Are You Required to Have IMDG Training?

Are You Required to Have IMDG Training?

Recently one of our clients had a shipment of their product rejected at a port in Europe.  They had been sending it there for years without incident, but this time was different.  Inspectors chose to verify their paperwork and they were missing crucial IMDG dangerous goods paperwork.  All methods of hazardous materials transportation have specific training requirements, but the one which often catches people by surprise is IMDG.

If you ship hazardous materials by vessel or over water, you are required to follow the rules of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) code.  This includes companies who are:

  • Loading shipping containers onsite;
  • Using third-party companies to load shipping containers for them onsite; and,
  • Sending hazardous materials to freight forwarders or third-parties to be loaded somewhere else.

You May Qualify Without Knowing It

Shipping containers are used for overseas transport, but also keep in mind they are used to transport products to U.S. states such as Hawaii and Alaska as well as U.S. territories.  For example, a different client of ours was responsible for gathering together all the products needed for opening a new Wal-Mart store, and some of those were hazardous materials.  When there were new Wal-Marts to open in Alaska and Hawaii, those products needed to be loaded into shipping containers.  As a result, that company became subject to the rules of IMDG.

Keep in mind that even small quantities can trigger requirements.  For example, we have clients who send vehicles and farm implements via vessel.  Along with the vehicles are boxes of oils and lubricants for operation once they are unpacked.  This triggers hazardous materials regulations.  Even residual fluids left over in the engines that got there when the factory tested it to make sure it worked triggers hazardous materials regulations.

Just like in DOT regulations for ground shipments and IATA regulations for air shipments, goods loaded into the containers must be packaged in certified packages that have design qualification reports for them.  Special IMDG dangerous goods paperwork called a Dangerous Goods Transport Document is also needed to accompany the shipment and all packages and the container need to be labeled and placarded accordingly. 

Even if you use a third-party to handle this for you, it’s still your company’s responsibility to make sure they are complying with the rules as you are the shipper and it’s your company who will be dealing with the regulators and with potentially unhappy customers the further the goods are delayed.

Training Requirements

If IMDG applies to your operations, the following personnel need to have training upon employment or assignment to hazardous materials duties:

Anyone who…

  • Classifies and/or identifies the proper shipping names of dangerous goods (hazardous materials);
  • Packs dangerous goods;
  • Marks, labels or placards dangerous goods;
  • Load/unload dangerous goods;
  • Prepare transportation documents;
  • Offers or accepts dangerous goods for transport;
  • Handles, loads or unloads dangerous goods into or from ships;
  • Prepares dangerous goods loading/stowage plans;
  • Carries dangerous goods in transport;
  • Enforces, surveys or inspects dangerous goods for compliance; and is,
  • Otherwise involved as determined by a competent authority.

As with other hazardous materials training, students are required to have general awareness, safety, and function-specific training.  Refreshers are required every 3 years.

Does this requirement apply to your company?  iSi has regularly scheduled IMDG courses and can provide them onsite on your own schedule, at your own convenience.  Check here for our course schedule or contact us here for more information and pricing for an onsite class at your facility!

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EPA Proposes Rule Expanding Facility Response Plan Requirements

EPA Proposes Rule Expanding Facility Response Plan Requirements

EPA has issued a proposed rule that would require many non-transportation-related facilities to develop a Facility Response Plan under the Clean Water Act, based on planning for worst-case scenario discharges.  This proposed rule significantly increases the number of facilities who may need a Facility Response Plan and increases the number of hazardous substances to be considered when making a compliance determination.

EPA’s goal is to make onshore non-transportation facilities determine if they could reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment by discharging one of the 296 Clean Water Act hazardous substances into or on navigable waters, the shoreline or exclusive economic zones.  If the facility meets the criteria, then they’ll be required to prepare a Facility Response Plan that plans for worst case scenarios.

This rule is a result of a settlement EPA made in a 2019 lawsuit from the Natural Resources Defense Council and others.  The suit claimed EPA was required, but failed, to make non-transportation-related facilities that could cause substantial harm to plan, prevent, mitigate and respond to worst case spills of hazardous substances.  The consent decree requires EPA to take final action on a rule addressing worst case discharge plans for hazardous substances before September 2022 and this is the result of that.

What Industries are Affected?

The new rule would apply to the following NAICS code groups:

111 Crop Production
115 Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry
211 Oil and Gas Extraction
212 Mining (except Oil and Gas)
213 Support Activities for Mining
221 Utilities
311 Food Manufacturing
314 Textile Product Mills
321 Wood Product Manufacturing
322 Paper Manufacturing
324 Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing
325 Chemical Manufacturing
326 Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing
327 Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing
331 Primary Metal Manufacturing
332 Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing
333 Machinery Manufacturing
335 Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing
336 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing
423 Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods
424 Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods
441 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers
444 Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers
447 Gasoline Stations
453 Miscellaneous Store Retailers
488 Support Activities for Transportation
493 Warehousing and Storage
511 Publishing Industries (except internet)
522 Credit Intermediation and Related Activities
562 Waste Management and Remediation Services
611 Educational Services
622 Hospitals
811 Repair and Maintenance
812 Personal and Laundry Services
928 National Security and International Affairs

How Do You Know if It Affects Your Company?

To determine if this applies to your company, there are three criteria to consider.

