Which Annual Safety Training Requirements Should You Add to Your Calendar?

Which Annual Safety Training Requirements Should You Add to Your Calendar?

photo depicting annual OSHA safety training requirements for industry and constuction

Annual safety training is a best management practice and is most often required when conditions in the workplace change. However, the OSHA standards don’t specifically require annual safety training for all of its topic areas, just a handful of them.

Employee Access to Medical Records

This is one of the most overlooked requirements and one of the top items which pops up in our safety compliance audits. Annual notification for employee access to medical records is required. As a company you’re required to inform workers of their rights to access their medical records, where they’re kept, how to obtain them and who is responsible for keeping them.  This applies to both general industry and construction – the construction standard references the general industry standard, 1910.1020.

Respiratory Protection and Fit-Testing

Employees wearing respirators or participating in your company’s respiratory protection program are required to receive annual training regarding respirator use, care, inspection, maintenance, limitations and other requirements. In addition, employees must be fit-tested in their respirator annually. That is, each employee should be tested to ensure the seal is still fitting their face and protecting them. There are standard fit-testing procedures to use to accomplish this item.  This applies to both general industry and construction and the construction standard references general industry standard 1910.134.

Hearing Protection

If your employees are exposed to noise at or above an 8-hour time weighted average of 85 decibels, your company is required to have a hearing conservation program. As part of this program, annual training is required. Ensure you post a copy of the occupational noise exposure standard in your workplace and make any and all training materials related to this available to your employees.  Hearing conservation programs are required by both general industry and construction.


Employees responding to hazardous materials spills, conducting hazardous substance removals, or working at Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) corrective action or treatment, storage, and disposal facility (TSDF) facilities are required to have hazardous waste operations and emergency response (HAZWOPER) training. There are various levels of HAZWOPER. Those with 24 and 40 hour initial training are required to have 8 hours of training annually per year.  Annual training requirements for HAZWOPER can be found in 1919.120 for general industry and 1926.65 for construction.

Bloodborne Pathogens

Anyone with potential bloodborne pathogen exposure potential in general industry must have annual training and additional training whenever procedures and tasks are changed.  Those who conduct first aid in construction are required to have training in hazards associated with bloodborne pathogens, as well as employees conducting maintenance activities, those collecting or separating wastes (sharps), or who could be exposed to blood or other potentially infections material as part of their job. 

Fire Extinguishers and Fire Brigades

If your company provides portable fire extinguishers or other fire-fighting devices for designated employees to use in the workplace, training is required annually. For employees designated to inspect, maintain, operate or repair fixed fire extinguishing systems, annual training reviews are required.   Fire fighters in shipyard operations are required to have semi-annual drills and annual training for fire watchers.

If your company houses an internal fire brigade that fight fires beyond the incipient stage, all fire brigade members are to be provided with annual training. Any members who are required to conduct internal structural firefighting are to have quarterly educational sessions or training as well.

Fire protection programs must be developed for all phases of construction and demolition jobs and, as a result, employers shall provide firefighting equipment and a trained and equipped fire fighting organization (fire brigade/group of employees that are knowledgeable, trained and skilled in the safe evacuation of employees during emergency situations and in assisting in fire fighting operations).

Confined Space Rescuers

Those who conduct confined space rescue are supposed to hold practice drills once per year.  This applies to both general industry and construction.

Asbestos and Other Chemical and Substance-Specific Training

Anyone exposed to asbestos at or above permissible exposure limits are required to have annual asbestos awareness training. Maintenance personnel who may disturb asbestos within the course of their duties are also required to have annual awareness training.  Those who conduct Class I through IV asbestos operations (removal activities) are also required to have annual training through the construction standards.

Employees with potential exposures to OSHA 1910.1003’s 13 carcinogens, vinyl chloride, polyvinyl chloride, inorganic arsenic, lead, cadmium, benzene, coke oven emissions, cotton dust, acrylonitrile (vinyl cyanide), ethylene oxide, formaldehyde, Methylenedianiline (MDA) and 1, 3-Butadiene are required to have annual safe usage training.  Many of these are referenced individually in both the general industry and construction standards, but the construction standards will often reference the general industry standard rather than having separate rules.  Construction has specific rules for cadmium, chromium, ethylene oxide, lead and MDA.

Others Worth Mentioning

Mechanical Power Presses – Operators of mechanical power presses with the Presence Sensing Device Initiation (PSDI) mode on them are required to have annual operator training.

