Back to Work Safety

Back to Work Safety

After being off for the holidays or any time of vacation, sometimes it’s hard to get back into the groove of working.  This is a time where it’s easy to not be as mindful about safety as we usually are.

Workplace accidents tend to be higher after people come back from an extended break, whether it be the holidays or a vacation. As a result, we need to be extra mindful about a safety focus when we come back.

Here are some tips to help get back in a safety mindset:

  • Review Job Safety/Job Hazard Analyses—What are the correct safety procedures and PPE required to do the job safely?
  • Take a look around—is the jobsite safe? Have there been changes?  Are there safeguards missing?
  • Don’t take shortcuts
  • As you go about your work, take extra time and effort throughout the days to stop and focus on safety hazards in front of you. Take a few seconds to look around and survey the area to see if there are hazards that can hurt you or co-workers.
  • The first of the year is a good time to stop and do some safety reviews to easily jog memories and get back into the right mindset. This also will allow workers the opportunity to ease back into the routine.
  • Start off the year by taking stock and inventory of tools and equipment. Do inspections to make sure they’re in good condition and functioning correctly.
  • Do your eyewash stations and emergency decon stations work correctly?
  • Do first aid kits need restocking?
  • Does signage need to be replaced?
  • Are labels intact and legible?
  • Do fire extinguishers need recharging?
  • How does housekeeping look? Do we need to clean up and clean out work areas?
  • What are your safety goals for the year? What do we want them to be?
  • Make sure you are getting good rest, nutrition, hydration and exercise. Sometimes the holidays can take a lot out of us and break our routine and this will help us get back to “normal.”
  • Return to a normal home routine as well. If operations are normal at home, they’re more likely to become normal at work.
  • Before you get to work, clear your head of lingering issues and put those away for after work.
  • Look out for each other. Be mindful that others may be distracted and unfocused too.


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Seasonal Distractions

Seasonal Distractions

The holidays are a busy time for most of us and with that comes a lot of distraction, stress, fatigue and loss of focus. These are all things that can negatively affect our safety.

Holiday Distractions:

It’s important to be aware that these conditions may be occurring not only with ourselves, but with our co-workers:
• Pressures to finish projects by the end of the year or before a vacation/shut down;
• Stress from the financial impact the holidays can have on some of us;
• Stress from feeling there’s not enough time to “get it all done”;
• Rushing to get things accomplished so we can go home;
• Family commitments, evening events, parties to attend or get ready for;
• The effects of working longer hours for overtime pay or to accomplish tasks (stress, lack of sleep); and,
• And sometimes the holidays are a very hard and depressing time for some, so there are co-workers dealing with emotional stress generated by the season.

All of these can cause us to lose focus and overlook hazards we may normally catch.

How to Better Cope With Them:

• Be mindful that this is a time that all of us can lose focus, so if you find your mind wandering, stop and refocus on your task. Be on the lookout for your co-workers and help each other stay on task. When we lose focus is when safety hazards are missed and accidents occur.
• Don’t rush or cut corners, this can lead to mistakes and the need to redo work which will cause you twice the time and effort.
• When moving from task to task, take 4 seconds to stop and survey the hazards around you
• Plan, plan, plan! If you come up with a plan and/or a schedule to get your personal and work tasks accomplished (and the sooner you do it) the less likely you’ll be as stressed about what needs to be done.
• Prioritize both at work and at home. What has to be done, and what can wait until after the holidays? What can you take off your list? And then, what can you scale back on at home? Some people want the holidays to be perfect, but do they really need to be perfect? Sometimes taking one more thing off your list will make a big difference in reducing stress.
• Make sure you’re eating right. You need to feed that engine that’s needed to keep you going to get your stuff done.
• Stick to the same sleep schedule and make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep will cause you to be less focused and more stressed.
• Take it easy on the alcohol.
• Be extra mindful for housekeeping. Sometimes visual clutter can cause mental clutter. Plus ensuring proper housekeeping will also remove hazards that could cause issues if you or your coworkers are not paying close attention.
• The holidays can be a sad and depressing time for some, so be on the lookout for your coworkers. If you are the one feeling depressed, seek a counselor to help or talk to someone about it. If you see a colleague having struggles, let their supervisor know and be there for each other.
• Don’t forget to breathe! Take deep breaths to calm and refocus. Take slow, deep breaths. Inhale, count to 3 slowly and gradually exhale. Do this for 4-5 repetitions to help you feel more relaxed.



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Thanksgiving Safety Tips to Share With Your Employees, Family and Friends

Thanksgiving Safety Tips to Share With Your Employees, Family and Friends

As a safety consultant, we make sure that our teams know about safety in all aspects of their life, not just the OSHA kind at work.   Safety at home is just as important as safety at work.  Below are some tips for Thanksgiving Safety, including a link to download a PDF copy to share with your own team.

The Food

  • Keep food prep surfaces and utensils clean and sanitized to reduce the risk of salmonella. Keep cutting boards separate: one for meats and one for cooked foods, vegetables and fruits. Sanitize after each use.
  • Thaw your frozen turkey in the refrigerator by allowing 3-4 days or approximately 1 day per every 5 lbs. Or…thaw by submerging it in cold water. Replace the water every 30 minutes until the turkey is thawed. This method takes approximately 30 minutes for each pound. Once thawed, make sure it’s cooked within 2 days. Small turkeys can be defrosted in the microwave, but they’ll need to be immediately cooked.
  • If you cook your stuffing inside the turkey, stuff it just before roasting.
  • Use a meat thermometer to see if the turkey is completely cooked. The temperature needs to reach 165° F when inserted in the thickest area of the thigh and in the center of the stuffing if inside the bird.
  • Refrigerate all leftovers within 2 hours after cooking. Leftovers should be eaten within 3-4 days. If you are going to freeze leftovers, do that right away.
  • Don’t put a glass casserole dish or lid on the burner—it will explode from the heat.
  • Porch pumpkins do not make good pumpkin pies—use sugar pumpkins.

Cooking and the Kitchen

  • Stay in the kitchen when cooking on the stovetop so you can keep an eye on the food, and stay home when cooking your turkey – check on it frequently.
  • Don’t leave food cooking or the stove unsupervised.
  • Keep children 3 ft. away from hot stoves. Steam or splashes from vegetables, gravy or coffee could cause serious burns.
  • Keep baking soda on hand to put out kitchen fires.
  • Keep a household fire extinguisher nearby.
  • Keep the floor clear so you don’t trip over kids, pets, toys, bags, etc.
  • Be sure electric cords from coffee makers, plate warmers, mixers and electric knives are not dangling off the counter that could easily be bumped, or come within easy reach of a child.
  • Follow all instructions carefully when using a deep fryer and monitor closely! Keep it outside away from the house, out of the garage and off the deck. Never leave it unattended. Never wear loose fitting clothing such as long open sleeves that can catch fire from a gas flame. Fried turkey is good, but fried house and fried you isn’t.


  • A few small boneless pieces of cooked turkey, mashed potato, green beans, sweet potato and a couple licks of pumpkin pie should be ok to share, but don’t allow them to have very much, as they could wind up with a case of upset stomach or diarrhea. No one, your pet nor you, have time for that consequence.
  • Don’t give pets stuffing since herbs, such as sage can cause an upset stomach, so can gravies and sauces made with bouillon cubes. Onions, garlic and chocolate can be toxic. Raw bread dough can cause bloating.
  • Never give your pets turkey bones because they are small and could cause them to choke.
  • Keep your pets away from the food prep for both yours and your guests’ sakes. Well because first, ewww, and next, raw batters can have salmonella that is harmful to pets (and you too).
  • If you will have guests, remember that activity can be overwhelming for your pets, and you may have some guests who will be overwhelmed themselves as some may have pet anxieties. Put out a blanket for or have a quiet place for the pet to go and try to figure out ahead of time if you will need to make an extra effort to keep pets away from any pet-nervous/allergic guests.
  • Take out the trash often.

Shopping and Black Friday

  • Take a deep breath before driving into the parking lot and another one before you go in the store. Remind yourself to figuratively “put on your patient pants.” A lot of people will be stressed out by the whole experience, trying to find a place to park, trying to find what they’re looking for in the store, could be frustrated, standing in your way in the aisle not paying attention to what’s going on around them. Just be ready to be calm and hold your temper. 
  • With labor shortages, be prepared to stand in line. No one likes it, but it’s going to happen. Take that time to catch up on email, check your list, make plans or have a conversation with someone else in line. You’re stuck, just be prepared to make the best of it for your own sanity.
  • If possible, shop with a group of people as alone shoppers are more likely to be targeted by thieves.
  • Put purchases under your car seat or in the trunk. Install covers for SUV trunks. Be wary of what you leave sitting out in the open.
  • Make sure the people you’re shopping with all have a cell phone so you’re not having to run around looking for them when you’re ready to go.
  • Don’t leave your purse unattended in the cart and keep your purse and your billfold close to you when you’re walking in the lot. Keep your head up and eyes scanning the area to prevent becoming a theft target.
  • Don’t carry wads of cash and limit the number of credit cards you carry. Consider using just one credit card for the holidays to limit data breech risk and to better monitor fraudulent charges.
  • If you carry a purse, try to keep your money, phone and keys in separate places so someone can’t run off with everything at once by snatching a purse.
  • Park underneath lights and avoid parking next to oversized vehicles that could block your view.
  • Don’t do online shopping over public Wi-Fi networks. Hover your mouse over links before you click on them to make sure they go to the site they say they do. If a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is.
  • If a retailer wants to know personal info like your birthday or middle name — lie. That’s one less piece of info for the identity thieves. You won’t get in trouble for lying— this time.
  • If you’re going to be gone for Thanksgiving, try not to have packages delivered to your house until after you come back.

Home and Personal Safety

  • Never leave candles unattended, especially around children.
  • Keep greenery, dried leaves, dried flowers, potpourri, wreaths and curtains away from the flame. There are a lot of battery-operated candles that have been made to look like real ones.  Try using those instead.
  • Use timers to operate lights.
  • Make sure your smoke alarms are working.
  • If you’re going out of town:
  • Don’t post pictures on social media until you get back.
  • Turn house telephone ringers down so no one outside can hear repeated rings and turn off radio clock alarms.
  • Never leave a key hidden outside in a conspicuous or traditional place like under the mat. Get creative. Think like a burglar and do the opposite.
  • Secure all windows and keep tree limbs away from those on other stories to reduce the chance of entry that way.
  • Prep your car for the trip and have an emergency kit.
  • This time of year is typical for rain, snow, frost, mud and heavy dew. Wear sturdy shoes to prevent slips, trips and falls on pavement, wet leaves, tile and store floors.
  • For everyone’s sake, don’t drink and drive.


Have a great and SAFE Thanksgiving holiday from all of us at iSi!



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Compressed Air Safety

Compressed Air Safety

Compressed air is used in a multitude of applications in industry — pneumatic tools and equipment, pumps, valves, tires, robotic arms, conveyors, packaging machines, some welding operations, metal cutting, surface preparation, breathing air, natural gas extraction, ventilation systems, pipeline inspection, aeration, agitation, and more. You may think because “it’s just air”, that compressed air is harmless. It’s actually the opposite.

Why Do Safety Policies Tell You to Never Use Compressed Air to Blow Down Your Clothes?

Never use air to clean your clothes, never blow compressed air on yourself, and never blow compressed air at someone else. When compressed air hits your skin, the air can be forced into your tissues through the skin and cause an air bubble in your blood stream. This air bubble can be fatal if it reaches the very small blood vessels of your heart, lungs or brain. Your clothes are not strong enough to protect you. Air blown in your mouth at only 5 psi can rupture your esophagus or lungs.


• Always wear eye protection when using compressed air. Besides the fact that it only takes 12 psi to blow your eye out of its socket, flying particles can damage your eyes. Wear safety glasses with side shields or a face shield.
• Air compressors, impact tools and other compressed air equipment can be loud and damaging to your hearing. Wear ear protection while using.
• Gloves and safety boots are preferred.


• Make sure your hoses are rated to meet the maximum operating pressure of the equipment.
• Keep hoses off the floor/ground where they can trip someone or become damaged by moving equipment, doors or dropped items. If they’re on a self-retracting reel, keep them reeled when not in use. If you don’t have a reel, keep them coiled (without kinks) and hang it over a broad support—not a hook or nail.
• Keep sharp objects away at a distance so they won’t rub on the hose. Don’t wedge hoses in corners or hang them around machines.
• If a hose gets stuck, don’t pull/yank on it until it becomes free. Go to the point where it’s stuck and guide it.
• Inspect hoses on a regular basis for weak points, cuts, frayed covers and other damage. Replace when needed. Weak points of the hose may swell up like a balloon and burst or thrash about dangerously. Before using, make sure connections are properly sealed and there isn’t damage to fittings or the hose itself.
• If a hose bursts and starts to thrash, get out of the way of it and shut off the air supply at its source.


• OSHA’s limit for compressed gasses is 30 psi. Nozzles with relief holes on the tip are often used as a way to comply with the standard and to prevent over pressure if the nozzle were to become dead ended. Never remove the tip off the nozzle or use damaged nozzles where the tip isn’t maintaining the proper opening. This is one of the main inspection items we find regarding compressed air in audits.
• Never used a compressed-air tool or piece of equipment without the proper training, knowledge of the limitations of the equipment, and where the air supply shutoff is located. Air shutoffs should be located as near as possible to the point of operation.
• Besides the hoses, inspect other components of your compressed air systems on a regular basis. This may include air receiver tanks, distribution lines, pressure regulation devices and compressors.
• Only use qualified personnel to conduct maintenance on compressed air devices.
• When conducting maintenance, ensure lockout/tagout procedures are used.
• Unless a pneumatic tool has a quick disconnect plug, before it’s disconnected turn off the air supply and bleed the tool of air

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Summer Safety

Summer Safety

We talk about the holiday season being a big time of distraction when one is focused on a bunch of other things where safety may not always be top of mind. However, the summer can be a big distraction too.  There’s a lot of things that we do in our non-work lives during the summer that can get us hurt and affect our job.  Besides being outside in the nicer weather and longer daylight in the evenings, there are other day and evening functions, weekend outings, and family vacations.  There’s additional outside work to be done such as yardwork, grilling or playing outside in the weather. The following are areas of summer safety you need to be on the lookout for.

Note:  if you like this Summer Safety article, sign up today for our free safety toolbox topic sheets which are delivered to your inbox every other Monday.  We cover safety both at work and at home.


Grill outside, away from structures. Make sure your grill is stable on a flat surface so that it can’t be tipped over. Keep the grill clean and wait for it to cool before you clean it. Check for propane leaks on your gas grill, and if you’re using charcoal, wait for the coals to completely cool before you dispose of them. Always dispose coals into a metal container. If the flame goes out on your grill, turn off the grill AND turn off the gas, then wait 5 min. before relighting. If you use a charcoal grill, only use charcoal starter fluid. If the fire starts to go out, don’t add any starter fluid or any other flammable liquids to the fire.

Mowing and Weed Trimming

On riding mowers, put the mower into neutral before startup and shutdown and make sure the transmission is out of gear and the mower blade clutch is disengaged before startup. Disengage the blade when you’re riding over pavement, sidewalks, and gravel. Keep the mower in gear and slow down when working on slopes and avoid mowing on slopes of angles of more than 15 degrees. Remove the key when not using the mower. Stay 5 ft. away from ditches, embankments, retaining walls, culverts or similar where you could roll over. Never remove roll over protection devices. If mowing near bodies of water, establish a safety zone to make sure you stay at a safe distance.

For walk-behind mowers, rotary blades underneath the mower can rotate at 200 mph. Keep your hands and feet away from the blade area when it’s running. Never remove installed safety guards such as directional flaps or shielded discharge outlets or bypass safety shut down devices such as clutch handles or switches that stop the blade as soon as you let go. Mow back and forth along the side of a steep hill, never up and down the slope.

Did you know that 1/3 of emergency room injuries from weed trimmers are eye-related, so wear your safety glasses. Bring the engine to speed before cutting. Cut away from yourself and when not cutting, run the engine at idle speed. Some types of trimmers may let out more string than you think and cause it to strike you unexpectedly so monitor string length. Before refueling a gas-powered trimmer, place it on the ground and allow the engine to cool. Keep people and pets at least 60 ft. away and stop if you’re approached. Use both hands when operating.

Before servicing your mower or your trimmer, always unplug an electric tool or shut down a gas-powered machine/tool before servicing, cleaning, inspecting, or adjusting it. Use the proper fuel and oil  and be careful when always refuel when the engine is cool.  Don’t service a gas-powered engine inside a storage shed as you could be overcome by carbon monoxide. Turn the power off and disconnect spark plug wires before cleaning, inspecting, and servicing and never touch the spark plug with your hand or a tool when the mower is operating.

Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac

Get familiar with the difference between these plants and how to spot them.  Remember, leaves of three, let them be! For rashes use a cold compress, calamine lotion, non-prescription hydrocortisone cream, or an antihistamine to ease itching.  You can also use other non-traditional treatments such as wrap dipped in apple cider vinegar.  Call your doctor if the rash is near your eyes or covers a large part of your body.

Bees, Wasps, Spiders, Ants, Ticks, etc.

Before performing work in an area, take a site survey to look for any hazards including bees and wasps. Avoid attracting them by wearing light colored clothes and avoid perfumes or cologne.  Do not swat and wave wildly when they approach, instead use a gentle pushing or brushing motion to deter them.  Wear long sleeves and pants and be cautious about walking in high grass or brush, a good hangout for ticks.   Watch where you walk, stand and sit.  Fire ants like to mound under tall grass and brush.  Before picking something up, kick it before you pick it.

Bicycles and Scooters

Make sure you wear helmets and use other safety gear when riding such as high visibility or reflective clothing, shoes (not flip flops or sandals).  Make sure your bikes don’t have broken reflectors and make sure the light works.  Check tires for air and bring extra safety equipment such as a first aid kit and extra tires  if you’re going to do trail riding .  Make sure your wheels, seat and handlebars are tight and that your brakes work.


Never swim alone, and always supervise children. Open water prevents a number of different hazards that pools don’t. These include limited visibility, depth changes, uneven surfaces, unknown objects that can be stepped on, and currents and undertow. Enter the water feet first to prevent head injury. This includes using water slides. Never dive into water that’s less than 8 ft. deep. Be on the lookout for maintenance issues around the swim area. Be alert of wet floors, sharp edges, broken glass, exposed bolts, broken ladders, broken railings and clear markings of water depth. If you find yourself struggling or accidentally fall in, float to live. Try not to panic as calmness will save you. Lean back and use your arms and legs to keep you afloat with gentle movements. Once you’re calm your breathing is controlled, then call for help or swim to safety. Don’t let your dog swim without supervision. While many dogs know how to swim, some can easily tire out.

Pulling Trailers

Choose the right tow vehicle and trailer for the load.  Review the tow capacity and ensure it’s capable of handling the weight of the trailer and what you’re going to be towing on it.  Exceeding the capacity can severely affect handling, braking and damage your vehicle’s suspension. Check the hitch for the maximum trailer and maximum tongue weights it can safely support.  Make sure you have the proper hitch ball for the trailer.  Incorrectly sized hitch balls are the #1 cause of trailer accidents. When hauling loads, 60% of the load on the trailer should be placed on the front half of the trailer, with a tongue weight of 10-15% of the total weight that’s loaded on the trailer.  Ensure weight is evenly distributed on the left and right sides of the trailer.  Straps are critical — broken or cheap straps can fail fast.  Use ratchet straps for anything heavier than an average person and use more than one strap in case one comes loose.  The working load of the strap should be more than the weight of what you’re hauling.  Check your tires on both the vehicle and the trailer and make sure your lights work before you leave.  Take spare bulbs and fuses with you.  Check your brakes and make sure the breakaway cable is properly attached to your tow vehicle.  Carry spare parts such as at least one trailer spare tire as well as extra wheel bearings and hubs.


Make your camp before dark and learn the terrain while it’s still light. Give yourself 2 hours of daylight for setup. Take a good flashlight, check your equipment that it’s in good working order before you leave and pack emergency signaling devices, emergency supplies and a first aid kit. Think about your footing and be alert to slippery areas. Watch for low hanging branches and take extra caution near cliffs, outcroppings, hills, and water edges. No matter how clear a stream looks, it’s likely to contain waterborne parasites & microorganisms, so pack your own water. Make sure your fires are always attended, cannot be spread laterally or vertically (used a grill or stone surface) and drown it with water to put it out. Embers buried deep in the pile can reignite later. Be cautious when using a propane stove. Tents should be flame retardant and far enough away from the campfire. Wear sunscreen, hats, sunglasses and drink plenty of water. Pack carbohydrate-energy bars, granola candy or fruit for instant energy on your hikes.

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Severe Weather — Tornadoes

Severe Weather — Tornadoes

Tornadoes are violent storms that don’t only strike in the traditional “Tornado Alley” region of the U.S. The southeastern part of the U.S. is starting to experience many more tornadoes over the past few years. Tornadoes can strike anywhere, including places like California, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia and New York.

Watch vs. Warning vs. Emergency

A Tornado Watch will be issued when conditions are favorable for severe thunderstorms to become tornadoes and thus you should stay alert and be prepared for changing conditions. A Tornado Warning means a tornado has been sighted or there’s a strong indication that one may develop at any time within the warning box area. A Tornado Emergency is the highest and rarest of warnings. A Tornado
Emergency means a tornado is in progress and will have significant impact to human life with catastrophic destruction to property.

What to Do

It’s critical you have a plan and that everyone knows what the plan is, whether it be at work or at home. What is the plan at work? What is the plan at home? Do your children know what to do if they are home alone? Make sure all of your communication devices are charged before the action is scheduled to begin in your area.

If you’re outside, get inside. It’s not time for photo shoots. There will be plenty others, including chasers, who will get that footage for you. Put on sturdy shoes and take blankets, helmets, and whatever else you can find to protect your head. Put as many barriers between you and the windows and the potential of flying debris as you can.

At Home

Head to the lowest floor. Being completely underground is best, but if that’s not possible, get to the lowest floor and towards the middle of the building. Smaller rooms are good. Stay away from doors, windows which may shatter, and outside walls which may collapse on you. Bathrooms that don’t have windows or outside walls are good because they are typically small and the plumbing adds some structural strength to the room. You can also choose to go under staircases, into closets (shut the door and cover up) and in hallways if you close the doors. In apartments, ground level clubhouses and laundry rooms often provide a good place to go if you live on upper floors. If you live in a mobile home, evacuate! Mobile homes can not stand up to even the smallest EF-1 tornado. It will get rolled over. For this reason, mobile home owners need to be extra vigilant of watches, and have a definite tornado plan ready to execute when needed.

Public Places

If you’re away from home, what do you do? In hotels and motels, review posted safety instructions along with fire exits when you check in. Hallways may be in the hotel’s plan for where to go in case of tornadoes, but make sure they don’t have doors and windows on either end. This makes them a wind tunnel for debris to fly through. Interior bathrooms and closets may be a better option.
In other public places like malls, stores, gas stations, and restaurants, stay inside and put as many walls between you and the outside as possible. Get to the lowest floor, get down and cover up with whatever you have to protect your head and body from flying debris. Don’t leave in your car! Sturdy buildings will protect you better.

Outdoor Activities—Campgrounds, Festivals, RV Parks, Sporting Events

Event planners should convey the plan for taking cover. This makes it all the more important for you to be weather aware! Before checking into an RV Park or campground, learn if there are storm shelters available and where they are located.

On the Road

Vehicles are amongst the last places you want to be in a tornado, so it’s critical you pay attention to weather conditions. If you can delay your trip, do so, but if not, make sure you monitor local radio stations or NOAA weather radio broadcasts, and know ahead of time where you are located. Weather warnings are issued by county, so know which counties you will be in. There are hundreds of weather apps that will track your location and send you alerts and notifications when you are in a watch or warning, even letting you know when lightning or heavy rain is near your area. The chances of being swept up in a tornado are much less than being affected by all the other severe weather that comes with them. Severe thunderstorms can produce large and damaging hail to break your windows, straight line winds that could topple you, and heavy rain to cause flash flooding which may sweep you off the road.

Stop and find a building to seek shelter in. If you’re stuck in traffic, you may need to seek shelter in a ditch, ravine or culvert as the last resort. Despite that very popular video which showed the TV reporter and the family who parked under an overpass and hid up under its girders as the tornado passed over, don’t ever do that! Powerful winds will kick up dangerous debris and send it flying up underneath the bridge like a wind tunnel.

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OSHA Updates Walk Around Rule for Inspections

OSHA Updates Walk Around Rule for Inspections

A new final rule issued by OSHA gives employees the opportunity to designate an employee representative to accompany an inspector during OSHA inspections. The original rule, at 29 CFR 1903.8(c), allowed for employers to have a representative to accompany an inspector, now employees can designate one as well.

This new rule is a result of a 2017 court case where it was found the rule could be interpreted to allow employees to have a representative, but the rule wasn’t written that way.

What’s a Representative Do?

An example of an employer representative to accompany an OSHA inspector would be someone like iSi who provides a safety specialist to be there on behalf of the employer or provides an industrial hygienist for side-by-side sampling.  Now, employees can designate a representative as well.

Employee representatives can be someone internally employed by the company, a union representative, or a non-employee third party.  Third parties need to be someone “reasonably necessary” who can provide technical knowledge or practical experience about the processes and hazards of the types present in the workplace, or provide language and communication skills that facilitate the gathering of information from employees.

What Do You Need to Do?

The final rule is a right for employees, not a standard that requires employers to have any special compliance duties for.  It’s up to the employees to come up with their representative and there’s no formal instructions on how they should do that.  OSHA gives some suggestions on the process employees can use:

  • Chapter 3 of OSHA’s Field Operations Manual says in workplaces where employees are represented by a certified or recognized collective bargaining agent, the highest-ranking union official or union employee representative on-site designates who participates in the walkaround;
  • Employee members of an established safety committee or employees at large can designate the employee walkaround representative (per Chapter 3);
  • Employees can designate an authorized employee representative when they authorize them to file a complaint on their behalf;
  • Employees can also inform the inspector during the walkaround or during interviews that they have an authorized employee representative; or
  • An authorized employee representative can also inform the inspector or OSHA Area Office that they represent employees.

No set number of votes is required to designate an employee representative.  It doesn’t even have to be by a majority.  The person just must be authorized by more than one employee.

OSHA inspectors may determine at the complaint stage who the employee representative is based on who files the complaint or if they are represented by a labor organization. When they arrive onsite, inspectors may also ask if the employees have a designated representative or they may ask employees directly who their representative is.

Qualifications of Representatives

Inspectors have the right to question third party employee representatives on their qualifications or purpose for being there to ensure they’re making a positive contribution to a thorough and effective inspection. Third parties must be an aid in an inspection, not a distraction.  Typically, one employer representative and one employee representative will be allowed during the inspection.  An inspector can allow additional representatives in cases where they think it may benefit the inspection.  If there is more than one employer onsite that will be affected by the inspection, they may be allowed to have their own employer and employee representative. 

In cases where the employer disputes the necessity for the employee representative, and vice versa, the inspector has the final determination on who stays and who doesn’t.

Ground Rules for Inspections

All representatives will need to follow rules that all other visitors to the facility would be asked to follow regarding PPE use, confidentiality, limits on access to certain areas due to trade secrets, use of cell phones/cameras, etc.  Limitations on access, however, cannot interfere with the inspection. Special requirements cannot be placed on inspection representatives.  A documented Visitors Policy would be a good item to have on file at your facility to clearly state requirements for all visitors.

Representatives are not allowed to discuss matters unrelated to the inspection with the employees.

Third parties can participate in the opening conference, the inspection and the closing conference.  Both employer and employee representatives are not to be present for private interviews of the employees unless the employee specifically requests their presence.

Third party representatives cannot disrupt the inspection by doing anything that’s not directly related to a fair and orderly inspection.  Some examples would be preventing an inspector from taking photos, videos, or monitoring samples, preventing the inspector from privately interviewing employees, failing to always stay with the inspector, taking unauthorized photographs, handing out materials or cards, or failing to comply with any other ground rules set by the inspector.

Per the current policy, OSHA will only delay their inspection by 1 hour at the most to allow for offsite representatives to get to the facility.   This applied to employer representatives and will apply to employee representatives as well.

Future Challenges to the Rule

Already it appears this rule could be facing some legal challenges.  The rule was put together pretty quickly for an OSHA rule.  Among the issues brough up that challengers have already voiced include the possibility of introducing union reps in non-union workplaces to solicit and campaign during work hours; attorneys may use this to conduct pre-litigation discovery in personal injury or wrongful death actions; it could bring worker advocacy groups and community organizations without safety expertise into the workplace to organize non-union employees; and, competitors or other security threats could potentially gain access to proprietary information for economic or physical harm.

Learn More

Check out the new rule here.  If you have any questions, or would like to know more about the onsite employer representative services we can provide to you in your next regulatory inspection, contact us here.

Safety Inspections and Corrections

iSi’s safety auditors can help you identify and prioritize the areas where potential violations may exist.  We can also help you correct any issues that have already been found by inspectors. Contact us today!

Curtis Leiker, CSP
Curtis Leiker, CSP


Curtis Leiker, CSP

Certified Safety Professional |  ISO 45001 and 14001 Lead Auditor

Curtis Leiker, CSP is a project manager at iSi Environmental. Besides assisting companies with ISO 14001 and 45001 implementation, Curtis manages environmental and safety programs, reporting and compliance issues for aviation, general industry and agricultural facilities. He’s able to see the big picture, but focus on the details and enjoys working to solve EHS issues.

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ISNetworld:  The Top 10 Items You Need for Compliance

ISNetworld: The Top 10 Items You Need for Compliance

Contractor/vendor prequalification is becoming more and more the norm. ISNetworld is an online contractor safety prequalification program and just one among a crop of other programs like it, including Avetta, PEC Safety, Browz, Veriforce, ComplyWorks, First Verify and others.

Contractor prequalification programs give companies a way to limit the liability risks that onsite contractors can bring.   If you want to work for clients who use these programs, you must pay the cost to be a member and then take the time and effort to enter your company information into the system.

The number of clients for whom we have been asked to complete prequalification paperwork or join these types of systems has exploded in the last couple of years.  Some of our clients used to have teams of people tracking this information from contractors (and some didn’t track this stuff at all.).  These programs allow them to turn that responsibility over to someone else, and it puts a lot of the tracking responsibilities back onto the contractors themselves.  Sometimes this is seen as a way to narrow the field of potential contractors to just the serious ones who have good policies and performance.

Although there are lots of programs out there, we’re going to focus on ISNetworld because they are one of the leaders in this industry and they are one of the ones who ask for the most information.  At first glance, ISNetworld setup can be a daunting task. To help get you prepared, we present the Top 10 items you’ll need to gather for ISNetworld compliance (and just about any other safety prequalification program).

  1. General Company Information

You will need to know basic information about your company such as date established, structure, addresses and contacts, special codes and numbers (NAICS, Tax ID, DUNS, etc.), number of employees, financial and project references and more.

  1. Safety Policies and Procedures

You will be asked a number of questions about your safety policies. How is your safety program set up, how is it built and who’s responsible?  What’s the management structure and is company leadership involved?  Are hourly employees involved and do you have full-time safety personnel?  What training do supervisors get? Do you do audits, who does them and how often?  

Also included are questions about safety meetings, training, documentation, observations, stop work policies, hazard reporting, policies for new hires, incident investigation and communication.

  1. Written Safety Programs

If you’re following OSHA compliance, you should already have written safety programs for the hazards your employees can be exposed to. Depending on the services you say you provide, ISNetworld and your client will generate a list of the individual written safety programs that you need. There will be specific elements that you’ll be required to incorporate into your written programs, so it’s likely you’ll need to update your programs. Be very mindful what your revised program commits your company to. If it’s written in your program that your company will do something, you need to do it. If not, you could expose yourself to fines from OSHA for not following your own plan.

ISNetworld will ask you every 3 years to revalidate these programs to ensure they are still current.

  1. Training Programs

For many of the written programs, you’ll be asked to upload corresponding training sign-ins and information from those classes, so you may need to conduct additional training on a variety of topics. Be prepared to answer questions related to what kind of training you provide to new hires and routine employees, how often and how they are documented.

  1. Regulatory Data

You will need to track OSHA injury and illness data on a quarterly basis. This information is required to be input both quarterly and annually. You’ll also need 3 years of historical data. In ISNetworld you are graded on your 3-year average safety numbers and how they compare to industry standards. Thus, if you have a bad year, your grades may suffer for 3 years.

If you have commercial vehicles, you may need to enter DOT numbers and annual stats for number of drivers, miles driven, number of units, owner operators and violations. You’ll also need to enter in information about your company vehicle/driver programs and policies.

  1. Insurance

Individual insurance certificates will need to be uploaded for each client, and each will have specific requirements.  Be mindful of what the insurance requirements are for each client and know ahead of time what policies you have and what that covers.  Sometimes clients will require specialized policies or varying levels of coverage for certain items that can end up costing thousands of dollars if you agree to that.  However, sometimes these things can be negotiated down, depending on what you’re going to do onsite.  It just depends on the client and the situation.