  1. Maximum Capacities Stored Onsite

Determine if your maximum capacity for any of the 296 Clean Water Act-identified hazardous substances meets or exceeds 10,000 times the reportable quantity in pounds.  The reportable quantities for each hazardous substance are different.  Some may be 5000 lbs. (hydrochloric acid, acetic acid), others may be 1000 lbs. (nitric acid, phenol), some may be 100 lbs. (hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde), others may be 10 lbs. (benzene, nitrogen dioxide, sodium) and some may be 1 lb. (PCBs, arsenic, diazinon).

  1. Location

Next, determine if your facility is one half mile of a navigable water or conveyance to a navigable water.  The definition of a navigable water has been under debate for a number of years and has changed between the different Presidential administrations.

  1. Substantial Harm Criteria

Last, do you meet any of the substantial harm criteria.  That is, will you:

  • Do you have the ability to adversely impact a public water system?
  • Could you cause injury to fish, wildlife and sensitive environments?
  • Do you have the ability to cause injury to public receptors?
  • Have you had a reportable discharge of a Clean Water Act hazardous substance within the past 5 years?

If you meet the substantial harm criteria, you would need to submit your Facility Response Plan to the EPA.  Existing facilities that meet the criteria on the effective date of the rule would have to submit a Facility Response Plan within 12 months.

What is a Facility Response Plan (aka, an FRP)?

FRPs are required per 40 CFR 112.  Current criteria says if you have over 42,000 gallons of oils and are transferring them over water to/from vessels, or if you have over 1,000,000 gallons and meet other certain criteria, you are required to have one. Facility Response Plans requirements are from the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.

Public Comment

EPA is taking public comments on the proposed rule until May 27, 2022.  More information, including links to the public comment site can be found HERE.

We Can Help You Determine if This Will Apply To You

iSi can help you determined if this will apply to you, and then help prepare, review and update Facility Response Plans for your facility.  We also can do the training required for it.  Contact us today!


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EPA Names Most Common SPCC Plan Deficiencies – Do You Have Any of These?

EPA Names Most Common SPCC Plan Deficiencies – Do You Have Any of These?

EPA recently reviewed inspection data from its regional offices to get an idea of the most common SPCC (Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures) Plan deficiencies.  The goal of the review was to help EPA determine how clear their rules were to help companies comply with the regulations.

The data was reviewed for companies who had SPCC Plan issues, with a preference for companies with higher oil storage capacity and who also had to have Facility Response Plans (FRPs) onsite as well.  Inspection data was reviewed for 120 companies with oil storage capacity between 4,000 gallons and 857,000,000 gallons.

Of those, 10 companies didn’t have an SPCC Plan.  Of the remaining, they found that the companies averaged 4 issues with their plans.

Top 9 SPCC Plan Deficiencies (in Order)

  • Plan Content, Certifications & Reviews (112.3, 112.5, 112.7) – 119 of the 120 had this deficiency
  • General Secondary Containment (112.7)
  • Testing and Inspection: Integrity Testing (112.8, 112.12)
  • Sized Secondary Containment (112.8, 112.9, 112.12)
  • Drainage (112.8)
  • Piping: General (112.8)
  • Piping: Inspections (112.8, 112.9)
  • Discharge Prediction (112.7)
  • PE Certification (112.3)

Some examples of these include:

  • Inadequate or no documentation of the required 5-year review of the plan;
  • Failure to address required containment for piping;
  • Failure to address integrity testing of bulk storage containers;
  • Failure to demonstrate that secondary containment met the requisite size of design requirements; and,
  • Failure to provide procedures for controlling stormwater discharges from diked areas.

Do you have these issues with your own SPCC plan?   Are you required to have an SPCC Plan?  Check out our blog about SPCC plans, or contact us today to help.  We can review your plan for compliance to these issues, conduct the required 5-year update, or provide the required training you need to conduct to your employees.  Contact us today!

Can We Help?

iSi can prepare, review and update SPCC Plans for your facility.  We also can do the training required for it.  Contact us today! 


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EPA Discusses Current Compliance, Enforcement Priorities and Initiatives

EPA Discusses Current Compliance, Enforcement Priorities and Initiatives

At the recent KDHE Environmental Conference, Dave Cozad, Director of the Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division with Region VII EPA gave an update outlining EPA’s upcoming compliance and enforcement priorities.

Compliance Inspections & Public Posting of Reports

EPA was scheduled to go back out to do more onsite inspections, but the resurgence of COVID put a delay on that.  For the past year they had been doing some announced remote inspections to evaluate compliance.  However, unannounced inspections will eventually resume.  Inspectors will have Smart Tables preloaded before they go onsite.  Their goal is for the report of findings be available in less than 60 days after inspection.

One important comment made was that EPA is working on implementing the public posting of inspection reports.  That is, what is found at your site during an inspection and what’s on your report will eventually be available for anyone to see.

Executive Orders Provide Roadmap

EPA has been given several directives through Executive Orders (EOs), and the issues EPA will focus on will very much be related to these.