Agriculture Industry – In grain handling facilities annual training is required for workers at grain handling facilities. Topics to be covered include dust hazards, dust accumulation, ignition control and prevention, cleaning/clearing/housekeeping procedures, hot work procedures, preventative maintenance, lockout/tagout and bin entry and engulfment hazards (for those entering bins). In other agriculture-related workplaces where employees are required to use tractors, annual training regarding rollover protective structures is required and those using farm field equipment, farmstead equipment and cotton gins are required to have safe operating and guarding training annually.

Logging Industry – Supervisors and employees in logging industry operation are required to have annual CPR training, with first aid training every 3 years.

Every 3 years – Because of their prevalence in industry, we thought we’d also mention that forklift recertifications are due every 3 years as is refresher training for Process Safety Management.

Lockout/Tagout – Not necessarily a training requirement, but an annual requirement nonetheless, employers are required to review their energy control procedures at least annually to ensure the procedure and the requirements of the lockout/tagout standard is being followed.

Environmental Training

Looking for annual EPA and environmental training?  In addition to annual safety training, check out our article regarding annual environmental training requirements your company should schedule for the year.

Need Help?

Are you low on staff to conduct your own safety training?  Tired of dealing with generic videos?  We can help!  Check out our onsite safety training and customized training options.

Environmental Training

Now that you’ve learned what safety training is required annually, learn more about what environmental training is required annually.


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Which Annual Environmental Training Should You Add to Your Calendar?

Which Annual Environmental Training Should You Add to Your Calendar?

Recently we covered the required annual OSHA safety training requirements your company should be scheduling each year.  What about the most common annual EPA or environmental training requirements?

RCRA Hazardous Waste

Training is required for anyone handling or managing hazardous waste. For large quantity generators this training is required annually by federal regulations. For conditionally exempt small quantity generators and small quantity generators, annual training is not specified in the federal regulations but is considered a best practice.

Many states have their own hazardous waste regulations which can vary from the federal version and even be stricter, so be aware of the regulations for your area. For example, in Kansas, small quantity generators are specifically required to have annual training.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3)

Training is required annually for any facility required to have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan, and in some locations, additional training may also be required. iSi did a stormwater training project for a client who had facilities in 48 states, and one of the modules we produced had a clickable state map where the learner could go learn about the rules for their state.   In our research, we found stormwater rules can vary greatly from state to state, and in some cases, from municipality to municipality.  State general permits have expiration dates on them and will be updated when the new one is issued, so check with your state’s environmental agency and find their general permit to see what the rules are.

[Don’t have time to look it up?  Contact us and we can get you pricing to have one of our environmental team members look up the most recent permit for your state(s) and determine what your requirements are, and what your training needs to cover.  (We can do the training too or make the slides for you if you need it.)]

Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC)

Any company required to have an SPCC Plan must conduct training annually.  SPCC Plans ensure facilities have containment and other countermeasures in place to prevent oil spills from reaching navigable waters. Annual training is required for oil-handling personnel to ensure the prevention measures and procedures are in place, understood and followed.  This training should include the procedures and policies written in your SPCC plan.

Facility Response Plan (FRP)

FRPs are plans regarding oil spill responses after the spills occur. For those who are required to have FRPs in accordance with 40 CFR Part 112, there is training required as well as hands-on exercises. The National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program (PREP) is to be used for the hands-on portion and the U.S. Coast Guard’s Training Elements for Oil Spill Response can be used for the classroom training.

Qualified individual and emergency procedures exercises must be conducted quarterly, equipment deployment exercises must be conducted semiannually, and incident management team tabletop exercises must be conducted annually. There are additional requirements for unannounced and after business hour training.

This is different from HAZWOPER, which is an OSHA requirement, but you could incorporate some of the exercises as part of your annual HAZWOPER training.


Those certified as asbestos workers, contractor/supervisors, inspectors, planners and project designers are required to complete annual refresher training.

On the OSHA side, maintenance personnel who may disturb asbestos within the course of their duties are required to have annual awareness training. Although EPA addresses awareness training for these workers, it’s OSHA that requires the training annually.

Others Worth Mentioning

TSDF facility personnel must have RCRA emergency response training, and that training can be HAZWOPER if it meets the RCRA requirements. HAZWOPER refresher training is due annually.

