EPA Issues Air Permitting Updates for New Sources, PSD and Title V Air Permits

EPA Issues Air Permitting Updates for New Sources, PSD and Title V Air Permits

​EPA has issued air permitting updates in order to help companies save time and reduce paperwork and compliance burdens.

Air Permitting Update:  Definition of Adjacent Areas

As we first reported here last fall, EPA was considering changing the interpretation of the word “adjacent” for its EPA Title V air permit and New Source Review (NSR) air permits for new construction or modifications.  That interpretation change is now final.

In the regulations, the word adjacent comes into play when determining if a facility qualifies for permits.  When determining sources, a building, structure, facility or installation must be under the control of the same person, belong in the same industrial grouping, and located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties.  When it came to “adjacent”, EPA had been also considering “functional interrelatedness,” that is, grouping together facilities with similar functions, even if they were miles apart.

According to the new rule, for all industries other than oil and natural gas production and processing, adjacent is physical proximity only.  EPA makes additional comments on the word “contiguous” as well, noting the difference between adjacent and contiguous.  Operations do not have to be contiguous to be adjacent.  That is, operations that do not share a common boundary or border, not physically touching each other will be adjacent if the operations are nearby.  If there is proximity (neighboring or side-by-side operations where the “common sense notion of a plant” can be deduced) that will be considered adjacent.  Railways, pipelines and other conveyances will not determine adjacency.

Please note that states with their own air permitting programs aren’t required to follow the new interpretation, so be aware of the regulations in your own state.

More information about EPA’s change can be found here.

Air Permitting Update:  Revised Exclusions for Ambient Air

EPA has broadened the exclusions industrial facilities can take from the ambient air regulations.

The Clean Air Act sets standards that affect ambient air quality, that is, that portion of the atmosphere, external to buildings, to which the general public has access.  In the air permitting process, companies are required to make air quality analyses of how their operations, (or changes to operations) will affect the ambient air quality.  Within that requirement, there’s been an exclusion for areas that the public didn’t have access to.  That is, you didn’t have to count the effects to the air quality of the areas of your facility that the public didn’t have access to as long as your company owned or controlled that area.

Until now, fences and other physical barriers have been the determining factor on public access.

In the updated regulations, EPA is allowing for other types of measures to which deter public access.  Some examples could include:

  • Signage
  • Security Patrols
  • Remote Surveillance Cameras
  • Drones
  • Natural Barriers Such as Cliffs or Rugged Terrain (case-by-case basis)

Your company will still need to have the legal authority to prevent the public from going onto that property.  Please note that in this case as well, states with their own air permitting programs aren’t required to follow the new interpretation, so be aware of the regulations in your own state.

For more information, check out the EPA’s guidance page here.

How Does This Apply to Your Facility?

Need help determining where you stand on air compliance? Let iSi’s environmental team help you with your site-specific obligations.

iSi can help you with air permits & determinations – Contact us today!

What OSHA Says About Using Online Safety Training Courses

What OSHA Says About Using Online Safety Training Courses

OSHA's opinion on online safety training

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OK, OK, before anyone has a chance to say “of course you’re going to write THIS article,” we want to make it clear that although iSi may be known for the face-to-face classes we hold at our offices and onsite at client facilities, we DO write and produce online and computer-based training modules.  Thus, we are in favor of training in all forms, including online.  Online and computer-based classes can be a great tool for your training program, especially in places where there is high turnover, multiple shifts, or high numbers of employees at the facility.

Now…on to the article.

Recently, an OSHA interpretation letter was published that asked the question:

Are online training programs acceptable for compliance with OSHA’s worker training requirements?

OSHA’s Opinion of Online Safety Training

The response from OSHA said that although online safety training can be a valuable part of your training program, you cannot use it by itself to meet OSHA requirements unless it contains hands-on interactive elements.   OSHA says that training requires a mastery of the material that would include safe uses of tools and equipment.  The students must be able to interact with the proper equipment and tools.  This benefits not only the new student, but is a good refresher for those who are more skilled and also allows a qualified instructor to make sure the student has mastered the skill.

The interpretation letter references a previous letter published in 1994 that mentions HAZWOPER (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response) as an example.  In HAZWOPER, hands-on use of personal protective equipment is very important.  Training should include how to don and doff the PPE and include a way to ensure the student is comfortable doing so and is doing it correctly.  The information also needs to be able to somewhat be tailored to the student’s situation.  OSHA adds that this hands-on training needs to be conducted in a non-hazardous location as well.

This would also be the case for any powered industrial vehicle training.  In each of those courses, there is a classroom portion about the hazards that could be done online.  However, specific hands-on training with the actual equipment, whether that be a forklift, a scissor lift, a tug that pulls an airplane, etc., needs to be conducted in a hands-on fashion with the student operating the equipment and an instructor evaluating his/her performance and providing guidance.

Ability to Ask Questions

Another requirement to be meet OSHA standards is the student must be able to ask questions of an instructor.  Some of the topics may be unfamiliar, and OSHA values the student’s ability to ask questions and receive them in a timely manner.  They say that not having this interaction impedes the student’s ability to comprehend the material and retain it.

OSHA suggests that to take care of this requirement, a way to ask questions should be built into the program.  They mention a hotline number could be used, but you may also be able to use email or chat. 

Regardless of what you use, the contact needs to go directly to a qualified trainer and the responses need to come back in a timely fashion.

Where to Find These Interpretations

To review these OSHA interpretation letters regarding online safety training, read the one from 2019 here, and the one from 1994 here

Are you using online safety training for your company and now need to rethink how you’re administering it based on OSHA’s guidance?  Let iSi help you!  Contact us today for guidance, hands-on assistance, or customized online training modules that can be imported into your company’s learning management system.

Do you need assistance in administering your safety training programs?  Let us help – contact us today!

OSHA’s New Weighted System for Inspection Priorities

OSHA’s New Weighted System for Inspection Priorities

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News to your inbox! We cover OSHA, EPA and DOT regulations news & best practices each week.  Subscribe to our blog today!

OSHA’s fiscal year has started and with the new year comes a new system for weighting their priorities for inspections. This OSHA inspection weighting system is aimed to help them track inspection activity and give regional administrators a guide for prioritizing resources.

Inspection weighting has been around since 2015. Prior to that, OSHA would use numbers of inspections completed to count activity. This led to some inspectors loading up on shorter inspections in order to gain quantity while not giving as much credit to those who were doing the long, complex inspections. So, in 2015, a weighting system based on time of completion was developed. However, OSHA found that this was not as ideal as needed either.

The new system factors in agency priorities, inspection impact, and the most hazardous workplaces and operations. Each category of inspection is assigned a numerical value. The most time intensive, complex and high priority inspections gain the most points.

The following is the new points system, from highest value inspection to least value inspection. The points are listed in terms of Enforcement Units, or EUs.

1. Group A: High-Priority, Time-Intense, Complex Cases [7 EUs]

  • Criminal Cases
  • Significant Cases

2. Group B: High-Priority Hazards, More Complex Than Average [5 EUs]

  • Fatalities and Catastrophes
  • Chemical Plant National Emphasis Program Inspections
  • Process Safety Management Inspections

3. Group C: Focus Four Emphasis Program [3 EUs]

  • Caught-In Hazards (trenching, equipment operations, oil & gas)
  • Electrical Hazards (overhead power lines, electrical wiring methods)
  • Fall Hazards (scaffolds, elevated walking and working surfaces)
  • Struck-By Hazards (highway work zones, material handling, landscaping)

4. Group D: Programmed and National Emphasis Program Inspections [2 EUs]

  • Amputation Hazards
  • Combustible Dust
  • Ergonomics
  • Federal Agency Inspections
  • Heat Hazards
  • Non-PEL Overexposures
  • Workplace Violence
  • Permit Required Confined Space Hazards
  • Personal Occupational Exposure Sampling
  • Site-Specific Targeting

5. Other Regional/Local Emphasis Programs Not Already Covered (2-3 EUs)

6. Group E: All Other Inspections Not Listed (1 EU)

Phone/fax/email investigations (e.g., complaints) and rapid response investigations earn “activity points.” Each one of these earn 1 activity unit for every 9 completed, so the equivalent of 1/9 EU. Additional enforcement support activities such as responses to Freedom of Information Act requests, electronic correspondence responses, state plan monitoring and interventions have not gotten units assigned yet.

OSHA has weighted their compliance assistance activities as well.  This is the hierarchy from most important to least: 1. Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) evaluations, 2. OSHA Strategic Partnerships activities, 3. OSHA Alliances activities, and 4. Compliance Assistance activities such as making presentations and staffing informational booths.

Please note, that OSHA can and will still add on any program area to an inspection if they are already at your facility for another issue.

How would your facility do if it was inspected by OSHA tomorrow? Let iSi help you find out! We can conduct safety audits and mock/test run inspections and then help you prioritize the list starting with your most critical. Contact us for a price quote!

Where does your facility stand on OSHA compliance? Schedule iSi for a mock OSHA inspection, audit or walkthrough!

Shelbye Smith Receives Promotion

Shelbye Smith Receives Promotion

Shelbye Smith with iSi Environmental

Shelbye Smith, SPHR

iSi is pleased to announce the promotion of Shelbye Smith, SPHR to the Chief Culture and Talent Officer at iSi.  Shelbye has been with iSi for 16 years, where she primarily has served as both the Human Resources Manager and Risk Manager.

“This promotion is a recognition of Shelbye’s tremendous talents and our desire to have a talented Human Resource voice at the highest level of leadership”, said iSi CEO, Gary Mason. “Our business creates many challenges for HR professionals.  At iSi, we have a full range of both highly trained EHS professionals and entry-level laborers. As a result, our HR professionals must create a recruiting and retention process that addresses all of these needs but also allows for an entrepreneurial approach to our business. Shelbye has done exactly that. Her balance of technical knowledge and understanding of the business has provided a tremendous advantage to our organization”.

“iSi is very fortunate to have someone of Shelbye’s caliber and experience to be a leader within our organization. Shelbye was State Director of the Society of Human Resource Managers (SHRM) from 2017 through 2018 and is also a Trombold Award winner. We look forward to her leadership moving forward”, said Karma Mason, iSi COO.

Shelbye grew up in Wichita, Kansas and graduated from Friends University with a B.S. in Psychology and Spanish, and completed a Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Emporia State University. Shelbye is married to Ben Smith and they have two sons: Trevor and Connor.  Shelbye’s favorite pastime is watching Trevor and Connor play baseball.