These EOs include the following guidelines:

  • Hold polluters accountable, including those who disproportionately harm communities of color and low-income communities.
  • Strengthen and enforce environmental violations with disproportionate impact on underserved communities
  • Create a community notification program to monitor and provide real-time data to the public on current environmental pollution
  • Strengthen enforcement in communities with environmental justice concerns
  • Tackle climate change and enforcement of climate change-related issues

The term “environmental justice”, or EJ, goes along with these directives and will be applied to daily decision making.  To meet the directives, EPA will be spending more of their time looking at regulated industries in these underserved communities and will be strengthening enforcement of violations for cornerstone environmental statutes and civil laws.  Thus, the number of air, wastewater, and hazardous waste inspections in these areas will increase and items such as air monitoring results may be posted for the public to review.

EPA plans on going into these areas and speaking with the people about their enforcement case concerns rather than just determining themselves what EPA thinks they need, as they historically have done.

In the area of climate change, they’ll be targeting cases with greenhouse gas-related requirements and a ban on importing hydrofluorocarbons.  Climate-focused mitigation and resilience will be a part of the efforts.  For example, taking a look at situations like floods where there are chemical plants in floodplains or where sewer systems could have major overflows.

National Compliance Initiatives

National Compliance Initiatives are set goals that follow a certain process and include the states. Because of this, they  are much harder to change from administration to administration.  Some of these have been initiatives for the past 2 years, but give an idea of certain targets of inspections.


This is hazardous waste emissions via air, where there are regulations related to the quantity of VOCs emitted.  This is for facilities with tanks, surface impoundments and valves.  Inspectors have started making a concerted effort to look at these during their inspections and it’s one of the lesser items focused on by some facilities. Right now 30% of facilities being inspected are not complying with this part of the regulation, and the fines can be $255,000.  What is RCRA Air? Learn more here.

Chemical Accident Reduction – RMP

EPA will be checking that Risk Management Plans are in place and implemented properly for those that are required to have them.  This is related to Clean Air Act section 112(r) for the prevention of accidental releases of chemicals.  Facilities that store and handle large quantities of listed regulated substance in a process, over certain threshold amounts.  EPA inspection data is showing that 50-75% of facilities are not complying fully with RMP.

Creating Cleaner Air for Communities and Drinking Water

We listed these 2 initiatives together because they will be treated similarly under the umbrella of EJ.  Making air and water cleaner has always been a goal, but considering the EOs, a focus on issues with public water systems, lead-based paint and air emissions from inner-city factories helps EPA accomplish more than one goal.  Plus those kinds of issues will affect a large amount of people at once. It becomes a more bang for their buck item, so to speak.

Mobile Source Aftermarket Defeat Devices

EPA is looking to conduct enforcement on companies who make, develop and sell aftermarket devices that bypass, defeat or renders inoperative any emission control device in order to enhance engine performance.  Examples would be plates that partially block a portion of exhaust gas stream, kits that enable the removal of the catalytic converter or the diesel particulate filter or tuners that stop signals from going to the   vehicle’s computer that usually would turn on the check engine light or put the vehicle in limp mode.  EPA’s news updates have been announcing fines for a number of companies recently for violations so this initiative is up and running.

NPDES Permit Compliance

EPA is looking to reduce the significant non-compliance they’re seeing with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. In an EPA memo to regional administrators regarding this initiative, they identified they wanted to reduce the non­compliance baseline rate by 50% by the end of FY 2022, while assuring that the worst violators are timely and appropriately addressed.

EPA wants its regions and states to work together.  Each state’s rate will be looked at as will its approaches (past and future) to reduce the non-compliance rate, the completeness and accuracy of its compliance data (and why it’s wrong/missing), and how and when they plan on addressing the more severe non-compliance violations.

Over 60% of the non-compliance is attributed to “non-receipt” of Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs).  Interestingly, EPA speculates that some of this isn’t all about companies not turning in their reports, but the way the states communicate or handle getting the information into the EPA’s tracking system.  However, make sure you get your DMRs in as this is something that’s on the radar.

If any of these initiatives can be tied back to those EOs, then all the better for EPA and their compliance goals.  For example, in the press release announcing a settlement for one of the companies found selling mobile defeat devices, part of the settlement was for the company to “…replace 3 school busses in a Columbus, OH in the areas of environmental justice concern.” In that same release, the regional administrator said she was “…pleased that the settlement will reduce the impact of pollution in already overburdened neighborhoods.”


EPA has a screening and mapping tool to help them identify areas that may be candidates for environmental justice-related consideration, outreach or programs. EJScreen is considered to be “…a consistent tool that can be used by EPA, its governmental partners and the public to understand environmental and demographical characteristics of locations throughout the United States.”

EJScreen was actually developed in 2010 as a response to an Executive Order by the Clinton Administration.  It is geared to help users identify areas with minority/low income populations, potential environmental quality issues and places where environmental and demographical indicators are greater than usual.  EPA plans to use EJScreen to implement permitting, enforcement, compliance, outreach and enhance geographically-based initiatives.  Facilities who lie within an EJScreen target area will be the ones who will receive the most inspections.

Check out EJScreen at:

Other Areas

Other compliance hot topic/focus areas mentioned on EPA’s radar include:

  • Children’s health, mainly related to lead
  • Generators without proper status/notifications
  • Asphalt plants using mine tailings from CERCLA sites
  • PFAS
  • “Recycling” facilities
  • Coal combustion residuals
  • Potential return of supplemental environmental projects
  • EPA budget and staffing

Do you see any issues here that may be affecting your company?  Or are you unsure which ones may affect you?  Contact iSi today for EPA and state environmental compliance assistance and advice!