There are other annual environmental training requirements for industrial processes which are not as widespread including municipal solid waste combustors, medical waste incinerators, and underground hazardous waste injection wells. Much of this training is also conducted by EPA or state-approved training providers.

Others Required, but Not Annually:

  • NESHAP Subpart HHHHH (6H) for Paint Stripping and Surface Coating Operations:  Every 5 years
  • Risk Management Plans: Every 3 years
  • Pesticides: Every 5 years
  • Lead-Based Paint (Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP)): Every 3-5 years depending on the initial test you took
  • DOT (for hazardous waste manifest signing): Every 3 years
  • IATA (for air shipments of hazardous materials): Every 2 years
  • IMDG (for vessel shipments of hazardous materials): Every 3 years

Annual OSHA Safety Training

If you missed our blog on annual OSHA safety training needed, you can find that here.


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Are You Required to Have IMDG Training?

Are You Required to Have IMDG Training?

Recently one of our clients had a shipment of their product rejected at a port in Europe.  They had been sending it there for years without incident, but this time was different.  Inspectors chose to verify their paperwork and they were missing crucial IMDG dangerous goods paperwork.  All methods of hazardous materials transportation have specific training requirements, but the one which often catches people by surprise is IMDG.

If you ship hazardous materials by vessel or over water, you are required to follow the rules of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) code.  This includes companies who are:

  • Loading shipping containers onsite;
  • Using third-party companies to load shipping containers for them onsite; and,
  • Sending hazardous materials to freight forwarders or third-parties to be loaded somewhere else.

You May Qualify Without Knowing It

Shipping containers are used for overseas transport, but also keep in mind they are used to transport products to U.S. states such as Hawaii and Alaska as well as U.S. territories.  For example, a different client of ours was responsible for gathering together all the products needed for opening a new Wal-Mart store, and some of those were hazardous materials.  When there were new Wal-Marts to open in Alaska and Hawaii, those products needed to be loaded into shipping containers.  As a result, that company became subject to the rules of IMDG.

Keep in mind that even small quantities can trigger requirements.  For example, we have clients who send vehicles and farm implements via vessel.  Along with the vehicles are boxes of oils and lubricants for operation once they are unpacked.  This triggers hazardous materials regulations.  Even residual fluids left over in the engines that got there when the factory tested it to make sure it worked triggers hazardous materials regulations.

Just like in DOT regulations for ground shipments and IATA regulations for air shipments, goods loaded into the containers must be packaged in certified packages that have design qualification reports for them.  Special IMDG dangerous goods paperwork called a Dangerous Goods Transport Document is also needed to accompany the shipment and all packages and the container need to be labeled and placarded accordingly. 

Even if you use a third-party to handle this for you, it’s still your company’s responsibility to make sure they are complying with the rules as you are the shipper and it’s your company who will be dealing with the regulators and with potentially unhappy customers the further the goods are delayed.

Training Requirements

If IMDG applies to your operations, the following personnel need to have training upon employment or assignment to hazardous materials duties:

Anyone who…

  • Classifies and/or identifies the proper shipping names of dangerous goods (hazardous materials);
  • Packs dangerous goods;
  • Marks, labels or placards dangerous goods;
  • Load/unload dangerous goods;
  • Prepare transportation documents;
  • Offers or accepts dangerous goods for transport;
  • Handles, loads or unloads dangerous goods into or from ships;
  • Prepares dangerous goods loading/stowage plans;
  • Carries dangerous goods in transport;
  • Enforces, surveys or inspects dangerous goods for compliance; and is,
  • Otherwise involved as determined by a competent authority.

As with other hazardous materials training, students are required to have general awareness, safety, and function-specific training.  Refreshers are required every 3 years.

Does this requirement apply to your company?  iSi has regularly scheduled IMDG courses and can provide them onsite on your own schedule, at your own convenience.  Check here for our course schedule or contact us here for more information and pricing for an onsite class at your facility!

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Learning Management Systems: Compliance Training

Learning Management Systems: Compliance Training

Learning Management Systems: Compliance Training

What is LMS compliance?

An LMS compliance learning management system is a software application that helps companies manage and monitor employee compliance training programs.

These systems help ensure that employees receive the correct training, complete it in a timely manner, and are able to demonstrate their understanding of the material.

LMS compliance systems must meet certain requirements in order to be effective. They must be able to automatically deliver training content to employees based on job role or other factors. They must also be able to track employee progress and provide reports on completion rates.