OSHA’s New Quantitative Fit-Testing Protocols Aim to Save Time & Effort

OSHA’s New Quantitative Fit-Testing Protocols Aim to Save Time & Effort

Respiratory Protection Assistance

iSi conducts both quantitative and qualitative fit-testing and can help you determine what your facility’s needs are for respiratory protection.  Contact us today!

OSHA has added two new fit testing protocols for quantitative respirator fit-testing.  The two new protocols are actually modifications of the current ambient aerosol CNC protocols for full-facepiece, half-mask elastomeric, and filtering facepiece respirators.  These modifications cut in half the number of steps required, also making them faster to conduct.

There are two types of manufacturers of quantitative fit-testing machines which are most popular, the Portacount by TSI and a controlled negative pressure (CNP) machine by Occupational Health Dynamics, or OHD.   The changes in the protocols affect TSI’s PortaCount-type machines.

 Quantitative Fit Testing vs. Qualitative Fit Testing

Qualitative fit-testing uses items such as saccharine or irritant smoke to determine protection.  It relies on the person being tested’s ability to sense odor or irritants.  Qualitative fit testing is only for half-face and N95 filtering facepiece respirators that have an APF of 10.

Quantitative respirator fit-testing uses a machine to measure pressure loss inside the mask or to count quantities of particles to calculate a fit factor. 

Quantitative testing is considered more accurate than qualitative fit-testing.  Quantitative fit-testing must be conducted for respirators requiring an Assigned Protection Factor (APF) over 10.  Full-face tight fitting respirators have an APF of 50 and thus need to be quantitatively fit-tested.

The New Protocols

OSHA based their new protocols on the results of three different studies.  After consideration and comment, 4 of the 8 exercises were removed or changed. 

These include the grimace exercise, normal breathing, and deep breathing.  The grimace exercise was often found to shift the fit of the mask while the breathing exercises were considered exercises that rarely affected fit factor.  For full facepiece and half-mask respirators, talking was eliminated in favor of jogging-in-place, a new exercise.   

Additional changes were made to the number of sets and the duration.   OSHA anticipates 5 minutes can be shaved from each fit-test with the new protocols.

PortaCount Upgrades Needed

If you have PortaCount Models 8030, 8038, 8040 or 8048, you will need a software upgrade that you can download from the TSI website.  You can also have the update uploaded when you send in your machine for its annual service.  PortaCount Model 8020 or 8028 users will only be able to use the original 8-step protocols.   If you have a machine manufactured by another company which uses the same protocols, you will need to check with your manufacturer if the machine you’re using requires an update.

Link to the New Protocols

For more information about the specific protocols, visit the revised Appendix A of the standard.

iSi can help you determine your facility’s respirator needs then provide the personnel to help accomplish tasks — Contact us today!

SPCC Plans:  What Are They and Does Your Company Need One?

SPCC Plans: What Are They and Does Your Company Need One?

Need an SPCC Plan?

iSi can help you determine if this applies to your company, and then we can help you write the plan.  Contact us today! 

If your company uses or stores large quantities of oil, you may be subject to EPA’s Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures, or SPCC regulation and be required to have a plan to prevent discharges of that oil into navigable waters.

Who Needs to Comply with SPCC?

SPCC regulations cover all types of oils, including petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, vegetable oils, mineral oils and synthetic oils.  If your facility has the capacity aboveground of 1,320 gallons or more or underground capacity of 42,000 gallons or more, you quality for this regulation. 

To count capacity, add together everything that can store 55 gallons or more of petroleum.  This includes drums, totes, tanks, or any other storage vessel.  Also included in the total is the capacity from equipment such as hydraulic systems, lubricating systems, gear boxes, coolant systems, heat transfer and transformers, circuit breakers and electrical switches. 

Therefore, all types of industries are included within this regulation, including, but not limited to:

  • Industrial and Commercial Facilities Using or Storing Oil
  • Oil Exploration and Production
  • Refining and Storage
  • Airports
  • Marinas
  • Power Transmission, Generation and Distribution
  • Construction
  • Waste Treatment

What’s the Purpose of SPCC?

SPCC planning is the practices, procedures, structures, and equipment used at the facility to prevent spills from reaching and contaminating navigable waters.  Most facilities will discharge to navigable waters because this often includes ditches, storm sewers, and other drainage systems that can lead to streams, creeks and other bodies of water.

SPCC planning includes three basic functions:

1)  Practices devoted to the prevention of spills,
2)  Planning for containments should a spill occur, and
3)  Removal, cleanup, and disposal of spilled materials. 

These basic functions are incorporated into the SPCC Plan.

What’s Included in an SPCC Plan?

A SPCC Plan has several required elements, including:

  • Petroleum-related chemical quantities and locations;
  • Release prevention structures;
  • Release prevention procedures;
  • Procedures in place to respond to a spill, should it occur;
  • Equipment used to prevent or respond to a spill;
  • Key personnel;
  • Training programs;
  • Spill history; and,
  • Certification.

In most cases, the certification of the SPCC Plan needs to be completed by a professional engineer. 

Compliance Deadlines

If you make changes to your facility, such as adding containers, secondary containment structures, or installation of piping, you must update your SPCC Plan within six months of the change. 

Per requirements, review your SPCC Plan every 5 years and make changes accordingly.

Where Do You Send the SPCC Plan?

Unless you’re asked for it, your plan stays onsite and is not required to be submitted to EPA or your state office.  Some states do have SPCC requirements in addition to the EPA requirements.  EPA says that if the facility the SPCC Plan covers is staffed at least 4 hours per day, the Plan needs to be maintained there.  If the facility is not staffed 4 hours per day, then it can be maintained at the nearest field office.


Do you need an SPCC Plan?  If you have one, when was the last time it was reviewed?  iSi has worked with hundreds of plans and we’d like to help.  Contact us today!

Does this apply to your facility?  Do you need help writing or updating your SPCC Plan? — Contact us today!

Citation Case Study: Fluorescent Lamps Hazardous Waste Violation

Citation Case Study: Fluorescent Lamps Hazardous Waste Violation

Haz Waste Audits

iSi conducts audits and inspections to find potential environmental violations, including hazardous waste.  Let us give you that second set of eyes to make sure your company is on track.

The following is an example of a fluorescent lamp hazardous waste citation given to a manufacturing facility by a state’s environmental regulatory agency.  The company appealed to the state’s Office of Administrative Hearings.  Although this particular citation was from a state regulatory agency, the citation referenced a federal hazardous waste regulation and thus this issue may be cited in any location.

Can this scenario be found at your facility?


A company was found with one spent 8’ fluorescent lamp on a shelf. 

The Citation:

40 CFR 273.13(d)(1), 273.14(e), and 273.15(c)

The company was cited with hazardous waste violations for

1)  Failure to containerize lamp;
2)  Failure to label lamp as Universal Waste; and,
3)  Failure to mark lamp with accumulation start date

The company tried to prove that the lamps used are non-hazardous (do not contain mercury above the TCLP limit) and were purchased from Lowe’s by providing receipts.  However, receipts found were from 4’ lamps and not 8’ lamps.

The company also stated that a marked container was indeed present for lamps (and the state environmental agency acknowledged a container marked “Universal Waste – Lamps” was present in their notes from the inspection).  The company argued that therefore, they should not be cited for the container violations of failure to label and failure to date, only the failure to containerize.

The Ruling in Appeal:

It was found that while the fluorescent lamp was ultimately placed in the container as required, that it did not detract from the fact that, upon inspection, the spent lamp had not been placed in a container. Moreover, since the lamp was not in a labeled container, the regulation requires that the lamp itself be labeled. If the lamp was not in that container then it must be labeled, according to the regulation.

Likewise, the fluorescent lamp needed to be dated to indicate when it became waste.  While the there was a labeled and dated container in the facility, the lamp in question was not in that container.  Because the lamp was not in the container maintained by the facility, the company was in technical violation of all three regulations.


Are you maintaining your fluorescent lamps properly?  What about the other wastes at your facility?  iSi can help you determine what you’re currently doing correctly and which areas need changes.  Let us come take a look at your facility today!

How does your hazardous waste program look?  Let our experts do a walkthrough to see what could be potential violations!

Phase I ESAs: Reveal the Hidden Truths Behind Your Next Property Acquisition

Phase I ESAs: Reveal the Hidden Truths Behind Your Next Property Acquisition

Phase I ESAs

iSi conducts Phase I ESAs, as well as Phase II ESAs which include sampling of water, groundwater, soil and more.  Add us to your list of potential vendors for your next property transaction!

Imagine this scene:  your company just purchased a prime piece of property and has proceeded to establish your business on that land.  Your company uses few chemicals and those you do use are carefully managed.  Ten years later, chemicals commonly used to degrease parts appear in private wells in the area.  Upon investigation, it’s found that 30 years ago, a previous owner of the land operated a printing plant on the site.  This company used hundreds of gallons of the same chemical to clean their presses and they disposed of the remaining chemical on the ground.  The groundwater is now contaminated.  You didn’t put it there, but you own the land. And the printing company is out of business.

Who’s going to clean all of the wells?  According to the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), or Superfund, your company, as the landowner, can be held responsible for the cleanup.  EPA will either order your company and other potentially responsible parties on the chain of ownership to clean the site or they will clean it themselves and sue you for reimbursement.  What defense does your company have?

What is a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment?

Because current owners can be held liable for environmental damage on their land, even when they didn’t cause it, lenders and insurance providers will usually protect their assets by requiring an environmental inspection of the property prior to its purchase.  Commonly called a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), this inspection provides the “due diligence” necessary to assess the environmental conditions of the property with reasonable confidence.

Innocent Landowner Defense

Superfund only recognizes three defenses to a landowner’s liability in such a case: an act of God, an act of war, and the “innocent landowner” defense.  An innocent landowner is one who used “due diligence” to determine if there was a potential for contamination on the site before buying it, and the Phase I will meet this requirement. 

However, for a Phase I to have any meaning in establishing an innocent landowner defense, it must be produced following guidelines established by the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM).  The guidelines are voluntary, but they are a consensus among lenders of what research is necessary to provide a satisfactory evaluation of a property’s environmental condition.

What’s Included in a Phase I ESA?