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Sarah Winfrey
Sarah Winfrey


Bria Weast

Environmental and Safety Consulting Manager

A member of our Consulting Services division, Bria works with client facilities for annual environmental reporting and day-to-day environmental compliance assistance.  She also manages iSi project managers.  Bria has conducted well over 100 Phase I environmental site assessments for iSi and is one of the trainers for our Hazardous Waste Management class.

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A Look Into the Biden Administration’s Environmental Priorities

A Look Into the Biden Administration’s Environmental Priorities

New year, new president, and a new push on policies. Trying to guess what will happen for the next four years into any new Administration is like trying to figure out when it will actually rain here in the Midwest. But, just like the assistance of a meteorologist, we can start to predict what we will see with the help of folks who understand and specialize in public policy.  

At the head of the Biden EPA is Michael Regan. A 20-year experienced environmental regulator, he was the head of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and returns to the White House from formerly being an air quality specialist in the Clinton EPA.

Here are a few things to look for from the Biden/Regan team:

Environmental Justice (EJ)

While there are still questions bouncing around about how the Administration will carry out EJ, facilities can get ahead of the game and be prepared for what is to come. One of the biggest items that will be coming out of EJ is communities having their voices heard in environmental regulation. Something companies can start doing to prepare for this is reaching out to the communities where their facilities are located at. We understand the data we collect and how we collect it, but does the public understand it? Now is the time to educate the community you share a fence line with.

There are two major legislative proposals to keep an eye on. The Environmental Justice Mapping and Data Collection Act of 2021 will create a tool built upon the EPA’s EJScreen to identify demographic factors, environmental problems, socioeconomic circumstances and public health concerns. This data collected will help build maps of communities that are affected the most. This will help the Administration to direct appropriate funds to those communities.

Companies should be looking at the EPA’s EJScreen tool. It interprets and shows environmental indicators and demographic indicators. It is used for informing outreach and engagement practices, as well as permitting and compliance implementation, just to name a few.

The Environmental Justice for All Act will establish EJ requirements, advisory bodies and programs to address the environmental effects on human health for low-income communities. It will also provide the establishment of the Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice Compliance.

More Inspectors on the Ground

With COVID-19, we saw fewer boots on the ground and the number of virtual inspections and audits go up throughout facilities. With vaccines rolling out and the country starting to open back up, there is going to be a drive to get inspectors back on the ground. Now is the time to go over your facility’s reporting to make sure it is accurate and to re-evaluate your risk assessment plans and make sure your facility complies with all regulations.   

Waters of the United States (WOTUS)

WOTUS is already under review for this Administration. We can expect to see extreme discussion on this since having to define WOTUS is difficult, as it is controversial.  Multiple states, tribes and environmental groups pushed back on the Trump Administration’s Navigable Waters Protection Rule, so we can speculate that the Biden Administration will want to expand the definition and scope and go for a broader rule to replace it.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

Expect to see the enforcement of PFAS being talked about, as well. Some questions are if the Biden Administration will use the All-of-Government approach like we are seeing in climate change, if they will revisit the 70 ppt LHA for drinking water and if the remediation of PFAS will be listed as a hazardous waste under RCRA or CERCLA. States are also getting involved with PFAS. There will be multiple legislation pieces floating around on both the federal and state level.  Regan is committed to making PFAS a “top priority” for this team and he mentioned in his Senate confirmation that part of this approach will include pursuing discharge limits and water quality values.

Need Any Help?

If you need help with getting your facility in compliance, iSi has multiple project managers that specialize in doing third-party compliance audits and reporting.  Contact us today!

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Sarah Winfrey


Sarah Winfrey

Sales Development Representative

Sarah works with our Business Development and Marketing team, assisting with client and internal communications, pricing proposals, customer support and sales efforts.  She also maintains a number of iSi's contractor registrations and assists with industry and regulations research.

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Return to Work Building Issues: Stagnant Water

Return to Work Building Issues: Stagnant Water

Legionnaires, Heavy Metals Among the Hazards That Could Affect Your Building’s Water System Safety

As we all prepare to return to work, we may find additional hazards lurking in our buildings if they have been closed up or have had limited occupancy due to stay at home orders. Building water systems that have been sitting stagnant can have depleted disinfectant levels. This leads to increased bacteria and biofilm levels inside the system. It can also show increased levels of corrosion products such as iron, lead and copper depending on what your pipes are made from.

Water System Safety:  Environmental and Safety Hazards of Stagnant Water

As water sits unused in pipes, the disinfectant normally found in water (typically chlorine, but check with your water service to see what they are using) depletes to a point where a biofilm forms inside the pipe. This biofilm then grows and when the system is turned on water droplets can become airborne and inhaled causing many illnesses that can affect the lungs such as Legionnaires’ disease. Water that has sat in pipes also increases the amount of corrosion products from the piping itself and can lead to increased levels of metals in the water, depending on what your plumbing is made from. These increased levels can be ingested from various sources within a company such as drinking fountains, ice machines, plumbed coffee systems, water softeners, improperly maintained water heaters, on demand water heaters and dishwashers.

Water System Safety:  Have a Plan to Deal With the Stagnant Water dirty water in faucet

Before buildings are reopened, a plan should be established to flush out the contaminates in your building’s entire water system. This flush should go all the way back to the main line from the municipality. You may need the assistance of a plumber or water engineer to properly determine the size and length of the pipes so the proper volume of the water system can be calculated.