Finally, they should integrate with other HR systems to streamline the process and make it easier for managers to see which employees need more training. Your company or organization should absorb lms by ahearing to all rules and regulations.

LMS are not only for compliance training or corporate compliance, they can be for training programs, sexual harassment, blended learning, intervention strategies, anti harassment training, general data protection regulation, safety training, fire safety, and much more! Educational institutions and accrediting organizations use them as well.

What is an LMS in corporate training?

A corporate LMS is an essential tool for delivering online employee training and learning content to employees. This learning management system was developed by the leaders in the eLearning industry who also developed compliance training online.

This program helps onboard new employees, then get them the knowledge and skills required to perform their roles, and advance faster in their careers, while prioritizing their physical safety by lowering risk for all employees.

A complete training program will provide a central repository for all your organization’s mandatory training and learning content. It should be easy to use and allow employees to access the content they need, when they need it.

With compliance training solutions, you will find engaging learning experiences, award-winning lms while keeping employees engaged and your company’s reputation at an all-time high.

When choosing corporate compliance training LMS, there are a few key features to look for:

– Ease of use: The system should be easy to use for both administrators and learners.

– Flexibility: The LMS should be able to accommodate different types of content, including videos, articles, and quizzes.

– Reporting: The system should provide detailed reports on employee progress and activity.

– Mobile compatibility: The LMS should be accessible on mobile devices so employees can learn on the go.

It is important to keep the employee training mandated, make training engaging, and offer diverse training for all businesses and organizations. Implementing effective strategies and compliance training programs can help maintain regulatory compliance.



What should compliance training include?

Safety and compliance training go hand in hand. Workplace safety is incredibly important, and your compliance training should include information on all forms of workplace safety.

This includes everything from evacuation plans in the event of a fire or disaster, to how to spot the signs of workplace violence, to company policies for handling violent scenarios.

Make sure you know your company’s protocols inside and out, so that you can keep yourself and your colleagues safe in any situation. Workplace safety is a top priority, so don’t take it lightly! There are many forms of compliance training. Below are a few ones of importance.

Harassment is a form of discrimination that includes any unwelcome, unwanted, or offensive behavior that is based on an individual’s protected characteristic, such as their race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy), age, disability, genetic information, or sexual orientation.

Harassment can take many different forms and can occur in person or online.

Some examples of harassment include:

• making offensive or derogatory comments about someone’s protected characteristic

• posting offensive or derogatory comments about someone online

• engaging in physical conduct that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment (such as blocking someone’s path or touching them in a sexual way without their consent)

Employees who feel valued and respected are more likely to be engaged and productive. Diversity training can help your team members understand the benefits of a diverse workforce and how to create an inclusive environment.

When creating a diversity training program, focus on the following key points:

– The importance of listening to one another

– How different viewpoints can lead to better work

– The value of feeling safe and respected in the workplace

By teaching your team members about the importance of diversity, you can create a more positive and productive work environment for everyone.

What is the purpose of compliance training?

The purpose of compliance training is to ensure that employees understand all the relevant laws, regulations, and internal policies that govern their work.

It also helps them understand why it is important to follow these rules. compliance training can help reduce the risk of legal problems for your organization, and it can also improve employee morale and productivity.

When developing regulatory compliance training, there are several factors to consider. First, you need to decide what type of training will be most effective for your organization.

There are many different types of compliance training available where your team can be automatically enrolled, including online courses, classroom-based instruction, and on-the-job training. You also need to consider who will be responsible for delivering the training. These programs can be used for marketing purposes as well.

In some cases, it may be best to hire an outside consultant or trainer. However, in other cases, it may be more cost-effective to have someone within your organization deliver the compliance training.

What are a few examples of compliance training?

There are many different types of corporate compliance and compliance training that organizations can provide to their people. Some common compliance examples include:

Information security training:

This type of training focuses on computer security and helps those employed with your company understand how to protect sensitive data and protect the organization’s values, job function, company culture, and business ethics.

Workplace safety training:

This type of training covers topics like fire, first aid, and emergency evacuation procedures. It helps their people stay safe in the workplace and know what to do in case of an accident or incident. This is very important to cover in compliance training.

It is the employee’s role to ensure compliance with these learning objectives. For a certain industry, their team needs to be aware and on alert for bloodborne pathogens.