Check with your insurance company to see if they’re a member of ISNetworld. If so, you can assign them to your account and they can upload certificates and deal with the nuances and negotiations for you. You will also need to enter 3 years of experience modification rate data and upload those documents as well.

  1. Employee and Contractor Data

Some clients will require you to track the number of hours that you and/or your subcontractors spent on the site each month.  These reports are required at the beginning of the month and are often required per site location.  Among the data you may need to report (depending on client requirements) will be hours spent onsite, number of employees onsite, number of miles driven, number of incidents (accidents, fires, spills), subcontractor hours, subcontractor numbers, subcontractor travel data, etc.  Some companies need to keep track of this information for PSM purposes and some like to keep track of contactor activities onsite.

  1.  Human Resources-Type Information

You’ll be asked to input your drug and alcohol policies and procedures.  Some owner clients will require you to have individual employees tested for drugs and alcohol through one of their approved vendors who shares the data directly with the program so that they can see if employees are in a green “OK” status or a red status.  They may also require background checks for each employee who will come onsite as well.   You may also need to provide employee personal information separately to your client to comply with Department of Homeland Security checks as well.  Pandemic preparedness programs are required from many clients, so what are your procedures and policies with that?  Thus, you may need to pull in some of your HR department to help you accomplish some of these requirements and get some answers.

  1. Other Procedures — Sustainability and Cyber Security

Within the past year we’ve seen questions pop up in ISNetworld and throughout multiple programs about our corporate sustainability and social responsibility programs.  One program (not ISNetworld) required us to write a separate written policy statement against human trafficking and a written policy on our stance on child and forced labor.  ISNetworld has also started getting into cyber security policies. There is an extensive questionnaire regarding computer systems and cyber security measures.  Several owner clients required us to develop a written cyber security program.  So besides HR personnel, you may need to bring in your IT people and anyone responsible for sustainability programs.

  1. Individual Training

More and more clients are requiring individuals to do the facility-specific safety orientation training ahead of time before ever stepping onsite.  Thus, if you have a specific project that you’re getting ready for, you may need to know exactly who is going to be involved in the project so that you can assign this training to them.  This would include subcontractor employees too.  Some clients will let you do the training all at once in a group, but more and more are requiring individuals to be given separate logins so that they can complete the training themselves.  So you may need to eventually gather email addresses for individuals who may not have a company email address and budget for time for those employees to take that training.

A Plan for Management and Completion

This isn’t a requirement, but certainly a best practice. You will need to identify a person(s) on your team who’s going to be responsible for managing sites such as ISNetworld. There can be a number of time-sensitive items which need to be managed. Not maintaining them will make your grades drop, hindering your ability to get further work with them, or even issue invoices.

The initial setup may require the assistance of a number of people in your company, or the help of an outside firm. You may need a combination of compliance personnel and administrative staff to handle the day-to-day management. Please note that if you do involve administrative staff, please keep in mind that policy questions and program creation are best completed by someone with a compliance background. You need to be very careful on how you answer the questions and what you commit yourself to. It could make all the difference between an “A” and an “F”.

Other Considerations

ISNetworld automatically uploads any OSHA citations for your clients to see, and these will likely affect your grade. You may also be required to have your own subcontractor management program, that is, a procedure for vetting your own subs.

We’ve found that ISNetworld is one of the most detailed prequalification sites. The silver lining is if you can get through ISNetworld, you have a good head start on some of the others.  However, every single site will ask for something new that one of the others didn’t, so don’t get too frustrated.  For example, some sites want you to upload your entire safety manual, some require specific procedures such as JSAs, and some will require much more if your employees perform specific tasks that require additional “operator qualifications” for each.


Make sure you keep your information stored in one central place so that it’s easy to access when you need it because it’s likely there will be information you’ll need to input a number of times.

iSi helps companies get setup in ISNetworld by providing policy and procedure guidance, written programs and training.  We also manage ISNetworld day-to-day compliance for companies.

Our sister company has a number of ISNetworld-related program templates that will help you get a good start on developing a new plan if needed.

What can we do to help make the process smoother for you? Contact us today!

Need Help?

Need an extra hand to get this done? How about policies/programs developed or training conducted?

Need Help?

Need an extra hand to get this done? How about policies/programs developed or training conducted?

Contractor/vendor prequalification is becoming more and more the norm. ISNetworld is an online contractor safety prequalification program and just one among a crop of other programs like it, including Avetta, PEC Safety, Browz, Veriforce, ComplyWorks, First Verify and others.

Contractor prequalification programs give companies a way to limit the liability risks that onsite contractors can bring.   If you want to work for clients who use these programs, you must pay the cost to be a member and then take the time and effort to enter your company information into the system.

The number of clients for whom we have been asked to complete prequalification paperwork or join these types of systems has exploded in the last couple of years.  Some of our clients used to have teams of people tracking this information from contractors (and some didn’t track this stuff at all.).  These programs allow them to turn that responsibility over to someone else, and it puts a lot of the tracking responsibilities back onto the contractors themselves.  Sometimes this is seen as a way to narrow the field of potential contractors to just the serious ones who have good policies and performance.

Although there are lots of programs out there, we’re going to focus on ISNetworld because they are one of the leaders in this industry and they are one of the ones who ask for the most information.  At first glance, ISNetworld setup can be a daunting task. To help get you prepared, we present the Top 10 items you’ll need to gather for ISNetworld compliance (and just about any other safety prequalification program).

  1. General Company Information

You will need to know basic information about your company such as date established, structure, addresses and contacts, special codes and numbers (NAICS, Tax ID, DUNS, etc.), number of employees, financial and project references and more.

  1. Safety Policies and Procedures

You will be asked a number of questions about your safety policies. How is your safety program set up, how is it built and who’s responsible?  What’s the management structure and is company leadership involved?  Are hourly employees involved and do you have full-time safety personnel?  What training do supervisors get? Do you do audits, who does them and how often?  

Also included are questions about safety meetings, training, documentation, observations, stop work policies, hazard reporting, policies for new hires, incident investigation and communication.

  1. Written Safety Programs

If you’re following OSHA compliance, you should already have written safety programs for the hazards your employees can be exposed to. Depending on the services you say you provide, ISNetworld and your client will generate a list of the individual written safety programs that you need. There will be specific elements that you’ll be required to incorporate into your written programs, so it’s likely you’ll need to update your programs. Be very mindful what your revised program commits your company to. If it’s written in your program that your company will do something, you need to do it. If not, you could expose yourself to fines from OSHA for not following your own plan.

ISNetworld will ask you every 3 years to revalidate these programs to ensure they are still current.

  1. Training Programs

For many of the written programs, you’ll be asked to upload corresponding training sign-ins and information from those classes, so you may need to conduct additional training on a variety of topics. Be prepared to answer questions related to what kind of training you provide to new hires and routine employees, how often and how they are documented.

  1. Regulatory Data

You will need to track OSHA injury and illness data on a quarterly basis. This information is required to be input both quarterly and annually. You’ll also need 3 years of historical data. In ISNetworld you are graded on your 3-year average safety numbers and how they compare to industry standards. Thus, if you have a bad year, your grades may suffer for 3 years.

If you have commercial vehicles, you may need to enter DOT numbers and annual stats for number of drivers, miles driven, number of units, owner operators and violations. You’ll also need to enter in information about your company vehicle/driver programs and policies.

  1. Insurance

Individual insurance certificates will need to be uploaded for each client, and each will have specific requirements.  Be mindful of what the insurance requirements are for each client and know ahead of time what policies you have and what that covers.  Sometimes clients will require specialized policies or varying levels of coverage for certain items that can end up costing thousands of dollars if you agree to that.  However, sometimes these things can be negotiated down, depending on what you’re going to do onsite.  It just depends on the client and the situation.

Check with your insurance company to see if they’re a member of ISNetworld. If so, you can assign them to your account and they can upload certificates and deal with the nuances and negotiations for you. You will also need to enter 3 years of experience modification rate data and upload those documents as well.

  1. Employee and Contractor Data

Some clients will require you to track the number of hours that you and/or your subcontractors spent on the site each month.  These reports are required at the beginning of the month and are often required per site location.  Among the data you may need to report (depending on client requirements) will be hours spent onsite, number of employees onsite, number of miles driven, number of incidents (accidents, fires, spills), subcontractor hours, subcontractor numbers, subcontractor travel data, etc.  Some companies need to keep track of this information for PSM purposes and some like to keep track of contactor activities onsite.

  1.  Human Resources-Type Information

You’ll be asked to input your drug and alcohol policies and procedures.  Some owner clients will require you to have individual employees tested for drugs and alcohol through one of their approved vendors who shares the data directly with the program so that they can see if employees are in a green “OK” status or a red status.  They may also require background checks for each employee who will come onsite as well.   You may also need to provide employee personal information separately to your client to comply with Department of Homeland Security checks as well.  Pandemic preparedness programs are required from many clients, so what are your procedures and policies with that?  Thus, you may need to pull in some of your HR department to help you accomplish some of these requirements and get some answers.

  1. Other Procedures — Sustainability and Cyber Security

Within the past year we’ve seen questions pop up in ISNetworld and throughout multiple programs about our corporate sustainability and social responsibility programs.  One program (not ISNetworld) required us to write a separate written policy statement against human trafficking and a written policy on our stance on child and forced labor.  ISNetworld has also started getting into cyber security policies. There is an extensive questionnaire regarding computer systems and cyber security measures.  Several owner clients required us to develop a written cyber security program.  So besides HR personnel, you may need to bring in your IT people and anyone responsible for sustainability programs.

  1. Individual Training

More and more clients are requiring individuals to do the facility-specific safety orientation training ahead of time before ever stepping onsite.  Thus, if you have a specific project that you’re getting ready for, you may need to know exactly who is going to be involved in the project so that you can assign this training to them.  This would include subcontractor employees too.  Some clients will let you do the training all at once in a group, but more and more are requiring individuals to be given separate logins so that they can complete the training themselves.  So you may need to eventually gather email addresses for individuals who may not have a company email address and budget for time for those employees to take that training.

A Plan for Management and Completion

This isn’t a requirement, but certainly a best practice. You will need to identify a person(s) on your team who’s going to be responsible for managing sites such as ISNetworld. There can be a number of time-sensitive items which need to be managed. Not maintaining them will make your grades drop, hindering your ability to get further work with them, or even issue invoices.

The initial setup may require the assistance of a number of people in your company, or the help of an outside firm. You may need a combination of compliance personnel and administrative staff to handle the day-to-day management. Please note that if you do involve administrative staff, please keep in mind that policy questions and program creation are best completed by someone with a compliance background. You need to be very careful on how you answer the questions and what you commit yourself to. It could make all the difference between an “A” and an “F”.

Other Considerations

ISNetworld automatically uploads any OSHA citations for your clients to see, and these will likely affect your grade. You may also be required to have your own subcontractor management program, that is, a procedure for vetting your own subs.

We’ve found that ISNetworld is one of the most detailed prequalification sites. The silver lining is if you can get through ISNetworld, you have a good head start on some of the others.  However, every single site will ask for something new that one of the others didn’t, so don’t get too frustrated.  For example, some sites want you to upload your entire safety manual, some require specific procedures such as JSAs, and some will require much more if your employees perform specific tasks that require additional “operator qualifications” for each.


Make sure you keep your information stored in one central place so that it’s easy to access when you need it because it’s likely there will be information you’ll need to input a number of times.

iSi helps companies get setup in ISNetworld by providing policy and procedure guidance, written programs and training.  We also manage ISNetworld day-to-day compliance for companies.

Our sister company has a number of ISNetworld-related program templates that will help you get a good start on developing a new plan if needed.

What can we do to help make the process smoother for you? Contact us today!

iSi can help you with contractor safety prequalification programs — Contact us today!

Example General Duty Clause Citations to Look for in Your Workplace

Example General Duty Clause Citations to Look for in Your Workplace

OSHA has a number of regulations that govern many aspects of the workplace. When there is not a specific regulation reference, they will often cite the General Duty Clause.

What is the General Duty Clause?

The General Duty Clause is found in Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. The General Duty Clause requires an employer to furnish to its employees “employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees.”

Employers can be cited for violation of the General Duty Clause if a recognized serious hazard exists in their workplace and the employer does not take reasonable steps to prevent or abate the hazard.   The General Duty Clause is used only where there is no OSHA standard that applies to the particular hazard. The following elements are necessary to prove a violation of the General Duty Clause:

1. The employer failed to keep the workplace free of a hazard to which employees of that employer were exposed;
2. The hazard was recognized;
3. The hazard was causing or was likely to cause death or serious physical harm; and
4. There was a feasible and useful method to correct the hazard.

OSHA cannot just cite anything under the clause, but there is a lot of room for interpretation of the effects of the hazard. The hazard needs to be recognized by that industry, another industry or another entity as a hazard. It can be something that would be considered a common sense hazard or is something that could cause or likely cause serious harm or death. It must be correctable, and if injuries have been documented related to it, it can be cited.

Examples of Common General Duty Clause Citations

While OSHA has issued citations under the General Duty Clause for a wide variety of issues including risk of lightning strikes to employees, there are a number of situations OSHA has cited that have been consistent and steady over the years.

Some common violations where OSHA would use the General Duty Clause:

  • Boilers not inspected and maintained
  • Cell phone use while driving
  • Combustible dust hazards
  • Ergonomic hazards
  • High visibility clothing not provided where struck by hazard exists with vehicular traffic
  • Industrial storage racking not:
    • Having maximum permissible load amount posted,
    • Not secured in place where there is potential to be tipped over, or
    • Significant damage
  • Personal fall protection equipment not inspected on annual basis
  • Powered Industrial Truck (forklift) drivers not wearing a seat belt while operating
  • Respiratory hazards from an air contaminant that is not covered by an OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL)
  • Safety latch not in use on crane
  • Storing incompatible chemicals together
  • Structural damage to building causing struck by hazard
  • Thermal stress (high heat and cold)
  • Workplace violence risk that goes unmitigated

Do you have any of these issues at your facility?  iSi’s team of safety professionals can help through safety audits, safety inspections, issue corrections, training and program development.  Contact us today!

Safety Inspections and Corrections

iSi’s safety auditors can help you identify and prioritize the areas where potential violations may exist.  We can also help you correct any issues that have already been found by inspectors. Contact us today!

Curtis Leiker, CSP
Curtis Leiker, CSP


Curtis Leiker, CSP

Certified Safety Professional |  ISO 45001 and 14001 Lead Auditor

Curtis Leiker, CSP is a project manager at iSi Environmental. Besides assisting companies with ISO 14001 and 45001 implementation, Curtis manages environmental and safety programs, reporting and compliance issues for aviation, general industry and agricultural facilities. He’s able to see the big picture, but focus on the details and enjoys working to solve EHS issues.

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Does this apply to your company?  Do you have questions?  Contact us!

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iSi can provide assistance in this area. How can we help?  Ask us for a price quote.

Safety Boots: What You Need To Know

Safety Boots: What You Need To Know

Many types of jobs require the use of boots for safety purposes.  Some jobs just need regular boots while others require steel or composite toes.

Toe Composition

Steel toe boots have a steel cap over the toe to prevent your feet from being crushed by objects falling on them or rolling over them.  Composite toe boots can have toes made of Kevlar, carbon fiber, fiberglass or carbon nanocomposites (composite cylinders arranged in beehive pattern mixed with fiber resin).  Composite toes don’t conduct heat, cold, nor electricity, and are thicker but lighter weight than a steel toed boot.  They are not as impact-resistant. There are also alloy toe boots such as aluminum or titanium.  These are a little less protective but lighter weight than steel toe boots.  They can be a little more expensive as well.

Best Practices

  • Always buy boots that meet ASTM standards for impact and compression and always buy the types of boots your company recommends or requires. Your company has conducted formal PPE assessments to determine the safest types of boots for the work you do.
  • Always wear the proper socks. Moisture wicking socks are better than cotton socks because cotton socks will tend to create moisture  leading to uncomfortableness, foot pain and faster damage to the inside of your boots.
  • Keep the insides of your boots dry and maintain the waterproofing on the outsides of them.
  • Remove mud, dirt, clay, and gunk—they’ll dry out the leather.
  • You can increase the life span of your boots by using premade orthotic insoles.

Checking the Wear

Worn out boots not only are uncomfortable, but they are unsafe.  Not replacing them when they’re worn out can cause foot/back/leg pain, foot stress and ingrown toenails and can increase your chances of falling, especially in slippery environments. Check for wear by looking at:

  • Soles, outsides of the heels, and balls of the shoe for wear. Are soles separating?  Sole separation can cause instability, reduce shock absorption and let moisture or chemicals in.
  • Tears, holes, cracks and external damage—Damage like this can make them less electrical and chemical resistant and more susceptible to foot punctures
  • Internal damage-Look at the inside, the tongue and look for the stitching. Torn insulation can let in moisture and chemicals. The instep shouldn’t be bunching up.

