OSHA Memo to Affect Way Agency Issues Certain Penalties, With Potential for Significant Increases

OSHA Memo to Affect Way Agency Issues Certain Penalties, With Potential for Significant Increases

OSHA’s Director of Enforcement and Director of Construction have joined together to issue two memos to its Regional Administrators and State Plan Designees to alert them on how to interpret penalties in certain cases.

Instance-by-Instance Citations

First, the memo “Application of Instance-by-Instance Penalty Adjustments” adds more circumstances in which these types of penalties can be charged.  Instance-by-Instance penalties are fines for every single instance that the violation occurs, such as penalties by machine, by entry, by location, or by employee.

The memo says that high-gravity serious violations of the following standards can now be subject to Instance-by-Instance penalties:

  • Fall Protection
  • Trenching
  • Machine Guarding
  • Respiratory Protection
  • Permit-Required Confined Spaces
  • Lockout/Tagout
  • Other-than-serious violations of the recordkeeping standard

Only those standards that have text which allows for violations of individualized duties rather than general course of conduct can be used to find incident-by-incident penalties.  For example, if machines are missing guards or if employees do not put lockout/tagout devices on each energy isolating device, you could be fined per instance because they are needed on each machine.

Memo guidance says discretion can be used for Instance-by-Instance penalties when penalty adjustments don’t advance the deterrent goal.  The following factors are to be considered:

  • Willful, repeat, or failure to abate violations within the past five years where that classification is current;
  • Failure to report a fatality, inpatient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye;
  • The proposed citations are related to a fatality/catastrophe; or
  • The proposed recordkeeping citations are related to injury or illness(es) that occurred as a result of a serious hazard.

Penalty evidence and justification must be documented and the Regional Office of the Solicitor must be consulted before these will be issued.

Grouping Penalties

Next, the memo “Exercising Discretion When Not to Group Violations” reminds Regional Administrators and Area Directors that they have the discretion to NOT group violations together in instances where it could help create a deterrent.  Grouping is allowed when:

  • Two or more serious or other-than-serious violations are so closely related they constitute a single hazardous condition (then they are grouped based on the most serious item);
  • Two or more violations are found which, if considered individually, represent other-than-serious violations but together could create a substantial probability of death or serious physical harm (then the violations are grouped as a serious violation); and,
  • When several other-than-serious violations are found (then they are grouped to create a high gravity other-than serious violation).

The memo is reminding that violations don’t have to be grouped if it doesn’t elevate the gravity/classification of the citation when the evidence could allow for multiple citations.  That is, if OSHA can find evidence that the violations could have different abatement methods, if each one could have resulted in death or serious harm, or if each violation condition could expose workers to different hazards, then they can charge each violation separately without grouping them.

In addition, guidance in the OSHA Field Operations Manual says violations are not to be grouped when:

  • Violations are found in separate inspections on more than one day;
  • The same violations are found at multiple sites, but at different locations. If your company is inspected at different branches/locations/sites and you violate the same standard at each place, then you are fined separately at each place;
  • Separate sections of the General Duty Clause are violated. Separate sections of the General Duty Clause cannot be grouped together, but a General Duty Clause section can be grouped with a related regulation; and,
  • Violations are so egregious that they trigger OSHA’s Instance-by-Instance Penalties.

OSHA Fines Increased

Dollar amounts on OSHA fines also were increased at the beginning of the year.  The maximum penalty amounts in 2023 are $15,625 per violation for serious, other-than-serious, posting requirement, and failure to abate violations, and $156,259 per violation for willful and repeat violations. This is an increase in 7.5%, which is the biggest year to year increase since 2016.

Do You Know Where You Stand?

iSi’s safety audit team can help you determine where you stand on compliance with OSHA regulations and provide a prioritized list of findings.  Contact us today to learn more about our audits!

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What Will Inspectors Look for in Combustible Dust Inspections?

What Will Inspectors Look for in Combustible Dust Inspections?

We recently discussed in this blog OSHA’s revised Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program.  Along with that revision OSHA’s shared its instructions to inspectors on what how to conduct the inspection, what to look for, how to build a case for a citation and which standards they could cite in a citation.

In this article, we’ll list out exactly what an inspector will be looking for if they arrive to your site for a combustible dust inspection, the information you’ll need to provide, and which standards you can be cited under.  There is no official OSHA combustible dust standard, so inspection instructions can help serve as a guidance to help you determine what you need to have in place not only to do well in an inspection, but to keep your people safe.

How Will OSHA Determine Who Gets Inspected?

First, will you be on the target list?

The NAICS codes who are likely to have combustible dust hazards are gathered together on Appendix B of the emphasis program.  OSHA will pull a list of all companies who qualify and generate a random order list.  Each company will be assigned a number and OSHA inspectors who have had specialized training in combustible dust hazards will be assigned to conduct inspections. This list will remain active for 3 years before a new one is generated. Between 2013 and 2017, OSHA conducted approximately 500-600 per year between programmed (planned) and unplanned inspections.

Your company can be deleted off the list if you have been inspected within the past 5 fiscal years, were inspected for combustible dust hazards and no citations were issued, or if you were inspected for combustible dust hazards, was cited but a follow-up inspection verified you did abate the hazards. Also, if you are a VPP or SHARP company, you can be deleted off the list.

If you’re not on the list for programmed inspections, you can still be inspected if there has been a complaint or if you have had a fatality or catastrophic incident related to combustible dust.

What Will Inspectors Be Looking for in a Combustible Dust Inspection?

This is the list of items that OSHA will be evaluating and the potential documentation they will be looking for:

  1. History of Fires and Explosions

Inspectors will be determining if your plant has a history of fires, flash fires, deflagrations of process vessels and inside buildings, and explosions of vessels.  They’ll be conducting employee interviews, looking at OSHA logs, looking at insurance claims, accessing local fire department records, and conducting onsite visual inspections to look at the condition of your equipment.  They’ll be placing special attention to discoloration, bulging, repairs and missing/damaged pieces or appendages of your equipment.

  1. Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)

Inspectors will go through your SDSs, looking for combustible dusts.

  1. Electrical Area Classification Drawings/Documents

Inspectors will be looking at your classification documents to find areas marked Class II, Division 1 or 2 to ensure electrical equipment is approved for that hazardous location.

You are required to have these drawings per 29 CFR 1910.307, which is the Hazardous (Classified) Locations Standard.

  1. Dust Hazard Analysis

Inspectors have been instructed to do a dust hazard analysis toward the end of the inspection to help them in determining your citation, rather than at the beginning of the inspection to determine the scope.  This analysis includes observations of all areas of the facility for accumulation issues to determine overall potential for fire, flash fire or explosion.

They’ll be looking at:

  • Horizontal structures
  • Conduits and pipe racks
  • Cable trays
  • Floors
  • Above suspended ceilings
  • On or around equipment, especially on elevated horizontal surfaces

They will be taking measurements of depth, determining physical area sizes, and may be bringing cameras and video cameras on poles to help take photos of high places.

  1. Control and Suppression Systems

Inspectors will be looking to ensure:

  • Dust collectors and dust handling equipment has explosion prevention/suppression systems and deflagration propagation prevention devices;
  • Dust systems that return clean air to buildings have proper protections;
  • There are no hazardous levels of combustible dust accumulations outside of equipment;
  • Number and sizes of horizontal surfaces are minimized and designed to prevent dust accumulation;
  • Equipment that produces, transports, stores or handles dust (mixers, silos, mills, ducts, dust collectors, etc.) are designed and maintained to prevent dust leakage/escape/clouds;
  • Material transport systems (conveyors, elevators) are designed to prevent dust leakage/escape/clouds;
  • The method of cleaning and the tools you use to clean are proper. Are you using specialized vacuums to clean up combustible dusts, what are you doing to clean up dust, and if you use compressed air is it under 30 psi with the right chip guards and PPE?
  • Electrical equipment and lights are proper for use in those areas;
  • Powered industrial trucks are approved for use in those locations;
  • Hot work, welding, cutting and grinding is not performed in those areas;
  • Ductwork from dust generation, handling and collecting systems is conductive, bonded and properly grounded to dissipate static accumulation;
  • Maintenance of mechanical equipment is conducted to prevent generation of heat and sparks;
  • Process systems have magnetic separators and/or tramp metal separators installed;
  • Your ductwork has proper transport velocity to prevent accumulation in the ducts and that ducts have inspection and cleanout ports/hatches;
  • Housekeeping procedures are in place; and,
  • You have ignition control programs for:
    • Hot work and hot surfaces
    • Bearings
    • Self-heating materials
    • Open flames
    • Fuel-fired equipment
    • Heated process equipment
    • Heated air
    • Frictional sparks
    • Impact sparks
    • Electrical equipment
    • Electrostatics or other similar sources in dust handling equipment.
  1. Sampling Results

Inspectors will be collecting dust samples from each area they believe has a potential for a combustible dust hazard.  This could be from elevated surfaces, horizontal surfaces as high overhead as possible, floors and equipment surfaces, dust collection equipment and within process equipment.  They are not allowed to enter into your confined spaces, but they can use a non-spark producing scope or scoop on an extension pole to collect their sample.

Samples will be sent to the OSHA Salt Lake Technical Center which has specialized knowledge and experience with combustible dust hazards.

A good practice with all OSHA inspections is to make sure you conduct your own side-by-side sampling, that is, you sample what they sample and get your own independent results.  Be advised, combustible dust samples are going to be considerably more expensive samples to have analyzed by a laboratory than other types of materials.

  1. Other Documentation

Inspectors will be gathering all kinds of other information including:

  • How your equipment is connected and how the process flows;
  • Piping and process diagrams;
  • They’ll take photographs, videos and make diagrams or sketches documenting extent and depth of dust and condition of equipment;
  • Room dimensions;
  • Engineering controls used;
  • Design information, make, model, serial numbers of dust collectors;
  • Date of installation and operator manuals for dust collection system;
  • Dirty and clean size/volumes for dust collection system;
  • Warning signs and alerts on equipment regarding combustible dust;
  • External ignition sources; and,
  • Internal ignition sources.

What are Some Potential Standards You Could be Cited Under?

OSHA does not have its own dedicated combustible dust standard, but it can use a wide variety of other standards to cite you for these hazards.  These include:

Housekeeping Standard (Non-Storage Areas) – 29 CFR 1910.22

A little dust here and there wouldn’t be enough.  You can be cited under this standard if you have a visible volume of combustible dust in the workplace.  This is where that dust hazard analysis comes in.  They will use their measurements and observations for extent, depth and calculations of area.  If you have dust everywhere and it’s pretty significant, expect a violation of this standard.

Housekeeping Standard (Storage Areas) – 29 CFR 1910.176(c)

This is from the Handling Materials – General standard which says that storage areas need to be free from accumulation of materials that constitute hazards including explosion and fire.

General Duty Clause – Section 5(a)(1)

As with a lot of other cases, usually there’s always something within the tried-and-true General Duty Clause that could be included. In this case it will be related to the dust collection system or your dryers, mixers, material storage, bucket elevators and mills.  In addition to reviewing your safety and maintenance manuals, inspectors may do some research into your industry to find potentials for combustible dust hazards and also use NFPA 65 or other NFPA standards to find issues.

Some ideas for citations under the General Duty Clause listed for inspectors in their inspection guidance include:

  • Problems with dust collectors;
  • Ductwork-related problems;
  • Improperly designed deflagration venting;
  • Unprotected processing and material handling equipment (no deflagration suppression); and,
  • Improperly designed or maintained blowers, collection systems and exhaust systems used at sawmills.

Ventilation – 29 CFR 1910.94

Paragraph (a) of this standard deals with abrasive blasting including fire and explosion hazards.  If your ventilation equipment is not constructed in accordance to NFPA 91 and 68, then you can be cited here.

PPE – 29 CFR 1910.132(a)

If employees are not wearing FR (flame-resistant) clothing around combustible dust areas where they could receive burn injuries from flash fires, you can be cited under the PPE standard.

Hazardous (Classified Locations) – 29 CFR 1910.307

This is in the Electrical Subpart S area of the standards.  If sample results show you have combustible dust in a Class II area and it’s not safe for it to be there, you would be cited under this one.  They can also cite Class I and III electrical-related issues here too if they find them along the way.

Powered Industrial Trucks – 29 CFR 1910.178

If you have a forklift that’s not rated an EX (explosion proof) in the area where there’s combustible dust, you can be cited here.  Also be aware that many jurisdictions still have Powered Industrial Truck emphasis programs so they can conduct an additional separate inspection regarding your trucks while they are there for combustible dusts.

Welding, Cutting and Brazing – 29 CFR 1910.252

Under the general requirements, if you are conducting cutting and welding in explosive atmospheres, you can be cited here.

Warning Signs – 29 CFR 1910.145

This comes from the standard for Specifications for Accident Prevention Signs and Tags under Subpart J, General Environmental Controls.  If you have safety instruction signs missing from equipment or missing from entrances where there are explosive atmospheres, expect a citation here.

Hazard Communication – 29 CFR 1910.1200

Did you know that combustible dust is considered a hazardous chemical?  This needs to be incorporated into your hazcom program.   All equipment containing combustible dusts, including drums and containers used to collect dusts from dust collectors and cyclones must be properly labeled just like any other hazcom container.

You should also document notifying and training employees on its hazards.

SDSs are now supposed to include combustible dust as a not otherwise classified hazard with the signal word “warning” and the hazard statement “may form combustible dust concentrations in the air.”

Others and Specialty Standards

  • Means of Egress – 29 CFR Subpart E
  • Portable Fire Extinguishers – 29 CFR 1910.157 (no emergency action plan or fire prevention plan)
  • Fire Brigades – 29 CFR 1910.156
  • Spray Finishing – 29 CFR 1910.107
  • Bakery Equipment – 29 CFR 1910.263
  • Sawmills – 29 CFR 1910.265
  • Pulp and Paper Mills – 29 CFR 1910.261

Do you need help with combustible dust?  iSi can help with programs, audits and hazard assessments, sampling, PPE determinations, training and more.  Contact us today!

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OSHA Updates Its Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program

OSHA Updates Its Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program

In 2007, after a number of combustible dust incidents, OSHA issued its National Emphasis Program on Combustible Dusts.  After years of inspections and gained knowledge about combustible dusts in industry, OSHA maintains this National Emphasis Program is now updating it to better target those industries they are finding are having the most issues.

What Are Combustible Dusts?

Combustible dusts are organic or metal dusts ground into very small particles, fibers,  flakes, chips, or chunks which makes them more likely to cause fire, flash fire, deflagration and explosion hazards.  They can be found in process equipment, dust collectors, electrical equipment, and all around the building.

Some typical combustible dusts include:

  • Metal dusts like aluminum, magnesium and iron
  • Wood dusts
  • Coal, carbon and carbon black
  • Plastic dusts, phenolic resins and additives
  • Rubber dust
  • Biosolids
  • Organic dusts like sugar, flour, paper, soap and dried blood
  • Textile dusts

Grain handling dusts are also combustible, however, due to the incidents and explosions involving grain handling facilities, they have their own emphasis program.  The combustible dust emphasis program looks at all other dusts or those facilities that may not qualify to be inspected under the grain handling emphasis.

Affected Industries

The combustible dust emphasis program has listed quite a few NAICS codes targeted for programmed inspections in its Appendix B.  Some of these include:

  • Wood products
  • Forest and furniture
  • Chemicals
  • Metal processing
  • Agriculture and food (human and animal)
  • Rubber and Tire
  • Paper products
  • Textiles
  • 3-D printing
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Recycling
  • Coal dust handling and processing

Through its inspections since 2007, OSHA found:

The Top 5 Industries with the Most Combustible Dust Hazards

  • Farm suppliers
  • Institutional furniture manufacturers
  • Metal window and door manufacturers
  • Sheet metal work
  • Furniture and upholstery repair

The Industries With the Most Fatalities and Catastrophes:

  • Animal food manufacturing
  • Sawmills and lumber production
  • Wood manufacturing and processing
  • Agriculture processing

New Industries Added to Appendix B to Be Inspected

Through inspection data it was found that certain industries needed to be added to Appendix B because they were more likely to have combustible dust hazards or the number of combustible dust-related fatalities or catastrophes had went up.  These include:

  • Commercial bakeries
  • Printing ink manufacturing
  • Cut stock, resawing lumber, and planing
  • Leather and hide tanning and finishing
  • Truss manufacturing
  • Grain and field bean merchant wholesalers

Industries Removed from Appendix B

Those industries that OSHA found were less likely to have combustible dust hazards or who had low incidents and violations were removed from Appendix B and are no longer on the target list for programmed inspections.  These include:

  • Fossil fuel electric power generation
  • Cookie and cracker manufacturing
  • Pharmaceutical preparation manufacturing
  • Unlaminated plastic profile shape manufacturing
  • Noncurrent carrying wire device manufacturing
  • Blind and shade manufacturing

How Will OSHA Determine Who Gets Inspected?

OSHA will pull a list of all companies whose NAICS codes fall under those listed in Appendix B to generate a random number list.  Each company will be assigned a number and OSHA inspectors who have had specialized training in combustible dust hazards will be assigned to conduct inspections. This list will remain active for 3 years before a new one is generated. Between 2013 and 2017, OSHA conducted approximately 500-600 per year between programmed (planned) and unplanned inspections.

Your company can be deleted off the list if you have been inspected within the past 5 fiscal years, were inspected for combustible dust hazards and no citations were issued, or if you were inspected for combustible dust hazards and were cited but a follow-up inspection verified you did abate the hazards. If you are a VPP or SHARP company, you also will be deleted off the list.

Even if you’re not on the list for programmed inspections or in Appendix B, you can still be inspected if there has been a complaint or if you have had a fatality or catastrophic incident related to combustible dust.

There is no OSHA combustible dust standard, so what will an inspector be looking for when they come onsite for one of these inspections?  Stay tuned for our next blog article, “What Will Inspectors be Looking for in Combustible Dust Inspections?”

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OSHA Injury Posting Requirements

OSHA Injury Posting Requirements

It’s that time of year again when employers need to post and submit last year’s injury and illness data.  Here is a list of timeframes and more information about which companies this affects:

Posting Injury and Illness Data

All employers who are required to maintain OSHA logs must post a copy of their OSHA 300A log from February 1 through April 30.  This needs to be placed in a common area where an employee can easily see it.  Make sure you have a company executive sign and certify it before posting.