  • History of Site Usage: A title search, interviews of past owners and neighbors, map analysis, historical document analysis should be conducted.
  • Review of Public Records: A search of federal, state and local information to identify nearby regulated facilities that could impact the property (e.g., underground storage tanks, hazardous materials generation amounts) should be evaluated.
  • Site Reconnaissance of Property and Adjacent Properties: A walkthrough site inspection should be completed to identify recognized environmental hazards such as disposal sites, leaks, storage tanks, water or gas wells, and sumps or the obvious presence of asbestos, lead, or transformers that contain PCBs.  In addition to the physical inspection, the topography, geology, and hydrology of the site and surrounding region should be researched and evaluated to determine the potential for a neighbor’s contamination to migrate to the property.

What Kind of Transactions Require a Phase I ESA?

There are a number of instances where a Phase I ESA can be very beneficial:

  • Purchasing Property:  A Phase I can alert the buyer to possible contamination before the purchase of property.  It can also serve as documentation of the condition of the property at time of purchase.
  • Leasing Property (As the Tenant):  A Phase I can serve as documentation of the environmental condition of the property before the lease begins and after lease termination.  Without the assessment, the tenant may be held liable for contamination caused by past or future tenants.
  • Leasing Property (As the Landlord):  A Phase I should be conducted before and after a tenant occupies the property. Prior to leasing, the Phase I can serve as a baseline of the condition of the property, and after the tenant leaves, the Phase I can properly document and address any environmental issues left by the tenant.
  • Disposal of Property:  A Phase I can serve as a baseline of the condition of the property at time of disposal.  This will help protect the disposer from future liability.
  • Other Transactions:  Use Phase I ESAs for land swaps, right-of-way purchases, easements and special use permits (i.e., public recreation, grazing, mining, etc.)

Are you planning a real estate transaction in the next few months?  Let iSi conduct your Phase I ESA for you, or provide one of our other real estate or new facility services.  Contact us today!

Selling or purchasing property?  Let iSi conduct the Phase I ESA — Contact us today!

Robot Safety: NIOSH Develops Program to Study Robot-Related Injuries

Robot Safety: NIOSH Develops Program to Study Robot-Related Injuries

Robot Safety Evaluations

iSi has provided safety assistance to companies utilizing laser guided vehicles.  Let us help you with hazard evaluations, training and related issues.

With the increased use in robotic technology, NIOSH has been looking into the safety impact of working alongside these machines.  While robots can help reduce workplace injuries by replacing workers in some types of hazardous work conditions, the use of robots may create their own set of hazards.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has a Center for Occupational Robotics Research, and more specifically, a special program called the Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program.  Through the FACE program, NIOSH is conducting robot safety surveillance, targeted investigations, and prevention activities.  The program is conducting in-depth investigations of robot-related deaths. The FACE program is currently operated in 7 states through local state health or labor agencies. 

Recently the Washington State FACE Program issued recommendations for safety actions for two separate types of robots: laser guided vehicles and remote controlled demolition machines.

 Laser Guided Vehicles

In one case, NIOSH investigated a death at a water bottling company where a worker was crushed.  At the facility, each vehicle had safety sensors to detect objects or workers in the vehicle’s path.  An alarm would sound when an obstruction was present, and the vehicles would stop moving until the obstruction was removed. 

The worker heard an alarm sound on one of the vehicles indicating sensors detected an object in its path.  He attempted to remove a piece of plastic that likely tore off a pallet.  Before removing the plastic and reaching under the forks, the worker had not cut the power to the machine.  He also had not heeded label warnings to stay clear of the forks.  Investigators believe that when he removed the plastic obstruction, he was positioned outside the path of the sensor.  The vehicle resumed operation, the forks came down, and the worker was crushed. 

FACE recommends the following safety practices to prevent injury from laser guided vehicles:

  • Incorporate manufacturer safety requirements into written company safety procedures for automated guided industrial vehicles;
  • Train workers about the specific hazards and safety requirements associated with automated guided industrial vehicles; and,
  • Emphasize workers are expected to follow required safety procedures every time, and ensure compliance through periodic refresher training and spot checks.

Demolition Robots

FACE investigated two cases where workers were severely injured by demolition robots.  In the first case, a worker was using a machine that had a wire connected to a remote control the worker wore on his waist. When the worker attempted to move the machine’s power cable, he bumped the remote control against the machine, pinning him between the machine and the wall. 

In another case, a worker broke his foot when operating a machine to chip concrete.  He was in a tight spot between an excavation wall and the machine.  When he tried to apply more force on the machine to chip the concrete, the machine shifted and the outrigger came down on his foot.

As a result, FACE has developed recommendations for demolition robot safety:

  • Prepare a job hazard analysis with operators for each new job to identify and control hazards. Use the manufacturer’s safety instructions to establish the risk zone for the specific machine, attachment, and task;
  • Always stay outside the risk zone when the machine is in operation, and do not enter until the machine is put into emergency stop mode or de-energized;
  • Consider using a proximity warning system, such as those based on radio frequency identification (RFID), to maintain a safe worker-to-machine distance;
  • Train operators to manage power cables and to continually monitor the process for hazards and redefine the risk zone;
  • Ensure operators always read and follow manufacturer’s provided safety instructions; and,
  • Consider using a spotter to assist the operator.

NIOSH is Looking for Case Studies

NIOSH’s Center for Occupational Robotics Research, and its FACE programs are looking for other instances where robotics technology has contributed to injuries.  Through their research, they hope to develop additional safety programs and guidance to help companies keep workers safe.  If you know of a related incident, NIOSH would like to hear from you for an anonymous investigation.  You can find more about them at https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/robotics/aboutthecenter.html.

We have worked with companies that use laser guided vehicles and other technology.  Let us assist you too — Contact us today!

Citation Case Study:  Paint Drippings on the Ground a Hazardous Waste Violation

Citation Case Study: Paint Drippings on the Ground a Hazardous Waste Violation

Haz Waste Audits

iSi conducts audits and inspections to find potential environmental violations, including hazardous waste.  Let us give you that second set of eyes to make sure your company is on track.

The following is an example of a hazardous waste citation given to a manufacturing facility by a state’s environmental regulatory agency.  The company appealed to the state’s Office of Administrative Hearings.  Although this particular citation was from a state regulatory agency, the citation referenced a federal hazardous waste regulation and thus this issue may be cited in any location.

Can this scenario be found at your facility?


A company had paint drips on the ground outside by their dumpster.  The paint drips had accumulated over time since the company had been in the same location for over 10 years.

The Citation:

40 CFR 265.31

The company was cited for violation of hazardous waste rules for “Failure to prevent the possibility of fires, explosions or sudden releases of hazardous waste.” 

The company tried to prove the paint drips came from exempt containers that were RCRA empty at the time of disposal into the dumpster, and the paint drips had accumulated over time.

The Ruling in Appeal:

In this appeals process, a judge reviewed the work of the state inspector and heard testimony by the cited company. 

The first consideration was whether all wastes were removed from the can that could be removed, as required by regulation in order for the remaining contents to be exempt. KDHE and the Administrative Judge found that if the contents were able to drip from the cans upon transport to the dumpster, and in the quantity dripped, not all of the wastes were removed from the paint cans that could have been removed. As a handler of hazardous wastes, the company had a responsibility to take precautions to ensure that hazardous materials were not subject to a release “to air, soil, or surface water which could threaten human health or the environment.”  

The judge noted that spills were understandable; however, the failure to clean up the spills and mitigate the release is crucial. 

With the premise that the hazardous waste contents of the paint cans were no longer exempt once they exited the paint can(s), the question is then whether the spills identified during the inspection violated 40 CFR 265.31.  The regulation states: “Facilities must be maintained and operated to minimize the possibility of a fire, explosion, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents to air, soil, or surface water which could threaten human health or the environment.”  The judge found that the company did not minimize the possibility of a fire or release of hazardous waste, and took the least restrictive means’ of handling a hazardous waste, resulting in spills.

Possible Solution:

During the hearing a question was posed to the inspector as to what could have been done to prevent the spills. The inspector mentioned the possibility of using better bags for disposal or even double bagging the paint containers, and landfills are constructed to avoid release of hazardous wastes into the environment.

The company was told it must take precautions to mitigate release, at the very least until the waste reaches the landfill and the citation was upheld.

How does your hazardous waste program look?  Let our experts do a walkthrough to see what could be potential violations!

The 3 Most Important Elements of a Good Safety Program

The 3 Most Important Elements of a Good Safety Program

OSHA’s Safe + Sound Week this week gives us a chance to take a look at company safety programs, what makes them successful and what elements need to be a part of them. OSHA identifies the following three main elements of an effective safety and health program.

Management Leadership

Successful programs all begin with management commitment. Management commitment is often the strong foundation to the program, and without it, all other efforts don’t have nearly the same chance for success. Management commitment shows workers that safety is an important part of the business’s success. In turn, it shows workers that efforts workers make will be valued in the long run.

There are a number of ways management can show their commitment besides financial and resource support. They can factor safety into plans and decisions of the company from construction/renovations to process changes to company policies. Management can also establish rewards and recognition programs for safety participation and achievements as well as making safety a daily part of conversations. At every company event or meeting, a moment can be made available for safety. Safety goals, expectations, achievements, and even the incidents and near misses need to be highlighted through company communication channels.

Worker Participation

Workers are the ones who are exposed to safety issues on a daily basis. They have the knowledge of the hazards they encounter on the job. Safety programs which involve worker ideas and contributions and then follow through on those assist in giving employees ownership and investment into the safety effort. Genuine worker participation efforts need to ensure workers feel comfortable about speaking up when issues are found or injuries happen.

You can encourage worker participation through involving them in program design elements, job hazard analyses, site inspections and incident investigations. Programs which allow workers to assess the safety of themselves and those around them are helpful, as are tools for reporting near misses and incidences of good safety practices.

At iSi we have required Peer to Peer evaluations where workers evaluate safe/unsafe actions of their co-workers. Those who are being evaluated are kept anonymous so there’s no fear of someone “getting in trouble” for not following a safety protocol. We’ve found that the ones who are doing the evaluation tend to get more out of it than the person being evaluated because the act of finding and assessing safety brings more attention to determining what’s the correct safety behavior. The discussions between workers during the evaluations are some of the most valuable for alerting to a potential hazard, enforcing good behavior, and opening up a dialogue for finding ways to make daily work safer.

Finding and Fixing Hazards

When both management and workers are participating, good momentum comes when issues are fixed and resolved. OSHA says that most fixes are reactive, that is, they’re a result of something happening whether it be a response to an incident or a new regulation coming out. However, a strong safety program finds issues and resolves them before they become an issue. The workplace is ever changing, so safety issues may arise where you least expect. Considering safety implications in any workplace change is important.