Data protection & privacy training:

This type of training covers topics like data handling, storage, and destruction procedures. It helps employees understand how to protect the personally identifiable information of customers and clients.

Diversity training:

This type of training covers topics like cultural awareness and sensitivity. It helps employees understand the importance of diversity in the workplace and how to create an inclusive environment for a business or organization. Diversity issues can be an issue in any industry which can put your company’s reputation at risk. This may come with social learning tactics as well.

Workplace anti-harassment training:

This type of training covers topics like recognizing and reporting harassment. It helps employees understand what constitutes harassment and how to report it if they experience or witness it.

It is important that employee engagement is at a high with this compliance training lms. This course content involves many ethical issues and it is very important that your people follow the learning materials. It is safe to say, very business wants to avoid criminal prosecution in any form.

Healthcare training:

This type of training covers topics like infection control and safety procedures. It helps employees understand how to protect themselves and others from diseases and injuries.

Export and trade compliance training:

This type of training covers topics like export regulations and controlled items. It helps employees understand the requirements for exporting goods and products from the country.

What is the purpose of compliance?

The purpose of compliance is to ensure that your company and employees follow all laws, regulations, standards, and ethical practices that apply to your organization and industry.

Enforcing compliance helps your company prevent and detect violations of rules, which protects your organization from fines and lawsuits. Corporate compliance covers both internal policies and procedures, as well as federal and state laws.

Compliance is important because it helps businesses avoid penalties for breaking the law, maintain a good reputation, and foster a culture of ethical behavior. Establishing and enforcing compliance programs can be costly, but the costs of non-compliance can be even higher.

Fines for breaking the law can be significant, and companies may also suffer damages to their reputation if they are found to have violated ethical standards. A culture of compliance can help reduce the risk of people engaging in unethical or illegal behavior, which can save a company money and protect its good name.

Can’t get your team together for training programs? There are online compliance training programs as well.

Why is employee compliance training important?

Compliance training is important for several reasons. First, it helps to ensure safety in the workplace. Second, it can increase employee productivity by teaching them how to work more efficiently and safely. Finally, compliance training can help protect your business reputation by ensuring that your employees are following all the regulations applicable to compliance.

Employee compliance training courses are important because it helps to ensure safety in the workplace. By teaching employees how to work safely, you can help reduce the number of accidents and injuries that occur in your workplace.

Additionally, compliance training can help increase employee productivity by teaching them how to work more efficiently. Finally, compliance training can help protect your business reputation by ensuring that your people are following all the required regulations. Be sure to log all compliance training records.

When selecting a compliance training program for your organization, it is important to choose one that is comprehensive and up-to-date. Additionally, the program should be tailored to the specific needs of your organization. By doing this, you can help ensure that your team is receiving the best possible compliance training and that they are able to comply with all the requirements.

Compliance: Conclusion-

The importance of compliance training and adhering to rules and regulations, cannot be overstated. Not only does it help to ensure safety in the workplace, but it can also increase employee productivity and protect your business reputation. It’s vital your employees absorb lms because they will be able to maintain compliance. By investing in compliance training, you can help to create a safer and more efficient workplace for everyone involved.

About iSi

iSi Industrial Services and iSi Environmental have teamed to provide environmental remediation, industrial cleaning and EHS consulting services for over 30 years. Our staff of 20+ in house consultants, combined with teams of experienced remediation crews, gives us the capability to handle unique issues that arise at any facility. Headquartered in Wichita, Kansas, our team services offices in Kansas City, Tulsa, and Atlanta. Contact us now via phone (316-348-4107) or through the website and we will put your project on the schedule.

How Can We Help? Ask a Question or Request Info or Pricing

Do you need an idea of where you stand with EPA or OSHA regulations?  Do you need full-time or temporary personnel to manage the day-to-day compliance tasks?  Would your employees benefit from onsite environmental training?  Our team of environmental consultants, safety consultants and industrial hygienists would love to help. Call (316) 264-7050 today!

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It’s “Basic” Environmental and Safety Training with iSi’s EHS Bootcamp Virtual Seminar

It’s “Basic” Environmental and Safety Training with iSi’s EHS Bootcamp Virtual Seminar

EHS bootcamp

More About EHS Bootcamp

Visit our EHS Bootcamp website to learn more about the agenda and to register!