Electronic Submittals to OSHA

osha injury reporting recordkeeping compliance chart for 2023

Employers with more than 250 employees and employers with 20-249 employees under certain NAICS codes are required to submit their 300As to OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application (ITA) website.  Here’s a list of those special industries covered by the recordkeeping rule:  Covered Industries.

In order to post to the website, you’ll need two separate accounts.  First is an account with the Injury Tracking Application website.  The other, new as of October 2022, you’ll have to have an account at Login.gov, a secure website the federal government uses for many different applications.   You need to make sure you use the same email address for both so that the records can be connected.

Information can be manually uploaded, uploaded via a CSV file (available as a template from the OSHA ITA website), or transmit it electronically through an API.

If your company has multiple locations, or establishments as they are referred to, you need to report for each establishment, but can use the same ITA account to do it.  A third party can help do this for you, but accuracy and completeness of data is still your company’s responsibility.

Even if you have 0 recordables, you still need to report, and if you miss the March 2 deadline, you can still submit at any time of the year.  Just be aware you’re not compliant until you do.  If you submit early and find out there was an injury last year that became recordable, they would like for you to update the information, but it’s not required.

What’s Recordable, What’s Not?

If you have questions or need help in determining what’s recordable and what’s not, iSi can help.  We can advise on a case-by-case basis, and we have conducted presentations that cover some of the trickier examples that we can provide through our training program.  Contact us for pricing on either of those.

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OSHA Considering Changes and Updates to the PSM Standard

OSHA Considering Changes and Updates to the PSM Standard

OSHA Considering Changes and Updates to the PSM Standard


OSHA has been accepting comments on several proposed changes to its Process Safety Management, or PSM standard.

PSM is an OSHA regulation that is concerned with processes at your facility that use highly hazardous chemicals.  PSM provides a compliance framework to evaluate each process with the end goal of no spills, fires, explosions, reactions, releases or other incidents arise from their use.  The official standard can be found at 29 CFR 1910.119.

PSM hasn’t been updated since its creation in 1992.  OSHA has been reevaluating PSM, and EPA has been similarly been reevaluating their Risk Management Plan, or RMP standard since the 2013 West, Texas fertilizer storage facility explosion.  Just like the difference between OSHA and EPA, PSM is meant to protect workers while RMP is meant to protect the environment.

Potential changes to PSM could include:

  • Clarifying the exemption for atmospheric storage tanks;
  • Strengthening employee participation and stop work authority;
  • Requiring the development of written procedures for all elements specified in the standard, identification of records required by the standard, and a records retention policy (previously referred to as “Written PSM Management Systems”);
  • Including oil-well and gas-well drilling and servicing as part of the standard and resuming enforcement for oil and gas production facilities;
  • Expanding coverage and requirements for reactive chemical hazards;
  • Updating and expanding the list of highly hazardous chemicals in Appendix A;
  • Requiring continuous updating of collected information (paragraph (d));
  • Requiring formal resolution of Process Hazard Analysis team recommendations that are not utilized;
  • Better defining what critical equipment means, what equipment deficiencies are, and expanding paragraph (j) to cover the mechanical integrity of critical equipment;
  • Clarifying the scope of the retail facilities exemption;
  • Defining the limits of a PSM-covered process;
  • Better defining recognized and generally accepted as good engineering practices (RAGAGEP) and requiring evaluations of any updates to them;
  • Requiring safer technology and alternatives analysis;
  • Requiring consideration of natural disasters and extreme temperatures;
  • Amending paragraph (k) of the Explosives and Blasting Agents Standard to cover dismantling and disposal of explosives and pyrotechnics;
  • Clarifying that paragraph (l) covers organizational changes;
  • Amending paragraph (m) to require root cause analysis;
  • Requiring coordination of emergency planning with local emergency-response authorities;
  • Requiring third-party compliance audits; and,
  • Including requirements for employers to develop a system for periodic review of and necessary revisions to their PSM management systems (previously referred to as “Evaluation and Corrective Action”).

This action is currently in the comments stage, and stakeholder meetings were held in October 2022 with comments accepted through mid-November 2022.  We will keep you updated when anything final is published.

Do you need help with PSM?  Does this apply to you?  iSi can help!  Contact us today for more information.

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Hazmat Employee Training Requirements Every Employer Must Know

Hazmat Employee Training Requirements Every Employer Must Know

What does HAZMAT stand for?

Hazmat stands for HAZardous MATerials, and is a term commonly used to refer to materials that could be dangerous to people, the environment or property. These types of materials may include explosives, flammable liquids, radioactive substances and infectious agents.

It is important for individuals who handle, dispose, and transport hazardous materials to have the proper training and certifications in order to ensure the safety of themselves, others and the environment. Hazmat personnel must also be aware of any applicable laws regarding the transportation and handling of haz materials in order to stay compliant with regulations.

The term is used across multiple industries, including healthcare, construction, manufacturing and mining. The HAZMAT designation can help save lives and reduce potential damage from hazardous materials.

What defines a hazmat employee?

A hazmat employee is any person who is responsible for the transport, storage, and handling of hazardous materials in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Hazmat employees must be trained to recognize and respond to hazards posed by hazardous materials they may encounter on the job.

They must also possess knowledge about safe practices related to identification, packaging, labeling, documentation, shipping papers, and emergency response. In order to ensure safety, hazmat employees must pass tests regarding hazardous materials regulations and complete refresher courses on a regular basis.

Furthermore, they are expected to follow all applicable laws and regulations to the letter in order to protect public health and the environment. By having an accurate understanding of what it takes to be a responsible hazmat employee, businesses can ensure that their operations remain safe and in compliance.

Hazmat Training Requirements:

Hazmat training is an important part of safety and awareness for anyone who works with potentially hazardous materials or substances. The US Department of Transportation (DOT) requires that all hazmat personnel receive specialized hazardous materials transportation safety training before they are allowed to handle such materials, as well as periodic retraining every three years.

This includes general awareness/familiarization training, transporting hazardous material training, in depth security training, safety training, function-specific training, security training and in-depth safety training. All employees with hazardous materials responsibilities must have the necessary knowledge and skills to safely handle these materials and be knowledgeable about the applicable regulations.

Hazardous Materials Handler certification is also required for any personnel involved in packaging, labeling, marking or loading of hazardous material shipments.

What are the required categories of hazmat employee training?

The four required categories of hazardous materials employee training include: General Awareness/Familiarization, Function-Specific Training, Safety Training and Security Awareness. All employees who handle hazmat must understand basic safety rules and procedures related to the hazardous materials they handle, as well as emergency response protocols that could arise should an incident occur.

Additionally, personnel involved in loading and unloading operations must understand applicable regulations to ensure safe, secure and compliant operations. Function-specific training is also mandatory for employees who perform activities related to the identification, packaging, labeling, marking, handling, storage and transportation of hazardous materials.

How often do hazmat employees need to be trained?

Hazmat employees are required to complete initial training within 90 days of hire and annually thereafter. Initial training must include topics such as hazard recognition, basic containment principles, emergency response, proper handling and storage of haz materials, and personal protection equipment.

Hazmat employees should also receive additional training whenever there is a change in job duties or when they are exposed to new hazards.

Hazmat Employee Training (49 CFR 172.704)

Hazmat employee training (49 CFR 172.704) is an important part of the hazardous materials transportation regulations mandated by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Hazmat training must be completed by all employees involved in transporting dangerous goods and hazardous materials, including those who prepare shipments, load/unload, package, mark/label containers or placards, provide emergency response information, and perform any related duties.

Training must include instruction in the applicable regulations, safety precautions, emergency response procedures, how to recognize and respond to haz materials incidents, and other related topics as necessary. Hazardous materials employee training must be provided before initial job assignment and at least once every three years thereafter.

Employers are responsible for ensuring that hazmat employees remain qualified and are knowledgeable about the haz materials they handle. Hazmat employee training is an important factor in ensuring the safe transportation of hazardous materials and preventing accidents related to their transportation.

Is proof of training required?

When it comes to the question of whether proof of training is required for Hazmat Employees, the answer depends on the severity and potential hazards associated with the job. Generally, employers must provide proof that their employees are knowledgeable about hazardous materials regulations and understand how to safely handle haz materials before they can be allowed access to any facilities where hazardous materials may be stored or used.

This proof can take the form of certificate programs, refresher courses, or a written test. Additionally, employers may need to show that their employees have participated in emergency response drills and are knowledgeable about proper procedures for responding to spills and other haz materials incidents. In some cases, additional safety protocols such as wearing personal protective equipment and maintaining adequate ventilation may also be required.

Security Awareness Training (49 CFR 172.704(a)(4))

Security Awareness Training is an important part of any organization’s security plan. As mandated by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 49 CFR 172.704(a)(4) requires all personnel who work in regulated environments to complete appropriate training prior to performing their duties.

This training helps ensure that employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities when it comes to safeguarding sensitive information. Additionally, security awareness training helps to ensure that personnel are familiar with the threats and vulnerabilities associated with their role, as well as how to appropriately respond in the event of a breach or other security incident.

This type of safety training is an essential element of any organization’s overall security strategy and should not be overlooked.

The Importance of Hazardous Materials Training

Hazardous materials training is incredibly important for workers who are exposed to hazardous substances. It helps to ensure that they have the right knowledge and understanding of safe and proper methods of handling, transporting, storing, and disposing of such potentially dangerous materials.

Hazardous material trainings can also help prevent accidents or other incidents involving haz materials from occurring by equipping workers with the skills to identify hazardous materials, assess the risks associated with them, and take appropriate steps to mitigate those risks.

Ultimately, hazardous material training is essential for protecting workers and the environment by providing a good understanding of the potential dangers that could be encountered while working with these substances.

It is also important for employers to provide regular hazmaterials trainings in order to stay up-to-date with the latest regulations and safety protocols concerning hazardous materials. By doing so, employers can ensure that their workers are properly informed about how to handle these materials correctly and safely.

Need Help?

Do you need an idea of where you stand with EPA or OSHA regulations?  Do you need full-time or temporary personnel to manage the day-to-day compliance tasks?  Would your employees benefit from onsite environmental training? 

Our team of environmental consultants, safety consultants and industrial hygienists would love to help. Call (316) 264-7050 today!


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Fit Testing Questions Answered

Fit Testing Questions Answered

Once you conduct an evaluation to determine what type of respirator your workers will be required to use to protect them from the contaminants around them (that is, what type, Assigned Protection Factor (APF) needed, what filters and/or cartridges are required, etc.), there are three general steps that come next: a medical evaluation to ensure they’re medically capable of wearing one, fit testing to determine which size most comfortably and accurately fits, and training.  In this blog, we dive into the fit testing side.

Respirator fit testing is conducted on tight-fitting respirators to make sure the respirator gets a good seal on the employee’s face so that no contaminants will leak into the mask.  They may not always be the most comfortable or convenient things to wear, but fit testing finds a balance of comfort and protection at the same time.

Qualitative or Quantitative?  What’s the Difference?

Fit-testing methods are referred to as qualitative or quantitative.

In qualitative fit-testing, once the person being fit tested has his/her mask on, the tester introduces items such as saccharine, Bittrex, banana oil or irritant smoke near the mask to see if the person can smell or sense it.  This method relies on the worker’s ability to sense odor or irritants. NIOSH currently doesn’t recommend irritant smoke for fit-testing.  Qualitative fit testing is only for half-face, full-face and N95 filtering facepiece respirators that have an APF of 10.  An APF is the level of protection the respirator will provide if it’s functioning and wore correctly.  For example, an APF of 10 means the user can expect to inhale no more than one tenth of the contaminant present. Qualitative fit-testing is easy, fast and fairly inexpensive.  It’s considered to be only a pass or fail type of test.

Quantitative respirator fit-testing uses a machine to measure pressure loss inside the mask or to count quantities of particles to calculate a fit factor.  Quantitative testing is considered more accurate than qualitative fit-testing.  Quantitative fit-testing must be conducted for respirators requiring an APF over 10.  Full-face tight fitting respirators that are quantitatively tested have an APF of 50.  An APF of 50 means the user can expect to inhale no more than one fiftieth of the contaminant present.

​When Do I Need to Fit-Test Someone?

Employers are to ensure employees wearing tight-fitting facepiece respirators are fit-tested:

  1. Before use
  2. Whenever a different respiratory facepiece is used (size, model, make, style)
  3. Annually

Why is Fit-Testing Required Each Year?

A study published by NIOSH has affirmed the need for OSHA’s annual requirement for fit-testing for filtering facepiece respirators and other tight-fitting respirators.

In its study, NIOSH followed 229 subjects over three years’ time, making fit and physical characteristic measurements every 6 months. It was found that after one year, 10% of the subjects had changes in fit. In two years it was 20%, and in the third year, it was up to 26%. OSHA’s intended threshold for fit changes, when it made its rules in 1998, was 7% annually.

NIOSH also found that subjects who had lost 20 or more pounds had respirator fit changes. The greater the weight loss, the higher the chance that the respirator fit changed. Thus, NIOSH recommends those persons who lose 20 or more pounds get priority fit-test scheduling, even it is less than a year since their last fit-test.

In addition to weight loss and gain, other events such as dental changes, facial scarring and cosmetic surgery can affect respirator fit as well.

Note: NIOSH’s study can be found at: https://blogs.cdc.gov/niosh-science-blog/2016/01/05/fit-testing/

What Difference Does Respirator Brand Make in Fit Testing?

Different brands also fit differently, so a size a worker may wear in one mask may not be the same size in another brand.  If the person wears glasses, hearing protection or other items around their head during the job, they must wear them during the fit test.

What Facial Hair is Acceptable in a Fit-Test?

Beards and facial hair on men are back in style, but beards and respirators do not get along.  Certain kinds and lengths of facial hair including beards, sideburns, some mustaches, and even a day or two of stubble can interfere with the seal.  According to NIOSH, presence of facial hair under the seal causes 20 to 100 times more leakage.  Gases, vapors and particles will take the path of least resistance and will flow right through the hair into the mask and into the lungs.

Our Physician is Booked Now, Can I Go Ahead and Do the Fit Test Before I Get My Respirator Physical?

No!  Respirator physicals (medical evaluations) need to be done before the fit test to ensure the person getting tested is even medically qualified to wear one.  Wearing a respirator can put a strain on the heart and lungs and it is very important that an employee has been evaluated by a medical professional to prevent causing any damage to the employee.

How Often is Respirator Training Required?

Respiratory protection training is required ANNUALLY, that is, within 12 months.  Doing this training around the same time as the physical and the fit testing can help reinforce proper care techniques for the respirator.  This training should cover how to properly don (put on) and doff (take off) them, their limitations and capabilities, why a respirator is needed, how to use them in an emergency or when they malfunction, how to inspect and remove the seals, how to clean and store it properly, how to recognize medical signs and symptoms that may limit or prevent its effective use, and the general requirements of the respiratory protection standard.

Additional training shall be conducted if there are any changes in your workplace, changes in respirator that would make previous training obsolete and when a worker’s actions show additional training is required to ensure their safe use.

What Documentation Do I Need to Keep?

Once you’ve had someone fit tested, you need to ensure you maintain records of the fit test.  The documentation needs to include:

  • The name of the person tested,
  • Type of test conducted
  • Specific make, model, style and size of respirator tested
  • Date of the test
  • Pass/fail results for qualitative fit testing, or the fit factor and strip chart recording from a quantitative fit test
  • A written copy of your Respirator Protection Program

Where Can I Find the Requirements for Fit-Testing? 

OSHA governs the usage of respirators and sets forth its standards in 29 CFR 1910.134 for general industry, and for construction, standard 29 CFR 1926.103 references back to the general industry standard, saying its requirements are identical.  The specific protocols and instructions on how to conduct a fit test are in Appendix A of that standard.

Need Help?

iSi can help with respiratory protection questions and conduct both quantitative and qualitative fit-testing!


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Lithium Batteries: Safety Hazards and Their Impact on Businesses

Lithium Batteries: Safety Hazards and Their Impact on Businesses

More lithium and lithium-ion batteries are being used in products today and just like any material, if we understand how to use it safely, it should not pose any problem. (Note: Lithium batteries are single-use batteries and lithium-ion batteries are the rechargeable kind.)

Lithium-containing batteries, when damaged. defective or used improperly, can present a fire and/or an explosion hazard.  Small items such as a laptop can typically have 6 lithium cells in them, while an electric vehicle can use 7,000 lithium-ion cells. This change in size greatly increases the risk and effects of a fire. If an electric vehicle catches on fire in your garage, you most likely do not have a way to deal with a 3,632° F fire.

Should I Really Worry About My Battery Catching on Fire?

If your battery stays intact, and does not allow moisture to get inside, or as long as there is not an issue with overcharging where the temperature runs away, you should be fine. The issue is that lithium and water don’t like each other. In fact, in its pure form, water causes lithium to react, sometimes violently, creating sparks and lots of heat, as well as hydrogen gas.

Lithium-ion batteries are a little different than the pure form of lithium in that they are filled with a lithium compound, and not pure lithium. Because of this, the material in many batteries are not quite as active with water. But when you have 7,000 cells in one place, if one catches on fire, a chain reaction can occur that you cannot control. Also fighting that fire with water may not be the best solution when water can cause it to react more.

This can be the same for industry. Lithium-ion batteries are being used in everything from pumps and instruments, to cars and equipment, hand tools, computer servers, and so many more products. Even your wireless mouse may have lithium-ion batteries.

If you just throw that away in the trash, not only are you potentially violating waste regulations and DOT shipping regulations, you may also be creating a fire hazard for the waste removal truck the landfill that it goes to.

DOT Issues Advisory Warning for Lithium-Containing Batteries

Recently DOT has found the issue with shipping lithium-containing batteries for recycle or waste has gotten out of hand. The Pipeline Hazardous Materials and Safety Administration (PHMSA), which is the HazMat division of the DOT, has issued a safety advisory on the dangers to help people out. The advisory warns that shippers and carriers need to take extra (and sometimes different) precautions when shipping damaged, defective or recalled lithium-containing batteries.

During recent compliance inspections, DOT inspectors have been finding improperly packaged and shipped lithium-containing batteries for disposal or recycling.  Some examples include:

  • Not packaging to prevent short circuiting
  • Mixing damaged batteries with others in the same packaging for recycling/disposal
  • Shipping pallets of batteries in boxes and drums with inappropriate package identifications

From a hazardous waste perspective, EPA recommends that lithium batteries be managed under the Universal Waste regulations.