Take a look into your incidents and determine what is the root cause of those? Are you continually having the same issues in your near misses? What are the injuries in your OSHA 300 logs? Is there a correlation? If there are similarities, then you have a place to start. Involve workers and solicit their ideas in how to make those operations safer. Is there a way to do things differently with minimal efforts and investments? Use the hierarchy of controls when determining solutions. Is there a way to remove the hazard completely? Are the controls you currently have in place working or do they need to have some reevaluation?

So How Do You Get It All Accomplished?

A good safety program like this doesn’t happen overnight and it will take the participation of everyone in your company to make it happen. There are a lot of pieces that will need to be accomplished. Consider using iSi as a resource for getting some of these pieces completed. We have assisted hundreds of companies with their safety programs and have been involved in strengthening safety cultures and putting program elements in place. Not only can iSi be an extra set of hands, but sometimes in developing programs, an experienced third-party to lend ideas or even serve as a mediator can be helpful.

For example, iSi can assist with:

  • Safety Committee and Safety Culture Development
  • Site Audits and Inspections to Help You Gain a Baseline Checklist to Start From
  • Occupational Exposure Monitoring to Get an Idea on Where You Stand
  • Written Safety Program Development Through SafetyPlans.com
  • Job Hazard Analyses
  • Emergency Action Plans
  • Employee Perception Surveys
  • Worker Training

Need Help?

Need an extra hand to get this done? How about policies/programs developed or training conducted?

iSi can be an extra hand to help you accomplish your safety program goals.  Contact us today!

Self-Retracting Lifelines Under Recall

Self-Retracting Lifelines Under Recall

Fall Equipment Inspections

iSi conducts required routine fall protection equipment inspections for our clients companies.  Let us give you that 3rd party eye, and get this task off your to-do list.

If your company uses DBI-SALA self-retracting lifelines, you may be subject to a recall.  3M has issued a stop use recall on the DBI-SALA Twin-Leg Nano-Lok edge and the Twin-Leg Nano-Lok Wrap self-retracting lifelines.  If you have any of these, stop using them immediately and take them out of service.  All models manufactured since 2013 are affected.

Although no injuries have occurred yet, 3M has found that the energy absorbers may not properly deploy, which could result in serious injury or death.

What are Self-Retracting Lifelines?

Self-retracting lifelines are part of a fall protection system. They are placed above a worker’s head and work much like seat belts do.  They pull out and retract, but when tugged or a force is applied, an internal mechanism acts as a brake to shorten the distance of a fall.  Both of the affected DBI-SALA models are used to connect two self-retracting lifelines under the D-ring of a fall protection harness.  The edge model anchors at foot level and the Wrap Back wraps around the anchor. 

I’m Affected by the Recall – Now What?

If you have one of these models, you can either return it to 3M to be fixed, repaired, or replaced at 3M’s expense.  If 3M has not been able to determine a fix or a certified solution for your particular model, you may choose to send it back for a $200 refund. Once repair solutions are determined, and model SKU numbers have been certified, the cash option will not be available.  As of August 8, 2019, 3M has only found a fix for the edge model, not the Wrap-Back. 

For the edge model, 3M announced a fix had been certified to ANSI standard Z359.14 about 2 weeks after the recall notice.  Once the unit has been repaired, it will have a green checkmark on the front label.  This fix will only be available in regions that recognize the ANSI standard as a regulatory certification.  If you are located in an area where additional certifications are required for fall protection devices, 3M will be working to receive those certifications.

3M specifies that until it can fix your Nano-Lok edge models, none of its other twin-leg self-retracting lifelines are approved for use over sharp edges or abrasive edges.  That was the key feature of the edge model.

Get the Recall Notice

To learn more about this recall and to see if your model numbers are affected, check out the recall website at https://www.nanolokedgerecall.com/.

Required Fall Equipment Inspections

When was the last time you had your fall protection devices inspected?  Did you know iSi conducts the required routine fall equipment inspections for a number of our clients?  Let us give you a different pair of eyes in inspection, and help you check this requirement off your to-do list!  Contact us today!

When was the last time you inspected your fall protection equipment?  Let us do that for you — Contact us today!

EPA’s National Compliance Initiatives Show Enforcement Priorities

EPA’s National Compliance Initiatives Show Enforcement Priorities

Does This Apply To You?

We can help determine which of these apply to your facility, and help you make sure you’re on the right track if you’re inspected.

Just like OSHA has national emphasis programs for areas they want to target in their enforcement, EPA has its own national emphasis targets.  Called the National Compliance Initiatives (NCI), EPA has listed 7 priority areas to target for enforcement for Fiscal Years 2020-2023. 

So what’s on the EPA NCI Target List?

Air – Reducing Air Emissions at Hazardous Waste LQGs and TSDFs

EPA has found that facilities that generate a greater amount of hazardous waste have air emissions issues.  Their focus will be on air emissions at Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) and Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDFs).  This emphasis item was in the agency’s last list of NCIs, and inspectors have found there is still significant noncompliance at these facilities.  EPA wants improved compliance in controlling organic air emissions from certain management activities.  They will especially be looking at the following areas in which they are continuously finding problems:

  • Leaking or open pressure relief valves;
  • Tank closure devices;
  • Monitoring; and,
  • Recordkeeping.

Water – Reducing NPDES Permits Noncompliance

EPA will be looking at your facility’s NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permits to see if you’re in compliance.  NPDES permits are for water discharges, whether they be wastewater, stormwater or otherwise.  In 2018, 11,000 permits had violations totaling 4 billion pounds of pollutants above permitted limits, and EPA wants to crack down on that.  Out of 40,000 facilities with NPDES permits, EPA estimates 29% are in significant noncompliance.  EPA’s goal is to cut that in half by fall 2022.  EPA specifically mentions failure to submit required reports and significant exceedances of limits as two of the most violated areas.

Air – Reducing Excess Emissions of HAPs and VOCs from Stationary Sources

EPA wants a focus on reducing emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs).   They will be focusing on sources of VOCs that may have substantial impact on an area’s attainment or non-attainment of National Ambient Air Quality Standards.  EPA will also be focusing on areas with a greater concentration of HAP sources.  EPA has listed over 180 chemicals that are HAPs, including mercury, asbestos, toluene, cadmium, chromium, benzene, perchloroethylene, and lead.

Hazardous Chemicals – Reducing Risks of Accidental Releases at Industrial and Chemical Facilities

This was on EPA’s list last time, and is continuing.   This NCI not only applies to facilities subject to Risk Management Program requirements (for accidental chemical releases at facilities that store certain chemicals above a certain threshold).   EPA cites a General Duty Clause in their Clean Air Act to cover all facilities with regulated substances and extremely hazardous substances, regardless of quantity.  They’ll be using that General Duty Clause (Clean Air Act Section 112(r)) which requires companies:

  • Identify hazards that may result from accidental releases by using appropriate hazard assessment techniques;
  • Design and maintain a safe facility;
  • Take steps to prevent releases; and,
  • Minimize the consequences of the accidental releases that occur.

It will be important that your facility not only has conducted the proper hazard assessments and has plans and controls in place, but has documentation that has occurred.  This exercise and documentation will help you with both EPA and OSHA compliance.

Air – Stopping Aftermarket Defeat Devices for Engines

This is a new item on EPA’s list.  They will be looking to stop the manufacture, sale and installation of defeat devices on engines.  Often called tuners, these devices bypass the engines’ emissions control systems in order to improve engine performance or fuel efficiency.  The systems modify the exhaust system or electronic chips within the vehicle.   EPA has been levying fines on car manufacturers for a number of years in this area.  One of the most famous cases is the recent Volkswagen emissions scandal where vehicles were rigged to recognize regulatory emissions testing, but operated differently in real world driving conditions.  Now EPA is going after the aftermarket manufacturers and have already started.  However, the emphasis isn’t just limited to vehicles on the road, it’s for any engine, including non-road vehicles and engines.

Water – Noncompliance with Drinking Water Standards at Community Systems

This is a new NCI area for EPA.  EPA says that out of 50,000 Community Water Systems that serve water to the same people year-round, 40% violated at least one drinking water standard in 2018.  Also at these facilities, 30% had monitoring and reporting violations and 7% had health violations.  EPA’s goal is to reduce this noncompliance by 25% by having EPA’s Office of Water work to increase capacity within the states and tribes to address these violations.

Lead – Child Exposure to Lead

This one is an unofficial NCI emphasis because it will be treated as a directive but not be a part of the official NCI enforcement list as a separate program.  EPA has an overall initiative for lead, and the NCI guidance documents affirm enforcement commitment to participating in that initiative.   Plans for EPA’s overall lead initiative include:

  • Increasing compliance with and awareness of lead-safe renovations with the Renovation, Repair and Painting rule;
  • Developing a mapping tool to identify communities with higher lead exposures;
  • Targeted geographical initiatives; and,
  • Public awareness campaigns on lead issues.

What’s Next:  Regional Plans

Each region is to develop a strategic plan on how they will be accomplishing these EPA NCI goals.  Within these plans the regions are to determine how they’re going to allocate resources to these NCIs and how much investment will be put into each one.  The plans are due August 1.   

These NCIs are the goals for Fiscal Year 2020-2023, thus they will go into effect October 1, 2019.

Does your facility fall under these targets?  We can help you determine that, and get you ready — Contact us today!

House Bill Would Require OSHA to Develop Formal Heat Standard – Let the Debate Begin

House Bill Would Require OSHA to Develop Formal Heat Standard – Let the Debate Begin

A new bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives would require OSHA to establish heat exposure rules for both indoor and outdoor workplaces.

Called the Asuncion Valdivia Heat Illness and Fatality Prevention Act, it would require OSHA to issue a formal heat protection standard.  The bill was introduced on July 10 by U.S. House Representatives Judy Chu and Raul Grijalva, with 27 co-sponsors.  The Act is named for a farm worker who died from heat exposure.  Chu led the effort to get a similar law passed in the state of California.

The Bill and Standard Requirements

The current bill would require a federal standard as strict as any state law.  As a result, requirements would include:

  • Set exposure limits and limitations on how long workers can be exposed to heat.
  • Written heat-illness prevention programs including:
    • Engineering controls such as local exhaust ventilation, shielding from radiant surfaces, insulation of hot surface, evaporative coolers, fans and mist coolers, updating air conditioning systems, natural ventilation;
    • Administrative controls such as rotating work schedules, scheduling work earlier or later in the day, and work rest schedules;
    • PPE such as water-cooled garments, air cooled garments, reflective clothing, cooling vests; and,
    • Emergency response plans.
  • Workers would have paid breaks in cool spaces and access to water.
  • Employees would be allowed to acclimatize to the heat.
  • Employers would be required to train workers in heat-stress symptoms and responding to them.