Starting out, every day as an EHS professional felt overwhelming.  I started at this company doing one thing, but I inherited EHS duties somewhere along the way.  I didn’t have any formal training and I was wearing so many hats that I didn’t have a lot of time to search out training opportunities anyway.  Over the years I was able to sift through the complex language of the regs, enough to identify what we needed to do to stay compliant.  However, I always wished there was a course available to help weave through the madness. 

— Many EHS Professionals We Meet

Does this sound familiar?  We have worked with hundreds of EHS (environmental, health and safety) professionals over the years, and this is a story we hear all of the time.  Very few people go to college to become an EHS professional, but somehow they end up being one.  Safety regulations have a lot of standards to wade through and sometimes they tell you what you are required to do, or what they think you should do.  Environmental regulations can be a whole other animal, with lots of arms and legs and elbows and teeth.  In many cases available training is either pinpointed on a specific topic or is very generalized.  

That’s why iSi has developed our EHS Bootcamp.

What’s an EHS Bootcamp?

Our bootcamps deliver overview and compliance information about specific regulatory topic areas in 45 min-1 hour increments.  Within these sessions we explain what the reg is about, why it’s important, what the documentation requirements are and any other items you need to know about it.

We feel our EHS Bootcamps will be good for those who are new to the industry, those who have been in it a while and need a refresher, and those who deal with EHS regulations only on a limited basis.  

September 24 EHS Bootcamp

Our first ever EHS Bootcamp will be online on September 24.  We will have 2 tracks…an environmental track and a safety track with new topics every hour.    You can choose the sessions you want to attend as they happen.  So if you take care of both environmental and safety duties, you can choose from a mix of both sessions. 

As an introduction, we’re offering this event for of only $100 per ticket!  So if you have a conference that you were going to attend this fall that has been cancelled, think about attending this one!

Site-Specific EHS Bootcamps

We have many more presentations built and envision providing custom bootcamps to be held for individual companies. If this is something you’d like to see at your company, email us for more information.

We hope that our EHS Bootcamp will help you hone your professional skills and point out compliance issues you weren’t aware of.


Check out the agenda below for our September 24 event!


All times listed in Central Time


9:00am – 10:00am

Environmental Track: Hazardous Waste

Safety Track: Regulatory Inspection Process


10:00am – 11:00am

Environmental Track: Clean Air Act/Air Permitting

Safety Track: Chemical Inventory for Hazcom


11:00am – Noon

Environmental Track: Stormwater

Safety Track: Injury Reporting and Worker’s Compensation


Noon - 1:00 pm

General Session
ISO Certification: More About ISO 14001 and the New ISO 45001


1:00pm – 2:00pm

Environmental Track: Spills: SPCC and Contingency Plans

Safety Track: PSM and RMP


2:00pm – 3:00pm

Environmental Track: Wastewater

Safety Track: Electrical Safety


3:00pm – 4:00pm

Environmental Track: EPCRA and Emergency Planning

Safety Track: Developing an Industrial Hygiene Plan


4:00pm – 5:00pm

Environmental Track: DHS Chemicals of Interest

Safety Track: OSHA Emergency Action Plans



Marc Mason

Strategic Channel Manager

Marc is the leader of our sales and marketing team, and as a member of iSi’s family ownership group, he has been around iSi pretty much all of his life.  Besides business development efforts, Marc works with iSi’s departments and our clients to help find and implement new technologies for better efficiencies and client benefit.

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Electronic EHS Training: Maintain Certifications, Complete Requirements Now

Electronic EHS Training: Maintain Certifications, Complete Requirements Now

With stay-at-home orders mandated in many states, counties and cities across the U.S. due to the COVID-19 breakout, business operations have been dramatically affected – including environmental, health and safety training (EHS training).  Unless otherwise noted by regulatory agencies, compliance requirements are still required to be followed.  To help our clients stay compliant for the duties they’re performing iSi has electronic training options to help you make sure you maintain your certifications. 

With many business operations disrupted, this may actually be a very good time to get your required training taken care of for the year.

Viewing Options — How It Works

iSi can provide electronic EHS training in a number of ways.  One interactive option is our live instructor-led training that’s given through web conferencing.  Our online system allows for students to view slides and the instructor, ask questions both via audio and privately in a questions window, chat with other students in a chat room, respond to polls, download handouts, and take notes within the system that they can have emailed to them.  This provides interactive learning and because it’s live, questions can still be asked of the instructor. 