Finding and Trying on Boots

  • Wear the socks you’ll be wearing with the boots when you try them on
  • Your heel shouldn’t come up out of the boot or rub on the back. It shouldn’t move more than a quarter of an inch. As leather conforms to your foot, it will mold to your heel and slight slippage will reduce.
  • You should have an inch of room in your toes but your toes shouldn’t slide forward when you walk.
  • The boot should be secure on the sides and top of your foot but not be painful.
  • Make sure the inner stitching nor the tongue rub on your foot.
  • When trying them on put them through their paces because you want to make sure they’re right for you: walk, run, hop, do knee raises, stand in place, flex your foot, and carefully roll your ankles and stand on the sides of your foot to test ankle support. If you have red spots on your feet after trying them on, those are the places where the shoe will rub.
  • Always try on boots on both of your feet. Your feet change sizes throughout the day, so try boots on in the afternoon when your feet tend to be bigger.
  • If your feet are two different sizes, purchase the boot to fit your larger foot and wear a heel insert for your smaller foot.
  • If you have flat feet, taller boots with stronger insoles may fit better.
  • Boot companies traditionally have you order 1/2 size smaller than your sneaker size. For steel toe boots, you may need to order the same size as your sneaker size, or even a 1/2 size larger than your normal shoe size. If you wear thick socks, the larger boot sizes will be needed to accommodate those.

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Need assistance with your OSHA compliance tasks?  How can we make compliance easier for you?


Does this apply to your company?  Do you have questions?  Contact us!

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The One Where You Must Post the Whole Standard

The One Where You Must Post the Whole Standard

iSi’s consulting team recently provided a presentation to the annual Kansas Safety and Health Conference about OSHA’s top poorly written regulations.  We gave the audience a chance to vote at the end and one of the top vote getters was found in standard 1910.95.  This is the occupational noise exposure standard.  More specifically, 1910.95(l)(1).

A Unique Requirement

The noise exposure standard aims to protect workers against the effects of noise exposure when sound levels exceed a certain scale pictured in the standard.  This is also where instructions on the rules for and how to develop a Hearing Conservation Program can be found.  Section K of the standard discusses the importance of training, what topics need to be covered, and the requirement that the training be repeated annually.

In the next section we find something very unique.  Section L covers access to information and training materials.  The very first requirement states “The employer shall make available to affected employees or their representatives copies of this standard and shall also post a copy in the workplace.”  What??  A copy of the standard?  Post a copy of the entire standard?

Yes, it means what it says.  This is the only standard OSHA has that requires you to take a copy of the standard and post it.  OSHA feels it’s important that in addition to training, employees have the chance to read the standard on their own without having to ask for it.  It must be centrally posted and at no charge.

Updates to the Rule

This rule was written in 1983 and has not been updated since then.  OSHA held firm on its stance in an interpretation letter written in 1988 from someone questioning posting the whole thing, but in 2016 OSHA decided to become a little more user friendly.  In 2016 someone sent OSHA a letter requesting electronic posting.  OSHA’s answer said they realized the internet was not around in the 80s, and thus, declared that with this letter, they were updating the policy to allow for electronic posting, but only under these certain conditions:

  • Your Hearing Conservation training program covers specific information to your employees on where and how to access the entire standard electronically;
  • The link you provide to employees does not go to a generic web page such as to your company’s website, a folder on your intranet or Sharepoint, or the home page for OSHA. It must go to the exact standard located here; and,
  • Computers must be located in all affected employees’ work areas so that they can have access to the standard at any time without having to request access to a computer or without having to ask for assistance on where to find it electronically.


It may be low risk that you’ll get fined for just this item unless the inspector has a special place in their heart for this standard.  However, it IS likely that it becomes an easy tack-on citation along with other citations of the noise exposure standard.

For example, in the state of Tennessee, this item is one of the most often items cited for this standard, but so are:

  • Lack of training or lack of training program;
  • Did not administer a continuing hearing conservation program when workplace noise levels indicated it was required;
  • Lack of a monitoring program when information indicated the exposure levels may equal or exceed the limits;
  • No audiometric testing program or audiometric testing;
  • Did not establish a baseline audiogram within 6 months of an employee’s first exposure at or above the action level; and
  • Not giving employees the opportunity to select their hearing protectors from a variety of suitable hearing protectors provided by the employer.

Where Do You Stand on Noise?

When was the last time you had your workplace AND your workers tested for noise exposure?  iSi conducts noise sampling, helps write programs, provides training and much more assistance for noise exposure issues.  Contact us today!

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What’s the Difference Between OSHA’s General Industry and Construction Standards on Asbestos?

What’s the Difference Between OSHA’s General Industry and Construction Standards on Asbestos?

With so many entities regulating asbestos – EPA to OSHA to State Governments to even City and County Governments – we see a lot of confusion.  These regulations cross over and intertwine with each other and it’s sometimes difficult to remember which rule is required by which agency.  In this article, we will tackle OSHA’s side.

OSHA has two separate regulations regarding asbestos.  The General Industry Standard is at 29 CFR 1910.1001 and the Construction Standard is at 29 CFR 1926.1101. Unlike other regulations that are shared between 1910 and 1926, these are NOT a carbon copy of each other.

Which One is For You?  Well….It Depends.

In many standards, a company follows either the standard in 1910 or the standard in 1926 based on what type of facility you are.  If you’re a manufacturer, fixed facility, traditionally the 1910 general industry standard applies to you.  If you’re a construction company who moves from site to site, the 1926 construction standards typically apply to you.  However, for asbestos regulations, the one that applies to you depends on what’s going on at your site and what your workers are doing.

A general rule of thumb is daily management of asbestos at your facility falls under the general industry standards.  When you are intentionally disturbing asbestos, then you follow the construction standards.  So a “general industry” facility could be subject to both the general industry and the construction standards if they have a renovation going on.  It’s important that you know the difference between the two distinctions.

The Similarities

We’ll first take a look at the similarities between the two standards.  Remember that OSHA’s goal is the safety of the worker so regulations are focused on worker protection.

Notifying Employees of the Hazards of Asbestos

Both regulations require that you notify workers of the hazards of asbestos and you can do this for everyone through your compliance activities for the hazard communication standard or you can do it through separate training.  This includes informing workers of the presence and location of asbestos in their workplace as well as the health hazards caused by asbestos.  Housekeeping personnel are required to be notified of asbestos-containing areas they could be cleaning.  Outside contractors and project bidders who could work in areas where asbestos could be disturbed are required to be notified where it is.  If asbestos is to be disturbed, such as a removal projects for a renovation, those people working in areas adjacent to those work areas are to be notified of the project.  Tenants of buildings are required to be notified by the owner of the building.


Warning signs are to be posted on regulated areas where removal is being conducted or asbestos is being disturbed.

Warning labels should be on raw materials, mixtures, scrap, waste, debris, bagged protective clothing, and other products containing asbestos fibers, or be placed on their containers. Entrances to mechanical rooms or mechanical areas where employees could be exposed should have labels attached where they will clearly be noticed by employees.

Exposure Limits and Medical Surveillance

Each standard sets limits for the amount of asbestos a worker can be exposed to.  If there’s the potential that a worker will be exposed past the limits in the standards, then respiratory protection is required and certain PPE is as well.  If that limit is exceeded, then the worker also needs to be placed in a medical surveillance program to monitor the health effects of their potential exposure.


Each standard lines out required training. The level of training required depends on what the worker will be doing and whether or not they’ll be disturbing asbestos.  Training could range from an awareness class to a full week of intense training.  Most asbestos training is required to be repeated annually.

The Differences

General industry standards have a section on suggested work practices for housekeeping personnel to follow, but the construction industry standard dives into detailed work practices for those personnel intentionally disturbing asbestos-containing materials to follow.

In the construction standard is where we find the terms Class I, Class II, Class III and Class IV work.  The specific practices that workers are to follow are spelled out in detail for each class of work.

Class I work is for workers at the highest risk of exposure.  These are the one who will be removing friable asbestos materials.  Friable asbestos materials are those that when dry, can be easily crumbled or pulverized to powder by hand, making the potential for its fibers to be released even greater.  Class I work is the large-scale abatements of thermal systems insulation from pipes, boilers, tanks and ducts as well as removal of sprayed-on insulation, “popcorn ceiling” texture or acoustical plaster and vinyl floor covering.   This work requires specialized asbestos removal/abatement training of up to 40 hours with annual refreshers.

Class II work is the removal of non-friable asbestos.  Non-friable asbestos cannot be easily crumbled or pulverized to powder by hand and its asbestos fibers are usually bonded into other materials. If a non-friable material remains in good condition, it poses little hazard. Because of its strength, incidental contact will not usually release a fiber.  Class II work includes removal of vinyl asbestos floor tile, lay-in ceiling tile, Transite roofing panels, window glazing, asbestos siding and any non-friable materials.  This work requires specialized asbestos removal training that can vary from full 40 hour courses to specialized training for the specific material to be removed.

Class III work is the intentional disturbing of asbestos for repair and maintenance of other items.  For instance, if one needed to cut away a small amount of asbestos to fix a leaky pipe or to potentially disturb some asbestos in order to access an electrical panel for repair, that would fall under this class of work.  This type of work can often be done by in-house maintenance personnel or even maintenance contractors.  However, it’s still an intentional disturbance and so the workers who do these activities are required to take specialized asbestos removal training as well.  Class III work only allows workers to remove a certain quantity of material before it crosses the line and become Class I or II abatement work.  Specialized training to remove these small quantities is required, typically a 16-hour initial class with annual refresher training.

Class IV work is for those who will be conducting maintenance and custodial activities after a removal is completed, that is, cleaning up after Class I, II or III work.  This level has its own specific training requirements with specific content requirements.


Asbestos regulations can be hard to interpret and confusing as actually 4 entities can get involved in regulating it: EPA, OSHA, State Governments and City/County Governments.  If you have any questions regarding this article or asbestos in general, contact us.


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OSHA Issues New National Emphasis Programs for Warehousing, Distribution Centers and Certain Retail Stores

OSHA Issues New National Emphasis Programs for Warehousing, Distribution Centers and Certain Retail Stores

OSHA’s latest National Emphasis Program (NEP) is targeting warehousing and distribution center operations, mail/postal processing and distribution centers, parcel delivery/courier services and certain retail stores with high injury rates.

An NEP is a temporary inspection emphasis based on a particular hazard that is typically targeted to specific NAICS codes where certain hazards are most prevalent or in safety areas showing a trend towards high hazards.  NEP inspections can be scheduled on their own, or OSHA can tack one on at an inspection if they see something that applies. So, if OSHA is onsite to investigate a complaint and they see something that could fall under an NEP, they can inspect for that too while they are there.

Who’s Covered in this NEP and Why?

OSHA recognizes a warehousing and distribution growth boom and an increased DART rate compared to other industries.  In 2011 there were 668,900 warehousing and distribution centers, and in 2021 that number was 1,713,900.  DART rates and total recordables for the industries covered in this NEP were over twice that of all private industry, some were more than three times the private industry rate from 2017-2021.

These are the NAICS Codes that will fall under the NEP:

  • 491110 Postal Service (Processing & Distribution Centers only)
  • 492110 Couriers and Express Delivery Services
  • 492210 Local Messengers and Local Delivery
  • 493110 General Warehousing and Storage
  • 493120 Refrigerated Warehousing and Storage
  • 493130 Farm Product Warehousing and Storage
  • 493190 Other Warehousing and Storage

The following warehouse-type retail stores are included because they have been found to have issues in loading and storage areas and have higher than average DART (Days Away; Restricted; Transfer) rates:

  • 444110 Home Centers
  • 444130 Hardware Stores
  • 444190 Other Building Material Dealers
  • 445110 Supermarkets and Other Grocery Stores
  • 452311 Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters

This retail list will change each calendar year based on which related establishments have the highest DART rates.

What Will Inspectors Look For?

Inspectors will be looking at these program areas:

  • Powered Industrial Vehicles (already an emphasis program in several regions)
  • Material Handling and Storage
  • Walking-Working Surfaces
  • Means of Egress
  • Fire Protection
  • Heat (already a National Emphasis Program)
  • Ergonomic Hazards

For heat, inspectors will review injury and illness records, ask about it during worker interviews, and look for these in the walkthrough.  If inspectors see exposures to heat-related hazards or if they find your NAICS code already falls under the Heat NEP, they will expand the scope of the inspection to include the Heat NEP.   Read more about what that inspection entails here.  Heat is a big emphasis right now with OSHA because it helps them meet their responsibilities in complying with the Presidential directive on climate change.

If inspectors see ergonomic hazards in their reviews of records, worker interviews and the walkthrough, they can also expand the scope to ergonomics and open a health inspection in addition to the safety inspection.

Read the full NEP documentation here.

Questions?  Need Assistance?

iSi can help answer questions you may have about this NEP or any others, as well as conduct a mock OSHA inspection to see where you stand if OSHA were to conduct this inspection at your facility today.  Contact us!

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OSHA Issues Final Rule Which Updates Electronic Injury and Illness Reporting, Adds Industries and More Requirements

OSHA Issues Final Rule Which Updates Electronic Injury and Illness Reporting, Adds Industries and More Requirements

OSHA has issued a final rule changing some of the requirements for electronic injury and illness reporting, adding some new companies and increasing some of the reporting requirements.

What’s New

Companies with 20-249 employees whose NAICS codes were listed on Appendix A of the standard were required to submit their 300A electronically.  This has not changed, however a new appendix, Appendix B, has been created for companies with 100 or more employees.  This will require many more industries to report electronically.  In addition to submitting the 300A, the 100+ employee companies who fall under Appendix B will also need to submit their 300 and 301 forms.

As with 300A information, data from the 300 and 301 logs will be published on the OSHA website.  Personally identifiable information from the 301, such as fields 1, 2, 6 and 7: employee name, employee address, physician name, and treatment facility name and address will not be collected.

The rules have not changed for all companies with 250 or more employees.  All companies, regardless of NAICS code, will need to submit their 300A forms.  Those with 19 or fewer employees will still not be required to report.

Another change includes making inclusion of your company’s legal name required.  Right now, only the Tax Identification number is required.

See Appendix A Here

See Appendix B Here

Industries Moved from Appendix A to Appendix B

Some NAICS codes were moved from Appendix A to Appendix B due to increased fatalities or increases in DART (Days Away; Restricted; Transfer) rates.  Those companies with 20-249 employees who had been submitting only the 300A will now be required to submit the 300 and 301.  These include:

  • NAICS 1133-Logging
  • NAICS 1142-Hunting and Trapping
  • NAICS 3379-Other Furniture Related Product Manufacturing
  • NAICS 4239-Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers
  • NAICS 4853-Taxi and Limousine Service
  • NAICS 4889-Other Support Activities for Transportation

Why They Are Requiring the 300 and 301 Log for Some Industries

Besides finding additional industry data on increased injuries, DART rate and fatalities, OSHA’s intent is to collect more accurate and detailed information for injuries and illnesses to help ultimately make workplaces safer.  The detailed information is meant to help make statistics more accurate and to help identify trends that are relevant to industries and types of workers.  The only time OSHA was able to get detailed information was through inspections.  The type of data they will be gathering allows for different kinds of statistical analyses and to help determine where initiatives are successful, are failing, or need to be developed.

OSHA sees gathering 300 and 301 information as a benefit not only to themselves, but by posting it online it can be beneficial information to industries, employers, employees, safety consultants like iSi, and to the general public.

Some examples of this that they used in their final rule document include:

  • 300A information only tells how many of each type of incident on that form are occurring. Now they will be able to see the different kinds of injuries and what they are.  For example, “respiratory conditions” could mean as a result of chemical exposure, COVID, TB, or Legionnaires.
  • Now data can be pulled by roles within any type of company. For example, injuries for nurses aides vs. nurses vs. doctors in medical facilities.
  • The Presidential directive on climate change has OSHA them focused on heat hazards. The new information will help them figure out what kinds of injuries and illnesses are attributed to heat.
  • This will help give employers another resource to consult besides industry groups and insurance to benchmark themselves against others in their industry. For example, the state of Michigan independently researched and found that bath refinishing contractors had 13 deaths in the span of 12 yrs.  From that information, they found it was because of the chemical strippers that were being used. As a result, safety guidance and training was sent to those companies to help improve safety and to alert them of those hazards in order to reduce the deaths.
  • Another employer in New York researched all injuries from their multiple worksites and found that there had been 11,000 lost workdays because of ladders. To reduce those numbers, they increased training in that area, making injuries drop to close to none.  With publicly available information, research like that can be done by multiple parties to help find ways to strengthen workplace safety.