If passed, the new OSHA heat standard would need to be in place within 2 years.  If the for some reason the standard wasn’t finalized by then, an interim standard would need to be created for finalization in another 2 years.

How Does OSHA Handle Heat Now?

Currently heat-related injuries and illnesses are cited under the General Duty Clause.  In June, a Georgia company was cited $21,311 for a worker who was hospitalized with heat exhaustion.  In January it cited the U.S. Postal Service $149,664 for a worker who died from a heat-related episode.  Many states and OSHA state-plan states have also developed their own rules.

House Committee Testimony – Let the Debate Begin

The bill has been introduced the House Committee on Education and Labor.  In a hearing of that committee on July 11, in addition to the testimony of Chu and Grijalva, other supporters ranging from an occupational health and safety professor, an organizer with a warehouse advocacy center, an occupational medical doctor, and a representative of the United Farm Workers of America gave testimony in support of the bill.   

However, a labor representative from California Farm Bureau federation, a safety and health representative of Associated General Contractors and other House committee members had some questions about the standard.

Congressman Ben Cline said that while it’s certainly a serious and important issue, he questioned if the bill was taking a one-size fits all solution.  He questioned if it would be overly burdensome to apply a federal standard to all areas of the country when there are different levels of heat and different levels of heat-related illness between states.  Cline said that a one-size fits all approach becomes much more complicated when it’s applied to different industries where the workplace may change from one place to another, such as in truck driving.  He also pointed out that in 2012, OSHA had considered a heat illness standard.  However, the effort was cancelled because OSHA found having one overall standard for this issue had many complications and opportunities for ineffectiveness.

Congressman Bradley Byrne questioned if it was possible to make a federal regulation flexible enough to both be effective and fit different workplaces, workers, and scenarios. He said that anything developed needs to have many stakeholders involved, from OSHA to employers to employees.  If the regulations are too onerous, employees may not want to do what they need to do to comply.  To get everyone involved, it will take time to develop, and the 2-year timeline for a federal regulation is incredibly short compared to the 15 years it took the state of California to bring together stakeholders to develop a similar but state regulation.  Byrne pointed out that OSHA already has a mechanism to enforce heat standards, and also cited the 2012 OSHA decision to cancel heat regulations in favor of enforcement and education. He said he’d like to hear from OSHA as they’re the ones who will be forced to implement such a standard in only 2 years, considering they had tried before and then had decided against it.  Byrne said Congress needs to be very careful when passing laws like this because of the unintended consequences that can come out of it. 

Watch the house committee meeting below:

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OSHA Updates 14 Standards

OSHA Updates 14 Standards

As part of the President’s Executive Order for agencies to improve regulations and conduct regulatory reviews, OSHA has been working on reviewing their standards to remove outdated, duplicate, and inconsistent parts of their standards.  The latest round of reviews and updates, called Standards Improvement Project – Phase IV, will go into effect on July 15, 2019 and it updates 14 different OSHA standards at a projected $6.1 million/year savings. 

Updates range from clarifications and deletions, to updates for current technology, to good news for cats.

Social Security Numbers
29 CFR Parts 1910, 1915, 1926

OSHA is eliminating the requirement to collect worker social security numbers in 19 of its standards.  Any social security numbers already collected on previous forms can remain on those forms, and if employers want to continue to collect numbers, they may do so.


Medical Services and First Aid
29 CFR 1926.50

Current standards require posting of physician, hospital and ambulance phone numbers where 911 service is not available.  At the time, 911 was a relatively new concept, but many of today’s 911 services for landlines can pinpoint the caller’s location.  If your area has landline auto-location for 911, you no longer have to post the additional information.

However, the auto-location feature isn’t always available for cell phones in remote locations.  The new rule requires employers, in areas where 911 auto-location for wireless phones is not available, to post the latitude and longitude of the current location in a conspicuous place so that emergency services may locate the worksite.  Employers are also to ensure that the communication system they are relying on to use to report an emergency is working and is effective.  


Medical Surveillance Requirements
29 CFR part 1910, subpart Z

Employers will no longer be required to conduct periodic chest x-rays of their employees for lung cancer purposes.  This is a requirement in asbestos, cadmium, coke emissions, inorganic arsenic, and acrylonitrile standards.  Medical data has been found that periodic x-rays don’t make much of a difference in reducing lung cancer.  However, periodic x-rays are still required for asbestosis determinations, and initial baseline x-rays are still required as well.  Digital radiographs will be allowed as well as different sizes of x-ray films.


Occupational Hearing Loss
29 CFR 1904.10

The recordkeeping rule now clarifies physicians must use the standards of 29 CFR 1904.05 to make the determination if a hearing loss is work-related.  Previously, employers have been able to not record hearing loss as an injury when a physician determines the loss was NOT work related. However, no guidance was given for physicians in that determination.  A cross-reference from 1904.05 will be added to 1904.10 to help make that determination.  Get more info on iSi’s work area noise surveys & sampling.


Cotton Dust
29 CFR 1910.1043

The technology of pulmonary function testing has come a long way since 1978. OSHA will be updating the pulmonary function testing guidelines.  More info on iSi’s worker sampling protocol development.


29 CFR 1926.104

OSHA is changing the minimum breaking strength of lifelines from 5,400 lbs. to 5,000 lbs. to align with the most recent ANSI/ASSE standards.


Process Safety Management (PSM)
29 CFR 1926.64

Rather than having a separate PSM standard for construction, this standard will now reference the general industry standard 1910.119.


Coke Oven Emissions
29 CFR 1926.1129

OSHA has determined coke oven emissions does pertain to construction work, and will be deleting the standard.  Any construction worker exposures to coke oven emissions will fall under the General Duty Clause.


Signs, Signals and Barriers
29 CFR 1926, Subpart G

Employers will now be required to comply with the 2009 version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices to better align with DOT’s requirements.  OSHA feels the newest version adds better safety controls. These included high visibility safety apparel, stop/slow signage (not just hand signals), the use of automated flagger assistance devices, and crashworthy temporary traffic barriers and lane channelization. Confusing language will be removed from the traffic signs section, and the barricades and definitions sections will be deleted because they’re duplicates.


Materials Handling and Storage
29 CFR 1926.250

Currently, posting of maximum safe load limits of floors in storage areas is required.  However, in residential buildings, heavy materials are not placed in areas above floor or slab on grade.  Thus, this requirement no longer applies to construction of “single-family residential structures and wood-framed multi-family residential structures.”  iSi’s safety assistance services


Underground Construction
29 CFR 1926.800

Mobile diesel-powered equipment used in “other than gassy operations” must now meet the most current MSHA requirements of 30 CFR Part 7, Subpart E.


Occupational Health and Environmental Controls, Gases, Vapors, Fumes, Dusts and Mists
29 CFR 1926.55

“Threshold limit values” will change to “permissible exposure limits” and references to ACGIH standards will be removed.  OSHA is also cleaning up phrases such as “shall be avoided”, deleting the terms “inhalation, ingestion, skin absorption, or contact”, will change Appendix A to Tables 1 and 2, and will correct inconsistent and errant table headings, footnotes, cross references and asterisks.  iSi’s workplace sampling program development services


29 CFR 1915.80

Feral cats will no longer be considered vermin and thus, no longer a health and safety hazard.


Rollover Protective Structures, Overhead Protection
29 CFR 1926, Subpart W

OSHA is removing test procedures and performance requirements and replacing them with the current standards of ISO 3471: 2008.  They will also be making some other technical error revisions.


 For more details about each change, read the Federal Register notice here.

iSi can help you determine which of these safety and industrial hygiene issues will affect you — Contact us today!

EPA’s “Once In, Always In” May Be Officially on the Way Out

EPA’s “Once In, Always In” May Be Officially on the Way Out

EPA has proposed a rule that would officially eliminate the air regulations rule of “Once In, Always In” for major source hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions.  As a result, EPA is estimating reduced regulatory burden for thousands of locations, and thousands of others could now have a better incentive to reduce air emissions.

Background: Air Emissions Regs

Locations that emit one or more of the 187 named hazardous air pollutants above a certain threshold are classified as a “major source.”  As a result, they become subject to a number of additional regulatory obligations.  They are required to follow certain rules established by their related Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) rules and are required to complete annual Title V Air Emissions permitting. 

If locations have HAP air emissions below the stated threshold, they are classified as “area sources.”  The regulatory requirements at this level are much less burdensome.

What’s Once In, Always In?

EPA’s Once In, Always In policy stated that once a location reaches that major source classification, they were always going to be a major source, not matter what – even if the company took steps to reduce emissions below that threshold.  It was developed in 1995 as a guidance memo and originally intended to only be in place until the agency could propose amendments, but it stayed in permanently. 

As part of the 2017 Executive Order for agencies to review and reduce regulations, EPA looked at Once In, Always In.  They determined the Clean Air Act really did not specify or support time limits.  As a result, EPA issued its own interpretation memo saying there was no basis for major sources to have that classification permanently.  These sources should have the ability to reclassify as area sources if they implemented the controls and reductions necessary to become area sources.

This new proposed rule is the formal step to make this interpretation final.

The Benefits

This rule will benefit companies that have already implemented technologies to control HAP emissions, and companies whose processes or operations have changed to the degree that they no longer emit or have the capabilities to emit HAPs above the thresholds. 

EPA estimates that out of 7,920 major sources, approximately half will now be eligible to reclassify as an area source.  Besides the lessened compliance burden, EPA estimates costs savings of $168.9 million in the first year, and $163-$183 million each year after.

Those companies who are still major sources will also now have a concrete incentive to make changes to operations that would further reduce HAP emissions.

Public Comment

Find out more information about this rule here.  EPA is also soliciting public comment at regulations.gov.  They want to hear about all aspects of their proposal including their interpretation of Once In, Always In, requirements for establishing effective HAP limits, allowing limits issued by states/local/tribal agencies as effective as long as they are legally and practically enforceable, and ideas for safeguards to ensure emissions are not increased.

Which Source Are You?

Is your site a major source or an area source? Can you reclassify?  Let us help!

iSi can help you with air emissions determinations & compliance — Contact us today!

