60-day comment period to solicit ideas on alternatives or a replacement approach.  Plans also include a cost-benefit analysis of a repeal, estimating $33 billion in compliance cost savings.

The Clean Power Plan rule was developed by the previous administration as a way to lower carbon emissions from existing power plants by 2030.  Opponents have contended that the rule’s compliance and equipment requirements will create massive costs on the power sector and its consumers, that EPA overreached its authority to regulate emissions under the Clean Air Act, and it invaded the powers of the states, who’ve traditionally managed and regulated the energy sector. Over 27 states, 24 trade associations, 37 rural electric Co-Ops and 3 labor unions have sued EPA over the rule.  A bipartisan group of over 200 Senators and House members also filed a briefing against it.

How can iSi help your company with air compliance issues?
Check us out!

Georgia NPDES Permittees Required to File Electronically Through NetDMR

Georgia NPDES Permittees Required to File Electronically Through NetDMR

The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) has been moving towards electronic filing of various reports and permits. This electronic requirement is now being required for submittal of Discharge Monitoring Reports from those companies who hold an NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) permit for water discharges.

Starting December 21, 2016, all NPDES permittees will be required to submit their Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) online using a site called NetDMR.   Those who use land application systems, pre-treatment, PID, and general permittees will also eventually be required to use NetDMR later.

NetDMR will have similar features to other online applications.

Step 1:           Create Your Own Account

Each person must create their own account. When setting up an account, facilities should be mindful of the instance and type of user chosen.  Within the state of Georgia, the instance should be “Georgia Environmental Protection Division”.  You may see other options such as EPA – GA, but DO NOT select these options.

Once the appropriate instance or agency has been selected, click on “Create a new account” and follow the prompts.  The type of user for facility personnel should be the external user type “Permittee User.”  An internal user is meant for agency use only.

Step 2:           Set User Roles

Once an account has been created, there are four roles for a permittee user: View, Edit, Signatory, and Permit Administrator.

Permit Administrator: The Permit Administrator has the ability to approve role requests within their permit for all roles except Signatory.  The first person to request and get approved for Signatory Role will be granted the Permit Administrator role automatically.

Signatory: No one will be able to access the permit within NetDMR until someone is approved by EPD as the Signatory.  EPD is the only entity that can approve access to Signatory Role requests.  Someone seeking Signatory Role must submit a signed Subscriber Agreement to EPD by mail and wait approval.  EPD estimates approximately a two week turnaround to review and approve Subscriber Agreements.  Remember, the first person to request and get approved for Signatory Role will also be granted the Permit Administrator role automatically.

View, Edit: Other personnel can request View, Edit, and/or Permit Administrator Roles from the Permit Administrator.

Step 3:           Start Using the System

Once approval has been received, you may then start entering DMR data electronically into the system. Note: there is no external notification, so if a role request has been made within NetDMR the Permit Administrator must check within NetDMR to see that request.

Learn More

If you need assistance, iSi can also help walk you through the process, contact us or give us a call at (678) 712-4705.

How can iSi help your company with NPDES compliance? Check us out!

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