Battery Disposal Rules – for Consumers

Regular citizens should take used, damaged, defective or recalled lithium-containing batteries to recycling facilities geared for accepting them, or your local household hazardous waste collection point. Do NOT throw them away with your other garbage.  If there is an item that’s recalled that has the battery in it, follow the manufacturer’s safety instructions and disposal instructions. Pay attention to any warnings.

Find an authorized provider to ship any lithium-containing batteries because they are considered to be hazardous materials.  When the post office asks if you are shipping hazardous materials, lithium-containing batteries makes that answer yes.

Battery Shipping and Disposal Rules – for Businesses

If you are a business, there are a number of regulations you need to follow to properly deal with lithium-containing batteries.  First, they can only be shipped by ground methods, so that’s by truck, rail or vessel. Overnight shipments or any shipment that could potential go via air methods are out of the question.

There are also specific regulations and procedures you need to follow to properly package, label and ship them.  There are regulations about the type of box you send them in because those packages must have special permits for this role.   There are special labels and markings that need to go on the packages and special ways they need to be packaged. Workers who will be participating in any function of the process are required to have proper training specific to their role, and that training is required every 3 years.  Emergency response information must also be included in the package process.

Training and Consulting Resource

iSi conducts hazardous materials shipping for businesses as well as conducts training to properly ship hazardous materials via ground, air, and vessel.  If you are a business that has question about how to deal with your lithium-containing batteries or if your workers need training, contact us today!

Need Help?

iSi can help with lithium battery issues as well as employee training!

Keith Reissig
Keith Reissig


Ryan Livengood

International Hazardous Materials Logistics Manager | EHS Regulatory Trainer

As a former corporate environmental, health and safety manager, Ryan has a vast experience in working with both environmental and safety compliance issues in multiple states.  His specialties include national and international dangerous goods transportation, hazardous waste, environmental compliance, industrial hygiene and safety compliance. He is also an ISO 14001 Lead Auditor.



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iSi’s Top 12 General Industry Safety Audit Findings

iSi’s Top 12 General Industry Safety Audit Findings

Safety regulations are enforced by OSHA, and in some states such as California and Indiana, by a state safety agency. How do you make sure you have your bases covered? A safety audit can determine your current status and what your vulnerabilities are. iSi’s general industry safety audits are conducted like a mock OSHA inspection for the 29 CFR 1910 general industry regulations. There is a wall-to-wall walkthrough, a records review of written programs, training programs, and past inspections, and interviews with employees.

Some of the below cited items start in the OSHA regulations, but detailed actions are prescribed by other regulations such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) or American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards. Others are based on items we see our clients cited for in OSHA inspections which we have added to our audits.

The following are our top 12 specific findings we see most when we do our general industry safety audit.

12. Safety Showers and Eyewash Stations

Facility safety showers and eyewash stations are not being inspected on a regular basis.  1910.151(c) discusses suitable facilities, but ANSI standard Z358.1-2014 specifies weekly visual inspections of both showers and eyewash stations.

11. Lifting Slings

We find that often there is no formal program in place to conduct a periodic inspection of all lifting slings. This must be conducted annually. 1910.184 includes guidance on the use of slings and item (d) covers inspections.

10.  Machines

At number 10 is fixed machines. We find fixed machines are not securely mounted to the floor or the bench top to prevent them from “walking.” 1910.212 is the standard for all machines and machine guarding. Item (b) covers the anchoring requirements.

9.  Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE evaluations and hazard assessments must be conducted for each task. We find that these are either not conducted or not documented. The potential for workplace hazards must first be assessed and if PPE is needed, PPE must be selected, communication decisions must be communicated to affected employees and PPE must be fitted to each employee.

A written certification must be created which identifies the workplace evaluated, the person certifying the evaluation, the date the assessment was conducted, and signification that the document is a certification of hazard assessment.

These rules are found in 1910.132(d).

8. Fire Extinguishers

Are your fire extinguishers mounted too high, not mounted at all or are they blocked from access? 1910.157(c) is the standard which covers this issue.

7.  Emergency Lighting

Emergency lighting, in many locations, is not being tested every 30 days for 30 seconds or for 1.5 hours annually. Lighting can be found in Subpart E, Means of Egress, Maintenance, Safeguards, and Operational Features for Exit Routes, 1910.37(a)(4) and the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code

6.  Lamps

We find that lamps less than 8 feet from the floor are not protected from accidental contact. Lamps need to be guarded and protected from accidental contact. This can be found in 1910.305(a)(2)(ix). Although a particular height requirement is not specified in this regulation, you should consider the reach of your tallest employees and length of the parts and/or tools being used in the area.

5.  Forklifts 

We see many issues with forklifts. The most common issue we find with forklifts no documentation of daily inspections, or no inspections being conducted. However, more recently we have been seeing issues with employees not wearing seatbelts, controls where the labeling has worn off, the use of non-factory attachments, and not updating data plates, tags and decals with revised capacity, and operation and maintenance data. Forklift standards are found in 1910.178.

4.  Grinder Wheels 

Machine guarding issues are a common item we see. One of the most prevalent ones relates to grinder wheels. The gap between the grinder wheels and the work rest plate should not be more than the maximum allowed 1/8 inch. The adjustable tongue guards shouldn’t be more than the maximum allowed 1/4 inch from the tongue guard. These regulations can be found in Subpart O, Abrasive Wheel Machinery, 1910.215(a)(4) and (b)(9).

3.  Electrical Panels 

With electrical panels, we often see the minimum required areas of clear space around the panels is not being maintained. Sufficient access must be maintained for safe operation, access, and maintenance. The rules, including a distance chart to help you determine proper clearances can be found in Subpart S, 1910.303(g).

2.  Hazard Communication

Within the hazard communication (hazcom) standard, there are requirements for secondary containers. We find many secondary containers of hazardous chemicals are not labeled correctly or have illegible writing on them. The regulation comes under the “labeling” section of 1910.1200. All containers, either primary or secondary, need to be labeled and contain product identifier and words, pictures, symbols or a combination of them. Portable containers, that is, containers you transfer chemicals to and intend for immediate use are not covered by this requirement.

1.  Access to Medical Records

The number one item we find in our audits relates to access to medical records. Employees are required to receive information on their access to medical records. This is required initially upon hire, and then annually thereafter. The regulations can be found in 1910.120(g)(1). Included with this requirement is notifying employees the existence, location and availability of records covered by 1910.120, the person responsible for maintaining and providing access to records, and each employer’s rights to access those records. As an employer, you need to keep a copy of 1910.120 and its appendices and make copies readily available, upon request, to employees.

This information can be covered within your annual training classes, or can be a written notice of information in an email, or a memo that is posted with your OSHA logs and other OSHA-required notices. The important part is that you document that you completed this requirement and how.

Where Do You Go From Here?

iSi can help you get a baseline on your safety compliance status by conducting a walkthrough. From there, we will create a matrix of issues we see with the corresponding regulatory standard. We can also help you prioritize the ones which are most critical to be taken care of.

Request a quote for a general industry safety audit today! Need more information about these issues?  Contact us at (888) 264-7050 or email us!

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OSHA Safe + Sound Site Provides Free Resources for Your Safety Program

OSHA Safe + Sound Site Provides Free Resources for Your Safety Program

OSHA's ssafe+sound week logo

What is Safe + Sound Week?

OSHA has designated August 15-19, 2022 as Safe + Sound Week.  It’s held each August to recognize workplace safety and health programs and to create awareness for worker safety, and OSHA provides a wide variety of resources, social media tools and other information to help you celebrate.

The Safe + Sound effort is focused on encouraging workplaces to have a safety and health program.  It says that your program needs to have three main goals:  Worker Participation, Management Leadership and a process for Finding and Fixing Hazards.  OSHA provides a wide variety of resources on its Safe + Sound website for each one of these areas to help you reach this goal.  These tools are available all throughout the year.  The Safe + Sound Week is an opportunity to highlight the successes you have been able to accomplish, and at the very least, give you a way to promote safety to your company and to the public.

Below is a list of tools available both to help you bring awareness during Safe + Sound week, and to help you strengthen your program throughout the year.

Resources:  Safe + Sound Week

OSHA’s Safe + Sound Week website gives you a wide variety of resources to help plan, promote and celebrate Safe + Sound Week to your employees and to the public.

Some of these resources include:

  • Register your company nationally as a participant and see who else from your state is participating
  • Examples of workplace events and activities to have at your facility
  • Shareable logos and badges
  • Social media toolkits and photo and content frames
  • Safety and Health Matters to Me thought bubbles for employees to complete
  • Banners for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
  • Virtual meeting (Zoom) backgrounds
  • Shareable images that can be used for posters, bulletin board posts, or inclusion in your safety newsletters

Resources:  Strengthening Your Program Throughout the Year

OSHA’s Safe + Sound campaign website offers a number of educational flyers and guidance documents to help you strengthen your program throughout the year.   Some of these include:

  • Free webinars
  • OSHA Safety and Health Program Recommended Practices manual
  • ASSP Guidance Manual:  Keep Your People Safe in Smaller Organizations
  • Guidance documents and ideas
  • Worker participation worksheets and Better Safety Conversations worksheet
  • Leadership worksheets and challenge activities
  • Management safety pledge
  • Find and fix hazard identification tools

Certificate of Completion 

If your company would like to participate in Safe + Sound Week, you can sign up at https://www.osha.gov/safeandsoundweek/.  Your company will be added to the list of participating companies for your state.  Afterwards, you can download a certificate and a virtual challenge coin to recognize your organization.


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OSHA’s Hexavalent Chromium Standard Case Study and Regs

OSHA’s Hexavalent Chromium Standard Case Study and Regs

iSi works with a number of different companies, and when we see results of regulatory inspections, we like to use them as examples to perhaps help give other companies some insight into what to do with their own compliance.  Quite a few companies are subject to OSHA’s Hexavalent Chromium Standard for either General Industry or Construction, so many that OSHA has had a National Emphasis Program for this for quite a few years.

The types of operations with hexavalent chromium exposures include:

  • Manufacturing of Aircraft, Stainless Steel, Paint, Chemicals, or Pre-Cast Concrete
  • Metal Finishing and Preparation
  • Electroplating
  • Painting or Sanding of Painted Parts
  • Welding of Stainless Steel
  • Iron and Steel Mills and Foundries
  • Printing
  • Construction
  • Chemical Mixing
  • Waste Handling
  • Tanning Leather
  • Handling Catalysts

OSHA Inspection Case Study

A metal finishing company that iSi works with has been working to comply with the hexavalent chromium standard, having iSi conduct their quarterly monitoring and issuing employee notices while the company handles the other elements of the program.  After an employee complaint, OSHA arrived onsite to look at hexavalent chromium compliance.   This is the type of company already on OSHA’s target list for the emphasis program.  The result of the inspection was three violations of the standard.

The first violation was for not having required change rooms.  The company did have a locker area for the employees to change at, and it was in a separate area behind their 3 paint booths.  OSHA found fault with this because there was no demarcation between where the paint booths ended, and the clean room began.  The contaminated portion wasn’t clearly marked.  There also wasn’t separate storage for protective clothing vs. street clothes, only the lockers.  A second violation was cited for this area because there was no sink in the immediate area for washing. OSHA decided the sink that was being used to clean up was too far causing potential contamination to areas outside the regulated area. These two items were cited together since they were part of the same portion of the standard, and the original fine was at a Serious level for $8,192.

The third item was a citation for finding hexavalent chromium in the break area.  There are no set limits on the amount of hexavalent chromium that can be found on surfaces.  Wipe samples indicated levels of 0.05 µg/m3, a very low level detected.  However, it was still enough to be detected and the company was fined for a Serious violation at $5,461.

The total fine was $13,653, which is OSHA’s minimum fine amount for any Serious violation.  With many violations, the company was given a chance to reduce the fine through an Expedited Informal Settlement Agreement, still leaving a violation of over $8,000.

So what are the hexavalent chromium standard’s rules for General Industry and Construction?

The Rules – General Industry
29 CFR 1910.1026

The permissible exposure limit (PEL) for hexavalent chromium is 5 micrograms per cubic meter (5 µg/m3) in an 8-hour time weighted average (TWA). There is also an Action Level that triggers parts of the standard that begins at 2.5 µg/m3.

Make an Exposure Determination

Companies are required to make an Initial Exposure Determination by conducting employee exposure sampling to determine your exposures, including enough breathing zone samples to characterize a full shift, do representative sampling for each shift the exposure can occur using the employee with the greatest potential exposure, or use other air monitoring, historical data and performance-oriented sampling.  If the results are at or above the Action Level, periodic monitoring is required every 6 months, and if they’re above the PEL, monitoring is required quarterly. Notify your employees within 15 business days of the results of monitoring, and if you’re above the PEL, you need to include what corrective action is being taken.

You’re not allowed to rotate employees’ job assignments in order to not meet the PEL requirements.

Establish Regulated Areas

Formally establish the area where employee exposures can be expected above the PEL and then clearly demarcate and label that area from the rest of the workplace to alert employees of its boundaries.  Limit access to this area to only authorized personnel. Regulated Areas can not be used for eating, drinking or smoking nor can any of these items be taken into a Regulated Area such as a pack of gum or cigarettes in an employee’s pocket.

Engineering Controls and PPE

Your first responsibility is to use engineering controls where possible, and if not feasible, reduce the levels as low as you can and then use personal protective equipment (PPE), such as respirators.  The aircraft industry is required to use engineering/work practice controls to reduce exposures to at least 25 µg/m3.  If employees are not exposed for more than 30 days/year, then this requirement does not apply.

Protective Clothing and Equipment (PPE)

Contaminated PPE and other waste and debris must be removed at the end of the shift or completion of tasks and placed into sealed, impermeable bags or containers.  No PPE leaves the workplace and can be laundered as long as those who are laundering are alerted to the harmful effects of hexavalent chromium, that it cannot become airborne and requires minimal skin and eye contact.  Remove contaminated PPE from the change rooms and ensure these bags and containers are properly labeled per Hazard Communication requirements.  PPE cannot be shaken or blown down to remove the dust.

Also, for EPA purposes, all waste material needs to have a waste determination and any debris or waste may be considered hazardous due to the chromium levels.  Make sure you have a determination for these materials.

Hygiene Areas

Provide changing rooms with separate storage for contaminated clothes and equipment and the employees’ street clothes.  Provide washing facilities, with employees washing prior to eating, drinking, smoking, chewing tobacco/gum, applying makeup or using the restroom.  Employees are not to do these activities within the marked off regulated area.  Any eating or drinking areas need to be as free of hexavalent chromium as practicable, and employees are not to wear contaminated clothing/equipment in those areas.


All surfaces need to be as free as possible of hexavalent chromium.  Clean using wet methods or HEPA vacuums first, and only use dry shoveling/brushing/sweeping where the HEPA vacuum wasn’t effective.  No compressed air can be used to blow the dust.

Initial and Annual Medical Surveillance

Employees who exceed the Action Level must be provided, at no cost to the employee, initial and annual medical surveillance for those with the following situations:

  • Greater than 30 days of exposure (within 30 days for initial, then annually)
  • Exposure in an emergency (within 30 days)
  • Those exhibiting symptoms of exposure (within 30 days)
  • Those terminated (if exposed within past 6 months)

Hazard Communication (Hazcom) and Training Requirements

Include hexavalent chromium in your Hazcom program, including container labeling, SDSs, and training.  Training for hexavalent chromium needs to include all of the requirements of the standard as well as provisions for medical surveillance.


You must keep records of your air monitoring data (who – names and job positions, when, where, method used, results, PPE used, other data used) as well as medical surveillance records and training records.

Most Hexavalent Chromium Exposures – General Industry

Electroplating – Hard chrome plating, decorative chrome plating, anodized chrome plating when placing and removing products into and from the bath, rinsing with water, and replenishing bath with chromate solution or powder.

Welding – Welding stainless steel, welding in confined spaces on stainless and carbon steel, indoor welding without engineering controls. Exposures come from welding fumes generated from the base metal and applied coatings, electrode coatings, high-chromium nickel alloy electrodes and chromium-containing filler metals.

Painting – Spray painting, abrasive blasting for the removal of chrome containing paint/primer, sanding or grinding on chrome-covered materials. Hexavalent chromium found in paint include strontium chromate and zinc chromate, and even the blasting grit will contain paint waste-containing chrome.

Foundries, Steel Mills, Molten Metal Operations — Furnace and crane operations, molten metal pouring and transfer, tapping, surface conditioning, hot rolling, torch cutting and gouging, and welding.

The Rules – Construction
29 CFR 1926.1126

The hexavalent chromium rules for the construction industry are pretty much the same as those in general industry, with the following exceptions:

  • Employee notices of monitoring must be provided to employees within 5 days rather than 15
  • The sections on Regulated Areas and Housekeeping are not included in the construction standard.

Most Hexavalent Chromium Exposures – Construction

Painting and Surface Operations – Removal of chromate-containing paint and primer for surface preparation of existing steel (bridges, water towers, and industrial buildings), abrasive blasting and equipment maintenance for site cleanup following abrasive blasting.

Welding and Thermal Cutting – Welding stainless steel and welding in confined spaces or indoor conditions, for both stainless steel and carbon (mild) steel (industrial piping and vessels; architectural facades; constructional structures; boilers; indoor architecture; petrochemical structures; shipbuilding; and turbine blades.), brazing, thermal cutting and boilermaker work.

Concrete Operations – Certain mixes, such as Portland Cement, are know to contain hexavalent chromium and operations such as mixing, pouring or cutting dry cement may release the chromium to the air and become a breathing hazard.

What does your hexavalent chromium area look like?  Are you following the regulation requirements and monitoring your employees?  iSi works with many companies who are required to comply with this standard, so we’re well versed in how to help.  Contact us today!

Program Assistance

Need help determining where you stand with hexavalent chromium compliance?  Need sampling or an audit to see what you’re missing?  We can help!


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Trailer Safety

Trailer Safety

Trailers are often used in the workplace — by operations personnel down to even the sales department who may move their exhibits from show to show.  The construction industry uses a lot of trailers to move equipment. 

With the summer season, our employees may be using trailers to haul boats, ATVs, campers, or extra large smoker grills.  U-Hauls can be rented by anyone for moving from house to house or to move a kid to or from college, to haul cars or other items.