What are Lab Packs and How Could Your Facility Use Them?

What are Lab Packs and How Could Your Facility Use Them?

Casey Moore, iSi Environmental

About the Author: iSi’s Casey Moore has more than 25 years of experience in the hazardous waste industry including working for hazardous waste carriers and operating hazardous waste facilities in California and Arizona.

I’ve never been a fan of “spring” cleaning, but it’s a necessary part of good housekeeping around the home or at your facility. When was the last time your facility did a “spring cleaning” walkthrough to see if there are any materials around your workplace that are expired, or you don’t need?  Flammable cabinets, chemical storage, research/QC labs and maintenance shops are likely places these items accumulate.

What is a Lab Pack?

Since most of the items in these locations are likely to be in smaller containers, they aren’t treated like regular waste streams. Lab packs are a practical solution. Lab packs are consolidation packaging of “like” materials from the smaller containers into larger containers to satisfy proper DOT shipping and EPA RCRA hazardous waste management.

The lab pack was designed for managing expired materials in labs, however, it’s something that can be used for any facility that needs to do a cleanout of smaller containers usually less than 10 gallons each.

What Items Are Candidates for a Lab Pack?

Look for jars, jugs, vials and cans of hazardous materials, including chemicals, solvents, paints, thinners, acids, cleaners, strippers, inks and more. These are typically out of date, off-specification, partially used, and no longer needed.

Who Does Lab Packing?

There are strict regulations about who is qualified to do lab packing. These persons need to determine which containers can be put together and which ones may cause harmful reactions when mixed. Typically, hazardous waste carriers provide this service.

How is Lab Packing Accomplished?

First, items are segregated, that is, sorted, for combining into one larger container.  Items are segregated by:

  • Hazard class — most common are flammables, corrosives, and toxics
  • Type of material — liquids, solids, etc.
  • Compatibility

“Paper pack” is the term used to show the segregation by container. An initial inventory list is converted into lab pack inventory sheets (what goes into each container). This is what waste companies use to create approval numbers for compliance under RCRA. It is also how they establish price. Pricing is based on disposal, transportation and labor associated with packaging.

Packaging is accomplished by:

  • Putting the segregated materials into their respective larger containers;
  • Filling with a packing material (vermiculite is most common) to create stability and containment while shipping;
  • Vermiculite will be in the base and surrounding each of the internal containers; and,
  • The smaller containers are placed into the larger container vertically, so the label with the double arrows pointing up is on the outer packaging.

RCRA Regulation Implications

A lab pack counts towards your waste generation status if you’re a Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) or a Small Quantity Generator (SQG), so be mindful of the amount of hazardous waste generated in the process.

For states that have already adopted the Generator Improvements Rule, this is a good use of the episodic event and would not count against your generator status.

If you have any questions regarding lab packs or hazardous waste regulations, contact us!

iSi can help with hazardous waste compliance and facility walkthroughs to find environmental and safety issues.  Contact us today!

LOTO Standard Also on OSHA’s Update List

LOTO Standard Also on OSHA’s Update List

Recently we featured that OSHA was soliciting information on powered industrial vehicles to determine the need for an updated standard.  Now OSHA is soliciting information on the lockout-tagout (LOTO) standard.  The current LOTO standard was published in 1989.  

The focus of OSHA’s efforts with LOTO centers on control circuit devices.  The LOTO standard requires energy-isolating devices to be used to control energy during servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment.  In the current standard, control circuit devices cannot be used for this purpose.  However, OSHA says it “recognizes recent technological advances may have improved the safety of control circuit-type devices.”

Since 2016, OSHA has granted variances in compliance to several companies who have been able to prove that the control circuit devices they were using could be a safe alternative.  During an evaluation of a recent variance request, OSHA decided that the time had come and the potential technology was available to consider if there was a basis to allow these devices in certain circumstances. Also, their own research has shown that these devices aren’t typically used in short servicing tasks of a machine and don’t require an extensive disassembly of the machine or entrance into it. As a result, OSHA wants feedback from the public and industry about this.

OSHA is requesting information on:

  • How employers have been using control circuit devices
  • Information about the types of circuitry and safety procedures being used;
  • Limitations of their use, to determine under what other conditions control circuit-type devices could be used safely;
  • Use and limitations of using industry consensus standards for LOTO such as ANSI/ASSPP Z244.1;
  • How the evolution of robotics technology such as collaborative robotics, robotics that move freely, or robotic devices that can be worn by workers has affected risks of worker exposure to hazardous energy;
  • The anticipated economic benefits, impacts, and other offsets that would occur if the standards were updated, such as benefits to productivity or reduction of injuries vs. costs of new equipment, servicing, or need for new training.

LOTO and electrical-related issues are found to be among OSHA’s Top 10 violations each year.  The agency is accepting comments electronically until August 18, 2019 at regulations.gov and from there, OSHA will be making a determination of what actions, if any, needs to be taken.  More information can be found here.

Temporary Personnel

iSi can provide temporary and part-time personnel to help fill in at your company in times of vacations, maternity leaves, as a stop-gap between hires, or for special projects.

iSi can help you with lockout-tagout compliance issues — Contact us today!

EPA’s Mercury Inventory Report Due July 1

EPA’s Mercury Inventory Report Due July 1

Any person, company or organization who manufactures or imports mercury or mercury-added products, or intentionally uses mercury in a manufacturing process are required to file a report to EPA by July 1, 2019. 

Called the “Mercury Inventory Reporting Rule,” it is a part of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).  The final rule for this was published in June 2018.  TSCA requires EPA to publish an inventory on mercury supply, use and trade every 3 years.  EPA’s next inventory is due in 2020, so as a result, they are requiring those use and import mercury to get their data submitted by July 1, 2019.


If you fall under this requirement, it doesn’t matter how much mercury you use, you still need to report to EPA.  Reporting is done through EPA’s Central Data Exchange.

The data you’ll use in the report are quantities from calendar year 2018.  Some of the items required to be reported include:

  • Amount of mercury produced, imported, stored, used, sold, or exported;
  • Types of products made;
  • Types of manufacturing processes and how mercury is used;
  • Business sectors to which mercury or mercury-added products are sold;
  • Country of origin of imported mercury or mercury-added products; and
  • Destination country for exported mercury or mercury-added products.

Once submitted, you’ll be required to submit this report again every 3 years.  EPA will not publish names or identifying information once they publish the results.


There are a few exemptions to reporting.  In the following instances you won’t need to report:

  • Your mercury activity isn’t for commercial advantage;
  • The mercury you use is only as an impurity;
  • You’re generating, handling or managing mercury-containing waste only (and not recovering it for commerce purposes)
  • The mercury is in an assembled product that contains a mercury component (EPA gives the example of a mercury light bulb for a car manufacturer); or,
  • You manufacture assembled products that contain a component that’s a mercury-added product but you didn’t manufacture or import that component.

EPA Webinar

EPA is having two webinars to explain this Mercury Inventory Reporting Rule.  One is Tuesday May 21, the other is Thursday May 23.  Click on those dates to go to the signup page for each.

Need Help?

Does this apply to you? What other environmental reports apply to you?  We can determine that for you!

iSi can help determine if this applies to you, and what other environmental reporting applies to you too. Contact us today!

PFAS Chemicals: What Are They and Where Are They Found?

PFAS Chemicals: What Are They and Where Are They Found?

EPA has announced its first ever comprehensive nationwide Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Action Plan. This action plan attempts to address two of the most common PFAS chemicals; PFOA and PFOS.  Despite having called this press conference, no definitive regulations have yet been set in place.  This has led to some frustrated state regulatory agencies deciding to move on without EPA in fear that EPA regulations may take 10 years or more to materialize and finalize, if ever.

So far, 8 states have adopted bills regarding PFAS chemicals and other states are already trying to determine what to do about them.  Because regulations may be seen on the state level before the federal, we believe an awareness of this issue – what is it, why is it important – will prove to be highly beneficial.  

In seminars and conferences, we’ve even heard these mentioned as potentially “the new asbestos” in terms of prevalence of exposure and need for elimination.


Simply put, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are a class of man-made chemicals that are widely used in industrial processes and can be found in many consumer products. They are split into two groups: Polymers and Non-polymers. To be a bit more specific, PFAS chemicals are chains of carbon atoms that are bonded by fluorine atoms. The chemistry is very complex, which is what allows for there to be thousands upon thousands of variations existing in commerce today.


It would almost be easier to say where they aren’t found!  PFAS chemicals can be found anywhere; in pizza boxes, cookware, paints, polishes, electronics manufacturing, fuel additive, and more! There are even cases of the direct release of PFAS products into the environment. The use of aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) for fire fighting, chrome surfacing facilities, landfills, and wastewater treatment all contribute to the release of PFAS chemicals in the environment.

Some applications where PFAS-containing materials are used include:

  • Water and stain resistance in textile and paper coating
  • Plastics manufacturing
  • Reducing surface tension in surface coatings
  • Stabilizing agents for metal finishing and electroplating
  • Industrial rinse agents
  • Solder wetting agents and coatings in semiconductors
  • Cable and wiring manufacturing
  • Building and construction
  • Anywhere that uses fire fighting foams (military, oil refineries, manufacturing, airfields)
  • Recovery in metal mining and oil extraction


Some PFAS chemicals are known to be persistent in the environment, bioaccumulative in organisms, and toxic at relatively low levels. The fact that PFAS chemicals come in so many shapes and sizes and in so many industries and consumer products means that an alarmingly high percentage of people have been exposed to PFAS chemicals. Contaminated drinking water is the best documented source of known human exposure pathways, but food, house dust, and workplace exposure are amongst the top as well. In communities with contaminated drinking water, human health effects include higher cholesterol, increased uric acid, lower birth weight, lower response to vaccines, diabetes, cancer, and more.


EPA’s Action Plan covers a number of different areas.  However, most of these plans are in the development, research, and pre-regulatory phase.  They are focusing efforts on developing rules and tools for Cleanup, Monitoring, Research, Communication, and Drinking Water.  For more information on PFAS chemicals , visit EPA’S PFAS data and tools website at https://www.epa.gov/pfas/epa-pfas-data-and-tools.

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We send out our weekly compliance articles each week via email.  Sign up below to get our updates sent directly to your inbox!

Which EPA environmental regulations apply to your facility?  iSi can help determine which ones apply and what you need to do next!