Need Advice?

If you need help navigating this standard, or have questions about it, contact us today!


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Fit Testing Questions Answered

Fit Testing Questions Answered

Once you conduct an evaluation to determine what type of respirator your workers will be required to use to protect them from the contaminants around them (that is, what type, Assigned Protection Factor (APF) needed, what filters and/or cartridges are required, etc.), there are three general steps that come next: a medical evaluation to ensure they’re medically capable of wearing one, fit testing to determine which size most comfortably and accurately fits, and training.  In this blog, we dive into the fit testing side.

Respirator fit testing is conducted on tight-fitting respirators to make sure the respirator gets a good seal on the employee’s face so that no contaminants will leak into the mask.  They may not always be the most comfortable or convenient things to wear, but fit testing finds a balance of comfort and protection at the same time.

Qualitative or Quantitative?  What’s the Difference?

Fit-testing methods are referred to as qualitative or quantitative.

In qualitative fit-testing, once the person being fit tested has his/her mask on, the tester introduces items such as saccharine, Bittrex, banana oil or irritant smoke near the mask to see if the person can smell or sense it.  This method relies on the worker’s ability to sense odor or irritants. NIOSH currently doesn’t recommend irritant smoke for fit-testing.  Qualitative fit testing is only for half-face, full-face and N95 filtering facepiece respirators that have an APF of 10.  An APF is the level of protection the respirator will provide if it’s functioning and wore correctly.  For example, an APF of 10 means the user can expect to inhale no more than one tenth of the contaminant present. Qualitative fit-testing is easy, fast and fairly inexpensive.  It’s considered to be only a pass or fail type of test.

Quantitative respirator fit-testing uses a machine to measure pressure loss inside the mask or to count quantities of particles to calculate a fit factor.  Quantitative testing is considered more accurate than qualitative fit-testing.  Quantitative fit-testing must be conducted for respirators requiring an APF over 10.  Full-face tight fitting respirators that are quantitatively tested have an APF of 50.  An APF of 50 means the user can expect to inhale no more than one fiftieth of the contaminant present.

​When Do I Need to Fit-Test Someone?

Employers are to ensure employees wearing tight-fitting facepiece respirators are fit-tested:

  1. Before use
  2. Whenever a different respiratory facepiece is used (size, model, make, style)
  3. Annually

Why is Fit-Testing Required Each Year?

A study published by NIOSH has affirmed the need for OSHA’s annual requirement for fit-testing for filtering facepiece respirators and other tight-fitting respirators.

In its study, NIOSH followed 229 subjects over three years’ time, making fit and physical characteristic measurements every 6 months. It was found that after one year, 10% of the subjects had changes in fit. In two years it was 20%, and in the third year, it was up to 26%. OSHA’s intended threshold for fit changes, when it made its rules in 1998, was 7% annually.

NIOSH also found that subjects who had lost 20 or more pounds had respirator fit changes. The greater the weight loss, the higher the chance that the respirator fit changed. Thus, NIOSH recommends those persons who lose 20 or more pounds get priority fit-test scheduling, even it is less than a year since their last fit-test.

In addition to weight loss and gain, other events such as dental changes, facial scarring and cosmetic surgery can affect respirator fit as well.

Note: NIOSH’s study can be found at:

What Difference Does Respirator Brand Make in Fit Testing?

Different brands also fit differently, so a size a worker may wear in one mask may not be the same size in another brand.  If the person wears glasses, hearing protection or other items around their head during the job, they must wear them during the fit test.

What Facial Hair is Acceptable in a Fit-Test?

Beards and facial hair on men are back in style, but beards and respirators do not get along.  Certain kinds and lengths of facial hair including beards, sideburns, some mustaches, and even a day or two of stubble can interfere with the seal.  According to NIOSH, presence of facial hair under the seal causes 20 to 100 times more leakage.  Gases, vapors and particles will take the path of least resistance and will flow right through the hair into the mask and into the lungs.

Our Physician is Booked Now, Can I Go Ahead and Do the Fit Test Before I Get My Respirator Physical?

No!  Respirator physicals (medical evaluations) need to be done before the fit test to ensure the person getting tested is even medically qualified to wear one.  Wearing a respirator can put a strain on the heart and lungs and it is very important that an employee has been evaluated by a medical professional to prevent causing any damage to the employee.

How Often is Respirator Training Required?

Respiratory protection training is required ANNUALLY, that is, within 12 months.  Doing this training around the same time as the physical and the fit testing can help reinforce proper care techniques for the respirator.  This training should cover how to properly don (put on) and doff (take off) them, their limitations and capabilities, why a respirator is needed, how to use them in an emergency or when they malfunction, how to inspect and remove the seals, how to clean and store it properly, how to recognize medical signs and symptoms that may limit or prevent its effective use, and the general requirements of the respiratory protection standard.

Additional training shall be conducted if there are any changes in your workplace, changes in respirator that would make previous training obsolete and when a worker’s actions show additional training is required to ensure their safe use.

What Documentation Do I Need to Keep?

Once you’ve had someone fit tested, you need to ensure you maintain records of the fit test.  The documentation needs to include:

  • The name of the person tested,
  • Type of test conducted
  • Specific make, model, style and size of respirator tested
  • Date of the test
  • Pass/fail results for qualitative fit testing, or the fit factor and strip chart recording from a quantitative fit test
  • A written copy of your Respirator Protection Program

Where Can I Find the Requirements for Fit-Testing? 

OSHA governs the usage of respirators and sets forth its standards in 29 CFR 1910.134 for general industry, and for construction, standard 29 CFR 1926.103 references back to the general industry standard, saying its requirements are identical.  The specific protocols and instructions on how to conduct a fit test are in Appendix A of that standard.

Need Help?

iSi can help with respiratory protection questions and conduct both quantitative and qualitative fit-testing!


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Fatigue Management

Fatigue Management

We’re all tired. There are so many things weighing on us — taking on more tasks and trying to keep up at work when there are not enough workers to get everything done, continuous pressure to maintain levels of service when supplies are delayed and staffing is short, COVID, Daylight Savings time, we’re approaching one of the busiest times of the year in the school calendar, you have stuff at home that’s not getting done, and on and on. When you get tired, mistakes and accidents happen.

Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep in every 24 hours to feel well rested and without it, a sleep debt is built up. This debt may result in impaired performance, reduced alertness and higher levels of sleepiness and fatigue. A sleep debt can only be repaid with restful sleep. Fatigue contributes to accidents by impairing performance and in extreme cases causing people to fall asleep. Fatigue related “micro sleeps” are very hard to predict or prevent and can place the individual and others at risk.

According to the National Safety Council, more than 43% of workers are sleep-deprived, and fatigued worker productivity costs employers $1,200 to $3,100 per employee annually. Employees on rotating shifts are particularly vulnerable because they cannot adapt their “body clocks” to an alternative sleep pattern.

Fatigue Management Programs

More and more companies are including fatigue management in their list of safety programs.  For major manufacturers and industrial facilities that use contractor pre-qualification services like ISNetworld, Fatigue Management Programs are a requirement for contractors.

Fatigue Management Programs can be simple.  They can line out the responsibilities of supervisors, employees and the company.  They also discuss the hazards of fatigue, provide a overview of risk controls and make a plan for training.

Even if you don’t want to create a formal Fatigue Management Program, you still may want to consider including safety sessions about it to your teams.  Here are some elements you can include in your training:

Signs and Effects of Fatigue

Signs of fatigue include long eye blinks, repeated yawning, frequent blinking, bloodshot eyes, poor reaction time, slow speech, loss of energy, and an inability to concentrate.

Fatigue can result in a lack of attention, difficulty following instructions, reduced ability to think clearly, and slower response to changing circumstances.

Chronic fatigue can also lead to many different long term health issues such as high blood pressure, increased risk for diabetes and heart disease, weakened immunity, poor balance, mood changes and memory issues.

What Your Company Can Do:  Risk Controls to Consider

Rest, of course, is the most important control measure for managing fatigue. For companies, consider the following:

  • Is a ten hour or longer break between work shifts provided?
  • Are safety critical tasks planned during “circadian low” hours, 2am-6am and 2pm- 4pm?
  • Are complex tasks planned on the first or final shift of a nightshift work cycle?
  • Does the break between work shifts provide a sleep opportunity of 7 or more hours of continuous sleep?
  • Is a minimum of one break provided between each 4 hours of work with one break of sufficient length to have a meal (i.e. 30 minutes)?
  • Are more frequent short breaks allowed during strenuous activities?
  • Are on-call responsibilities limited?
  • Is ready access to drinking water provided?
  • Do Call-Out/On Call schedules provide for adequate rest before returning to a regular work shift?

What the Worker Can Do: Combating Fatigue

  • Try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule — if you’re sleeping more on days off, you’re not sleeping enough on work days. Try to go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time per day, even on the weekends.
  • Try to get a minimum of 7 hours per night
  • Don’t eat big meals close to bedtime, but if you’re hungry before bed, don’t go to bed hungry as that will affect sleep too — have a healthy snack.
  • Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol can all affect sleep patterns
  • Make your bedroom conducive to sleep — quiet, dark, not too hot or too cold
  • If you have daytime sleepiness, snoring or breathing pauses, get checked out for sleep apnea
  • Just like kids need a bedtime routine, so do you. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine and stick to it.
  • Avoid stressful activities before bedtime and don’t associate your bedroom and sleeping with anxiety
  • Don’t go to bed for sleep unless you’re truly sleepy — trying to sleep is counterproductive and can make it harder to fall asleep.
  • Avoid long naps during the day that may throw off your nighttime schedule.
  • Avoid blue light exposure at night (from electronic devices) – use glasses that block blue light or install an app that blocks it.
  • When was the last time you changed your mattress and pillow? Are they causing pain? Upgrade your bedding every 5-8 yrs.

Working together to try to incorporate just even a few of these into our lives and work days should make a real difference in workplace health and wellness — both physically and mentally.

If you need help developing a Fatigue Management written safety program, we can help.  Contact us today!

Written Programs & Training Assistance

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The Top 5 Respiratory Protection Issues Cited by OSHA in 2021

The Top 5 Respiratory Protection Issues Cited by OSHA in 2021

The list of the most cited OSHA standards is out for 2021.  As you may know, the list contains the same issues each year, usually just in a different order.  Fall protection in construction is number one for the 11th year in a row. Hazard communication, usually towards the top of the list, surprisingly fell to 5th.   Respiratory protection in general industry is the new overall number two for this year, and the top issue found in general industry.

So what are the issues most commonly cited for respiratory protection?   

1. 1910.134(e)(1) Medical Evaluations

The most commonly cited relates to medical evaluations. Employers are to provide medical evaluations to determine the employee’s ability to use a respirator, before fit-testing and before they’re required to use the respirator in the workplace. 

There is a medical questionnaire in Appendix C that you can choose to use, or you can choose to do a medical examination instead as long as the examination contains the same information found in the questionnaire.  As an employer, you cannot look at the answers, and must provide employees with instructions on how to deliver or send the completed questionnaire to a physician or other licensed health care professional (PLHCP) for review. 

Seasonal and temporary workers are required to have evaluations if their jobs require respirator use.  Those workers who voluntary choose to wear dust masks (after you’ve determined there is no hazard in that area) are not required to have medical evaluations but must be made aware of the limitations of the dust mask as outlined in Appendix D of the standard.

2.  1910.134(f)(2) Fit Testing

Employers are to ensure employees wearing tight-fitting facepiece respirators are fit-tested:

  1. Before use
  2. Whenever a different respiratory facepiece is used (size, model, make, style)
  3. Annually

Fit-testing is done qualitatively or quantitatively.  Qualitative fit-testing uses items such as saccharine, Bittrex, banana oil or irritant smoke to determine protection.  It relies on the person being tested’s ability to sense odor or irritants. Qualitative fit testing is only for half-face, full-face and N95 filtering facepiece respirators that have an Assigned Protection Factor (APF) of 10.

Quantitative respirator fit-testing uses a machine to measure pressure loss inside the mask or to count quantities of particles to calculate a fit factor.  Quantitative testing is considered more accurate than qualitative fit-testing.  Quantitative fit-testing must be conducted for respirators requiring an APF over 10.  Full-face tight fitting respirators that are quantitatively tested have an APF of 50 .

3.  1910.134(c)(1) Written Program

In any workplace where there is respirator use, there needs to be a written program with site-specific procedures. The program is to be administered by a “suitably trained” program administrator.  Whenever conditions in the workplace changes, the program should be updated.  If you have people voluntarily wearing respirators, you still are required to have a program.

The program is to contain the following elements:

  • Procedures for selecting respirators;
  • Medical evaluations of employees required to use respirators;
  • Fit testing procedures for tight-fitting respirators;
  • Procedures for proper use of respirators in routine and reasonably foreseeable emergency situations;
  • Procedures and schedules for cleaning, disinfecting, storing, inspecting, repairing, discarding, and otherwise maintaining respirators;
  • Procedures to ensure adequate air quality, quantity, and flow of breathing air for atmosphere-supplying respirators;
  • Training of employees in the respiratory hazards to which they are potentially exposed during routine and emergency situations;
  • Training of employees in the proper use of respirators, including putting on (donning) and removing them (doffing), any limitations on their use, and their maintenance; and
  • Procedures for regularly evaluating the effectiveness of the program.

Annual reviews are not required, but reviews should be done periodically in accordance with the complexity and factors of your hazards, types of respirators used, and worker experience using them. Workplace changes are an automatic trigger for updates.  For instance, if your workplace conditions change such as different exposure amounts or types, if you change respirators, or change fit-testing protocols, an update would be necessary.

In your review, employees should be questioned on factors affecting their performance such as difficulty in breathing, limits of motion, impacts to vision/hearing/communication, discomfort and if they have any concerns on effectiveness.

4.  1910.134(k)(1) Training

Employers need to make sure employees can demonstrate their knowledge of the following:

  • Why the respirator is necessary
  • How proper fit, usage and maintenance can compromise its protective effect
  • Limitations and capabilities of a respirator
  • How to use it in an emergency
  • What to do if it malfunctions
  • How to inspect, don, doff and check its seals
  • How to properly clean, disinfect and store the equipment
  • How to recognize medical signs and symptoms that may limit or prevent the respirator’s effectiveness; and,
  • The general requirements of this section of the standard.

Employees need to be trained BEFORE using a respirator in the workplace, and ANNUALLY (within 12 months). Training needs to include the above elements each year. Besides the annual training requirement, retraining is required whenever there are changes in the workplace, when you see the employee has inadequacies in his/her knowledge or use of it, or any other case in which it looks like the employee would benefit from retraining.

To determine the employee’s understanding, you can ask the employee in writing or orally about the information and observe their hands-on use of respirators.

5.  1910.134(d)(1) General Requirements

The general requirements are the general rules for selection of respirators. That is, it is the employer’s duty to:

  1. Select appropriate respirators based on the hazards to which they’re exposed and the workplace factors that will affect them such as temperature/humidity, need for unimpeded vision, need for communication with other workers, usage in conjunction with other PPE, amount of time to be worn, etc.

  2. Select NIOSH-certified respirators and use them in compliance with the conditions of that certification. So don’t use parts for one brand on a different brand of respirators and for airline respirators use in accordance with operating procedures and hose specifications.
  3. Evaluate the respiratory hazards of the workplace. This includes quantifying exposures, identifying the contaminant’s chemical and physical form. You must do an analysis to determine if respirators are needed.  If it’s not possible to identity or estimate, the atmosphere should be considered to be IDLH, or immediately dangerous to life or health.
  4. Select respirators in a sufficient number of models and sizes so that they are acceptable and correctly fit. Not everyone’s face is the same.  We’ve found in fit-testing that not only are there size variances between people, but some just cannot successfully fit test in certain brands and shapes of respirators.

Need Help?  Have Questions?

After reviewing these 5, does your program have all of these bases covered? 

If you have questions, or need help shoring up your respiratory protection program, iSi is here to help!  We can write or review your written programs, help you determine workplace exposures, help with sampling plans, help with respirator selection, and conduct training. Contact us today!

Need Help?

Do you need help with any of these respiratory protection issues, respirator selection, quantitative fit-testing or training?  We can help!


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Keith Reissig
Keith Reissig


Ryan Livengood

International Hazardous Materials Logistics Manager | EHS Regulatory Trainer

As a former corporate environmental, health and safety manager, Ryan has a vast experience in working with both environmental and safety compliance issues in multiple states.  His specialties include national and international dangerous goods transportation, hazardous waste, environmental compliance, industrial hygiene and safety compliance. He is also an ISO 14001 Lead Auditor.