Here are some trailer safety tips to help avoid a potential accident:

  • Choose the right tow vehicle and trailer for the load. Review the tow capacity and ensure it’s capable of handling the weight of the trailer and what you’re going to be towing on it.  Exceeding the capacity can severely affect handling, braking and damage your vehicle’s suspension. Check the hitch for the maximum trailer and maximum tongue weights it can safely support.
  • If you’re going to be carrying additional loads or passengers in the vehicle, check the gross vehicle weight rating issued for your vehicle and make sure the load will not exceed that rating, nor that the combination of the trailer and vehicle weights will be exceeded.
  • Make sure you have the proper hitch ball for the trailer. Incorrectly sized hitch balls are the #1 cause of trailer accidents.
  • When hauling loads, 60% of the load on the trailer should be placed on the front half of the trailer, with a tongue weight of 10-15% of the total weight that’s loaded on the trailer. Ensure weight is evenly distributed on the left and right sides of the trailer.
  • Straps are critical — broken or cheap straps can fail fast. Use ratchet straps for anything heavier than an average person and use more than one strap in case one comes loose.  The working load of the strap should be more than the weight of what you’re hauling.  For vehicles, strap vehicles at four points of the trailer corners.
  • Check your tires on both the vehicle and the trailer. Underinflation can cause rolling resistance and forces the engine to work harder and consume (now more expensive) fuel.
  • One of the most common trailer issues is lights — make sure your lights work before you leave, make sure the load doesn’t obscure them and take spare bulbs and fuses with you.
  • Check your brakes and make sure the breakaway cable is properly attached to your tow vehicle. In the event the trailer somehow disconnects from the hitch, the cable will trigger the trailer brakes.
  • Always cross safety chains so that they form a cradle for the tongue to fall down onto.
  • Adjust your mirrors so that you can have a clear view of the entire trailer, to the end.
  • Carry spare parts such as at least one trailer spare tire as well as extra wheel bearings and hubs.
  • When unhooking the trailer from the tow vehicle, use wheel chocks in front of and behind the trailer’s tires to ensure it doesn’t roll away.
  • Towing can stress your engine, so make sure your vehicle has all of its fluids to prevent overheating. Make sure your vehicle has proper levels of coolant, oil and transmission fluid.
  • Be patient when passing and take extra care when changing lanes.
  • Don’t speed and know the speed limits of the trailer and of your state/local area. Some areas have specific speeds for trailers.
  • Stop gradually when possible and allow for plenty of stopping distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. It takes longer to stop when pulling a load. Scan the road ahead to anticipate potential problems.
  • Watch out for trailer sway. High winds, large trucks, downhill grades and high speeds can lead to your trailer swaying.  If you’re not careful, it can swing like a pendulum.  Consider using a hitch stabilizer or a sway control unit to help alleviate this issue.
  • Don’t drive in if there’s no way out. It’s easy to get blocked in, so make sure there’s plenty of space to make a complete turnaround.

Besides our weekly EHS blog articles, every other week we email out a general safety topic sheet that you can share with your teams.  Want to be added to the list?  Sign up here.

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What is OSHA’s National Emphasis Program on Heat Hazards?

What is OSHA’s National Emphasis Program on Heat Hazards?

Are You Ready?

iSi can help you make sure you’re on the right track in getting the necessary documentation and processes in place.

Heat plays a large part in how we plan our day. We often put off work that creates heat or highly strenuous tasks to a time when the weather is more conducive to our needs. However, that cannot always be done. Sometimes a task must be done on a rigid schedule or is of an emergency nature so that work cannot be put off to a later, cooler, time of day. To that end, OSHA has developed a National Emphasis Program (NEP) to give some guidance to companies on how to work in the heat and keep employees safe.

What is OSHA’s NEP on Heat Hazards?

OSHA will conduct programmed (pre-planned) inspections in targeted high-risk industries on any day that the National Weather Service has announced a heat warning or advisory for the local area.

The NEP went effective on April 8, 2022 and will remain in effect for 3 years unless canceled or extended by a superseding directive.

The NEP establishes heat priority days when the heat index is expected to be 80 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. During these days OSHA will:

  • Initiate compliance assistance in the list of targeted high-risk industries; and,
  • Inspect any alleged heat-related fatality/catastrophe, complaint or referral regardless of whether the worksite is within the list of targeted high-risk industries.

What are the Targeted High-Risk Industries?

OSHA’s NEP on heat hazards targets over 70 high-risk industries based on:

  • Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on incidence rates of heat-related illnesses
  • Elevated numbers of fatalities or hospitalizations reported to OSHA
  • Highest number of heat-related General Duty Clause violations over the last 5 years

These include but are not limited to:

General Industries That are Likely to Have Heat-Related Hazards:

NAICS Code        NAICS Industry Sector Title

1121                      Cattle Ranching and Farming
1151                      Support Activities for Crop Production
2131                      Support Activities for Mining
3118                      Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacturing
3211                      Sawmills and Wood Preservation
3241                      Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing
3251                      Basic Chemical Manufacturing
3272                      Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing
3311                      Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing
3314                      Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Production and Processing
3315                      Foundries
3323                      Architectural and Structural Metals Manufacturing
3329                      Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing
3361                      Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
3362                      Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing
3363                      Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing
3364                      Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing
3365                      Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing
3366                      Ship and Boat Building
3369                      Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing
3371                      Household and Institutional Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing
4239                      Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers
4241                      Paper and Paper Product Merchant Wholesalers
4242                      Drugs and Druggists’ Sundries Merchant Wholesalers
4243                      Apparel, Piece Goods, and Notions Merchant Wholesalers
4244                      Grocery and Related Product Merchant Wholesalers
4245                      Farm Product Raw Material Merchant Wholesalers
4246                      Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers
4247                      Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers
4248                      Beer, Wine, and Distilled Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers
4249                      Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers
4413                      Automotive Parts, Accessories, and Tire Stores
4442                      Lawn and Garden Equipment and Supplies Stores
4881                      Support Activities for Air Transportation
4882                      Support Activities for Rail Transportation
4883                      Support Activities for Water Transportation
4884                      Support Activities for Road Transportation
4889                      Other Support Activities for Transportation
4921                      Couriers and Express Delivery Services
4922                      Local Messengers and Local Delivery
4931                      Warehousing and Storage
5311                      Lessors of Real Estate
5617                      Services to Buildings and Dwellings (includes landscaping services, tree removal and tree trimming services)
5621                      Waste Collection
5622                      Waste Treatment and Disposal
5629                      Remediation and Other Waste Management Services
6231                      Nursing Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities)
7211                      Traveler Accommodation
8111                      Automotive Repair and Maintenance
8113                      Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment (except Automotive and Electronic) Repair and Maintenance
8114                      Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance

Construction Industries That are Likely to Have Heat-Related Hazards

NAICS Code        NAICS Industry Sector Title

2361                      Residential Building Construction
2362                      Nonresidential Building Construction
2371                      Utility System Construction
2372                      Land Subdivision
2373                      Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction
2379                      Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction
2381                      Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors
2382                      Building Equipment Contractors
2383                      Building Finishing Contractors
2389                      Other Specialty Trade Contractors

Industries not Included in General Industry or Construction That are Likely to Have Heat-Related Hazards

NAICS Code        NAICS Industry Sector Title

1112                      Vegetable and Melon Farming
1113                      Fruit and Tree Nut Farming
2213                      Water, Sewage and Other Systems (may be State or local jurisdiction)
4411                      Automobile Dealers
4412                      Other Motor Vehicle Dealers
4821                      Rail Transportation (may be Federal jurisdiction)
4885                      Freight Transportation Arrangement
4911                      Postal Service
5611                      Office Administrative Services
5612                      Facilities Support Services
5613                      Employment Services
5614                      Business Support Services
5616                      Investigation and Security Services
5619                      Other Support Services
6117                      Educational Support Services
7225                      Restaurants and Other Eating Places
8112                      Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance
9281                      National Security and International Affairs (includes Customs and Border Patrol, and Transportation Security Administration)

What Will the OSHA Auditors Be Inspecting When They Come to Your Facility?

During heat-related inspections, inspectors will:

  • Review OSHA 300 Logs and 301 Incident Reports for any entries indicating heat-related illness(es). 
  • Review any records of heat-related emergency room visits and/or ambulance transport, even if hospitalizations did not occur. This may require the use of a Medical Access Order.
  • Interview workers for symptoms of headache, dizziness, fainting, dehydration, or other conditions that may indicate heat-related illnesses, including both new employees and any employees who have recently returned to work.
  • Determine if the employer has a heat illness and injury program addressing heat exposure, considering the following:
    • Is there a written program?
    • How did the employer monitor ambient temperature(s) and levels of work exertion at the worksite?
    • Was there unlimited cool water that was easily accessible to the employees?
    • Did the employer require additional breaks for hydration?
    • Were there scheduled rest breaks?
    • Was there access to a shaded or cool area?
    • Did the employer provide time for acclimatization of new and returning workers?
    • Was a “buddy” system in place on hot days?
    • Were administrative controls used (earlier start times, and employee/job rotation) to limit heat exposures?
    • Did the employer provide training on heat illness signs, how to report signs and symptoms, first aid, how to contact emergency personnel, prevention, and the importance of hydration?
  • Document conditions relevant to heat-related hazards, including:
    • The heat index and additional weather data from that day, e.g., heat alerts from the NWS, data from the OSHA-NIOSH Heat Safety Tool App, saving a screenshot on a mobile phone or tablet. Additional information may be needed for indoor heat investigations.
    • Observe and document current conditions and those at the time the incident occurred (for unprogrammed inspections), including:
      • Observed wind speed
      • Relative humidity
      • Dry bulb temperature at the workplace and in the shaded rest area
      • Wet-bulb globe temperature at the workplace, (ensure the equipment has been properly calibrated prior to use)
      • Cloud cover (no clouds, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%)
      • The existence of any heat advisories, warning or alerts the previous days
    • Identify activities relevant to heat-related hazards. These can include, but are not limited to:
      • Potential sources of heat-related illnesses (e.g., working in direct sunlight, a hot vehicle, or areas with hot air, near a gas engine, furnace, boiler or steam lines).
      • The use of heavy or bulky clothing or equipment, including personal protective equipment.
      • Estimate workload exertions by observing the types of job tasks performed by employees and whether those activities can be categorized as moderate, heavy or very heavy work, considering both average workload and peak workload.
      • Duration of exposure during which a worker is continuously or repeatedly performing moderate to strenuous activities.
    • OSHA believes a review of any potential heat-related hazards should be included in any programmed or unprogrammed inspection where radiant heat sources exist in indoor work areas or at outdoor work areas on heat priority days. OSHA advises inspectors to conduct compliance assistance and document it where heat-related hazards do not warrant issuing citations.
    • Inspectors can use the OSHA-NIOSH Heat Safety Tool App as a resource.

How Can You Prevent Heat Illness at Work?

Dangerous heat exposure can occur indoors or outdoors, in any season. Employers can keep workers safe by following these simple safety practices:

  • Follow the 20% Rule — on the 1st day, don’t allow employees to work more than 20% of a shift at full intensity in the heat. Increase their time by no more than 20% a day until they are used to working in the heat.
  • Provide cool drinking water – encourage workers to drink at least one cup every 20 minutes, even if they are not thirsty.
  • Rest breaks — allow workers time to recover from heat in a shady or cool location.
  • Dress for the heat — have workers wear a hat and light-colored, loose fitting, breathable clothing if possible.
  • Watch out for each other — encourage workers to monitor themselves and others for signs of heat illness.
  • Look for any signs of heat illness, including fainting, dizziness, nausea, and muscle spasms, and act quickly — when in doubt, call 911.
  • Offer training on the hazards of heat exposure and how to prevent illness.
  • Develop an Emergency Action Plan on what to do if a worker shows signs of heat-related illness.

Need Help in Getting Your Documentation in Order?

Do you need assistance in developing a formal heat illness and injury program compliant with this initiative? Do you need assistance in determining your potential heat exposures? iSi can help! Contact us today!



Keith Reissig

Industrial Hygienist | Project Manager

Keith brings over 20 years of industrial hygiene and safety experience to iSi and its clients. An industrial hygienist, Keith jokes that he "sucks air for a living."  He specializes in workplace exposure testing and sampling strategies, safety compliance, ergonomics and training in a variety of topics in both the industrial hygiene and safety field.

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Fall Protection for General Industry

Fall Protection for General Industry

OSHA annually has a Stand Down for Falls in Construction.  If your company is not in construction, but in general industry, this is a good time to review fall protection issues at your own facility.  Falls can occur anytime you have workers at heights regardless of the type of work they are doing.  Here are some tips to remember for general industry:

  • In general industry, the rule for fall protection is that it’s needed when you’re at or above 4 ft. or when someone is working over hazardous machines or equipment.
  • When using scissor at 4 ft. or above, fall protection is needed. Even at lower heights, guardrails may be used, but still leave the potential for falling.  It’s a best practice to wear fall protection when using these machines and these machines have secure anchor points already ready to go for use.
  • Use fall protection any time you’re using an aerial lift.
  • Know your calculations on distance to know how to choose the right length of lanyard to protect your workers in a fall. You need to account for the fall, deceleration distance, harness elongation, swing hazards, the length of the D-ring to the bottom of the feet and a safety factor distance above the ground.
  • Have a rescue plan to prevent suspension trauma and teach workers what they need to do to keep their blood circulating while suspended until help arrives. It only takes 5 minutes for them to become lightheaded, nauseous or unconscious.
  • Only use anchorage points that have been designed to be so and have been certified to meet or exceed OSHA regulations. Engineered anchor point systems typically exceed regulations and are a safe option.  Do NOT use bad anchor points such as vents, stand pipes, railings, guardrails, air vents/ductwork, fixed ladders, skylights, light fixtures, electrical conduits, or air conditioning units.
  • Use of ladders create fall injuries. Know how to properly use a ladder, keep 3 points of contact at all times, check ladders for damage, and set them on a solid, stable base.
  • When was the last time you inspected your fall equipment? Make sure you are visually inspecting it before use and then conducting additional documented annual inspections.  If ANYTHING looks odd, remove it from use.
  • Have your workers been trained in fall hazards? They must be trained prior to being exposed to that hazard, must understand the training and be retrained any time they exhibit inadequacies in knowledge or use of fall protection systems or equipment.

Below are some fall protection-related resources you can draw upon:

Toolbox Topic Material from the National Safety Council

OSHA’s Fall Protection Pagehttps://www.osha.gov/fall-protection

Example Training Resources for Falls in General Industry

This Week’s OSHA’s National Safety Stand Down to Prevent Falls in Construction

If you need help with fall protection safety compliance, contact us today!

Fall Protection Compliance

From written programs to inspections to training, iSi can help with fall protection safety compliance issues.


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Fatigue Management

Fatigue Management

We’re all tired. There are so many things weighing on us — taking on more tasks and trying to keep up at work when there are not enough workers to get everything done, continuous pressure to maintain levels of service when supplies are delayed and staffing is short, COVID, Daylight Savings time, we’re approaching one of the busiest times of the year in the school calendar, you have stuff at home that’s not getting done, and on and on. When you get tired, mistakes and accidents happen.

Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep in every 24 hours to feel well rested and without it, a sleep debt is built up. This debt may result in impaired performance, reduced alertness and higher levels of sleepiness and fatigue. A sleep debt can only be repaid with restful sleep. Fatigue contributes to accidents by impairing performance and in extreme cases causing people to fall asleep. Fatigue related “micro sleeps” are very hard to predict or prevent and can place the individual and others at risk.

According to the National Safety Council, more than 43% of workers are sleep-deprived, and fatigued worker productivity costs employers $1,200 to $3,100 per employee annually. Employees on rotating shifts are particularly vulnerable because they cannot adapt their “body clocks” to an alternative sleep pattern.

Fatigue Management Programs

More and more companies are including fatigue management in their list of safety programs.  For major manufacturers and industrial facilities that use contractor pre-qualification services like ISNetworld, Fatigue Management Programs are a requirement for contractors.

Fatigue Management Programs can be simple.  They can line out the responsibilities of supervisors, employees and the company.  They also discuss the hazards of fatigue, provide a overview of risk controls and make a plan for training.

Even if you don’t want to create a formal Fatigue Management Program, you still may want to consider including safety sessions about it to your teams.  Here are some elements you can include in your training:

Signs and Effects of Fatigue

Signs of fatigue include long eye blinks, repeated yawning, frequent blinking, bloodshot eyes, poor reaction time, slow speech, loss of energy, and an inability to concentrate.

Fatigue can result in a lack of attention, difficulty following instructions, reduced ability to think clearly, and slower response to changing circumstances.

Chronic fatigue can also lead to many different long term health issues such as high blood pressure, increased risk for diabetes and heart disease, weakened immunity, poor balance, mood changes and memory issues.

What Your Company Can Do:  Risk Controls to Consider

Rest, of course, is the most important control measure for managing fatigue. For companies, consider the following:

  • Is a ten hour or longer break between work shifts provided?
  • Are safety critical tasks planned during “circadian low” hours, 2am-6am and 2pm- 4pm?
  • Are complex tasks planned on the first or final shift of a nightshift work cycle?
  • Does the break between work shifts provide a sleep opportunity of 7 or more hours of continuous sleep?
  • Is a minimum of one break provided between each 4 hours of work with one break of sufficient length to have a meal (i.e. 30 minutes)?
  • Are more frequent short breaks allowed during strenuous activities?
  • Are on-call responsibilities limited?
  • Is ready access to drinking water provided?
  • Do Call-Out/On Call schedules provide for adequate rest before returning to a regular work shift?

What the Worker Can Do: Combating Fatigue

  • Try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule — if you’re sleeping more on days off, you’re not sleeping enough on work days. Try to go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time per day, even on the weekends.
  • Try to get a minimum of 7 hours per night
  • Don’t eat big meals close to bedtime, but if you’re hungry before bed, don’t go to bed hungry as that will affect sleep too — have a healthy snack.
  • Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol can all affect sleep patterns
  • Make your bedroom conducive to sleep — quiet, dark, not too hot or too cold
  • If you have daytime sleepiness, snoring or breathing pauses, get checked out for sleep apnea
  • Just like kids need a bedtime routine, so do you. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine and stick to it.
  • Avoid stressful activities before bedtime and don’t associate your bedroom and sleeping with anxiety
  • Don’t go to bed for sleep unless you’re truly sleepy — trying to sleep is counterproductive and can make it harder to fall asleep.
  • Avoid long naps during the day that may throw off your nighttime schedule.
  • Avoid blue light exposure at night (from electronic devices) – use glasses that block blue light or install an app that blocks it.
  • When was the last time you changed your mattress and pillow? Are they causing pain? Upgrade your bedding every 5-8 yrs.