Methylene Chloride Banned for Consumer Use, Industry Use Continues

Methylene Chloride Banned for Consumer Use, Industry Use Continues

Update:  As of November 23, 2019 it is now against the law for any person or retailer to sell or distribute paint removal products containing methylene chloride for consumer use, including online sales.

EPA has issued a final rule to ban the use of methylene chloride for consumer use.  This rule applies to the manufacture, import, process, and distribution of methylene chloride for consumer use.  Industrial use, for now, is still allowed.

Methylene Chloride, also known as dichloromethane, is a key ingredient used in paint strippers.  It also can be found in some acrylic cements for hobbyists.

EPA has been evaluating high-hazard chemicals through the Toxic Substances Control Act, or TSCA.  EPA found the hazards associated with the methylene chloride to be an unreasonable risk.  The fumes are heavier than air and can stay in an unventilated area for several hours.  The fumes can rapidly cause dizziness, loss of consciousness, and death due to nervous system depression.

Retailers have 180 days after the rule finalization to be in compliance.  However, many retailers made pledges to stop selling it long before the rule was finalized.  Lowes, Home Depot, AutoZone, PPG and Sherwin Williams agreed to stop selling methylene chloride-containing products by the end of 2018.  Walmart agreed to stop selling products online and in stores by the end of February 2019 and Amazon targeted March 2019.  Ace Hardware is targeting the end of July 2019.

Industrial Usage Continues

In industry, methylene chloride is used not only as a paint stripper, but for general cleaning, automotive care, bath tub refinishing, metal cleaning and degreasing, lubrication, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and lithography.

EPA is still allowing usage in industry in industry at this time, but are is soliciting public comment for future rulemaking which may include training requirements, limited access rules, and/or certification.

On the employee protection side, methylene chloride usage in industry is also subject to OSHA’s Methylene Chloride Standard.  This standard lines out specific requirements for usage, medical surveillance, respiratory protection, training, hygiene facilities, protective clothing, recordkeeping, and control measures.

Occupational Exposures

Which chemicals are your facility using and have you determined all of your employee exposure responsibilities?  Let us help!

iSi can help you with worker exposure plans, sampling and strategies — Contact us today!

iSi Adds Key Member to Team

iSi Adds Key Member to Team

Photo of Steve Hieger of iSi Environmental

iSi Consulting Services Director Steve Hieger

Steve Hieger has joined iSi as its Consulting Services Director. Hieger will oversee iSi’s entire Consulting Services department which includes management of iSi’s environmental, health, and safety consulting staff and overseeing departmental projects.

“iSi is a fast-paced, innovative, environmental services company and I was looking for a change. I want to participate and help grow the company and make it even more successful than it already is,” said Hieger.

iSi CEO, Gary Mason said, “Karma and I have known Steve for many years, mostly through various civic functions and have always admired his blend of technical knowledge and professionalism. Steve brings with him a tremendous amount of management experience along with strong background in chemical safety and engineering. This blended background makes Steve a great fit to our organization.”

Prior to joining iSi, Hieger was a Plant Manager with 38 years of experience in chemical manufacturing, research and development, and design engineering. Employers included Occidental Chemicals, Vulcan Chemicals, ERCO Worldwide and Dow Chemical. During those years, he has managed complex chemical manufacturing facilities with multiple operating plants. He also directed process engineering activities associated with design, construction and plant startup.

“Safety and environmental stewardship is the foundation of my professional career. I have spent many years dealing with federal, state and local regulations, rules and requirements, and making regulatory interpretations to achieve environmental and safety compliance. I look forward to doing the same for our clients,” said Hieger.

Hieger grew up in Andale, Kansas and graduated from Kansas State University with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering along with an MBA from Newman University. Hieger’s been married to his wife Kim for 38 years and they have four daughters. They are avid sailors and spend the majority of their recreational time sailing on Cheney Reservoir as members of the Ninnescah Sailing Association. They enjoy sharing time with family and grandchildren, traveling, and sailing in the British Virgin Islands.

The Federal Shutdown: EPA, OSHA and DOT

The Federal Shutdown: EPA, OSHA and DOT

We were working on preparing price proposals for two separate federal agencies this week and one greeted with a return email saying it was closed, while the other is still open.  This prompted the question…what about the other regulatory agencies we work with such as EPA, OSHA and the DOT?


In short, part of EPA is open while the other is closed.  Those functions still open involve ensuring there are personnel necessary to respond to emergencies involving safety of human life or the protection of property. 

Functions Still Open at EPA

  • Activities essential to ensure safe continued public health and safety including safe use of food and drugs and safe use of hazardous materials;
  • Superfund projects, where failure to maintain operations would pose an imminent threat;
  • EPA labs where it’s necessary to ensure physical integrity of research property and research conditions;
  • Law enforcement, legal counseling and criminal investigations;
  • Protection of federal lands/buildings/equipment; and,
  • Emergency response readiness and disaster service.

Functions Closed at EPA

  • Inspections;*
  • Non-emergency environmental site sampling;
  • New contract obligations;
  • Existing contract obligations and task orders;
  • Existing grant, cooperative agreement and interagency agreement obligations;
  • Payment activities including contracts, grants and payroll;
  • Travel;
  • New hiring; and,
  • Non-mission critical IT systems.

*While federal inspectors are on hold, please note that state environmental inspections are likely to continue using other sources of funding. 

For more information on EPA’s shutdown, take a look at their contingency plan.


At OSHA, it is business as usual because their agency is funded through September of this year.   The same goes for MSHA, so inspectors for both agencies are still out and active. 


At DOT, some agencies of DOT are busier than others are. 

It’s business as usual for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the Federal Highway Administration because they’ve already been funded by multi-year appropriations. 

Functions Closed at DOT

At other DOT agencies, about half of the staff has been furloughed.  Much of what is closed has been administrative such as rulemaking and program development, training, research, purchasing, and grants.   

Functions Open at DOT

Those functions still operational include:

  • Hazardous materials (hazmat) inspections of shippers and carriers;
  • Hazmat enforcement activities;
  • Hazmat testing facilities and cylinder reconditioning facilities;
  • Hazmat approvals and permits for emergencies only;
  • Pipeline safety regulation inspectors;
  • Those who manage rail and pipeline accidents/incident investigations; and,
  • Pipeline operations/systems inspectors.

For more information about all the DOT shutdown activities, download their Shutdown Contingency Plan.

Free Webinar

Catch our free webinar on EPA environmental reporting!

We can help with EPA, OSHA & DOT concerns — Contact us today!

iSi’s Environmental Reporting Webinar

iSi’s Environmental Reporting Webinar

osha-silica-dust-construction-general industry-webinar


Attend our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization.

osha-silica-dust-construction-general industry-webinar


Attend our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization.

There are a number of environmental reports companies in general industry must prepare on an annual basis.

Some like EPA’s SARA Tier II, SARA Form Rs, Air Emissions Inventories and Hazardous Waste Biennial Reports have set dates.  Others for air, hazardous waste, wastewater, stormwater and boilers may be guided by your state or your permit itself. 

In this webinar, we’ll cover the basics of the most common reports you may be required to prepare for your facility each year and the due dates you need to know.  

Need help sorting out your reporting requirements? Let iSi help!

Mason Selected to Join EPA Policy and Technology Council

Mason Selected to Join EPA Policy and Technology Council

gary mason

iSi CEO Gary Mason

Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler selects iSi CEO Gary Mason to join EPA’s National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology, or NACEPT. 

“This is an amazing opportunity to participate on developing environmental policy for our nation.  I’m extremely excited and look forward to working with other members of the council,” said Mason.

NACEPT brings together representatives from the government, business and industry, environmental organizations, academia, and other groups to advise the EPA Administrator on issues relating to federal environmental statutes, executive orders, regulations, programs and policies.

As part of the Council, Mason will be providing advice and recommendations on:

  • Developing and implementing domestic and international management policies and programs;
  • Developing guidance on how EPA can most efficiently and effectively implement innovative approaches throughout the Agency and its programs;
  • Identifying approaches to enhance information and technology planning;
  • Improving approaches to environmental management in the fields of economics, business operations, and emerging technologies;
  • Increasing communication and understanding with the goal of improving the effectiveness of federal and non-federal resources directed at solving environmental problems; and,
  • Evaluating statutes, executive orders, and regulations and reviewing and assessing their progress.

As a co-founder of iSi Environmental and former Deputy Secretary for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), Gary has developed insight to the regulatory climate that businesses must operate under, and the systems and processes that facilitate compliance in a cost effective manner.

Mason’s term for NACEPT will run through November 30, 2020.

Snakes as an Indoor Air Quality Issue: iSi’s Memorable Projects

Snakes as an Indoor Air Quality Issue: iSi’s Memorable Projects

At iSi we get the opportunity to come across all types of industrial hygiene and indoor air quality projects.  One of our most memorable ones involved something that isn’t typically thought of as a indoor air quality problem:  snakes!

In Chapman, Kansas, employees at a 1930s office building were complaining about an unpleasant odor in the building. The employees suspected that the odor was coming from snakes that were nesting in and around the building.

chapman snakesIn the spring and fall over the past several years, employees frequently caught snakes in the building. The snakes often poked their heads out from the ductwork and slid over toes at work stations. The snakes were confirmed to be black racers, which produce a distinctive odor when they are disturbed or active. Some settling asphalt near the building provided a place for the snakes to den, and some snakes found paths which allowed them to enter the building. With winter approaching, the snakes had no reason to leave once inside the building.

iSi’s Industrial Hygienist, Constance Timmons, met with a local wildlife biologist from Kansas State University to do a walkthrough evaluation of the building to gather background information. With the indoor air quality information that they gathered, Constance and the wildlife biologist determined that the odor was in fact due to snakes.

Although the odor was not a health hazard, iSi recommended ways to prevent the snakes from re-entering the building in the spring such as using snake traps; a drift fence between the building and the field, consisting of silt about an inch deep; and using pea gravel as a filler around the building because it does not support tunnels.

Indoor air quality project and snakesFor ongoing snake control, iSi recommended placing glue traps along the inside walls of the building, making sure that the traps are not adjacent to standing pipes. A snake is able to wrap around the pipe and leverage itself off the trap. Also, turning up the heat in the building may increase the capture of snakes on the glue traps because they are not able to hibernate when they are so warm. Building personnel were advised that, if they chose to relocate the snakes, to release them at least two miles from the building during any season but winter. Racers have a home range of 25-50 acres, and would find their way back if not released far enough away.

In the 2 days after our visit, the employees were able to catch over 23 snakes!