Once known, the volume will then determine the length of time the system will need to flow. In some cases, this could require over an hour of water flow. Be sure to pay special attention to any dead spaces in both the hot and cold-water systems. Remember, this water can be contaminated with bacteria that may cause respiratory issues and the hot water may be hot enough to cause burns so be sure to include proper safety equipment in the plan if doing large scale flushing.

Water System Safety:  Clearance Testing

Once the system has been flushed, testing can be done on the water to determine if it meets the standards established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Primary Drinking Water. Those standards can be found at If you are interested in the USEPA’s Lead and Copper Rule a Quick Reference Guide can be found at

If you need assistance in determining the safety of your buildings water system, please contact iSi.


Keith Reissig

Industrial Hygienist | Project Manager

Keith brings over 20 years of industrial hygiene and safety experience to iSi and its clients. An industrial hygienist, Keith jokes that he "sucks air for a living."  He specializes in workplace exposure testing and sampling strategies, safety compliance, ergonomics and training in a variety of topics in both the industrial hygiene and safety field.

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Watch iSi’s Free Industrial Wastewater Treatment Webinar

Watch iSi’s Free Industrial Wastewater Treatment Webinar

industrial wastewater treatment webinar


Watch this free webinar!

iSi currently manages several industrial wastewater treatment plants for manufacturing facilities. In order to best manage these plants, we first needed to learn how they worked in order to develop standard operating procedures and operator training for our own personnel to use.

Ranging in scope from SOP creation, to supervisor operations training, through individual operator’s training, and certification programs, iSi has formalized the knowledge needed to train operators and managers to run effective industrial wastewater treatment systems. Learn more about the process we went through to put these procedures in place and how we can help you do the same for your own facility.

This webinar covers:

  • The Wastewater Process (Using Hexavalent Chromium as an Example)
  • Wastewater Chemistry
  • Disposal
  • Operator Training Content
  • Parameter Table for Checks and Balances

This webinar is free – click here to watch it.


​iSi currently manages several industrial wastewater treatment plants for manufacturing facilities. In order to best manage these plants, we first needed to learn how they worked in order to develop standard operating procedures and operator training for our own personnel to use.

Ranging in scope from SOP creation, to supervisor operations training, through individual operator’s training, and certification programs, iSi has formalized the knowledge needed to train operators and managers to run effective industrial wastewater treatment systems. Learn more about the process we went through to put these procedures in place and how we can help you do the same for your own facility.

This webinar covers:

  • The Wastewater Process (Using Hexavalent Chromium as an Example)
  • Wastewater Chemistry
  • Disposal
  • Operator Training Content
  • Parameter Table for Checks and Balances

This webinar is free – click here to watch it.



Catch our free webinar!


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EPA’s Navigable Waters Protection Rule Defines Waters of the U.S.

EPA’s Navigable Waters Protection Rule Defines Waters of the U.S.

EPA and the U.S. Army have finalized their definition of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) through a new final rule called the Navigable Waters Protection Rule.

The definition of WOTUS has been at the point of contention between regulators, industry and environmental groups since the Clean Water Act amendment in 2015.   The definition has been at the heart of a number of legal battles, and an item of regulatory enforcement uncertainty.

“[The Navigable Waters Protection Rule] clearly delineates where federal regulations apply and gives states and local authorities more flexibility to determine how best to manage waters within their borders,” said EPA in a published fact sheet about the new rule.

What is Included?

Once proposed as six categories, the final rule was narrowed to four major categories of waters to be included:

Territorial Seas and Traditional Navigable Waters

Included are bodies of water such as the Atlantic Ocean, Mississippi River, Great Lakes, large rivers and lakes, tidal waters, tidally influenced waterbodies including wetlands, along coastlines — used in interstate or foreign commerce.


These are rivers and streams that flow to traditional navigable waters either directly or through other non-jurisdictional surface waters.  The flow must be perennial (flowing continuously) or intermittent (flowing continuously during certain times of the year), not just when it rains.

These tributaries can connect through structures such as culverts, spillways, and debris piles.  Ditches can be tributaries if they satisfy the perennial or intermittent flow requirements and could be considered an artificial channel used to convey water when they are tributaries or built in adjacent wetlands.

Lakes, Ponds and Impoundments of Jurisdictional Waters

These are included when they are traditional navigable waters like the Great Salt Lake in Utah or where they contribute a perennial or intermittent flow of water.  Lakes and ponds flooded by an included WOTUS in a typical year would be included.

However, lakes, ponds and impoundments must have a surface water connection to a jurisdictional water body.  If they are only flooded by stormwater runoff from fields, or if they lose their water only through evaporation, underground seepage or use, they wouldn’t be included.

Adjacent Wetlands

Wetlands are adjacent and included if they:

  • Physically touch other included WOTUS;
  • Are separated from an included WOTUS by a natural berm, bank or dune;
  • Are flooded by an included WOTUS in a typical year;
  • Are separated from an included WOTUS by an artificial dike, barrier or similar structure that allows direct connection between the wetland and the WOTUS through a culvert, flood gate, pump, or similar; or,
  • Are separated by a road or similar structure where there is an allowance for direct surface connection during a typical year.