Need to watch at your convenience? iSi also has the ability to record presentations through the system and provide you a link so that your workers can watch on their own time.  These two options may be the best for training conducted now, but we provide longer term solutions such as slides with voiceover that can be used at your own schedule, produced videos, and even online modules with tests that can be imported into your learning management system.

March and April Scheduled Classes Moved Online

We currently have moved our scheduled March and April DOT and RCRA training classes online in order to help those registered stay certified.  DOT is especially strict about letting workers sign off on hazardous materials shipments past training deadlines, as it’s forbidden.  We have the following classes available for registration:

DOT Refresher:  March 27
DOT (Initial Training):  April 23-24
RCRA Hazardous Waste Management Refresher:  April 17

Our asbestos classes were not able to be moved to online methods due to our licensing requirements with the state of Missouri.  They do not allow electronic training alternatives.

Other Classes Available

iSi can provide a variety of other electronic EHS training classes covering OSHA general safety, EPA compliance, and DOT, IATA and IMDG hazmat shipping.  Contact us today to see how we can help you and maybe take care of some of your EHS training over the next few weeks. 

Complete Your EHS Training Now

Which courses can we prepare for you?  Contact us today!


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What OSHA Says About Using Online Safety Training Courses

What OSHA Says About Using Online Safety Training Courses

OSHA's opinion on online safety training

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OK, OK, before anyone has a chance to say “of course you’re going to write THIS article,” we want to make it clear that although iSi may be known for the face-to-face classes we hold at our offices and onsite at client facilities, we DO write and produce online and computer-based training modules.  Thus, we are in favor of training in all forms, including online.  Online and computer-based classes can be a great tool for your training program, especially in places where there is high turnover, multiple shifts, or high numbers of employees at the facility.

Now…on to the article.

Recently, an OSHA interpretation letter was published that asked the question:

Are online training programs acceptable for compliance with OSHA’s worker training requirements?

OSHA’s Opinion of Online Safety Training

The response from OSHA said that although online safety training can be a valuable part of your training program, you cannot use it by itself to meet OSHA requirements unless it contains hands-on interactive elements.   OSHA says that training requires a mastery of the material that would include safe uses of tools and equipment.  The students must be able to interact with the proper equipment and tools.  This benefits not only the new student, but is a good refresher for those who are more skilled and also allows a qualified instructor to make sure the student has mastered the skill.

The interpretation letter references a previous letter published in 1994 that mentions HAZWOPER (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response) as an example.  In HAZWOPER, hands-on use of personal protective equipment is very important.  Training should include how to don and doff the PPE and include a way to ensure the student is comfortable doing so and is doing it correctly.  The information also needs to be able to somewhat be tailored to the student’s situation.  OSHA adds that this hands-on training needs to be conducted in a non-hazardous location as well.

This would also be the case for any powered industrial vehicle training.  In each of those courses, there is a classroom portion about the hazards that could be done online.  However, specific hands-on training with the actual equipment, whether that be a forklift, a scissor lift, a tug that pulls an airplane, etc., needs to be conducted in a hands-on fashion with the student operating the equipment and an instructor evaluating his/her performance and providing guidance.

Ability to Ask Questions

Another requirement to be meet OSHA standards is the student must be able to ask questions of an instructor.  Some of the topics may be unfamiliar, and OSHA values the student’s ability to ask questions and receive them in a timely manner.  They say that not having this interaction impedes the student’s ability to comprehend the material and retain it.

OSHA suggests that to take care of this requirement, a way to ask questions should be built into the program.  They mention a hotline number could be used, but you may also be able to use email or chat. 

Regardless of what you use, the contact needs to go directly to a qualified trainer and the responses need to come back in a timely fashion.

Where to Find These Interpretations

To review these OSHA interpretation letters regarding online safety training, read the one from 2019 here, and the one from 1994 here

Are you using online safety training for your company and now need to rethink how you’re administering it based on OSHA’s guidance?  Let iSi help you!  Contact us today for guidance, hands-on assistance, or customized online training modules that can be imported into your company’s learning management system.

Do you need assistance in administering your safety training programs?  Let us help – contact us today!

The Importance of Professional Organizations and Conferences to Your EHS Compliance

The Importance of Professional Organizations and Conferences to Your EHS Compliance

tami hadley

About the Author: Tami Hadley, iSi’s Marketing Director, has been involved in numerous professional organizations as a member and leader and has served on conference planning committees for over 23 years.