Working together to try to incorporate just even a few of these into our lives and work days should make a real difference in workplace health and wellness — both physically and mentally.

If you need help developing a Fatigue Management written safety program, we can help.  Contact us today!

Written Programs & Training Assistance

Don’t have time or energy to write another program or conduct another class? We can help!


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OSHA’s Noise Regional Emphasis Program for General Industry and Construction

OSHA’s Noise Regional Emphasis Program for General Industry and Construction

OSHA has reissued a noise hazard regional emphasis program for Region VII.  OSHA inspectors will be conducting targeted inspections for noise for certain NAICS categories in both general industry and construction.  Even though this particular emphasis program is for Region VII (Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, and Nebraska), OSHA has noise-related regional emphasis programs in all states except for those that fall in the Western and Pacific Regions (9 and 10).

OSHA says it’s targeting workplaces with excessive noise levels in order to prevent permanent hearing loss.  They say 22 million workers are working in hazardous noise levels and 53% do not wear hearing protection.  In a NIOSH study, 52% of noise-exposed tested construction workers admitted to not wearing hearing protection, and 25% of tested workers had a hearing loss that affected their day-to-day activities. Hearing loss is an OSHA recordable injury.  Even short-term exposures can cause ringing in the ears, reduced productivity and stress.

Who Will Be Inspected?

OSHA has made a list of the NAICS codes from both general industry and construction that they have found commonly have noise hazards.  Data was gathered from a couple different sources.  First, they looked at inspections conducted between 2018 and 2020 where there were citations for noise.  They found the industries who had the most citations for these issues, and have sorted them from the most inspected group to the least inspected group.  OSHA also created the State Workers Compensation Data Profile.  This collected data of the NAICS groups that were reporting noise-related injuries and illnesses through workers compensation cases within that same time period.  These lists were combined to generate a master list of NAICS groups.

These are the NAICS groups that have been identified for the targeted inspections:


2111:  Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
3119:  Other Food Manufacturing
3211:  Sawmills and Wood Preservation
3219:  Other Wood Product Manufacturing
3241:  Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing
3261:  Plastics Products Manufacturing
3315:  Foundries
3323:  Architectural and Structural Metals Manufacturing
3327:  Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut and Bolt Manufacturing
3328:  Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating and Allied Activities
3329:  Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing
3364:  Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing
4239: Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers
4811:  Scheduled Air Transportation
4922:  Local Messengers and Local Delivery


2361:  Residential Building Construction
2362:  Nonresidential Building Construction
2372:  Land Subdivision
2373:  Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
2379:  Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction
2382:  Building Equipment Contractors
2383:  Building Finishing Contractors
2389:  Other Specialty Trade Contractors

Inspections – What Will OSHA Look For?

OSHA will start the inspection by reviewing programs and records, including your:

  • OSHA 300 logs for threshold hearing shifts and other health hazards
  • Noise sampling data, including past noise surveys that include sound level measurements
  • Exposure Monitoring Program
  • Hearing Conservation Program
  • Hearing conservation training records
  • Audiograms for the past 3 years
  • Records in conjunction with access to employee exposure and medical records (1910.1020)
  • Information on temporary workers so they can evaluate your program in relation to them
  • Information on PPE provided and whether it’s voluntary or required and where
  • Schematic diagram of your facility (for noise mapping) and departments where noise may be an issue
  • Union representatives will be questioned on noise and hearing conservation efforts

Inspectors Will Conduct Sampling

From there, OSHA will conduct a walk around to observe your processes and find opportunities for noise mapping.  They will take pictures of workers not wearing their hearing protection correctly, or those in noisy areas not wearing any protection at all.  They will also interview workers in areas where there are greater than 80 dba of noise found. 

Inspectors will conduct noise mapping with a sound meter and, depending on their findings, may need to conduct additional noise dosimetry on individual workers.  OSHA instructions for their inspectors advises inspectors to try to do noise dosimetry the very first day they’re there, and to get the dosimeters on the workers as soon as possible.  Only 6 or more hours are necessary to support a citation.  Thus, they may want to do dosimetry immediately to get as many hours of data as possible. However, guidance also suggests they do the dosimetry on your second shift workers if the inspection gets started later in the day. If they need additional sampling in other areas, they will come back for additional follow-up sampling for full shifts on other days.

Protect Your Company With Side-by-Side Sampling

As an employer, it’s advisable that you conduct side-by-side sampling of any noise sampling or dosimetry OSHA is conducting.  This means you would have someone conduct noise sampling alongside the inspector to assure that the samples collected are similar to what OSHA is collecting.  You can also choose to put a dosimeter on the same employees to duplicate and check noise dosimetry.  It’s your right as an employer to do this and may help in negotiations later if there are discrepancies between your results and those of OSHA’s.

iSi Can Help You Prepare and Get Your Program in Order

iSi can help you get your documentation in order in the event you are going to be inspected.  This includes:

  • Industrial hygiene audits and assessments to see where you stand with occupational health and exposure-related OSHA regulations
  • Conducting noise mapping and dosimetry so you have your required records on file
  • Developing Exposure Monitoring Programs
  • Reviewing OSHA logs for recordable hearing losses and helping you determine which hearing losses are recordable
  • Written Hearing Conservation Programs
  • Hearing conservation training
  • PPE evaluations
  • Side-by-side noise sampling during inspections
  • Safety professionals for to be onsite and assist during OSHA inspections

Contact us today for a quote!

Noise Services

We can help you with noise compliance testing, programs and evaluations, contact us!


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What’s on OSHA’s To-Do List? OSHA Publishes Current Regulatory Agenda

What’s on OSHA’s To-Do List? OSHA Publishes Current Regulatory Agenda

OSHA’s regulatory agenda has been published with a list of priorities the agency is working on.  Twice a year the federal agencies publish their regulatory priorities.  These are typically listed by what stage each is currently in.  What is on OSHA’s regulatory agenda, and what changes and additions may you see coming up?

Final Rule Stage

These are the ones closest to being issued as a final rule.

Walking Working Surfaces
1910.28(b)(11)(ii), 1910.29(f)(1)

Feedback about provisions of the 2016 final rule being unclear led OSHA to work to update some formatting errors in Table D-2 and to revise language about the requirements for stair rail systems to make them clearer.

Procedures for Handling Retaliation Complaints Under Whistleblower Protection Statuses, Under the Anti-Money Laundering Act, and Under the Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act

These three are basically the same, laying groundwork for procedures on how to handle and investigate complaints and protect retaliation against whistleblowers.

Proposed Rule Stage

Improved Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses

This proposed rule would require establishments already reporting OSHA 300As electronically to submit the OSHA 300 and 301 information electronically as well.  This was an original feature of the standard, but was removed in 2019.  Those who are required to report electronically are employers with 250 or more employees.

Hazcom Updates

The last Hazard Communication Standard incorporated the 3rd Edition of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS).  GHS has been updated several times since 2012, and OSHA wants to update the standard to reflect the 7th Edition of GHS.

Amendments to the Crane and Derricks in Construction Standard

  • Correct references to power line voltage for direct current (DC) voltages as well as alternating current (AC) voltages;
  • Broaden the exclusion for forklifts carrying loads under the forks from “winch or hook” to a “winch and boom”;
  • Clarify an exclusion for work activities by articulating cranes;
  • Provide 4 definitions inadvertently omitted in the final standard;
  • Replace “minimum approach distance” with “minimum clearance distance” throughout to remove ambiguity;
  • Clarify the use of demarcated boundaries for work near power lines;
  • Correct an error permitting body belts to be used as a personal fall arrest system rather than a personal fall restraint system;
  • Replace the verb “must” with “may” used in error in several provisions; correct an error in a caption on standard hand signals; and
  • Resolve an issue of “NRTL-approved” safety equipment (e.g., proximity alarms and insulating devices) that is required by the final standard, but is not yet available.

Occupational Exposure to Crystalline Silica in Construction

OSHA wants to seek information on the effectiveness of the dust control measures currently included in Table 1.  They also want to find out if there are any other tasks or tools that would be effective to add to Table 1.  Employers who follow Table 1 correctly are not required to measure workers’ exposure to silica and are not subject to the permissible exposure limit (PEL).

 Welding in Construction Confined Spaces

OSHA wants to amend the Welding and Cutting Standard to remove any ambiguity about the definition of a confined space.  The explanation portion of the 2015 Confined Spaces in Construction standard discusses how the welding standard and the confined spaces standard work together.  Although the confined spaces standard states that it encompasses welding activities, the welding standard does not expressly identify a definition of “confined space”.

PPE in Construction

Clarification of requirements for the fit of PPE in construction.

Updates to Lockout/Tagout

OSHA recognizes technological advancements in computer-based controls of hazardous energy conflict with the LOTO standard.  These controls are increasingly being used and there are consensus standards for their design.  Other countries are also accepting their use.  OSHA wants to look into harmonizing the current standard with those other countries.  There is a current RFI out which is seeking information to understand the strengths and limitations of these devices and their potential hazards to workers.

Powered Industrial Truck Design Standard Update
1910.178, 1926.602

OSHA is proposing to update the referenced ANSI standard from ANSI B56.1-1969 Safety Standard for Powered Industrial Trucks to also include the latest version of ANSI/ITSDF B56.1a-2018, Safety Standard for Low Lift and High Lift Trucks.

State Plans – Arizona and Massachusetts

In the Arizona rule, OSHA is considering revoking Arizona’s State Plan because they didn’t issue an Emergency Temporary Standard for COVID within the 30 days OSHA gave them to adopt their own standard.  State Plans are required to issue regulations as strong as or stronger than federal OSHA.

Massachusetts is applying to have a State Plan applicable only to state and local government employees.

Specific Industries

Medical – Infectious Diseases

This rule is meant to identify standards to protect workers in health care, emergency response, prisons, homeless shelters, drug treatment programs, medical examiners, labs, and other occupational settings where there’s a high risk of transmission of infectious diseases such as TB, MRSA, SARS, chickenpox, shingles and COVID.

Shipyard Fall Protection – Scaffolds, Ladders and Other Working Surfaces
1915.71-1915.77, subpart E

The current subpart E section of the standard is not comprehensive in its coverage of fall hazards in shipyards. OSHA issued a Request for Information and is considering updating existing standards and dividing the rulemaking into three subparts: subpart E, Stairways, Ladders and Other Access and Egress; subpart M, Fall Protection; and subpart N, Scaffolds.

Communication Tower Construction and Maintenance
1926 and 1910

Communication tower work has a high fatality rate and construction is expected to greatly increase.  OSHA has been collecting information and has determined current fall protection and personnel hoisting guidance may not adequately cover this work.  OSHA will be determining if a separate standard is needed, including covering structures that have telecommunications equipment on it or attached to them such as rooftops, buildings, water towers and billboards.

Tree Care
No Specific Reg Cited

There is no standard for tree care operations, which is a high hazard industry.  The tree care industry has petitioned to have a rule, and OSHA has collected information from affected small entities on what may be included in a potential standard.

Prerule Stage

Heat Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings
No Specific Reg Cited

This has gotten more publicity in the past few years.  In our blog in 2019 we wrote about a House bill that would require OSHA to develop a formal heat standard.  The effort and debate continues.  OSHA says that given the potentially broad scope of regulatory efforts to protect workers from heat hazards, as well as a number of technical issues and considerations with regulating this hazard (e.g., heat stress thresholds, heat acclimatization planning, exposure monitoring, medical monitoring), a Request for Information would allow them to begin a dialogue and engage with stakeholders to explore the potential for rulemaking on this topic.

Blood Lead Level for Medical Removal
1910.1025, 1926.62

OSHA is looking at reducing the trigger level for removing personnel from lead exposures.  Current levels require medical removal at 60 µg/dL in general industry, 50 µg/dL in construction and the return of employees to a former job status at below 40 µg/dL.  OSHA will be seeking public input on levels, identifying possible areas of the lead standard that need to be revised and how to improve worker protection where preventable lead exposures continue to occur.

Emergency Response

Current OSHA standards don’t reflect the full range of hazards that emergency responders encounter nor the advancements in PPE, in technology, nor the major developments already being accepted by the emergency response community and consensus standards.  OSHA is considering updating these based on information gathered through a request for information and public meetings.

Process Safety Management and Prevention of Major Chemical Accidents

OSHA has been looking at potentially modernizing the PSM standard and related standards since 2013.  Stakeholder meetings are next on the list.

Mechanical Power Presses Update
No Specific Reg Cited

The current OSHA standard is over 40 years old and does not address the use of hydraulic or pneumatic power presses or any other technological changes. OSHA previously published an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Mechanical Power Presses (June 2007) in which it identified several options for updating this standard.  It’s still on the list.

Prevention of Workplace Violence in Health Care and Social Assistance
No Specific Reg Cited

This has been on the list since 2017 and is related to impacts of workplace violence, prevention strategies and other information in health care and social assistance.  OSHA was petitioned for a standard preventing workplace violence in health care by a broad coalition of labor unions, and in a separate petition by the National Nurses United.  A small business study (like those conducted for specific industries) is next on the list.

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The Top 5 Respiratory Protection Issues Cited by OSHA in 2021

The Top 5 Respiratory Protection Issues Cited by OSHA in 2021

The list of the most cited OSHA standards is out for 2021.  As you may know, the list contains the same issues each year, usually just in a different order.  Fall protection in construction is number one for the 11th year in a row. Hazard communication, usually towards the top of the list, surprisingly fell to 5th.   Respiratory protection in general industry is the new overall number two for this year, and the top issue found in general industry.

So what are the issues most commonly cited for respiratory protection?   

1. 1910.134(e)(1) Medical Evaluations

The most commonly cited relates to medical evaluations. Employers are to provide medical evaluations to determine the employee’s ability to use a respirator, before fit-testing and before they’re required to use the respirator in the workplace. 

There is a medical questionnaire in Appendix C that you can choose to use, or you can choose to do a medical examination instead as long as the examination contains the same information found in the questionnaire.  As an employer, you cannot look at the answers, and must provide employees with instructions on how to deliver or send the completed questionnaire to a physician or other licensed health care professional (PLHCP) for review. 

Seasonal and temporary workers are required to have evaluations if their jobs require respirator use.  Those workers who voluntary choose to wear dust masks (after you’ve determined there is no hazard in that area) are not required to have medical evaluations but must be made aware of the limitations of the dust mask as outlined in Appendix D of the standard.

2.  1910.134(f)(2) Fit Testing

Employers are to ensure employees wearing tight-fitting facepiece respirators are fit-tested:

  1. Before use
  2. Whenever a different respiratory facepiece is used (size, model, make, style)
  3. Annually

Fit-testing is done qualitatively or quantitatively.  Qualitative fit-testing uses items such as saccharine, Bittrex, banana oil or irritant smoke to determine protection.  It relies on the person being tested’s ability to sense odor or irritants. Qualitative fit testing is only for half-face, full-face and N95 filtering facepiece respirators that have an Assigned Protection Factor (APF) of 10.

Quantitative respirator fit-testing uses a machine to measure pressure loss inside the mask or to count quantities of particles to calculate a fit factor.  Quantitative testing is considered more accurate than qualitative fit-testing.  Quantitative fit-testing must be conducted for respirators requiring an APF over 10.  Full-face tight fitting respirators that are quantitatively tested have an APF of 50 .

3.  1910.134(c)(1) Written Program

In any workplace where there is respirator use, there needs to be a written program with site-specific procedures. The program is to be administered by a “suitably trained” program administrator.  Whenever conditions in the workplace changes, the program should be updated.  If you have people voluntarily wearing respirators, you still are required to have a program.

The program is to contain the following elements:

  • Procedures for selecting respirators;
  • Medical evaluations of employees required to use respirators;
  • Fit testing procedures for tight-fitting respirators;
  • Procedures for proper use of respirators in routine and reasonably foreseeable emergency situations;
  • Procedures and schedules for cleaning, disinfecting, storing, inspecting, repairing, discarding, and otherwise maintaining respirators;
  • Procedures to ensure adequate air quality, quantity, and flow of breathing air for atmosphere-supplying respirators;
  • Training of employees in the respiratory hazards to which they are potentially exposed during routine and emergency situations;
  • Training of employees in the proper use of respirators, including putting on (donning) and removing them (doffing), any limitations on their use, and their maintenance; and
  • Procedures for regularly evaluating the effectiveness of the program.

Annual reviews are not required, but reviews should be done periodically in accordance with the complexity and factors of your hazards, types of respirators used, and worker experience using them. Workplace changes are an automatic trigger for updates.  For instance, if your workplace conditions change such as different exposure amounts or types, if you change respirators, or change fit-testing protocols, an update would be necessary.

In your review, employees should be questioned on factors affecting their performance such as difficulty in breathing, limits of motion, impacts to vision/hearing/communication, discomfort and if they have any concerns on effectiveness.

4.  1910.134(k)(1) Training

Employers need to make sure employees can demonstrate their knowledge of the following:

  • Why the respirator is necessary
  • How proper fit, usage and maintenance can compromise its protective effect
  • Limitations and capabilities of a respirator
  • How to use it in an emergency
  • What to do if it malfunctions
  • How to inspect, don, doff and check its seals
  • How to properly clean, disinfect and store the equipment
  • How to recognize medical signs and symptoms that may limit or prevent the respirator’s effectiveness; and,
  • The general requirements of this section of the standard.

Employees need to be trained BEFORE using a respirator in the workplace, and ANNUALLY (within 12 months). Training needs to include the above elements each year. Besides the annual training requirement, retraining is required whenever there are changes in the workplace, when you see the employee has inadequacies in his/her knowledge or use of it, or any other case in which it looks like the employee would benefit from retraining.

To determine the employee’s understanding, you can ask the employee in writing or orally about the information and observe their hands-on use of respirators.

5.  1910.134(d)(1) General Requirements

The general requirements are the general rules for selection of respirators. That is, it is the employer’s duty to:

  1. Select appropriate respirators based on the hazards to which they’re exposed and the workplace factors that will affect them such as temperature/humidity, need for unimpeded vision, need for communication with other workers, usage in conjunction with other PPE, amount of time to be worn, etc.