Recognize the Signs of Heat Illness

Recognize the Signs of Heat Illness

recognizing the signs of heat illness

Hot working conditions can bring increased risks of heat illness, especially when heat-producing equipment is used. 

OSHA has added an item in its Spring Regulatory Agenda called “Heat Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings” to start the wheels in motion for a potential heat-related regulation.  Right now it’s only in the Request for Information stage, but congressional members and public citizens have been petitioning for a standard for a while.  Some state plan states have already included heat-related rules in their standards.  

Heat is the leading weather-related killer.  The most important thing to remember about a person suffering from heat illness is to get them out of the heat ASAP. Take them to a shaded or air-conditioned area. A running vehicle with air conditioning works if no shaded area is available. Always stay with a victim of heat illness until medical personnel arrive. Be aware of yourself and your team for any symptoms and take the appropriate action immediately.  

Heat rash can appear on skin as small or large clusters of red bumps.

  • What to do:
    • Get to a cool, dry place.
    • Keep rash dry; use powder to soothe.

Heat cramps bring pain or spasms to muscles.

  • What to do:
    • Halt physical activity until cramps go away.
    • Get to a cool place.
    • Drink water or electrolyte drink.
  • Seek medical attention if the victim:
    • Has cramps lasting longer than 1 hour.
    • Has heart problems.
    • Is on a low-sodium diet.

Heat exhaustion occurs when the body’s temperature can’t cool down. Think of this as a situation where extreme conditions exhaust the body. It is severe and can occur in one day or over multiple days when in a consistently hot environment.

  • Watch for:
    • Heavy sweating
    • Cold, clammy, pale skin
    • Fast and weak pulse
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Headache
    • Weakness or tiredness
    • Dizziness
    • Fainting
    • Muscle cramps
  • What to do:
    • Get to a cool place.
    • Loosen clothing.
    • Sip water; do not chug.
    • Place cool cloths or cold packs under arms or on neck.
  • Seek medical attention if the victim:
    • Is vomiting.
    • Experiences worsening symptoms.
    • Experiences symptoms lasting longer than 1 hour.

Heat stroke occurs when body temperature is excessively high. Think of this as a situation that causes the body to stroke or seize up completely. This is a serious medical emergency that can cause shock, brain damage, organ failure, and death. It could be caused by heat exhaustion that was not properly treated.

  • Watch for:
    • Red, hot, dry skin (no sweating)
    • Fast and strong pulse
    • Nausea
    • Throbbing headache
    • High body temperature
    • Dizziness or confusion
    • Slurred speech
    • Losing consciousness
    • Seizures
  • What to do:
    • Call 911 – follow their advice.
    • Get to a cool place.
    • Loosen clothing.
    • Place cool cloths or cold packs under arms or on neck.
    • Do not provide anything to drink.

Dehydration can be a common cause of heat illness. Maintaining hydration is important, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Drinking water or electrolyte drinks are highly preferred to sugary and heavily caffeinated drinks. OSHA recommends drinking small amounts of cool water often before getting thirsty; 4 cups every hour during heat index values between 103°F – 115°F. Another recommendation is not to exceed 12 quarts of water per day.

An important reminder is that every person and situation is different. Some people require more water than others. These intake amounts depend on several things including the type of work being done, how much you’re sweating, and your personal risk factors. Don’t chug a large amount of water in the morning and call it good for the day; the important thing is maintaining hydration. You don’t flood your vegetable garden once at the beginning of the month and neglect it the rest of the month. If you do, you probably don’t have much of a harvest.

It’s the supervisor’s duty to have a plan in place during days of extreme heat. If possible, rescheduling a job to a cooler day or even a cooler part of the day could make a difference. Getting a job done on time is important, as is maintaining client satisfaction. However, no part of a job is worth risking the health and safety of your team and clients should understand that.


OSHA Heat Regulation

Monitor OSHA’s progress on a potential heat illness prevention standard here.

drew lyon
drew lyon


Drew Lyon

Project Manager | Meteorologist

Drew Lyon’s experience and training encompasses environmental reporting, day-to-day EHS compliance assistance at manufacturing facilities, wastewater compliance, hazardous waste management, environmental field sampling and safety. She is also a meteorologist, providing weather-related guidance to clients and our team.

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Sometimes You Really Need to Listen to the Voices in Your Head

Sometimes You Really Need to Listen to the Voices in Your Head

At iSi, the office and marketing/sales teams get involved in safety too, and one of the things we do is we each get a week to share a personal safety experience.  This is what I plan to share this month during my turn, and I hope you can take something away from it, especially as we head into National Safety Month this month.  – Tami Hadley


Usually when someone talks about the voices in their head, it’s kind of a joke, or played off as a negative thing.  However, sometimes those voices can tell you good things that you actually need to listen to.  There was one important time I wish I had listened to the voices that were trying to help keep me safe, but didn’t.

In late June of 2001, 20 years ago this month, my sister-friend and I were seriously scalded in a kitchen accident.  My friend used to think homemade was the way to go.  Six kids later she thinks a little differently, but back then that’s the way it was.  She was canning green beans from her garden and she had one of the old-time pressure cookers from the 70s.  She hadn’t used it much, and I certainly didn’t know anything about it.

One night when I was visiting, she was wanting to get the beans canned.  Her husband usually took care of the pressure cooker part but he was gone that night.  She had seen him do it, so she decided she would do it herself.   When it was time to take the jars out, she couldn’t get the lid of the cooker off.  Earlier that evening, the lid was really hard to get on, and so it made sense that it would be hard to get it off.  She enlisted my help.  I’m a helper…sure I’ll help.  We stood over the stove and started trying to muscle the lid off, and it wasn’t moving.

We paused for a moment.  In that pause, later we both discovered when discussing the event, that a voice in our heads was saying to each of us “Wait a minute, maybe this isn’t a good idea.”  However, we both are get ‘er done types and there were a lot of other things to get done that night, so we proceeded.  What we proceeded into was pressurized scalding water going everywhere.  We had missed a step – depressurizing the cooker.

The water flew everywhere.  Scalding water covered my head, face, arms, hands, chest, stomach and upper thighs.  She got it all over her arms, legs and feet.  After being temporarily blinded, I ran to the bathroom sink for the cool water, and she went to the kitchen sink.  Besides the extreme pain, I knew it was bad when I looked in the mirror and saw a huge piece of skin on my nose falling off and my face beginning to swell.  I found out later that the boiled water remaining on my clothes was continuing to burn me.  I kept them on until I was convinced to strip down in the ambulance.  Well, not until I made them shut the door, and make my cop friend who was working that night, go away.

I ended up spending the night in the burn unit with second degree burns over 30% of my body and my friend had second and third degree burns.  The nurses in the emergency room had a real good time with me after learning I worked for a safety consulting company.  They made all the medical personnel who came in the emergency room ask me where I worked so I could relay the irony of the situation.

It was a long, painful July for the both of us and it took us about a month for full recovery.  We both still have scars, especially on our arms.  I tell her it’s like a tattoo to remind us of what we went through and what we should/shouldn’t do.  We are extremely fortunate and blessed it didn’t do any other long lasting scarring damage besides that.

If we would have listened to those voices in our heads, we could’ve stopped this accident from happening. 

Please relay to your teams that it is OK to stop and listen to those voices in your head when something does not seem right.  It’s ok to take a moment to rethink something before you do it.  Nothing is too important or needs to be completed so quickly that you can’t take a moment to rethink it, especially when it comes to your safety.

Some safety lessons I took away from this ordeal…

  1. It’s OK to listen to the voices when it comes to your safety.
  2. If you’re scalded, remove the clothing that has the hot water on it to prevent continual burning. A lot of my most painful injuries was a result of this.
  3. Scalding burns larger than 3 inches or that cover more than one area of your body need medical attention.
  4. Run cool or lukewarm water (not cold) over the area but don’t submerge yourself in it or you could lose body heat.
  5. If you’re going to use a pressure cooker, buy the ones with the best safety features and won’t let you take the lid off until you depressurize it. My friend did bravely “get back up on the horse” and used that old cooker again, but more safely.  I still refuse to be in the same room with it.
  6. Always be familiar with the proper procedures for using something – don’t rely on only doing it by sight or watching someone else – you may miss something very important.

What’s your safety story?  Do you use personal safety stories in your safety programs?  How is it working?  Let us know!


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Tami Hadley
Tami Hadley


Tami Hadley

Marketing Director | Project Manager, E-Training Solutions

Tami has been with iSi for over 24 years.  During this time, she has enjoyed helping promote regulations compliance awareness and education through her involvement with iSi Training and through leadership roles with industry conferences and professional organizations.

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Go Orange for Work Zone Safety & Struck-By Hazard Awareness Week

Go Orange for Work Zone Safety & Struck-By Hazard Awareness Week

With spring and summer, along with the barbeques, pool parties and vacation days that come with warm weather, so does one other inevitability:  road construction.  The week of April 26-30, 2021 is National Work Zone Awareness Week.  Road construction occurs all throughout the year, but tends to start ramping up in the warmer spring and summer months.  So now is a good time to review some good safety practices on construction zone safety.

Work zones separate construction activities and construction workers from traffic, allowing both to work in harmony.  However, construction zones create a different traffic pattern and can sometimes be confusing areas.  On top of that, there are workers and machinery moving about.  Speed reduction areas, delays for pilot cars, and even route changes can affect our time schedules too.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, 2019 fatalities rose 11% from 2018.

  • There were 762 fatal crashes in work zones, 324 on arterial roads and 287 on the interstates
  • There were 842 fatalities in work zones, 690 of those fatalities were drivers and passengers
  • Of the fatal crashes, 33% were commercial motor vehicles
  • 31% of fatalities involved speed
  • 24% of fatalities were rear-end collisions

National Work Zone Awareness Week Events and Materials and Go Orange

You are encouraged to participate in Go Orange Day on Wednesday April 28, 2021 and wear orange to spread the message of work zone safety with your friends, family, coworkers and community.  There are a ton of resources out there to share with your workers as part of your weekly safety messages and meetings.  Here are some links to some sites for national and state event information and resources you can download:

National WorkZone Safety Information Clearinghouse (National and State Site Links)

Download a Flyer to Share with Your Workers from the National Work Zone Week Site

Download iSi’s 1-page Safety Toolbox Flyer With Safety Tips to Share With Your Team 

National Work Zone Awareness Week Website

Participate – National Work Zone Awareness Event Tool Kit

Struck-By National Stand-Down Week

Along with National Work Zone Awareness Week, NIOSH’s National Occupational Research Agenda’s (NORA) Construction Sector Council is promoting the National Stand-Down to Prevent Struck-By Incidents.  Struck-by hazards have been OSHA’s leading cause of death and non-fatal injuries since 1992.

NORA will be hosting 2 webinars on Monday April 26.  One is about cranes and lifting and the other is preventing struck-by incidents.  To register, download this flyer about the event.

You can also find a wide variety of training materials, infographics and other resources on struck by hazards here on the Center for Construction Research and Training Website.


If your company would like assistance with creating toolbox topic presentations/materials or new employee training, contact us for a price quote!



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Sustainability is Much More Than Just Being Green

Sustainability is Much More Than Just Being Green

Sustainability…that’s a word that’s been thrown around a lot within the past few years and to many it may conjure images of recycling and being a good environmental steward.  However, sustainability is more than just that environmental “stuff,” it’s actually much broader and you can count a lot of different practices towards it.

Sustainability can be defined as what your company is doing to contribute to society in terms of social responsibility, economic growth, AND environmental protection.  It’s what your company is doing to ensure you are adding value to society by how you manage resources, interact with your community, and work with your employees while staying profitable to sustain jobs for your community.

Large corporations have entire teams dedicated to sustainability strategies.  Medium and small companies are soon going to need to develop sustainability strategies in order to keep up.  Suppliers are already being asked to implement and start showing their own sustainable actions.  It’s not a matter of if sustainability will need to be addressed by your company, it’s when.

Goals of Sustainability

The goal of sustainability is to ensure your company is being a sustainable resource that’s in a way profitable for everyone.  It needs to ensure:

  • Customers will want to buy from you.
  • People will want to work for you.
  • Other businesses will want to do business with you.
  • The community will want to have you there.
  • You’re doing what you need to do to protect natural resources and the environment.
  • You’re finding ways to improve efficiencies and lower risk.

Sustainability Areas

There are a number of areas in your company where you can find and develop sustainable practices.  These include:

  • Community Involvement: How your company is making the community(ies) you’re located in a better place to live.  How do you contribute to improving your community, how do you affect its culture and be a good economic source of jobs?
  • Employment Practices: Being a good place to work by promoting personal and professional development, diversity, empowerment and participation from your employees.

  • Business Relationships: Engaging in fair-trading practices with suppliers, distributors and partners.
  • Morality and Ethics: Setting ethical standards and practices in place for working with all persons who have a stake in the success of your business.
  • Transparency: Timely communications with those affected by your company and being accountable to your internal and external customers.
  • Value of Products and Services: Providing a good quality product and/or service that adds value, while ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • Regulations Compliance: What you are doing to ensure you’re following all local, state, and federal regulations.
  • Resource Management: Managing resources efficiently, conscientiously and effectively.
  • Financial Return: Compensating providers of capital with a competitive return on their investment and protecting your company assets.
  • Protecting the Environment: Promoting restoration of the environment, finding ways to reduce waste, and sustainable development of products, processes, services and other activities.

Every department of your company can get involved to affect the process.  For example, it can start with Procurement finding raw materials with lower environmental impacts and socially-responsible suppliers, to Production devising processes that are more efficient while maintaining environmental and safety standards, to Marketing who can look at how sales and distribution methods can reduce adverse social and economic impacts.

What Can Sustainability Include?

Sustainability efforts can be internal or externally focused.  Some examples of each include:


  • Energy efficiency
  • Process innovations
  • Research and development
  • Plant certifications such as ISO 14001, 45001 and 9001
  • Process Safety Management
  • Audits for environmental standards and practices
  • Employee programs and benefits
  • Training
  • Assessing impacts of new or expected regulations and auditing areas of potential noncompliance
  • Minimizing liabilities
  • Standardizing systems and measures


  • Community involvement and philanthropy
  • Regulations compliance
  • Supplier audits and requirements for work practices
  • Supplier certification requirements
  • Public disclosure of sustainability reporting
  • Including sustainability information in shareholder documents
  • New market opportunities and sustainable or environmentally-affected product advances
  • Waste minimization
  • Social policy statements/guidelines
  • Environmental policies
  • Avoiding creating contamination

Other Applicable ISO Standards

There are ISO standards for other items that would be included in sustainability efforts.

There is an ISO 50001 for Energy Management.  Its focus is on how to improve energy use through the development of an energy management system.  This management system is the same used for ISO 14001 and 9001.

There is also a standard for social responsibility, ISO 26000.  ISO 26000 is a guidance only and cannot be certified like other ISO standards.  This standard helps clarify what social responsibility is and gives best practices relating to social responsibility globally.

Where Do You Start?

Just saying you’re committed to sustainability isn’t going to make it happen.  You need to incorporate it into your company culture.  Very much like any effective safety program, this too needs to start with support from top management and become an expectation that trickles down into each and every part of your company until it becomes a part of your corporate culture.

First, you need to decide how sustainable you want to be and what resources you want to dedicate to it.  Decide which areas you want to tackle.  For it to be successful what you choose to do needs to make financial sense and fit well with your company culture, your products, your location, and/or your customers.

Take a look at what you’re already doing.  What else can be done?  What are the costs and benefits of what you could do?  How can future costs be impacted by improvements you can make today?

Are there companies that you are working for who are requiring (or considering) requiring sustainability efforts?  What are those?  Are certain certifications such as the ISO 14001 environmental management system going to be required?  We are finding that many companies, especially those who work globally, are starting to require suppliers to get ISO certifications like the ISO 14001 because they are a recognized standard for implementing an overall environmental management system. 

ISO certifications have a set framework that looks at internal and external policies, communications and procedures.  Certification also helps demonstrate you are committed to putting standards and procedures in place to comply with regulations.  Once you’ve been through one ISO certification, you’ll find the others are very similar, including the ISO 45001 certification for safety because it uses many of the same methods.

Once you decide what you want to do, how far you want to go, and what your budget is going to be, then you’ll need to get different stakeholders involved.  You can have an outside company help you get organized, or you can develop your own in-house team.  Some companies have created internal committees like they do with safety committees, and some have hired full-time sustainability managers to make sure the effort stays on track.

How Do You Track Success?