What is NOT Included?

The below are not included as long as they do not meet the above definitions, and are upland and in non-jurisdictional areas.

  • Groundwater, including drains in agricultural lands;
  • Ephemeral features: springs, streams, swales, gullies, rills and pools;
  • Stormwater: diffuse stormwater runoff and directional sheet flow over upland as well as stormwater control features excavated or constructed in upland to convey, treat, infiltrate, or store stormwater runoff;
  • Farm and roadside ditches;
  • Prior converted cropland (except in the case where the cropland has been abandoned/not used for agricultural purposes in the previous five years and has reverted to wetlands);
  • Artificially irrigated areas including flooded fields for agricultural purposes;
  • Artificial lakes and ponds including water storage reservoirs and farm irrigation, stock watering and log cleaning ponds;
  • Water-filled depressions incidental to construction or mining and pits for fill, sand, and gravel;
  • Groundwater recharge, water reuse, and wastewater recycling structures (detention, retention and infiltration basins and ponds); and,
  • Waste treatment systems, that is, lagoons, treatment ponds, settling and cooling ponds, and all components designed to convey or retain, concentrate, settle, reduce or remove pollutants either actively or passively from wastewater or stormwater prior to discharge.

Representatives of the agricultural community see this new rule as a win for them as it provides some clarity for their industry and relieves some of the potential impacts the 2015 version would have put on them.  Many of the non-included features are agricultural-based.

What’s a Typical Year?

The phrase “typical year” is used widely throughout the definitions.  In this rule, typical year means the normal periodic range of precipitation and other climactic variables based on data for the past 30 years.  So, some areas which have non-typical flooding or non-typical drought during some calendar years may or may not be included depending on what is “typical.”

What Really Matters:  What Are Your Local Laws?

The Navigable Waters Protection Rule defines the requirements of federal law.  However, some states like California have developed their own regulations and definitions that are stricter and the federal law allows for that.  Be aware of what’s required locally, and that’s the rule you’ll need to follow.  However, having this clearer definition of the federal law may be a help in determining what the differences are locally.

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Do your industrial activities affect an included WOTUS?  iSi can assist with determinations, permits, reports, sampling and more!


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EPA’s National Compliance Initiatives Show Enforcement Priorities

EPA’s National Compliance Initiatives Show Enforcement Priorities

Does This Apply To You?

We can help determine which of these apply to your facility, and help you make sure you’re on the right track if you’re inspected.

Just like OSHA has national emphasis programs for areas they want to target in their enforcement, EPA has its own national emphasis targets.  Called the National Compliance Initiatives (NCI), EPA has listed 7 priority areas to target for enforcement for Fiscal Years 2020-2023. 

So what’s on the EPA NCI Target List?

Air – Reducing Air Emissions at Hazardous Waste LQGs and TSDFs

EPA has found that facilities that generate a greater amount of hazardous waste have air emissions issues.  Their focus will be on air emissions at Large Quantity Generators (LQGs) and Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDFs).  This emphasis item was in the agency’s last list of NCIs, and inspectors have found there is still significant noncompliance at these facilities.  EPA wants improved compliance in controlling organic air emissions from certain management activities.  They will especially be looking at the following areas in which they are continuously finding problems:

  • Leaking or open pressure relief valves;
  • Tank closure devices;
  • Monitoring; and,
  • Recordkeeping.

Water – Reducing NPDES Permits Noncompliance

EPA will be looking at your facility’s NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permits to see if you’re in compliance.  NPDES permits are for water discharges, whether they be wastewater, stormwater or otherwise.  In 2018, 11,000 permits had violations totaling 4 billion pounds of pollutants above permitted limits, and EPA wants to crack down on that.  Out of 40,000 facilities with NPDES permits, EPA estimates 29% are in significant noncompliance.  EPA’s goal is to cut that in half by fall 2022.  EPA specifically mentions failure to submit required reports and significant exceedances of limits as two of the most violated areas.

Air – Reducing Excess Emissions of HAPs and VOCs from Stationary Sources

EPA wants a focus on reducing emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs).   They will be focusing on sources of VOCs that may have substantial impact on an area’s attainment or non-attainment of National Ambient Air Quality Standards.  EPA will also be focusing on areas with a greater concentration of HAP sources.  EPA has listed over 180 chemicals that are HAPs, including mercury, asbestos, toluene, cadmium, chromium, benzene, perchloroethylene, and lead.

Hazardous Chemicals – Reducing Risks of Accidental Releases at Industrial and Chemical Facilities

This was on EPA’s list last time, and is continuing.   This NCI not only applies to facilities subject to Risk Management Program requirements (for accidental chemical releases at facilities that store certain chemicals above a certain threshold).   EPA cites a General Duty Clause in their Clean Air Act to cover all facilities with regulated substances and extremely hazardous substances, regardless of quantity.  They’ll be using that General Duty Clause (Clean Air Act Section 112(r)) which requires companies:

  • Identify hazards that may result from accidental releases by using appropriate hazard assessment techniques;
  • Design and maintain a safe facility;
  • Take steps to prevent releases; and,
  • Minimize the consequences of the accidental releases that occur.

It will be important that your facility not only has conducted the proper hazard assessments and has plans and controls in place, but has documentation that has occurred.  This exercise and documentation will help you with both EPA and OSHA compliance.