  2. Select NIOSH-certified respirators and use them in compliance with the conditions of that certification. So don’t use parts for one brand on a different brand of respirators and for airline respirators use in accordance with operating procedures and hose specifications.
  3. Evaluate the respiratory hazards of the workplace. This includes quantifying exposures, identifying the contaminant’s chemical and physical form. You must do an analysis to determine if respirators are needed.  If it’s not possible to identity or estimate, the atmosphere should be considered to be IDLH, or immediately dangerous to life or health.
  4. Select respirators in a sufficient number of models and sizes so that they are acceptable and correctly fit. Not everyone’s face is the same.  We’ve found in fit-testing that not only are there size variances between people, but some just cannot successfully fit test in certain brands and shapes of respirators.

Need Help?  Have Questions?

After reviewing these 5, does your program have all of these bases covered? 

If you have questions, or need help shoring up your respiratory protection program, iSi is here to help!  We can write or review your written programs, help you determine workplace exposures, help with sampling plans, help with respirator selection, and conduct training. Contact us today!

Need Help?

Do you need help with any of these respiratory protection issues, respirator selection, quantitative fit-testing or training?  We can help!


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Keith Reissig
Keith Reissig


Ryan Livengood

International Hazardous Materials Logistics Manager | EHS Regulatory Trainer

As a former corporate environmental, health and safety manager, Ryan has a vast experience in working with both environmental and safety compliance issues in multiple states.  His specialties include national and international dangerous goods transportation, hazardous waste, environmental compliance, industrial hygiene and safety compliance. He is also an ISO 14001 Lead Auditor.


8 Key Details You Need to Know About OSHA’s Vaccination and Testing Standard

8 Key Details You Need to Know About OSHA’s Vaccination and Testing Standard

OSHA’s recently announced Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) on vaccination and testing was issued on November 5, 2021, and within days it was stayed by 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. While the legality of the standard, aka 29 CFR 1910.501, remains in question, it would still be a good idea for your business to become familiar with the standard’s requirements, in the event it is allowed to continue.

Here are 8 key details of the standard you need to know:

1. 100 Employees Requirement

The ETS applies to companies with 100 or more employees. This counts 100 employees at the enterprise level, but only U.S. employees. The number is based on heads, not equivalent hours. The host employer does NOT count temporary worker hours (this goes on staffing agencies’ head counts). Determining head count starts at worker start dates of November 5, 2021 and later. If you reach 100 employees at any one time, your company will fall under the requirements throughout the life of the ETS (which is supposed to end on May 4, 2022).

2. Determining Vaccination Status

Employers must determine the vaccination status of every employee. Employers must also maintain current knowledge of the aggregate number of fully vaccinated employees and total number of employees at the workplace. If requested by OSHA or an employee, this information must be made available within 4 hours.

3. Testing

If you decide not to require vaccines for all employees, the standard allows unvaccinated employees to do weekly testing. Employers are not responsible for the costs of testing.

There is a hard 7-day limit in testing. That is, the employer must have a copy of a new COVID test result on 7th day. The employee cannot come to work on the 8th day without a test result.

Pool testing for weekly testing will be allowed. This means you can collect the same type of specimen from several people and conduct one antigen laboratory test on the combined pool of specimens (e.g., four samples may be tested together, using only the resources needed for a single test). If pooling procedures are used and a pooled test result comes back negative, then all the specimens can be presumed negative with the single test. If results come back positive, additional testing per employee to determine which one in the pool is the positive one would be required. Pool testing would reduce testing costs and results time.

4. Rules for the Unvaccinated

There is no more 6-foot distance rule when it comes to masking. All unvaccinated workers would be required to wear masks. They could only remove masks when they are alone in a closed room with the doors closed, when eating/drinking, when wearing a respirator, for identification purposes (security ID), when their job duties require seeing their mouth or when a face covering would present a serious injury or death. Unvaccinated workers who become close contacts would no longer have to be removed from the workplace.

5. Written Policy

Employers must have written policy in place that covers either mandatory vaccinations or a vaccination/testing option.

6. Training/Informing Workers About the ETS

Employers need to provide certain information to employees about the ETS and any method of information is acceptable as long as it includes the following information:

  • Information about the ETS
  • Employer policies/procedures
  • Vaccine information by providing the specific document “Key Things to Know About COVID-19 Vaccines”
  • Multiple sections of the OSH Act which protects against discrimination, reporting injuries/illnesses, retaliation, and about criminal penalties associated with knowingly supplying false information.

7. Recordkeeping

Vaccine and weekly testing records will be considered medical records which need to be maintained in a confidential manner. However, unlike other OSHA medical record requirements, vaccine and weekly testing records would only need to be maintained for the life of ETS.

8. Compliance Date

At the moment, the compliance date is December 6, 2021 for all provisions except weekly testing. The compliance date for weekly COVID testing is January 4, 2022.


iSi will be monitoring developments with federal OSHA ETS and will update this article, or provide additional information in our blog as information continues to develop.

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Curtis Leiker, CSP
Curtis Leiker, CSP


Curtis Leiker, CSP

Certified Safety Professional |  ISO 45001 and 14001 Lead Auditor

Curtis Leiker, CSP is a project manager at iSi Environmental. Besides assisting companies with ISO 14001 and 45001 implementation, Curtis manages environmental and safety programs, reporting and compliance issues for aviation, general industry and agricultural facilities. He’s able to see the big picture, but focus on the details and enjoys working to solve EHS issues.

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Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween Safety Tips

As a safety consultant, we make sure that our teams know about safety in all aspects of their life, not just the OSHA kind at work.   Safety at home is just as important as safety at work. 

It’s the first official holiday of fall – Halloween!  Before venturing out with the kids, you might want to review these Halloween Safety tips.

As a safety consultant, we make sure that our teams know about safety in all aspects of their life, not just the OSHA kind at work.   Safety at home is just as important as safety at work. 

It’s the first official holiday of fall – Halloween!  Before venturing out with the kids, you might want to review these Halloween Safety tips.


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Health Hazard OSHA Regional Emphasis Program Looks at Industrial Hygiene-Related Issues

Health Hazard OSHA Regional Emphasis Program Looks at Industrial Hygiene-Related Issues

OSHA has issued a new regional emphasis program for its Region VII states (Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska) that is targeting industries considered to be in the Top 50 for creating worker health hazards.  Called, “Top 50 Workplace – Health Hazard,” some of the other OSHA regions have similar emphasis programs, or more targeted programs.  Region VII didn’t have a mechanism to inspect for health hazards, so they created this one.

Effective and Enforcement Dates

It is effective October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2026.  Enforcement begins January 4, 2022.

What is This About?

This regional emphasis program is related to industrial hygiene.  Industrial hygiene deals with worker occupational health and tests the exposures workers have to potential health hazards. Besides protecting workers from safety injuries, OSHA’s goal is to protect workers from health hazards too.  Many health hazards are longer term issues that cannot be found by just looking at a company’s injury/illness data.

Exposures to certain substances may not cause health issues and cancer for a number of years.  For example, health issues from asbestos exposure may not arise for 15-50 years after exposure, formaldehyde 2-15 years, benzene 1-10 years, hexavalent chromium 20 years and nickel 13-24 years.

OSHA looked at inspection data from the past 3 years and ranked types of companies by the number of serious violations.  They narrowed that list to the Top 50 by NAICS code.  From there, they’re putting all the companies that fall within that list into a random picker to develop their first inspection list.  All of the companies on that list will be inspected before a new list is generated.  If all the companies on the list are not inspected within 3 years, then they’ll carry over to the new list.  OSHA will generate a new target list every 3 years at a minimum.

What Will Be Inspected?

By knowing what OSHA will be looking for, you’ll have an idea of what you need to do and the procedures to have in place in order to be ready.  Inspectors will ask to see your company’s:

  • Exposure monitoring* program;
  • Exposure monitoring records;
  • OSHA 300 logs to identify threshold hearing shifts, skin disorders, respiratory conditions, poisonings and other illnesses;
  • Safety and health programs for ventilation, occupational noise exposure, nonionizing radiation, hazardous materials from Subpart H, PPE, permit-required confined spaces, medical services and first aid, toxic and hazardous substances from Subpart Z and Hazcom; and,
  • Your programs for temporary employees. OSHA sees temps as more vulnerable to these types of hazards. And then,
  • After the records review, OSHA will conduct a comprehensive walk around of your facility and will be looking for areas where they can conduct occupational exposure sampling to run the tests themselves. That testing will occur as soon as possible. This includes wipe sampling, full-shift and short term monitoring and area sampling.  Note: If OSHA shows up for this type of inspection, make sure you do side-by-side sampling with them so that if there are any discrepancies, you’ll be able to point them out.

*Exposure monitoring includes sampling for your employees’ exposure to various health hazards found in your facility.  This could be chemicals and substances such as asbestos, heavy metals, and formaldehyde, solvents and paints, hazardous dusts, welding fumes, noise, vibration, temperature, ventilation and particulates.

Remember that there is a number of OSHA emphasis programs already set in place. If your company is the target of one of them they can happen any time OSHA is already onsite for something else.  In the directive for this health hazard emphasis, they mention that if you fall under multiple emphasis areas, they’ll stack them and do them all at once in one comprehensive inspection.  In Region VII, there’s already a regional noise and respiratory hazards emphasis program.  Also in this region there’s a powered industrial truck emphasis so just having a forklift onsite could start the ball rolling on an inspection.

OSHA’s Goals – The Inspections’ Report Card

Knowing OSHA’s goals with these inspections can give you additional insight into what their inspectors will be looking for.  Each regional office is required to file a report on their efforts with this emphasis, and in it, they’ll be looking to prove their worth on these efforts, and how their staff helped improve overall workplace health.  Some of the data goals include:

  • Total number of health hazards abated;
  • Total number of overexposures identified;
  • Total number of personal air monitoring samples conducted (full shift, short-term, area samples);
  • Total number of wipe samples taken;
  • Total number of noise samples conducted;
  • Total number of workers removed from health hazards;
  • Total number of workers found overexposed to each substance found in 1910.1000-1910.1029; and,
  • Total number of safety hazards abated/workers removed from safety hazards (that they found at the same time they were there doing the health inspection).

The Top 50

This is the list of the Top 50 NAICS code industries who will be inspected.

What’s Next?

Is your company on this list and what do you need to do in order to be ready if your name is drawn?

iSi can help you get ready with program development, exposure monitoring plans and strategies, onsite exposure monitoring and onsite representation during the inspection.  Learn more about industrial hygiene here, or contact us today!


Is Your Company on the List?

We can help with the needed IH monitoring plan, onsite sampling and other assistance.  Contact us today!

Curtis Leiker, CSP
Curtis Leiker, CSP


Curtis Leiker, CSP

Certified Safety Professional |  ISO 45001 and 14001 Lead Auditor

Curtis Leiker, CSP is a project manager at iSi Environmental. Besides assisting companies with ISO 14001 and 45001 implementation, Curtis manages environmental and safety programs, reporting and compliance issues for aviation, general industry and agricultural facilities. He’s able to see the big picture, but focus on the details and enjoys working to solve EHS issues.

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Recognize the Signs of Heat Illness

Recognize the Signs of Heat Illness

recognizing the signs of heat illness

Hot working conditions can bring increased risks of heat illness, especially when heat-producing equipment is used. 

OSHA has added an item in its Spring Regulatory Agenda called “Heat Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings” to start the wheels in motion for a potential heat-related regulation.  Right now it’s only in the Request for Information stage, but congressional members and public citizens have been petitioning for a standard for a while.  Some state plan states have already included heat-related rules in their standards.  

Heat is the leading weather-related killer.  The most important thing to remember about a person suffering from heat illness is to get them out of the heat ASAP. Take them to a shaded or air-conditioned area. A running vehicle with air conditioning works if no shaded area is available. Always stay with a victim of heat illness until medical personnel arrive. Be aware of yourself and your team for any symptoms and take the appropriate action immediately.  

Heat rash can appear on skin as small or large clusters of red bumps.

  • What to do:
    • Get to a cool, dry place.
    • Keep rash dry; use powder to soothe.

Heat cramps bring pain or spasms to muscles.

  • What to do:
    • Halt physical activity until cramps go away.
    • Get to a cool place.
    • Drink water or electrolyte drink.
  • Seek medical attention if the victim:
    • Has cramps lasting longer than 1 hour.
    • Has heart problems.
    • Is on a low-sodium diet.

Heat exhaustion occurs when the body’s temperature can’t cool down. Think of this as a situation where extreme conditions exhaust the body. It is severe and can occur in one day or over multiple days when in a consistently hot environment.

  • Watch for:
    • Heavy sweating
    • Cold, clammy, pale skin
    • Fast and weak pulse
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Headache
    • Weakness or tiredness
    • Dizziness
    • Fainting
    • Muscle cramps
  • What to do:
    • Get to a cool place.
    • Loosen clothing.
    • Sip water; do not chug.
    • Place cool cloths or cold packs under arms or on neck.
  • Seek medical attention if the victim:
    • Is vomiting.
    • Experiences worsening symptoms.
    • Experiences symptoms lasting longer than 1 hour.

Heat stroke occurs when body temperature is excessively high. Think of this as a situation that causes the body to stroke or seize up completely. This is a serious medical emergency that can cause shock, brain damage, organ failure, and death. It could be caused by heat exhaustion that was not properly treated.

  • Watch for:
    • Red, hot, dry skin (no sweating)
    • Fast and strong pulse
    • Nausea
    • Throbbing headache
    • High body temperature
    • Dizziness or confusion
    • Slurred speech
    • Losing consciousness
    • Seizures
  • What to do:
    • Call 911 – follow their advice.
    • Get to a cool place.
    • Loosen clothing.
    • Place cool cloths or cold packs under arms or on neck.
    • Do not provide anything to drink.

Dehydration can be a common cause of heat illness. Maintaining hydration is important, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Drinking water or electrolyte drinks are highly preferred to sugary and heavily caffeinated drinks. OSHA recommends drinking small amounts of cool water often before getting thirsty; 4 cups every hour during heat index values between 103°F – 115°F. Another recommendation is not to exceed 12 quarts of water per day.

An important reminder is that every person and situation is different. Some people require more water than others. These intake amounts depend on several things including the type of work being done, how much you’re sweating, and your personal risk factors. Don’t chug a large amount of water in the morning and call it good for the day; the important thing is maintaining hydration. You don’t flood your vegetable garden once at the beginning of the month and neglect it the rest of the month. If you do, you probably don’t have much of a harvest.

It’s the supervisor’s duty to have a plan in place during days of extreme heat. If possible, rescheduling a job to a cooler day or even a cooler part of the day could make a difference. Getting a job done on time is important, as is maintaining client satisfaction. However, no part of a job is worth risking the health and safety of your team and clients should understand that.


OSHA Heat Regulation

Monitor OSHA’s progress on a potential heat illness prevention standard here.

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drew lyon


Drew Lyon

Project Manager | Meteorologist

Drew Lyon’s experience and training encompasses environmental reporting, day-to-day EHS compliance assistance at manufacturing facilities, wastewater compliance, hazardous waste management, environmental field sampling and safety. She is also a meteorologist, providing weather-related guidance to clients and our team.

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Which Emergency Response Plans are You Required to Develop for Your Facility?

Which Emergency Response Plans are You Required to Develop for Your Facility?

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In a review of environmental and safety regulations, you will find quite a few references to developing emergency response plans or emergency response procedures.  Each one has its own purpose and its own requirements.

The following is a list of the most commonly required emergency plans, along with their standards reference and a brief description of each.  Which ones apply to you?


Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures [40 CFR 112]

These plans, aka SPCC Plans, cover all types of oils, including petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, vegetable oils, mineral oils and synthetic oils.  If your facility has the capacity aboveground of 1,320 gallons or more or underground capacity of 42,000 gallons or more, you quality for this regulation.  Read more about SPCC Plans here.

Facility Response Plans [40 CFR 112]

If you have over 42,000 gallons of oils and are transferring them over water to/from vessels, or if you have over 1,000,000 gallons and meet certain criteria, you are required to additionally have a Facility Response Plan, or FRP.  Both the SPCC and FRP are plans from the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.

Risk Management Plans [40 CFR 68]

Risk Management Plans, or RMPs, come from the Clean Air Act.  These are for facilities such as chemical manufacturers, water treatment plants, cold storage facilities, and COOPs that store regulated substances in quantities greater than listed thresholds.

Hazardous Waste Contingency Plans [40 CFR 262]

A part of the RCRA hazardous waste regulations, these plans apply to both small and large quantity generators.  The term “contingency plan” is only for large quantity generators.  Small quantity generators don’t have a similar cool term but they still need to develop emergency procedures.


Emergency Action Plans [29 CFR 1910.138]

Emergency Action plans are specifically mentioned in the regulations related to confined spaces, bloodborne pathogens, fire protection, lab safety, and medical services/first aid.

At a minimum, emergency action plans (EAPs) need to include procedures for:

  • Reporting a fire or other emergency;
  • Emergency evacuation, including type and exit routes;
  • Employees who remain to operate in critical plant operations before they evacuate;
  • Accounting for all employees after evacuation;
  • Employees performing rescue or medical duties; and,
  • Name and job title of every employee who may be contacted by employees who need more information about the plan or their duties under the plan.

HAZWOPER Emergency Response Plans [29 CFR 1910.120

If your company has employees assigned to respond to releases of hazardous substances at any location, at their regular work location, or from a duty station such as a fire department, fire brigade, or emergency medical service, you are required to have an emergency response plan for this.  The HAZWOPER plan has also been adopted by EPA’s SARA regulations at 40 CFR 311 for state and local government employees in federal-OSHA states and their volunteers.

Process Safety Emergency Planning [29 CFR 1910.119]

Workplaces subject to OSHA’s Process Safety Management standard are required to have emergency plans.  These plans are not much different than the requirements of the EAPs, but it adds in requirements for small releases.   Learn more about Process Safety Management here.

Fire Prevention Plans [29 CFR 1910.39]

When an OSHA standard requires a fire prevention plan, the requirements for the plan can be found in this standard.  Some of these include standards for portable fire extinguishers, ethylene oxide, methylenedianiline and 1.3-butadiene.