Do You Have An Indoor Air Quality Issue?

If you’ve got an indoor air quality issue, we feel like we’ve seen it all! Let us diagnose the problem and find the solutions.

What indoor air quality or workplace exposure issue can we help you with? Contact us today!

Frequently Asked Asbestos Questions – A Free Webinar

Frequently Asked Asbestos Questions – A Free Webinar

asbestos frequently asked questions

As a long-time asbestos abatement, survey, inspection, sampling and training firm, we get a lot of questions about asbestos.

In this webinar we will be covering the questions we are asked the most, from who regulates asbestos to where it can be found, to training and licensing requirements, how the NESHAP regulations affects rules and more!

What questions do you have? Join us on Tuesday, December 11 at 1:30 pm CST.  There is no charge to attend, but space is limited!  Register Here

Register Today!

Register here for our free asbestos webinar on December 11!

iSi’s Industrial Services team can help you with your asbestos questions and issues — Contact us today!

What is an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System?

What is an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System?

The International Organization for Standardization, or ISO, determines internationally agreed upon standards for businesses.  ISO standards that end in “001” are management systems. ISO 14001 is for environmental management systems as ISO 9001 is the standard for quality management systems and 45001 is for safety and health management systems.

Standards in the “ISO 14000 family” relate to environmental management.  There are actually other standards in the 14000 family such as 14004, 14006 and 14064-1 that complement ISO 14001 or take it a step further.

Who Is Required to Have ISO 14001 Certifications?

ISO 14001 is voluntary; however, many national and international companies are increasingly requiring their suppliers to become certified. 

Having the certification signals that your company conforms to pre-approved standards of environmental performance and has procedures in place for compliance and improvement. It also shows your company is committed to certain environmental objectives like waste minimization, pollution prevention and climate change mitigation as well as has perspective on the effects of life cycle and the value chain of a product/service.

What’s the Process for Creating an Environmental Management System?

An ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS) is all about developing and documenting objectives and processes, implementing them, monitoring and measuring their success, reporting results, maintaining them, then taking actions to continuously improve upon them. 

Some of the elements of the EMS include developing procedures for:

  • Scope of the EMS
  • Leadership and commitment;
  • Defining and documenting your environmental policy;
  • Organizational roles and responsibilities;
  • Identifying risks, threats and opportunities
  • Identifying environmental aspects and impacts;
  • Establishing environmental objectives and plan for achieving them;
  • Resources;
  • Competence, training records, skills, experience and qualifications;
  • Internal and external communication;
  • Document control;
  • Operational control;
  • Emergency preparedness and response;
  • Compliance obligations and evaluation;
  • Monitoring and measuring results;
  • Internal auditing the EMS and the results from this;
  • Management review results;
  • Nonconformity and corrective action; and,
  • Continual improvement.

How Do You Become Certified?

Once you have your procedures developed, you will need to conduct an internal audit of the procedures.  From here, tweaks are made and deficiencies are corrected.  An external audit is next, that is, a third-party auditor such as iSi will review your system to verify it complies with the requirements.  After the external audit, corrections are made before an ISO certification agency does the final certification audit.

ISO 14001:2015

The most current version of ISO 14001 is 14001:2015.  Any company with the original 2004 certification had until September 15, 2018 to upgrade to the newest version.  Thus, the 2004 version is now out of date.

As with newer ISO standards such as safety standard 45001, the 2015 revision increases emphasis on commitment from company leadership.  ISO is required to be more prominent in an organization’s strategic direction and stakeholder-focused communication is important.  Other revisions require proactive initiatives for protecting the environment from harm and degradation and requires companies to consider life cycle, that is, how the entire process from development to end-of-life can affect the environment.

Benefits of an EMS

Even if you are not required to have ISO 14001 certification, developing an environmental management system can be beneficial to your company.  Having procedures in place can help improve your overall environmental compliance It can help give your company personnel a roadmap of how to manage environmental issues, which can be helpful in times of employee turnover.  An EMS will help ensure systems are continuously improved and evaluated.  In addition, there may be additional cost benefits through pollution prevention, increased efficiencies, consistency, better resource management, and good public relations.

ISO Audit

iSi can help you create your EMS and has the auditors to inspect it.

How can an environmental management system help your compliance? Let iSi help you put the pieces together!

iSi Covers Industrial Hygiene at Tennessee Conference

iSi Covers Industrial Hygiene at Tennessee Conference

ryan livengood

Ryan Livengood, iSi Project Manager

iSi Project Manager, Ryan Livengood, presents “How Can I Tell If I Have an Industrial Hygiene Issue and What Do I Need to Look For?” at the Chattanooga Regional Manufacturer’s Association Annual EHS Summit in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

The term industrial hygiene (IH) covers a wide variety of issues found in your workplace. Even seasoned safety professionals can overlook areas of concern. Which kinds of typical industrial operations trigger potential issues? How can you tell if you need sampling?  In this presentation, Ryan covers these topics plus gives specific examples of operations with their corresponding potential IH issue as well as examples of typical sampling events.

The CRMA EHS Summit brings together professionals engaged in creating and apply new methods to address and resolve environmental issues in various fields.  Learn more at http://cma1902.com/.

Have you identified the industrial hygiene issues in your facility?  Let iSi assess your operations and conduct your required exposure assessments!

Semiannual Regulatory Priorities Set by EPA and OSHA

Semiannual Regulatory Priorities Set by EPA and OSHA

Twice a year each of the President’s cabinets and executive agencies submits a regulatory agenda for the upcoming months.  It’s a list of priorities and which regulatory areas they intend to focus on.  The following items were listed as priorities in EPA’s agenda and in the OSHA portion of the Department of Labor’s agenda.

EPA – Air Quality

  • New Source Review and Title V Permitting – EPA hopes to simplify the New Source Review process (preconstruction air permits). There are two memos EPA wants to make law.  The first is EPA won’t second guess preconstruction analysis that complies with procedural requirements.  The other is the rescinding of the “once in always in” rule. A rule change will allow companies who are major sources to become area sources if their potential to emit falls below thresholds, reducing regulatory requirements.
  • Electric Utility Greenhouse Gas Rules – Recently EPA proposed a new rule for greenhouse gas emissions called the Affordable Clean Energy Rule. They will continue to look at this alternative approach to the Clean Power Plan Rule.
  • Oil and Gas New Source Performance Standards – EPA has been reviewing the rule including regulation of greenhouse gases through emissions limits on methane. A proposal for public comment will be issued.
  • Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Rule – EPA will hold public hearings on their August 2018 proposal to amend and establish new Corporate Average Fuel Economy and greenhouse gas emissions standards for passenger cars and light trucks for model years 2021-2026.

EPA – Water Quality

  • National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper and Perchlorate – EPA will be looking at the lead and copper drinking water rule in order to clarify, reduce complexity, modernize and strengthen it to make it more effective and enforceable. They will also be working on drafting a regulation for regulating perchlorate in drinking water.
  • Peak Flows Management – EPA will be updating permitting regulations for publicly owned treatment works that have separate sanitary sewer systems to deal with the excess wastewater collection that comes with wet weather.
  • “Waters of the U.S.” – EPA will be working on step 2 in the redefining of the term waters of the United States with a reevaluation of the definition, including redefining the term “navigable waters”.
  • Clean Water Act Section 404(c) – EPA will update the regulations concerning its authority in the permitting of dredged and fill material discharges. In reducing its power to veto a permit for any reason, it hopes to help increase predictability and certainty for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, landowners, investors, and businesses.
  • Steam Electric Power Generating Point Sources – EPA will publish a notice of proposed rulemaking for reconsideration of the Steam Electric Effluent Limitations Guidelines rule.

EPA – Waste and Land Contamination

  • Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances – The use of these chemicals have been prevalent in a wide variety of items such as stain resistant fabrics and carpets, cosmetics and fire-fighting foam. EPA is set to designate them as hazardous substances and is yet to determine which mechanism to use, whether it be CERCLA or the Clean Water Act.
  • Accidental Release Prevention Regulations Under Clean Air Act – EPA has proposed changes to the Risk Management Plan rule to better coordinate with OSHA and DOT rules, lessen security concerns of sharing information with local emergency planning and response organizations and ease the economic burden caused by some provisions. In the next few months, public comment will be solicited on rule changes.
  • Disposal of Coal Combustion Residues from Electric Utilities – EPA is planning to modify the final rule on disposal of coal combustion residual (CCR) as solid waste and will be amending certain performance standards to give additional flexibility to states.

EPA – Chemical Safety

  • TSCA Amendments – 2016 TSCA amendments require EPA to evaluate existing chemicals for health risks to vulnerable groups and workers who daily use them. This action will be funded by user fees from chemical manufacturers and processors when they submit test data for EPA review, manufacture or use a new chemical, or process one subject to risk evaluation.  These fees will go into effect in 2019.  Also, EPA is on a deadline to do risk evaluations and issue any new proposed rules for persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals by June 2019.
  • Lead Dust Hazards – EPA has proposed strengthening lead hazard standards on dust from floors and window sills in child-occupied facilities. Final action will be June 2019.
  • Pesticide Safety – EPA is considering changes to Certification of Pesticide Applicators regulations from 2017 and agricultural Worker Protection Standard regulations from 2015.


  • Electronic Reporting – After requiring certain employers to submit OSHA recordkeeping information to a website which would provide publicly available data, OSHA realized it couldn’t guarantee that personally identifiable information from the 300 and 301 logs wouldn’t be published. Thus, OSHA is proposing to change the Improved Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses Rule to just include the OSHA 300A summary data.
  • Beryllium – After revising the beryllium standard, OSHA realized exposure in shipyards and construction was limited to a few operations so some of the provisions required within the standard wouldn’t improve worker protection and could be redundant with other standards. OSHA will be working to revise the rule.
  • Standards Improvement Project (SIP) – OSHA will be working on Phase IV of their SIP. SIPs are used by OSHA to fix standards to correct errors, update technical references, account for new technologies and practices, delete duplicate information and fix inconsistent information.  SIPs can affect one or a number of standards.  For example, items for SIP IV include removing the requirement to put social security numbers on records and allowing for storing digital copies of x-rays rather than on film only.

Want more details?  Read the full regulatory agenda for EPA here and for OSHA here.

Want us to write an article in more detail about any of these issues?  Email our team and let us know what you’d like to see!

Need Help?

Do you need help determining which regulations apply to your facility? Contact us today!

iSi can help you determine which regulations apply to your facility. Contact us today!

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