Air – Stopping Aftermarket Defeat Devices for Engines

This is a new item on EPA’s list.  They will be looking to stop the manufacture, sale and installation of defeat devices on engines.  Often called tuners, these devices bypass the engines’ emissions control systems in order to improve engine performance or fuel efficiency.  The systems modify the exhaust system or electronic chips within the vehicle.   EPA has been levying fines on car manufacturers for a number of years in this area.  One of the most famous cases is the recent Volkswagen emissions scandal where vehicles were rigged to recognize regulatory emissions testing, but operated differently in real world driving conditions.  Now EPA is going after the aftermarket manufacturers and have already started.  However, the emphasis isn’t just limited to vehicles on the road, it’s for any engine, including non-road vehicles and engines.

Water – Noncompliance with Drinking Water Standards at Community Systems

This is a new NCI area for EPA.  EPA says that out of 50,000 Community Water Systems that serve water to the same people year-round, 40% violated at least one drinking water standard in 2018.  Also at these facilities, 30% had monitoring and reporting violations and 7% had health violations.  EPA’s goal is to reduce this noncompliance by 25% by having EPA’s Office of Water work to increase capacity within the states and tribes to address these violations.

Lead – Child Exposure to Lead

This one is an unofficial NCI emphasis because it will be treated as a directive but not be a part of the official NCI enforcement list as a separate program.  EPA has an overall initiative for lead, and the NCI guidance documents affirm enforcement commitment to participating in that initiative.   Plans for EPA’s overall lead initiative include:

  • Increasing compliance with and awareness of lead-safe renovations with the Renovation, Repair and Painting rule;
  • Developing a mapping tool to identify communities with higher lead exposures;
  • Targeted geographical initiatives; and,
  • Public awareness campaigns on lead issues.

What’s Next:  Regional Plans

Each region is to develop a strategic plan on how they will be accomplishing these EPA NCI goals.  Within these plans the regions are to determine how they’re going to allocate resources to these NCIs and how much investment will be put into each one.  The plans are due August 1.   

These NCIs are the goals for Fiscal Year 2020-2023, thus they will go into effect October 1, 2019.

Does your facility fall under these targets?  We can help you determine that, and get you ready — Contact us today!

PFAS Chemicals: What Are They and Where Are They Found?

PFAS Chemicals: What Are They and Where Are They Found?

EPA has announced its first ever comprehensive nationwide Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Action Plan. This action plan attempts to address two of the most common PFAS chemicals; PFOA and PFOS.  Despite having called this press conference, no definitive regulations have yet been set in place.  This has led to some frustrated state regulatory agencies deciding to move on without EPA in fear that EPA regulations may take 10 years or more to materialize and finalize, if ever.

So far, 8 states have adopted bills regarding PFAS chemicals and other states are already trying to determine what to do about them.  Because regulations may be seen on the state level before the federal, we believe an awareness of this issue – what is it, why is it important – will prove to be highly beneficial.  

In seminars and conferences, we’ve even heard these mentioned as potentially “the new asbestos” in terms of prevalence of exposure and need for elimination.


Simply put, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are a class of man-made chemicals that are widely used in industrial processes and can be found in many consumer products. They are split into two groups: Polymers and Non-polymers. To be a bit more specific, PFAS chemicals are chains of carbon atoms that are bonded by fluorine atoms. The chemistry is very complex, which is what allows for there to be thousands upon thousands of variations existing in commerce today.


It would almost be easier to say where they aren’t found!  PFAS chemicals can be found anywhere; in pizza boxes, cookware, paints, polishes, electronics manufacturing, fuel additive, and more! There are even cases of the direct release of PFAS products into the environment. The use of aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) for fire fighting, chrome surfacing facilities, landfills, and wastewater treatment all contribute to the release of PFAS chemicals in the environment.

Some applications where PFAS-containing materials are used include:

  • Water and stain resistance in textile and paper coating
  • Plastics manufacturing
  • Reducing surface tension in surface coatings
  • Stabilizing agents for metal finishing and electroplating
  • Industrial rinse agents
  • Solder wetting agents and coatings in semiconductors
  • Cable and wiring manufacturing
  • Building and construction
  • Anywhere that uses fire fighting foams (military, oil refineries, manufacturing, airfields)
  • Recovery in metal mining and oil extraction


Some PFAS chemicals are known to be persistent in the environment, bioaccumulative in organisms, and toxic at relatively low levels. The fact that PFAS chemicals come in so many shapes and sizes and in so many industries and consumer products means that an alarmingly high percentage of people have been exposed to PFAS chemicals. Contaminated drinking water is the best documented source of known human exposure pathways, but food, house dust, and workplace exposure are amongst the top as well. In communities with contaminated drinking water, human health effects include higher cholesterol, increased uric acid, lower birth weight, lower response to vaccines, diabetes, cancer, and more.


EPA’s Action Plan covers a number of different areas.  However, most of these plans are in the development, research, and pre-regulatory phase.  They are focusing efforts on developing rules and tools for Cleanup, Monitoring, Research, Communication, and Drinking Water.  For more information on PFAS chemicals , visit EPA’S PFAS data and tools website at

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EPA to Propose Repeal of Clean Power Plan

EPA to Propose Repeal of Clean Power Plan

power plant
A number of news agencies have obtained a document outlining EPA’s plans to propose a repeal of the Clean Power Plan. The announcement from EPA may come early this week and then a formal proposal will be issued in the Federal Register.  The plans include a 60-day comment period to solicit ideas on alternatives or a replacement approach.  Plans also include a cost-benefit analysis of a repeal, estimating $33 billion in compliance cost savings.