OSHA Emergency Plan References for Specific Substances

The following OSHA standards for specific chemicals/materials reference emergency procedures:

  • 13 Carcinogens [29 CFR 1910.1003(e)(4)(ii)] – Specific emergency procedures prescribed, posted, and employees shall be familiarized with their terms and rehearsed;
  • Vinyl chloride [29 CFR 1910.1017(i)] – A written operational plan for emergency situations shall be developed for each facility storing, handling, or otherwise using vinyl chloride as a liquid or compressed gas;
  • Beryllium [29 CFR 1910.1024(m)(4)(ii)] – Written exposure control plan which includes emergency procedures is required;
  • Cadmium [29 CFR 1910.1027(h)] – Written plan required for dealing with substantial releases of airborne cadmium.
  • 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane [29 CFR 1910.1044(i)(1)(i)] – A written plan for emergency situations shall be developed for each workplace in which DBCP is present;
  • Acrylonitrile [29 CFR 1910.1045(i)(1)(i)] – A written plan for emergency situations shall be developed for each workplace where liquid AN is present. Appropriate portions of the plan shall be implemented in the event of an emergency;
  • Ethylene oxide [29 CFR 1910.1047(h)(1)(i)] – A written plan for emergency situations shall be developed for each workplace where there is a possibility of an emergency. Appropriate portions of the plan shall be implemented in the event of an emergency;
  • Formaldehyde [29 CFR 1910.1048(n)(4)(i)] – Must have written training materials available and within those training materials is a review of emergency procedures including the specific duties or assignments of each employee in the event of an emergency;
  • Methylenedianiline [29 CFR 1910.1050(d)(1)(i)] – A written plan for emergency situations shall be developed for each workplace where there is a possibility of an emergency. Appropriate portions of the plan shall be implemented in the event of an emergency; and,
  • 1,3-Butadiene [29 CFR 1910.1051(j)] – Emergency situations. Written plan. A written plan for emergency situations shall be developed, or an existing plan shall be modified, to contain the applicable elements specified in 29 CFR 1910.38 and 29 CFR 1910.39, “Emergency action plans” and “Fire prevention plans,” respectively, and in 29 CFR 1910.120, “Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response,” for each workplace where there is the possibility of an emergency.

Other Agencies’ Emergency Response Plans


There are a number of other agencies that require emergency plans or procedures depending on what you are doing or what you have onsite.

  • Department of Transportation Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA) Pipeline Response Plan [49 CFR Part 194] – For onshore oil pipelines that could discharge oil into or on any navigable waters of the U.S. or adjoining shorelines;
  • Coast Guard Facility Response Plan [33 CFR 154, Subpart F] – For marine transportation-related facilities that could discharge oil into or on navigable waters, shorelines or exclusive economic zones.
  • Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service Facility Response Plan [30 CFR Part 254] – For owners or operators of oil handling, storage or transportation facilities located seaward of the coast line;
  • FEMA Emergency Operation Plan [44 CFR Part 302] – For jurisdictions receiving emergency management performance grants by FEMA;
  • Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan [10 CFR Part 50] – Related to potential accidents involving nuclear material; and,
  • State-specific plans.

A Combined Plan to Satisfy Multiple Requirements


As a company, you may need to prepare a number of these plans, and some of them can have the same overlapping requirements.  Having multiple plans could be a nightmare to keep track of if your facility was required to have several.  Seeing this, a collection of agencies forming the National Response Team developed a guidance for a “one plan” option.

The National Response Team, or NRT, is made up of EPA, OSHA, the Coast Guard, the Minerals Management Service, and DOT’s RSPA.  EPA is the chair of the NRT.  They issued guidance for Integrated Contingency Plans, or ICPs.

ICPs apply to oils and non-radiological hazardous substances.  You can make one ICP that can covers all of the following emergency response plans into one plan.

  • SPCC Plan
  • EPA Facility Response Plan
  • EPA Risk Management Plan
  • Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan
  • OSHA Emergency Action Plan
  • OSHA Process Safety Emergency Plan
  • DOT Pipeline Response Plan
  • Coast Guard Facility Response Plan
  • Minerals Management Service Facility Response Plan

This helps consolidate the overlap, but you will need to make sure you include all of the elements that are required in these plans.  The NRT suggests that you also incorporate your state and local-specific emergency response procedures into this plan as well.  You are still free to hold separate plans, but the NRT has provided this option to help you demonstrate compliance.

Where Do You Go for More Info?


We will be breaking all of these different plans out and explaining them further in future blog posts.

In the meantime, if you have questions, need help sorting through which plans you need, need assistance in pulling something together or consolidating your current plans into an ICP, iSi can help.  Not only can we help determine the plans you need, but we can write them, organize them and double check them for you too.  Contact us today for more information and a price quote!

In a review of environmental and safety regulations, you will find quite a few references to developing emergency response plans or emergency response procedures.  Each one has its own purpose and its own requirements.

The following is a list of the most commonly required emergency plans, along with their standards reference and a brief description of each.  Which ones apply to you?


Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures [40 CFR 112]

These plans, aka SPCC Plans, cover all types of oils, including petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, vegetable oils, mineral oils and synthetic oils.  If your facility has the capacity aboveground of 1,320 gallons or more or underground capacity of 42,000 gallons or more, you quality for this regulation.  Read more about SPCC Plans here.

Facility Response Plans [40 CFR 112]

If you have over 42,000 gallons of oils and are transferring them over water to/from vessels, or if you have over 1,000,000 gallons and meet certain criteria, you are required to additionally have a Facility Response Plan, or FRP.  Both the SPCC and FRP are plans from the Federal Water Pollution Control Act.

Risk Management Plans [40 CFR 68]

Risk Management Plans, or RMPs, come from the Clean Air Act.  These are for facilities such as chemical manufacturers, water treatment plants, cold storage facilities, and COOPs that store regulated substances in quantities greater than listed thresholds.

Hazardous Waste Contingency Plans [40 CFR 262]

A part of the RCRA hazardous waste regulations, these plans apply to both small and large quantity generators.  The term “contingency plan” is only for large quantity generators.  Small quantity generators don’t have a similar cool term but they still need to develop emergency procedures.


Emergency Action Plans [29 CFR 1910.138]

Emergency Action plans are specifically mentioned in the regulations related to confined spaces, bloodborne pathogens, fire protection, lab safety, and medical services/first aid.

At a minimum, emergency action plans (EAPs) need to include procedures for:

  • Reporting a fire or other emergency;
  • Emergency evacuation, including type and exit routes;
  • Employees who remain to operate in critical plant operations before they evacuate;
  • Accounting for all employees after evacuation;
  • Employees performing rescue or medical duties; and,
  • Name and job title of every employee who may be contacted by employees who need more information about the plan or their duties under the plan.

HAZWOPER Emergency Response Plans [29 CFR 1910.120

If your company has employees assigned to respond to releases of hazardous substances at any location, at their regular work location, or from a duty station such as a fire department, fire brigade, or emergency medical service, you are required to have an emergency response plan for this.  The HAZWOPER plan has also been adopted by EPA’s SARA regulations at 40 CFR 311 for state and local government employees in federal-OSHA states and their volunteers.

Process Safety Emergency Planning [29 CFR 1910.119]

Workplaces subject to OSHA’s Process Safety Management standard are required to have emergency plans.  These plans are not much different than the requirements of the EAPs, but it adds in requirements for small releases.   Learn more about Process Safety Management here.

Fire Prevention Plans [29 CFR 1910.39]

When an OSHA standard requires a fire prevention plan, the requirements for the plan can be found in this standard.  Some of these include standards for portable fire extinguishers, ethylene oxide, methylenedianiline and 1.3-butadiene.

OSHA Emergency Plan References for Specific Substances

The following OSHA standards for specific chemicals/materials reference emergency procedures:

  • 13 Carcinogens [29 CFR 1910.1003(e)(4)(ii)] – Specific emergency procedures prescribed, posted, and employees shall be familiarized with their terms and rehearsed;
  • Vinyl chloride [29 CFR 1910.1017(i)] – A written operational plan for emergency situations shall be developed for each facility storing, handling, or otherwise using vinyl chloride as a liquid or compressed gas;
  • Beryllium [29 CFR 1910.1024(m)(4)(ii)] – Written exposure control plan which includes emergency procedures is required;
  • Cadmium [29 CFR 1910.1027(h)] – Written plan required for dealing with substantial releases of airborne cadmium.
  • 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane [29 CFR 1910.1044(i)(1)(i)] – A written plan for emergency situations shall be developed for each workplace in which DBCP is present;
  • Acrylonitrile [29 CFR 1910.1045(i)(1)(i)] – A written plan for emergency situations shall be developed for each workplace where liquid AN is present. Appropriate portions of the plan shall be implemented in the event of an emergency;
  • Ethylene oxide [29 CFR 1910.1047(h)(1)(i)] – A written plan for emergency situations shall be developed for each workplace where there is a possibility of an emergency. Appropriate portions of the plan shall be implemented in the event of an emergency;
  • Formaldehyde [29 CFR 1910.1048(n)(4)(i)] – Must have written training materials available and within those training materials is a review of emergency procedures including the specific duties or assignments of each employee in the event of an emergency;
  • Methylenedianiline [29 CFR 1910.1050(d)(1)(i)] – A written plan for emergency situations shall be developed for each workplace where there is a possibility of an emergency. Appropriate portions of the plan shall be implemented in the event of an emergency; and,
  • 1,3-Butadiene [29 CFR 1910.1051(j)] – Emergency situations. Written plan. A written plan for emergency situations shall be developed, or an existing plan shall be modified, to contain the applicable elements specified in 29 CFR 1910.38 and 29 CFR 1910.39, “Emergency action plans” and “Fire prevention plans,” respectively, and in 29 CFR 1910.120, “Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response,” for each workplace where there is the possibility of an emergency.

Other Agencies’ Emergency Response Plans


There are a number of other agencies that require emergency plans or procedures depending on what you are doing or what you have onsite.

  • Department of Transportation Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA) Pipeline Response Plan [49 CFR Part 194] – For onshore oil pipelines that could discharge oil into or on any navigable waters of the U.S. or adjoining shorelines;
  • Coast Guard Facility Response Plan [33 CFR 154, Subpart F] – For marine transportation-related facilities that could discharge oil into or on navigable waters, shorelines or exclusive economic zones.
  • Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service Facility Response Plan [30 CFR Part 254] – For owners or operators of oil handling, storage or transportation facilities located seaward of the coast line;
  • FEMA Emergency Operation Plan [44 CFR Part 302] – For jurisdictions receiving emergency management performance grants by FEMA;
  • Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan [10 CFR Part 50] – Related to potential accidents involving nuclear material; and,
  • State-specific plans.

A Combined Plan to Satisfy Multiple Requirements


As a company, you may need to prepare a number of these plans, and some of them can have the same overlapping requirements.  Having multiple plans could be a nightmare to keep track of if your facility was required to have several.  Seeing this, a collection of agencies forming the National Response Team developed a guidance for a “one plan” option.

The National Response Team, or NRT, is made up of EPA, OSHA, the Coast Guard, the Minerals Management Service, and DOT’s RSPA.  EPA is the chair of the NRT.  They issued guidance for Integrated Contingency Plans, or ICPs.

ICPs apply to oils and non-radiological hazardous substances.  You can make one ICP that can covers all of the following emergency response plans into one plan.

  • SPCC Plan
  • EPA Facility Response Plan
  • EPA Risk Management Plan
  • Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan
  • OSHA Emergency Action Plan
  • OSHA Process Safety Emergency Plan
  • DOT Pipeline Response Plan
  • Coast Guard Facility Response Plan
  • Minerals Management Service Facility Response Plan

This helps consolidate the overlap, but you will need to make sure you include all of the elements that are required in these plans.  The NRT suggests that you also incorporate your state and local-specific emergency response procedures into this plan as well.  You are still free to hold separate plans, but the NRT has provided this option to help you demonstrate compliance.

Where Do You Go for More Info?


We will be breaking all of these different plans out and explaining them further in future blog posts.

In the meantime, if you have questions, need help sorting through which plans you need, need assistance in pulling something together or consolidating your current plans into an ICP, iSi can help.  Not only can we help determine the plans you need, but we can write them, organize them and double check them for you too.  Contact us today for more information and a price quote!

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Curtis Leiker, CSP
Curtis Leiker, CSP


Curtis Leiker, CSP

Certified Safety Professional |  ISO 45001 and 14001 Lead Auditor

Curtis Leiker, CSP is a project manager at iSi Environmental. Besides assisting companies with ISO 14001 and 45001 implementation, Curtis manages environmental and safety programs, reporting and compliance issues for aviation, general industry and agricultural facilities. He’s able to see the big picture, but focus on the details and enjoys working to solve EHS issues.

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OSHA Issues Emergency Standard for COVID

OSHA Issues Emergency Standard for COVID

UPDATE 6/10/21: 

OSHA has issued an emergency temporary standard for Covid-19, but it will only apply to healthcare workers.  For all other industries, there is new updated guidance related to unvaccinated and otherwise at-risk workers.

Emergency Temporary Standard

The new standard, 1910.502, applies to settings where any employee provides healthcare services or healthcare support services.  This includes “This includes employees in hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities; emergency responders; home healthcare workers; and employees in ambulatory care facilities where suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients are treated.”  It does not apply to those providing first aid only. 

More details about the requirements can be found at https://www.osha.gov/coronavirus/ets.

Employer Guidance for Protecting At-Risk Workers

According to OSHA, “Unless otherwise required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, most employers no longer need to take steps to protect their fully vaccinated workers who are not otherwise at-risk from COVID-19 exposure.”  Their new guidance is to ensure employers focus their efforts on unvaccinated or otherwise at-risk workers in their workplaces (or well-defined portions of workplaces). 

Some elements include:

  • Granting Paid Time Off for Vaccinations
  • Instruct Workers Who Have Become a Close Contact of an Infected Person, or Have Symptoms Themselves to Stay Home
  • Physical Distancing for Unvaccinated Workers
  • Provide Masks for Unvaccinated Workers and Suggest Unvaccinated Customers, Visitors, or Guests Wear Face Coverings
  • Provide Covid-19 Policies and Procedures in Languages Employees Will Understand
  • Maintain Ventilation Systems
  • Record and Report Work-Related Covid Infections and Deaths per 29 CFR 1904
  • Implement Retaliation Protections

Employers must continue to follow mandatory OSHA standards that apply to ensure workers are protected from infection, including: 

  • Requirements for PPE (29 CFR 1910, Subpart I (e.g., 1910.132 and 133))
  • Respiratory Protection (29 CFR 1910.134)
  • Sanitation (29 CFR 1910.141)
  • Protection from Bloodborne Pathogens: (29 CFR 1910.1030)
  • Employee Access to Medical and Exposure Records (29 CFR 1910.1020).
  • Where the Emergency Temporary Standard does not apply, employers are required under the General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1) of the OSH Act, to provide a safe and healthful workplace free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm .

More information on this guidance can be found at: https://www.osha.gov/coronavirus/safework.

UPDATE 1/21/21: 

President Biden signed an Executive Order on Thursday, Jan. 21, 2021 that requires the following:

  1. Within 2 weeks (by Feb. 4, 2021), OSHA is required to:
    • OSHA and MSHA are required to determine if an emergency temporary standard is necessary.  If so, it will be due by Mar. 15, 2021.  Although the date has passed, it’s been reported that OSHA has alerted the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that one has been drafted and they just need additional time to finish it and get it reviewed.
    • Issue guidance to employers on workplace safety during the COVID pandemic.  This guidance was issued Feb. 1.  It includes stronger language including outlining the components of a prevention program.  Check out the new guidance here.
  2.  OSHA is required to review its enforcement efforts and identify any short-term and long-term changes to be made.
  3.  A National Emphasis Program on COVID-19 in the workplace is required to be developed.  This was released March 15.  Check out the details HERE.
  4.  OSHA is to work with state plan states to make sure they have similar COVID plans in place, and for those who don’t have a state plan, work with state and local officials to make sure they have plans in place to protect public employees.
  5. The Secretaries of Labor, Health and Human Services, Transportation, Energy and Agriculture need to work to identify that workers not covered under OSHA in their respective categories are protected.

What’s an OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard?

Under certain limited conditions, OSHA is authorized to set emergency temporary standards that take effect immediately and are in effect until superseded by a permanent standard. OSHA must determine that workers are in grave danger due to exposure to toxic substances, new hazards, or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful where an emergency standard is needed to protect them.  OSHA publishes the emergency temporary standard in the Federal Register, where it also serves as a proposed permanent standard. It’s subject to the usual procedure for adopting a permanent standard except that a final ruling should be made within six months. The validity of an emergency temporary standard may be challenged in an appropriate U.S. Court of Appeals.

What May Employers Be Required to Develop in a Federal Emergency Standard for COVID?

In total, 14 states have adopted comprehensive COVID-19 worker protections through executive order and/or their state OSHA programs.

Currently, there are 4 states – California, Virginia, Michigan and Oregon – that have issued a state-specific OSHA emergency standards through their state plans.  There are common themes between the policies of these 4 states and they have pulled items from each other.  These items would likely become a part of a federal emergency standard:

Conducting a Workplace Assessment

This would include identifying employee tasks, work environment, presence of the virus, number of employees, facility size, working distances, duration and frequency of exposure, and hazards encountered.

Develop an Exposure Control Plan

This would include designating an on-site COVID coordinator, providing free face coverings and requiring their use, signage, social distancing, barriers, remote working, prohibiting sick employees access to facility, enhanced cleanings for positive cases, employee screenings, and notification of positive cases.

Implement Controls 

This includes maximizing current ventilation systems, installing barriers, partitions, and airborne infection isolation rooms.

Training Employees 

Training would need to be specific to the place of employment.  Included would be reviewing control measures, proper use of PPE, how to report symptoms or positive cases, how to report unsafe working conditions, and an overview of the COVID-19 virus, symptoms, and means of transmission.

Maintain Records of Training, Screenings, and Notifications

This would include employee training, employee and visitor screenings, notifications as required to individuals and Health Departments.

How Often Have Emergency Standards Been Used Before?

OSHA has used emergency temporary standards 9 times.  The last time they were used was in 1983 for asbestos.  OSHA’s first emergency standard was also created for asbestos, and others have been created mostly for chemicals, including 12 different carcinogens, benzene and vinyl chloride.  Most standards have been challenged in court, and although there have been a few that have been vacated, most have remained in place.


iSi will be monitoring developments with federal OSHA emergency standard for COVID and will update this article, or provide additional information in our blog as information continues to develop regarding this issue.