Fall is a busy time for iSi as there are a number of environmental, health and safety (EHS) conferences and professional organizations we’re involved in.  At a recent conference, I was reminded how important getting out to these events can be to an EHS professional’s job.

Although EHS professional groups and conferences have one big difference, that being the frequency in which they are held, they are quite similar in their advantages.

Stay Current on Regulations

Although you may subscribe to the Federal Register, blogs and newsletters, how often do you read them? Are you looking at all of them all the time? Do your sources encompass all aspects of EHS compliance that your company is required to follow?

It’s super easy to miss something. Professional groups and conferences allow you direct access to new information and discussion about upcoming regulations. Often the regulators themselves will be the speakers and will give you some extra insight into new regulations, what has changed and why, what’s on the horizon, and what the compliance nuances are. The regulators are also there to answer your questions.

Meet People Who Have the Same Issues You Do

One of the most valuable things about conferences and meetings are the people you’ll meet. At your company you may be the only person responsible for EHS, and perhaps that can be a lonely feeling sometimes. However, you are not alone. There others in your area who are in the same boat as you are. They can help and give you advice.

Besides commiserating with you, they can give you ideas on how to solve issues, can tell you what works for them, and who the good vendors are. I’ve seen people share templates and programs with each other, visit each other’s facilities, discuss what’s working for them, and share training classes with each other.

Connecting and Recruiting

Making connections can be very valuable. One of the number one keys to making a connection is bringing value and sharing value because what you are able to give often comes back to you multiple times over. Goodwill begets goodwill. The people that you meet can introduce you to people they know who may be able to give you information or recommend a solution or a vendor.  It’s the old adage, it’s not what you know but who you know.

Are you looking for good employees to help you at your facility? These events are great for determining potential candidates and seeing who the most respected and knowledgeable professionals in the area are. You may not need someone now, but having an idea of who is in the area and having them know you will save you a ton of time later. Conversely, it’s a chance for you to highlight your expertise as well.  If you are new to the industry or to your job, a group like this can expose you to a lot of different topics and help you learn a lot of things you may not get otherwise.

Unplugging is a Good Thing

Besides the list of tasks we’re expected to accomplish each day, we are inundated by phone calls, emails, texts, persons coming by, fires to put out, etc. The day-to-day grind can really get in the way of continuing education. How many times have you been in a training class at your site and have gotten pulled out for some reason, or have been watching a webinar at your desk only to get interrupted by someone coming in your office or calling you?

Getting offsite for a day or two, or even for a lunch or a breakfast, sets aside a time for you to get your focus back onto learning something new. Even if the speaker doesn’t teach you something new, the time away to immerse yourself in the topic may jolt some new ideas because you’ve had the time to unplug from the clutter and focus on the topic at hand.

It’s OK to Sit by a Vendor

Don’t discount the value of vendors and suppliers. Sure, it’s most likely they are there to make connections, but these people can be some of your biggest sources of information and intelligence in all things EHS. Vendors and suppliers will often have some of the latest and greatest in compliance technologies, methods, best practices, products, apps, etc. You may not need them now, but having them there gives you an idea of who you can call when you need something.

Vendors can also tell you a lot about what companies like yours are doing, how problems have been solved by others and what is going on in the industry. It’s also their job to know who the EHS people are in your area and so they can also be great connectors for you. They go to a variety of events, so you may learn about other specialty groups and conferences and opportunities you didn’t already know about.

List of Organizations

I want to be a valuable connection for you, so below is a list of professional organizations which focus on EHS issues and may have chapters in your area. In addition to these organizations, look for other local groups in your area which are not affiliated with national chapters. There are a lot of them out there.

For conferences, I’ve seen that almost every state has a safety conference and an environmental conference. Sometimes they are combined or sometimes they are conducted within other conferences.

I can give you some specific ideas for groups and events in and around the areas in which iSi has offices: Kansas (state of Kansas and Kansas City area), Oklahoma, Georgia and surrounding states. Contact me and let me know which area(s) you’re interested in and I’ll get back with you with some ideas. In the meantime, here are some national organizations with chapters all across the U.S.:

American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP)

American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)

Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals (AHMP)

National Safety Council (NSC)

Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA)

Which national EHS organizations am I missing? Let me know and I’ll add them to this article!

Did we miss a national EHS group? Are you looking for groups and conferences in your area?  Contact us today!

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