Sustainability isn’t like sales or other goals your company is used to tracking, it can be hard to put a metric to it.  Sustainability is often a long-term goal and harder to predict.  It is sometimes harder to implement than other goals because it can be more abstract, but nonetheless important.

Besides typical measures like waste reductions, energy savings, and cost savings, there are other metrics that can be counted towards sustainability.  These could include metrics such as

  • Recycling savings;
  • Training expense per employee;
  • Number of sites with environmental or safety certifications;
  • On-time delivery;
  • Number of jobs posted and filled internally;
  • EHS capital expenditures;
  • Number of customer complaints;
  • Positive reviews;
  • Purchases from minority businesses; and,
  • Number of workers participating in industry or community organizations.

In Conclusion

We at iSi are already hearing that some of our major clients are looking to requiring their suppliers to have sustainability programs in place.  We have also had to start developing specific programs related to social issues, not just compliance issues any more.

It looks like sustainability is here to stay and will only continue to grow as an expectation.  iSi has a number of services in place to help you with your sustainability efforts and we are here to help in any way we can.

Learn more about the sustainability services iSi can help you with here

iSi's Sustainability Services

iSi can help you get several internal and external sustainability tasks accomplished, including all of the ISO standards listed and more.  Check out where we may be able to help you by visiting our Sustainability page.


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Workplace Safety Technology: T-Mobile for Business Adds 4G LTE HardHat and Contactless Temperature Device

Workplace Safety Technology: T-Mobile for Business Adds 4G LTE HardHat and Contactless Temperature Device

EHS Technology Solutions

iSi can help you find safety and environmental technology solutions to make your job easier.  Contact us today! 

T-Mobile for Business has added two new workplace safety technology products geared to make workplaces safer.  Each one also has features to help provide solutions related to recent concerns with workplace health.  The first product is a “smart” hard hat by Guardhat.  The other is a contactless temperature device for people entering crowded or confined spaces.  Both devices will take advantage of T-Mobile’s 4G LTE connectivity.


Guardhat utilizes sensors that let you know where the worker is at all times and what conditions they are working in order to analyze that data.  It also allows for audio and video communications so that you can see what they see and communicate back and forth with a central control center.

Some of the features include:

  • Location: Geofencing sensors track where Guardhat wearers are at, at all times.  Persons at a central control center can see where they are on a map.  Wearers can be alerted when they’re getting too close to hazards such as moving equipment, lockout/tagout areas, working areas like trenches or equipment drop zones and other dangers.   Sensors can be placed on all types of equipment and other assets so it can be tracked as well.
  • Communications: Guardhat wearers can communicate with the control center through voice and video capabilities.
  • Environment Monitoring: The hat will sense gases, noise, temperature and pressure issues and sound an alert until the worker gets to a safe location.   Persons at the control center will be able to use the camera on the hat and the locating sensors to help guide the worker to safety, if needed.
  • Physical Monitoring: The hat monitors vital stats and if it senses something is medically wrong with a worker wearing one, it will send an alert to other Guardhat users in the area and then will contact emergency medical services.
  • Fall Detection: The hat will sense when a worker has fallen and will alert other wearers in the area as well as emergency services.
  • Social Distancing: Location sensors can also be setup to ensure workers are working 6 feet from each other for social distancing purposes.

Guardhat is good for workers in areas with a number of hazards around them as well as workers who work alone in isolated areas.

PIMMAP Contactless Temperature Solution

The PIMMAP Contactless Temperature Solution is an 8-inch HD tablet that is an infrared camera and contactless temperature sensor.   It can be mounted to stands, kiosks or stations in places like schools, offices, arenas, factories, stores, hospitals, etc.

A person will stand in front of the device and it will use its infrared camera and facial recognition features to take temperatures at accuracy readings +/- 0.36 degrees F.   Facial recognition technology will also scan for signs of fatigue, watery eyes, and other flu-like symptoms.

Readings can be taken from 3-5 feet from the device and can scan 40 persons per minute.  An alert will come up on the screen if the temperature is too high.

The data for the device can be transferred to cloud servers and they can send push notifications.  They can also be worked on and troubleshot remotely.  If there’s no internet access where the device is located, it has its own 4G LTE router.

To learn more about these workplace safety technology devices, check out T-Mobile’s news release about them here.

Tami Hadley
Tami Hadley


Tami Hadley

Marketing Director | Project Manager, E-Training Solutions

Tami has been with iSi for over 24 years.  During this time, she has enjoyed helping promote regulations compliance awareness and education through her involvement with iSi Training and through leadership roles with industry conferences and professional organizations.

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Industrial Hygiene in Construction: Focus Four Health Hazards

Industrial Hygiene in Construction: Focus Four Health Hazards

Recently the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) published results of its study of construction occupations and workers across 32 states regarding construction worker health.

For several years, there has been an OSHA Focus Four emphasis on physical safety (Falls, Electrocutions, Struck-By and Caught-In-Between).  However, at construction worksites, the focus on industrial hygiene in construction and worker health has consistently lagged behind. Besides Focus Four and equipment and tool safety, companies focus on zero injuries.  Health hazard exposures are just as common and can be harder to see because some may not arise until they become chronic.

As a result, AIHA has published a guidance document on a new Focus Four for Construction HEALTH Hazards including:

  1. Manual Material Handling
  2. Noise
  3. Air Contaminants
  4. High Temperatures

Manual Material Handling

Manual material handling is strenuous work that can cause overexertion. Repeated work day after day, vibration from tools and equipment or awkward positioning can cause musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) such as back strains and sprains; arm and hand injuries; elbow and shoulder issues; and knee disorders. There are not many medical remedies for MSDs other than pain killers which can lead to opioid addictions.  Disabilities and early retirement can also arise.  MSDs are not cheap from a worker’s compensation perspective, taking 50% of all worker’s comp costs in construction.

AIHA says reducing these hazards will not only lower your costs, but help you retain your most experienced workers, help attract new employees, keep employees productive as they age and increase roles for women in the trades.


Exposures to noise can create either temporary or permanent hearing loss and other problems like tinnitus (ringing in the ears), sleep disturbance, impairment of balance, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. AIHA says a rule of thumb to use is that if you need to raise your voice to talk with someone an arm’s length away, the noise level will be over your 85 decibel limit. There are also many apps for your phone that can give an approximate noise level reading. Just remember these are not calibrated and can be off by several decibels. Those exposures at 85 decibels will cause damage over time, but construction tools and activities at 130-140 decibels will cause instant damage.

AIHA says hearing loss is the most common workplace illness in the U.S., and there is no cure for hearing loss or tinnitus.

Make sure you know what your noise exposures measurements are , know how to properly select and use hearing protection, communicate noise hazards, conduct hearing tests annually, train employees and include information about noise off the job. Better yet, find ways wherever possible to reduce noise exposures.

Air Contaminants

Air contaminants can include dusts, metal fumes, gases, vapors, solvents, and exhaust.    Odors are not always present, and those who “get used to the smell” may not know their overexposures to it.  For some contaminants, the fact that you can smell them means you’re already overexposed.

Contaminants can be inhaled or absorbed. Inhalation causes damage to the nose, throat and lungs causing damage and potential for asthma, breathing difficulties, lung scarring, COPD and lung cancer.  Absorption can cause blood, nervous system and organ damage.

This is another health hazard that may not be seen right away, but can arise later in an employee’s life, affecting quality of life.

This hazard can be reduced by pre-planning, determining:

  • Hazards of material to be used – what does the SDS say?
  • Amount used?
  • Duration used?
  • How will it be dispersed?
  • Confinement/enclosures used?
  • Controls used?
  • Ventilation and exhaust planned?
  • What PPE is needed?
  • Are respirators needed and do you have a proper respiratory protection program in place?
  • What are the occupational exposure limits allowed?

AIHA cautions that just because a task will be done for a short amount of time doesn’t lessen the hazard.

High Temperatures

Construction workers are susceptible to heat exposures due to the nature and location of their work.  Often things like PPE will add to the potential for problems.

Heat exposures play with the body’s ability to think clearly and act normally, so the worker may not speak up. That’s why it’s important for all workers, supervisors and foremen to be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses.

Proper training and planning ahead will help prevent major issues.  Make sure you look at things like:

  • Heat index
  • Experience and acclimation of worker (new or temp workers?)
  • How much work will be in direct sun?
  • Confined spaces
  • Additional heat sources (radiant heat/welding)
  • Physical workload
  • PPE to be used
  • Insulation and heat shields
  • Ventilation
  • Work schedules
  • Hydration, shade and break areas

In Closing

Although this article focuses on the construction worker, there is a lot that general industry workplaces can learn from this information too.

For more information about the Focus Four Health Hazards, check out the AIHA guidance document.

iSi’s team of industrial hygienists can help you with these issues and take care of the workplace and employee sampling that’s needed in several of these hazards.  Contact us today with your questions or to get a price quote.

Worker & Area Sampling

Let iSi’s industrial hygiene team help you determine what your workplace exposures are. Contact us today!

Tami Hadley
Tami Hadley


Tami Hadley

Marketing Director | Project Manager, E-Training Solutions

Tami has been with iSi for over 24 years.  During this time, she has enjoyed helping promote regulations compliance awareness and education through her involvement with iSi Training and through leadership roles with industry conferences and professional organizations.

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iSi Summer Safety Toolbox: Staying Hydrated

iSi Summer Safety Toolbox: Staying Hydrated

hydration safety toolbox

Dehydration can be a common cause of heat illness. Maintaining hydration is important, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Drinking water or electrolyte drinks are highly preferred to sugary and heavily caffeinated drinks. OSHA recommends drinking small amounts of cool water often before getting thirsty; 4 cups every hour during heat index values between 103°F – 115°F. Another recommendation is not to exceed 12 quarts of water per day.

An important reminder is that every person and situation is different. Some people require more water than others. These intake amounts depend on several things including the type of work being done, how much you’re sweating, and your personal risk factors. Don’t chug a large amount of water in the morning and call it good for the day; the important thing is maintaining hydration. You don’t flood your vegetable garden once at the beginning of the month and neglect it the rest of the month. If you do, you probably don’t have much of a harvest. Drinking throughout the day helps to better regulate core temperature and reduces strain on your cardiovascular system, keeping consistent body temperature.

It’s the supervisor’s duty to have a plan in place during days of extreme heat. If possible, rescheduling a job to a cooler day or even a cooler part of the day could make a difference. Getting a job done on time is important, as is maintaining client satisfaction. However, no part of a job is worth risking the health and safety of your team and clients should understand that.

It’s every person’s duty to watch out for themselves and their teammates. Providing cold water for your team is beneficial during hot days, as is having a first aid kit. If you have a first aid kit, kudos! If you don’t have a first aid kit, now is the time to get one. A few beneficial items to add to your first aid kit would be cold packs, cooling towels, electrolyte/salt tablets, or electrolyte powder drink mix. There are also specific first aid kits that can be purchased that include heat-stress care items.

Some symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Extreme thirst
  • Less frequent urination or dark colored urine
    Decreased sweating
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea, dizziness or confusion
  • Fatigue

If you’re a supervisor who would like some ideas on a heat safety plan or have questions on where to find quality first aid kits, contact us!

drew lyon
drew lyon


Drew Lyon

Project Manager | Meteorologist

Drew Lyon’s experience and training encompasses environmental reporting, day-to-day EHS compliance assistance at manufacturing facilities, wastewater compliance, hazardous waste management, environmental field sampling and safety. She is also a meteorologist, providing weather-related guidance to clients and our team.

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How UV Lighting Can be Used as a Disinfectant for Your Facility

How UV Lighting Can be Used as a Disinfectant for Your Facility

UV Light for Your HVAC

iSi can now provide disinfecting UV lighting for your HVAC system. UV light installations kill protein encased viruses, bacteria and mold.

UV lighting can be used as another tool in your safety and environmental arsenal to make your workplace safer and healthier.  But how does it work?

What is UVGI?

Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation, or UVGI, is a technology that goes back to the 1930’s with studies showing that ultraviolet light has the ability to kill or inactivate airborne microorganisms. These studies showed that an optimal wavelength of 265 nanometers (nm) was able to provide the largest reduction in airborne microorganisms. This was found to be very close to the wavelength produced by low-pressure mercury vapor lamps (254 nm).

Ultraviolet light can be broken down into 4 different bands:

  • UV-V: 10-200 nm
  • UV-C: 200-280 nm
  • UV-B: 280-315 nm
  • UV-A: 315-400 nm

The sun emits the full spectrum of ultraviolet light but only UV-A & UV-B make it to the surface.  The others are filtered out by the Earth’s atmosphere.  The UV-C band is the most effective at attacking the harmful microorganisms, so it needs to be generated artificially.

UV light spectrum

How does UVGI work?

UV-C wavelengths are readily absorbed by the DNA and RNA of microorganisms such as germs and mold.  When absorbed, UV damages their DNA or RNA structure, preventing the microorganism from replicating. The magnitude of their reduction is affected by their resistance to UVGI, the quantity of UV energy delivered, and the type specific microorganism being irradiated.

UV light

Wall-mounted UV light system.

Disinfecting light is delivered in two common methods. The first is by placing light units, either with or without fans, near the top of a room close to the air vents in order to clean the air as it circulates the room.

The second method is to place the unit directly into the heating and air conditioning (HVAC) system. This second method places the light in a location where the room occupants are not directly exposed to the light, and if placed correctly, can have an added advantage of cleaning the HVAC coils and drip pan to improve the efficiency of the HVAC system.

iSi light frame

UV light for HVAC system.

The design and placement of these different systems are governed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) which has published many documents on the subject.

UV Safety Considerations

UV-C band light is a safer band than the UV-A and UV-B that we deal with in nature. We have always been taught to apply sunscreen and wear sunglasses to protect ourselves from the burns we receive when outside. Due to the shorter wavelengths UV-C will only penetrate the outer skin layers and along the surface of the eye. It will not give you the severe sun burn the longer wavelengths will. It will cause a reddening and slight irritation of the skin and an painful itching sensation that will last a few days in the eye so slight protection is required if you are directly exposed to the light from these units.

UV Lighting for Your HVAC Units

iSi is now providing the second method UV germicidal lighting, the one for your HVAC system.  Our units are customized to your specific HVAC system and area to be disinfected.  Learn more about this service and get a quote here.

Keith Reissig
Keith Reissig


Ryan Livengood

International Hazardous Materials Logistics Manager | EHS Regulatory Trainer

As a former corporate environmental, health and safety manager, Ryan has a vast experience in working with both environmental and safety compliance issues in multiple states.  His specialties include national and international dangerous goods transportation, hazardous waste, environmental compliance, industrial hygiene and safety compliance. He is also an ISO 14001 Lead Auditor.



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COVID-19: A Potential OSHA Recordable Illness

COVID-19: A Potential OSHA Recordable Illness

UPDATED 5/22/20

Recently published guidance from OSHA clarifies that workplace-contracted COVID-19 can be a recordable illness.  That is, a recordable if it was contracted as a result of work duties.

Illnesses such as the flu and colds have always been, and continue to be, exempt from recordable illnesses recordkeeping.  However, COVID-19 is NOT exempt from being a recordable, even though it contains some of the same symptoms as the flu and cold.

When COVID is Recordable

Use the following guidelines when determining if a case of COVID 19 is a recordable illness:

  • Is confirmed as a coronavirus illness,
  • Falls under one or more of the typical recording criteria such as medical treatment beyond first aid, hospitalization, or days away from work, and
  • Is work related as defined by 29 CFR 1904.5.

Determining if it’s work related will take some investigation on your part as there’s a possibility that exposures can occur outside of work as well. OSHA expects employers to make reasonable efforts, based on the evidence available to make that determination.  A best practice is to ensure you have documentation of your investigation, including all the steps you took to come to your findings, and what led you to choose why to count or not count that illness.

Like with other recording requirements, companies with 10 or fewer do not need to make a recording unless it is work related and results in a hospitalization, amputation, loss of an eye or a fatality.

Have a Plan

Some workplaces and worker tasks are considered to have a higher risk for employee exposure.  Most workplaces will have a low exposure risk.  Those in healthcare, death care, airline, border protection, solid waste management and wastewater treatment are considered to be in the high risk category.  Workers who are required to work within 6 feet of each other would fall in the medium risk exposure level because the virus is spread through person-to-person droplet contact within that 6-foot range.

As a result, OSHA says it is important for workplaces to take measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and have a plan for dealing with it.  OSHA’s guidance specifically says there is currently no standard that covers COVID-19, but it would fall under the General Duty Clause that requires employers to provide workers with “…a place of employment which is free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm.”  They also mention the PPE standards (1910 Subpart I) which covers usage of gloves, eye protection, face protection and respirators and the Bloodborne Pathogens standard (29 CFR 1910.1030) which covers exposures to body fluids and blood.