The Clean Power Plan rule was developed by the previous administration as a way to lower carbon emissions from existing power plants by 2030.  Opponents have contended that the rule’s compliance and equipment requirements will create massive costs on the power sector and its consumers, that EPA overreached its authority to regulate emissions under the Clean Air Act, and it invaded the powers of the states, who’ve traditionally managed and regulated the energy sector. Over 27 states, 24 trade associations, 37 rural electric Co-Ops and 3 labor unions have sued EPA over the rule.  A bipartisan group of over 200 Senators and House members also filed a briefing against it.

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Oklahoma Stormwater in Construction Regs Updated

Oklahoma Stormwater in Construction Regs Updated

The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) updated its Multi-Sector General Stormwater Permit for industrial activities last month, and now ODEQ has updated its stormwater permit for construction activities.

The new “General Permit OKR10 for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities” will go into effect on September 12.  Anyone under the current permit, and anyone seeking to obtain a new one, will need to be covered under this new permit in order to discharge stormwater from construction activities.

Stormwater activities are federally covered under EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).  In most areas, stormwater permitting is handled by the state(s) you’re operating in, and then each state can have additional requirements. Permits have limits on what you can discharge, monitoring and reporting requirements and other requirements.

As a reminder, if your company falls under the Oklahoma stormwater permit for industrial activities, remember you will need to reapply for a new authorization before October 3, which is only a little over a month away.  As part of this you’ll need to revise your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3), file a new Notice of Intent (NOI) and submit fees.

If you need assistance with anything related to stormwater, including plan updates, compliance determinations, or NOIs, please contact iSi and we’d be happy to help!

iSi can help with stormwater permitting, training and compliance, check us out!

EPA Proposes Roll Back of Waters of the U.S. Definition

EPA Proposes Roll Back of Waters of the U.S. Definition

The EPA, along with the Army and the Army Corps of Engineers, announced its intent to make changes to the Clean Water Rule and return the definition of “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) back to what it was prior to the 2015 rule change.

The definition of WOTUS has been at the point of contention between regulators, industry and environmental groups since the Clean Water Act was amended in 2015.   The definition has been at the heart of a number of legal battles, and an item of regulatory enforcement uncertainty. The rules containing it were in a state of stay by the Supreme Court.

Today’s announcement will turn back the definition of WOTUS to what it was prior to 2015 with a published proposed rule announcement in the Federal Register, along with a public comment period.  Next, the agencies will work to review and revise the definition to replace the approach of the 2015 Clean Water Rule.

EPA’s announcement emphasized the redefinition is intended to “…provide regulatory certainty in a way that is thoughtful, transparent, and collaborative with other agencies and the public.”


How can iSi help your company with Clean Water Act compliance? Check us out!

Georgia NPDES Permittees Required to File Electronically Through NetDMR

Georgia NPDES Permittees Required to File Electronically Through NetDMR

The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) has been moving towards electronic filing of various reports and permits. This electronic requirement is now being required for submittal of Discharge Monitoring Reports from those companies who hold an NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) permit for water discharges.

Starting December 21, 2016, all NPDES permittees will be required to submit their Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) online using a site called NetDMR.   Those who use land application systems, pre-treatment, PID, and general permittees will also eventually be required to use NetDMR later.

NetDMR will have similar features to other online applications.

Step 1:           Create Your Own Account

Each person must create their own account. When setting up an account, facilities should be mindful of the instance and type of user chosen.  Within the state of Georgia, the instance should be “Georgia Environmental Protection Division”.  You may see other options such as EPA – GA, but DO NOT select these options.

Once the appropriate instance or agency has been selected, click on “Create a new account” and follow the prompts.  The type of user for facility personnel should be the external user type “Permittee User.”  An internal user is meant for agency use only.

Step 2:           Set User Roles

Once an account has been created, there are four roles for a permittee user: View, Edit, Signatory, and Permit Administrator.

Permit Administrator: The Permit Administrator has the ability to approve role requests within their permit for all roles except Signatory.  The first person to request and get approved for Signatory Role will be granted the Permit Administrator role automatically.

Signatory: No one will be able to access the permit within NetDMR until someone is approved by EPD as the Signatory.  EPD is the only entity that can approve access to Signatory Role requests.  Someone seeking Signatory Role must submit a signed Subscriber Agreement to EPD by mail and wait approval.  EPD estimates approximately a two week turnaround to review and approve Subscriber Agreements.  Remember, the first person to request and get approved for Signatory Role will also be granted the Permit Administrator role automatically.

View, Edit: Other personnel can request View, Edit, and/or Permit Administrator Roles from the Permit Administrator.

Step 3:           Start Using the System

Once approval has been received, you may then start entering DMR data electronically into the system. Note: there is no external notification, so if a role request has been made within NetDMR the Permit Administrator must check within NetDMR to see that request.

Learn More

If you need assistance, iSi can also help walk you through the process, contact us or give us a call at (678) 712-4705.

How can iSi help your company with NPDES compliance? Check us out!

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