Respirator Usage

Depending on work tasks and potential exposures, workers may need to wear masks, goggles, face shields, and/or respirators.  In the guidance document, OSHA says that workers, including those who work within 6 feet of patients known to be, or suspected of being, infected and those performing aerosol-generating procedures, need to use filtering facepiece or better respirators.  Remember that if your workers are wearing respirators, you must have a comprehensive respiratory protection program that has its own complete set of requirements.  You can find the respirator standards at 1910.134.

Hierarchy of Controls

OSHA’s guide contains ideas for identifying and isolating sick people, where appropriate.   OSHA also draws on the Hierarchy of Controls, just as it does for all other safety concerns.  For example:

Engineering Controls

  • High-efficiency air filters
  • Increased ventilation rates
  • Negative pressure ventilation in areas where aerosols are generated

Administrative Controls

  • Encouraging sick workers to stay home
  • Virtual or teleconferenced meetings rather than face-to-face
  • Alternating days or extra shifts to reduce the number of employees in the building, increasing work distances
  • Discontinuing non-essential travel
  • Emergency communication plans
  • Worker training

Safe Work Practices

  • Promote personal hygiene with tissues, no-touch trash cans, hand soap, alcohol rubs and wipes, disinfectants and disposable towels
  • Required regular hand washing or alcohol hand rubs, especially after removing PPE
  • Post handwashing signs in restrooms


  • Select based on hazard to the worker
  • Ensure proper fit and refit
  • Consistent and proper wear
  • Regular inspections
  • Regular cleaning, maintenance and repair
  • Proper storage and disposal

OSHA says PPE recommendations are likely to change depending on location, current PPE effectiveness and the nature of the job, so check in with OSHA and the CDC website for updates on recommended PPE.

Resource Links

OSHA has a dedicated webpage covering COVID-19 and they have published a guidance document in conjunction with the Department of Health and Human Services.  Both of these address measures on how to protect workplaces and workers at low, medium and high exposure risks and those who work in the specifically targeted high risk industries above.  Below are links to resources for COVID-19 planning and information:

OSHA and DHHS Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19

OSHA COVID-19 Website

CDC COVID-19 Website

EPA’s List of Registered Antimicrobial Products for Use Against Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the Cause of COVID-19

Need Help? Have Questions?

Do you need help pulling together a plan?  Do you have all the other pieces in place?  Let us help!


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12 Tasks for Safety Managers Working From Home

12 Tasks for Safety Managers Working From Home

Many in the U.S. are under stay at home orders, encouraged to work from home where possible. Although many manufacturing facilities are considered essential and still open, safety managers and their support staff do not always need to be onsite. With your routine disrupted, this may actually be a great time to accomplish safety projects that your normally crazy busy days do not allow you to do. Here are 12 ideas for tasks that safety managers working from home can do themselves, or can assign to their safety team members to keeping teams busy and productive during this time:

1. Develop Your Pandemic Plan

What better time than now to develop a plan for dealing with a pandemic? What actions did your company take? What has worked and what didn’t?  As a contractor, a number of clients have asked to see our plan.  What will you do about your own vendors and contractors next time? What about visitors? Read our article on pandemic preparedness plans to get some ideas on how to get started.

2. Review/Develop Cleaning Procedures

The events of the past month have shown a spotlight on the way we handle the spread of germs from person to person.  What are your procedures for cleaning and disinfecting respirators? What about your other personal protective equipment? What are the proper protocols? How often should they be cleaned? What cleaning products are EPA-approved and most effective on the PPEs’ materials?

3. Review Your Emergency Plans

We are entering wild weather months of spring and summer. How would your company deal with the effects of tornadoes, floods, wildfires, hurricanes, hail storms, high wind events, heat waves, etc.? What are your business continuity plans if one of these events would occur at your facility? How would you be affected? Electricity powers the lights, your computers, and your machines. What would you do about electrical service interruptions? Did you know that there are EPA regulations for emergency power generators? What other regulations would come into play?

4. Review Your Written Safety Programs

Written safety programs need to be reviewed on a regular basis, and some of them actually have OSHA rules about how often they are to be reviewed. Take a look at all of your plans. What do they commit you to doing, and is your company doing what it says you are supposed to be doing? Who else in your company is affected by these programs and needs to review and be aware of what they require? Remember that if it’s in writing that your company will do it, you will be held to that in a regulatory inspection. Are your programs compliant with OSHA standards?

Are you missing a plan? Visit to purchase one you can edit and expand upon.

5. Take Advantage of Web Conferencing for Safety Training

Many companies have been using web conferencing software to hold online meetings or to just check in with each other. Take this time to get some of your general safety training out of the way. You could do weekly toolbox meetings or even longer sessions. Just make sure that you document what was held, on what date, who was the trainer, and who attended. You could even take a screenshot of the online attendees list, or a screenshot of the webcams of the persons in attendance to add to your documentation.   iSi can help you facilitate/setup this training, request more info here.

6. Spruce Up Your Training Materials

Speaking of training, now’s a good time to look at the training materials you’re using and consider giving it a refresh. Is the training still current and within the regs? Are the people in your videos dressed like characters from the 80s? At the very least, does your Powerpoint need a new look and some new pictures?

7. Write your RFPs

What services and products will you be needing for the rest of the year? Does your procurement/purchasing department require you to help them develop solicitations? Now would be a great time to knock out scope of work development, writing descriptions of what you’re going to need and developing the criteria for what information you want to see back from your vendors’ responses. Instead of waiting later when the RFP will go out, do this part now because you know you’re likely to be swamped later and won’t have the time to put much thought into it.

8. Get Quotes for Services and Products

If you already know the products and services you’re going to need, even if it’s later in the year, go ahead and approach your vendors now. It’s likely they’re working from home too, and with business slowing for everyone, now is a good time for them to work on pricing and proposals. With the uncertainty in the business climate, you may even get better pricing if you ask for it now than you would later when business will be catching up. Make sure you let them know what time frame you’re going to need it, and then ask vendors if they’ll hold that pricing until then. Get a quote from iSi.

9. Develop a Presentation for a Local Organization or Conference

Local safety organizations, safety conferences and civic groups are ALWAYS looking for speakers and presentations. The most popular highlight real-world safety management ideas, tell stories on how you have solved a problem that other EHS managers likely have faced, or just share how handle a particular part of compliance. For civic groups, use your knowledge of general safety principles and find a topic that may apply to all types of businesses and business owners. Speaking to a group or professional event is also a great way to get publicity for your company and yourself as a professional in the community.

Read our article The Importance of EHS Organizations and Conferences to Your EHS Compliance.

10. Research Products and Services That Will Make You More Efficient

Once everyone is back to work, it’s likely your budget will be strained, labor may be stretched, and you’ll have to do more in order to catch up. Now is a good time to find products or services that will help make you more efficient and save money in the long run. Try out new software, get samples of products, and find resources that can give you assistance to help you make up for gaps in staffing. Now is the time to round up the tools for your toolbox that you may need to use later.

11. Permit Reviews

If you have them stored electronically, take a look at completed lockout/tagout and confined space entry permits. Were the requirements of the permits fully executed and documented

12. Clean Up Your Email

How many times have you gotten the notice that your email boxes are full and it has been at the worst time you could’ve gotten that message? Go through your inbox and delete what you do not need anymore and read what you may have missed. Don’t forget to go through your sent items too. If you find you are not making much headway in creating space, sort your messages by size. This will allow you to uncover those emails with the 50 MB attachments that you don’t need anymore.

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Tami Hadley
Tami Hadley


Tami Hadley

Marketing Director | Project Manager, E-Training Solutions

Tami has been with iSi for over 24 years.  During this time, she has enjoyed helping promote regulations compliance awareness and education through her involvement with iSi Training and through leadership roles with industry conferences and professional organizations.

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Creating a Pandemic Preparedness Plan for ISNetworld or for ANY Company

Creating a Pandemic Preparedness Plan for ISNetworld or for ANY Company

If you are a contractor to large refineries and manufacturers like we are, you are likely a member of one or more safety oversight companies like ISNetworld. Recently clients have been asking contractors to upload a Pandemic Preparedness Plan for ISNetworld, in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Other non-ISNetworld clients may have also been doing the same, or you as a safety professional may have been thinking about what your company should develop. Using ISNetworld’s program questionnaire can help any company determine what should be included in a plan and give a place to start.

The following are the topics covered by the questionnaire for the current Pandemic Preparedness Plan for ISNetworld. Even if ISNetworld doesn’t apply to you, this may give you some ideas for best practices:

1.  Assignment of Ownership

Who is going to be in charge of carrying out the plan? Who is on that team and how is it decided?

2.  Hand Washing Facilities, Cleansers and Other Hygiene Items

What hand washing facilities will be available to your employees? What other sanitizing products will be available (i.e., hand sanitizers, disposable towels, etc.). In this section you could also cover personal protective materials to be provided as well.

3.  Periodic Training

Periodic training should be conducted regarding illness prevention and spread of disease. It should also communicate your policies regarding illness. At what frequency will they be conducted, and who will do (or be responsible for) that training.

4.  Work From Home Policy

What is your company policy regarding working from home, or staying at home when an employee is ill or taking care of an ill family member.

5.  Continuance of Operations

What is your company’s strategy for continuing operations if a large percentage of your staff becomes ill? What’s your plan for maintaining operations during quarantine or stay at home orders?

6.  Immunizations

Does your company encourage employees to get proper immunizations? 

7.  Communications

How are employee and internal communications conducted? 

8.  Gatherings

Does your company limit large or crowded gatherings during outbreaks or increased disease levels? What does that look like?

9.  Cleaning

What is your strategy for cleaning workplace surfaces and equipment?  

10.  Reviews and Testing

How will this plan be tested? How often will it be reviewed? Who is responsible for doing so?

11.  Lessons Learned

What is your process for implementing lessons learned? How will that be done, and who will do it?

Writing the Plan

Hopefully this gives you a start on creating your own Pandemic Plan. If you do not have the time nor the labor right now to do this, let us help! We have written these Pandemic Preparedness Plans for ISNetworld compliance and for our own company.  Contact us today for pricing!

Save Time With Our Template!

If you need help getting started, we have a template plan for you to purchase for $100.  Click below to buy and download this Microsoft Word document now.


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What OSHA Says About Using Online Safety Training Courses

What OSHA Says About Using Online Safety Training Courses

OSHA's opinion on online safety training

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OK, OK, before anyone has a chance to say “of course you’re going to write THIS article,” we want to make it clear that although iSi may be known for the face-to-face classes we hold at our offices and onsite at client facilities, we DO write and produce online and computer-based training modules.  Thus, we are in favor of training in all forms, including online.  Online and computer-based classes can be a great tool for your training program, especially in places where there is high turnover, multiple shifts, or high numbers of employees at the facility.

Now…on to the article.

Recently, an OSHA interpretation letter was published that asked the question:

Are online training programs acceptable for compliance with OSHA’s worker training requirements?

OSHA’s Opinion of Online Safety Training

The response from OSHA said that although online safety training can be a valuable part of your training program, you cannot use it by itself to meet OSHA requirements unless it contains hands-on interactive elements.   OSHA says that training requires a mastery of the material that would include safe uses of tools and equipment.  The students must be able to interact with the proper equipment and tools.  This benefits not only the new student, but is a good refresher for those who are more skilled and also allows a qualified instructor to make sure the student has mastered the skill.

The interpretation letter references a previous letter published in 1994 that mentions HAZWOPER (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response) as an example.  In HAZWOPER, hands-on use of personal protective equipment is very important.  Training should include how to don and doff the PPE and include a way to ensure the student is comfortable doing so and is doing it correctly.  The information also needs to be able to somewhat be tailored to the student’s situation.  OSHA adds that this hands-on training needs to be conducted in a non-hazardous location as well.

This would also be the case for any powered industrial vehicle training.  In each of those courses, there is a classroom portion about the hazards that could be done online.  However, specific hands-on training with the actual equipment, whether that be a forklift, a scissor lift, a tug that pulls an airplane, etc., needs to be conducted in a hands-on fashion with the student operating the equipment and an instructor evaluating his/her performance and providing guidance.

Ability to Ask Questions

Another requirement to be meet OSHA standards is the student must be able to ask questions of an instructor.  Some of the topics may be unfamiliar, and OSHA values the student’s ability to ask questions and receive them in a timely manner.  They say that not having this interaction impedes the student’s ability to comprehend the material and retain it.

OSHA suggests that to take care of this requirement, a way to ask questions should be built into the program.  They mention a hotline number could be used, but you may also be able to use email or chat. 

Regardless of what you use, the contact needs to go directly to a qualified trainer and the responses need to come back in a timely fashion.

Where to Find These Interpretations

To review these OSHA interpretation letters regarding online safety training, read the one from 2019 here, and the one from 1994 here

Are you using online safety training for your company and now need to rethink how you’re administering it based on OSHA’s guidance?  Let iSi help you!  Contact us today for guidance, hands-on assistance, or customized online training modules that can be imported into your company’s learning management system.

Do you need assistance in administering your safety training programs?  Let us help – contact us today!

Robot Safety: NIOSH Develops Program to Study Robot-Related Injuries

Robot Safety: NIOSH Develops Program to Study Robot-Related Injuries

Robot Safety Evaluations

iSi has provided safety assistance to companies utilizing laser guided vehicles.  Let us help you with hazard evaluations, training and related issues.

With the increased use in robotic technology, NIOSH has been looking into the safety impact of working alongside these machines.  While robots can help reduce workplace injuries by replacing workers in some types of hazardous work conditions, the use of robots may create their own set of hazards.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has a Center for Occupational Robotics Research, and more specifically, a special program called the Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program.  Through the FACE program, NIOSH is conducting robot safety surveillance, targeted investigations, and prevention activities.  The program is conducting in-depth investigations of robot-related deaths. The FACE program is currently operated in 7 states through local state health or labor agencies. 

Recently the Washington State FACE Program issued recommendations for safety actions for two separate types of robots: laser guided vehicles and remote controlled demolition machines.

 Laser Guided Vehicles

In one case, NIOSH investigated a death at a water bottling company where a worker was crushed.  At the facility, each vehicle had safety sensors to detect objects or workers in the vehicle’s path.  An alarm would sound when an obstruction was present, and the vehicles would stop moving until the obstruction was removed. 

The worker heard an alarm sound on one of the vehicles indicating sensors detected an object in its path.  He attempted to remove a piece of plastic that likely tore off a pallet.  Before removing the plastic and reaching under the forks, the worker had not cut the power to the machine.  He also had not heeded label warnings to stay clear of the forks.  Investigators believe that when he removed the plastic obstruction, he was positioned outside the path of the sensor.  The vehicle resumed operation, the forks came down, and the worker was crushed. 

FACE recommends the following safety practices to prevent injury from laser guided vehicles:

  • Incorporate manufacturer safety requirements into written company safety procedures for automated guided industrial vehicles;
  • Train workers about the specific hazards and safety requirements associated with automated guided industrial vehicles; and,
  • Emphasize workers are expected to follow required safety procedures every time, and ensure compliance through periodic refresher training and spot checks.

Demolition Robots

FACE investigated two cases where workers were severely injured by demolition robots.  In the first case, a worker was using a machine that had a wire connected to a remote control the worker wore on his waist. When the worker attempted to move the machine’s power cable, he bumped the remote control against the machine, pinning him between the machine and the wall. 

In another case, a worker broke his foot when operating a machine to chip concrete.  He was in a tight spot between an excavation wall and the machine.  When he tried to apply more force on the machine to chip the concrete, the machine shifted and the outrigger came down on his foot.

As a result, FACE has developed recommendations for demolition robot safety:

  • Prepare a job hazard analysis with operators for each new job to identify and control hazards. Use the manufacturer’s safety instructions to establish the risk zone for the specific machine, attachment, and task;
  • Always stay outside the risk zone when the machine is in operation, and do not enter until the machine is put into emergency stop mode or de-energized;
  • Consider using a proximity warning system, such as those based on radio frequency identification (RFID), to maintain a safe worker-to-machine distance;
  • Train operators to manage power cables and to continually monitor the process for hazards and redefine the risk zone;
  • Ensure operators always read and follow manufacturer’s provided safety instructions; and,
  • Consider using a spotter to assist the operator.

NIOSH is Looking for Case Studies

NIOSH’s Center for Occupational Robotics Research, and its FACE programs are looking for other instances where robotics technology has contributed to injuries.  Through their research, they hope to develop additional safety programs and guidance to help companies keep workers safe.  If you know of a related incident, NIOSH would like to hear from you for an anonymous investigation.  You can find more about them at

We have worked with companies that use laser guided vehicles and other technology.  Let us assist you too — Contact us today!

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