We're Here to Help If You Need It

Short lead times for OSHA indicate the potential for a short lead time for employers to get program elements in place.  Our team of safety and industrial hygiene professionals are here to help with the things you may not have time to develop.  Let’s get the conversation started!
Curtis Leiker, CSP
Curtis Leiker, CSP


Curtis Leiker, CSP

Certified Safety Professional |  ISO 45001 and 14001 Lead Auditor

Curtis Leiker, CSP is a project manager at iSi Environmental. Besides assisting companies with ISO 14001 and 45001 implementation, Curtis manages environmental and safety programs, reporting and compliance issues for aviation, general industry and agricultural facilities. He’s able to see the big picture, but focus on the details and enjoys working to solve EHS issues.

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Annual DOT Registrations Due July 1

Annual DOT Registrations Due July 1

If your company ships hazardous waste or hazardous materials in certain types and/or quantities, you are be required to register with the Department of Transportation (DOT) annually.

Who Needs to Be Registered With DOT?

DOT registrations are required for companies or individuals shipping the following items:

  • A quantity of hazardous material/waste that requires placarding.
  • A hazardous material (including hazardous wastes) in a bulk packaging having a capacity equal to or greater than 3,500 gallons for liquids or gases or more than 468 cubic feet for solids.
  • A shipment in other than a bulk packaging of 5,000 pounds gross weight or more of one class of hazardous materials (including hazardous wastes) for which placarding of a vehicle, rail car, or freight container is required for that class.
  • A highway route controlled quantity of a Class 7 (radioactive) material by highway, rail, air, or water.
  • More than 55 pounds of a Division 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 (explosive) material by motor vehicle, rail car, or freight container.
  • More than 1 liter/1.06 quarts per package of a “material extremely toxic by inhalation.”

State and federal agencies, Indian tribes, farmers, and individual truck drivers are exempt from registration. Government contractors must register, as do any farmers who transport hazardous materials not used in farming or truck drivers who aren’t driving a truck already registered by a motor carrier.

How Do You Get Registered With the DOT?

DOT registrations are conducted online or you can fill out a form and mail it in. There will be a fee for registration. Registration fees are determined by your company’s size, that is, whether or not you are considered to be a small business by the U.S. Small Business Administration. You will need to know your company’s primary NAICS code. Once you determine your NAICS code, you’ll be able to determine if you meet the small business size standard. Fees can range from $275/year for a small business to $2,600 for a large business, with slight discounts for registering for up to 3 years at a time.

Your company cannot transport hazardous materials until registered. If your company has failed to register for any previous years, you will need to register for any missed years and pay for those as well.

What is Required for DOT Registration Recordkeeping?

Once registered, you’ll receive a Hazardous Materials Certificate of Registration. This will have your DOT registration number, year, date issued, and expiration date. Those who register online can choose to print out their certificate, or have one mailed. Copies of your registration forms and certificate must be kept on file for 3 years and may be asked for during an inspection. Any trucks, truck tractors, or vessels must have a copy of this certificate or another document with your current DOT registration number on it.

Need Help?

Need help with your DOT hazardous material or hazardous waste program?  We can provide advice, assistance and training!


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Sometimes You Really Need to Listen to the Voices in Your Head

Sometimes You Really Need to Listen to the Voices in Your Head

At iSi, the office and marketing/sales teams get involved in safety too, and one of the things we do is we each get a week to share a personal safety experience.  This is what I plan to share this month during my turn, and I hope you can take something away from it, especially as we head into National Safety Month this month.  – Tami Hadley


Usually when someone talks about the voices in their head, it’s kind of a joke, or played off as a negative thing.  However, sometimes those voices can tell you good things that you actually need to listen to.  There was one important time I wish I had listened to the voices that were trying to help keep me safe, but didn’t.

In late June of 2001, 20 years ago this month, my sister-friend and I were seriously scalded in a kitchen accident.  My friend used to think homemade was the way to go.  Six kids later she thinks a little differently, but back then that’s the way it was.  She was canning green beans from her garden and she had one of the old-time pressure cookers from the 70s.  She hadn’t used it much, and I certainly didn’t know anything about it.

One night when I was visiting, she was wanting to get the beans canned.  Her husband usually took care of the pressure cooker part but he was gone that night.  She had seen him do it, so she decided she would do it herself.   When it was time to take the jars out, she couldn’t get the lid of the cooker off.  Earlier that evening, the lid was really hard to get on, and so it made sense that it would be hard to get it off.  She enlisted my help.  I’m a helper…sure I’ll help.  We stood over the stove and started trying to muscle the lid off, and it wasn’t moving.

We paused for a moment.  In that pause, later we both discovered when discussing the event, that a voice in our heads was saying to each of us “Wait a minute, maybe this isn’t a good idea.”  However, we both are get ‘er done types and there were a lot of other things to get done that night, so we proceeded.  What we proceeded into was pressurized scalding water going everywhere.  We had missed a step – depressurizing the cooker.

The water flew everywhere.  Scalding water covered my head, face, arms, hands, chest, stomach and upper thighs.  She got it all over her arms, legs and feet.  After being temporarily blinded, I ran to the bathroom sink for the cool water, and she went to the kitchen sink.  Besides the extreme pain, I knew it was bad when I looked in the mirror and saw a huge piece of skin on my nose falling off and my face beginning to swell.  I found out later that the boiled water remaining on my clothes was continuing to burn me.  I kept them on until I was convinced to strip down in the ambulance.  Well, not until I made them shut the door, and make my cop friend who was working that night, go away.

I ended up spending the night in the burn unit with second degree burns over 30% of my body and my friend had second and third degree burns.  The nurses in the emergency room had a real good time with me after learning I worked for a safety consulting company.  They made all the medical personnel who came in the emergency room ask me where I worked so I could relay the irony of the situation.

It was a long, painful July for the both of us and it took us about a month for full recovery.  We both still have scars, especially on our arms.  I tell her it’s like a tattoo to remind us of what we went through and what we should/shouldn’t do.  We are extremely fortunate and blessed it didn’t do any other long lasting scarring damage besides that.

If we would have listened to those voices in our heads, we could’ve stopped this accident from happening. 

Please relay to your teams that it is OK to stop and listen to those voices in your head when something does not seem right.  It’s ok to take a moment to rethink something before you do it.  Nothing is too important or needs to be completed so quickly that you can’t take a moment to rethink it, especially when it comes to your safety.

Some safety lessons I took away from this ordeal…

  1. It’s OK to listen to the voices when it comes to your safety.
  2. If you’re scalded, remove the clothing that has the hot water on it to prevent continual burning. A lot of my most painful injuries was a result of this.
  3. Scalding burns larger than 3 inches or that cover more than one area of your body need medical attention.
  4. Run cool or lukewarm water (not cold) over the area but don’t submerge yourself in it or you could lose body heat.
  5. If you’re going to use a pressure cooker, buy the ones with the best safety features and won’t let you take the lid off until you depressurize it. My friend did bravely “get back up on the horse” and used that old cooker again, but more safely.  I still refuse to be in the same room with it.
  6. Always be familiar with the proper procedures for using something – don’t rely on only doing it by sight or watching someone else – you may miss something very important.

What’s your safety story?  Do you use personal safety stories in your safety programs?  How is it working?  Let us know!


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Tami Hadley
Tami Hadley


Tami Hadley

Marketing Director | Project Manager, E-Training Solutions

Tami has been with iSi for over 24 years.  During this time, she has enjoyed helping promote regulations compliance awareness and education through her involvement with iSi Training and through leadership roles with industry conferences and professional organizations.

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iSi Summer Safety Series:  Grilling Safety

iSi Summer Safety Series: Grilling Safety

photo representing grilling safety

Summer here and so is grilling season.  Well, it’s always grilling season in some places, but Summer is the time of year when it’s most conducted.  According to NFPA, 64% of all households own a grill or a smoker, and gas grills are the biggest culprit to fires.  10,600 home fires are started by grills each year.  On average 19,700 patients go to the emergency room each year because of grill injuries, 9,500 of those being thermal burns.   Here are some grilling safety tips to share with your co-workers, friends and family members.

  1.  Grill outside and away from any structures

Charcoal and gas grills are designed for outdoor use only. However, NFPA reports that more than one-quarter (27%) of home fires started by outdoor grills began in a courtyard, terrace or patio, and 29% started on an exterior balcony or open porch. Pay attention to overhanging tree branches when you set up your grill.

  1.  Make sure your grill is stable

Only set up your grill on a flat surface and make sure the grill can’t be tipped over. Consider using a grill pad or splatter mat underneath your grill to protect your deck or patio.

  1.  Keep your grill clean

Remove grease or fat buildup from both the grill and the tray below the grill. If you are using a charcoal grill, allow the coals to completely cool off before disposing of them in a metal container.

  1.  Check for propane leaks on your gas grill

Before the season’s first barbecue, check the gas tank hose for leaks by applying a light soap and water solution to the hose and then turning on the gas. If there is a propane leak, the solution will bubble. Other signs of a propane leak include the smell of gas near the barbecue or a flame that won’t light.

  1.  If the flame goes out, wait to re-light

If you are using a gas grill and the flame goes out, turn the grill and the gas off, then wait at least five minutes to re-light it.

  1.  Take care around the grill

Never leave a lit grill unattended. Don’t allow kids or pets to play near the grill. Never try to move a lit or hot grill, and remember the grill will stay hot for at least an hour after use.

  1.  Be careful with charcoal starter fluid

If you use a charcoal grill, only use charcoal starter fluid. If the fire starts to go out, don’t add any starter fluid or any other flammable liquids to the fire. Consider using a charcoal chimney starter, which uses newspaper to start the fire instead of starter fluid.

  1.  Wear the right clothing

Clothing can easily catch fire, so be sure your shirt tails, sleeves or apron strings don’t dangle over the grill.

  1.  Be ready to put out the fire

Have baking soda on hand to control a grease fire and a fire extinguisher nearby for other fires. If you don’t have a fire extinguisher, keep a bucket of sand next to the grill. Never use water to put out grease fire.

These easy-to-follow tips will help you and your family enjoy a safe summer barbecuing season.


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Go Orange for Work Zone Safety & Struck-By Hazard Awareness Week

Go Orange for Work Zone Safety & Struck-By Hazard Awareness Week

With spring and summer, along with the barbeques, pool parties and vacation days that come with warm weather, so does one other inevitability:  road construction.  The week of April 26-30, 2021 is National Work Zone Awareness Week.  Road construction occurs all throughout the year, but tends to start ramping up in the warmer spring and summer months.  So now is a good time to review some good safety practices on construction zone safety.

Work zones separate construction activities and construction workers from traffic, allowing both to work in harmony.  However, construction zones create a different traffic pattern and can sometimes be confusing areas.  On top of that, there are workers and machinery moving about.  Speed reduction areas, delays for pilot cars, and even route changes can affect our time schedules too.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, 2019 fatalities rose 11% from 2018.

  • There were 762 fatal crashes in work zones, 324 on arterial roads and 287 on the interstates
  • There were 842 fatalities in work zones, 690 of those fatalities were drivers and passengers
  • Of the fatal crashes, 33% were commercial motor vehicles
  • 31% of fatalities involved speed
  • 24% of fatalities were rear-end collisions

National Work Zone Awareness Week Events and Materials and Go Orange

You are encouraged to participate in Go Orange Day on Wednesday April 28, 2021 and wear orange to spread the message of work zone safety with your friends, family, coworkers and community.  There are a ton of resources out there to share with your workers as part of your weekly safety messages and meetings.  Here are some links to some sites for national and state event information and resources you can download:

National WorkZone Safety Information Clearinghouse (National and State Site Links)

Download a Flyer to Share with Your Workers from the National Work Zone Week Site

Download iSi’s 1-page Safety Toolbox Flyer With Safety Tips to Share With Your Team 

National Work Zone Awareness Week Website

Participate – National Work Zone Awareness Event Tool Kit

Struck-By National Stand-Down Week

Along with National Work Zone Awareness Week, NIOSH’s National Occupational Research Agenda’s (NORA) Construction Sector Council is promoting the National Stand-Down to Prevent Struck-By Incidents.  Struck-by hazards have been OSHA’s leading cause of death and non-fatal injuries since 1992.

NORA will be hosting 2 webinars on Monday April 26.  One is about cranes and lifting and the other is preventing struck-by incidents.  To register, download this flyer about the event.

You can also find a wide variety of training materials, infographics and other resources on struck by hazards here on the Center for Construction Research and Training Website.


If your company would like assistance with creating toolbox topic presentations/materials or new employee training, contact us for a price quote!



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OSHA Proposes Changes to Hazcom Standard

OSHA Proposes Changes to Hazcom Standard

UPDATE:  OSHA has announced an informal public hearing for Sept. 21.  If you’d like to testify or question witnesses, submit your notice by June 18.

OSHA has announced it’s planning on making changes to its Hazcom Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) and they are soliciting your comments, due by May 19.

OSHA’s changes are to help align the standard with Global Harmonization Standard (GHS) Revisions 7 and 8.  OSHA is also wanting to correct issues it’s found since the last update in 2012 and to make the standard more in line with related federal agencies such as DOT and international trading partners such as Canada.

Here are the items currently up for comment:

 Relabeling Containers and “Released for Shipment” Dates

Right now the standard says that once a chemical manufacturer, importer, distributor or employer knows there is hazard information changes significant enough to affect the SDS, the SDS needs to be updated.  Labels must be revised within 6 months and containers shipped thereafter must have that information on its labels.

OSHA is proposing chemicals released for shipment and awaiting future distribution wouldn’t need to be physically relabeled to incorporate that new information.  Instead, the chemical manufacturer/importer will still need to provide an updated label for each individual container with each shipment. This would help containers with long distribution cycles.  This also reduces the chemical exposure and ergonomic hazards for workers who would be going in and actually physically relabeling containers.

As a result of this, labels on shipped containers will be required to note the date the chemical is released for shipment.  The standard will specifically call out chemicals released for shipment and awaiting further distribution as part of the no relabeling requirement, so they’ll need a date on them to meet that requirement.

Bulk Shipments

Labels for bulk shipments can be placed on the immediate container, or you will be able to transmit them with the shipping papers or bills of lading electronically as long as there’s a printed version available to the people on the receiving end of the shipment.

Changes to bulk shipments are an effort to facilitate inter-agency cooperation with DOT.

Labeling for Small Containers

Labels for small containers less than or equal to 100 mL must include just the product identifier, pictogram, signal word, chemical manufacturer’s name and phone number, and a statement that the full label info for the hazardous chemical is provided on the immediate outer package.  This will be applicable for those containers where it’s not feasible to use pull-out labels, fold back labels or tags with the full information on them.

There will be no labeling requirements for containers less than or equal to 3 mL if the manufacturer, importer, or distributor can demonstrate that any label would interfere with the normal use of the container.  A product identifier that can be identified and linked with the full label info on the immediate outer package would be required on that small container.  OSHA uses an example that a glass vial could be etched with the product identifier instead of needing the label.

Immediate outer packaging would then need to include the full label information, and a statement indicating when not in use, the small containers inside must be stored in this outer packaging that has the label on it.

Trade Secrets

Allow manufacturers, importers and employers to now withhold a chemical concentration range as a trade secret.  Use prescriptive concentration ranges instead of actual concentration or concentration range when they’re claimed as a trade secret.  This change is categorized as help to better work with trading partners as this is something that Canada does.

OSHA wants to know from commenters if this is something that you have worked with and does this give enough information downstream for manufacturers to conduct hazard classifications and protect workers.

 SDS Terminology

A terminology change will replace the word “design” with “stored.”  This will allow SDSs to be stored in a way that covers groups of hazardous chemicals in a work area. They believe the word “designed” is confusing because now SDSs have specific design requirements (16 section format) so they don’t want anyone redesigning an SDS for groups of chemicals in a work area.

Appendix D Changes

  • Changing Section 2 of the SDSs to emphasize that hazards identified under normal conditions of use that result from a chemical reaction must appear on the SDS, even though the hazards don’t need to be listed on the label. This would be a reorganization of the info on the SDS.
  • The Hazcom Standard currently requires SDS Section 3 to include chemical name and concentration/concentration ranges of all ingredients classified as health hazards. OSHA wants to know if this should be expanded to include not only the health hazard classified chemicals, but all classified chemicals such as physical hazard chemicals to help manufacturers better understand hazard potentials when handling these chemicals. This would be similar to what the REACH regulations require in Europe.
  • OSHA would also like to hear comments about using electronic labels, RFID and QR codes on chemical packaging as a form of communicating hazards fully and in real-time. If your company is using electronic labeling, they’d like to know what kind of system you’re using and what benefits you’ve been able to see from it.

Other Appendix Changes

  • Considering revisions in the Skin Corrosion/Irritation section to expand non-animal testing, recognizing in vitro test methods, and reorganizing that chapter. (Appendix A)
  • Adding a new hazard class for desensitized explosives (Appendix B)
  • Adding hazard categories for unstable gases and pyrophoric gases in the Flammable Gasses class and nonflammable aerosols in the Aerosols class (Appendix B)
  • Making editorial, clarifying and reorganizing changes and using more standard language in line with GHS Revision 8. (Appendix C)
  • Requiring prioritization of certain precautionary statements related to medical response. Currently some of the medical response statements give options such as call poison control center or call a doctor or choose between medical advice vs. medical attention.   This can lead to confusion on which choice is best, so they want to standardize that with the best option. (Appendix C)

Definitions and Terminology

  • In the SDS section, a terminology change will replace the word “design” with “stored.” This will allow SDSs to be stored in a way that covers groups of hazardous chemicals in a work area. They believe the word “designed” is confusing because now SDSs have specific design requirements (16 section format) so they don’t want anyone redesigning an SDS for groups of chemicals in a work area.
  • Adding definitions for Combustible Dust, Bulk Shipments, Immediate Outer Packaging, Released for Shipment and Physician or Other Licensed Health Care Professional
  • Revising definitions of a Gas, Liquid and a Solid to align with GHS Revision 7
  • Revise the definition of a hazardous chemical to delete the reference to pyrophoric gases because those will now be a physical hazard in the Flammable Gas hazard class

Training Required

OSHA believes in its economic impact analysis that training updates will be minimal and only apply to certain types of employees.  OSHA says that additional HAZCOM training will be needed to alert those who work with impacted aerosols, desensitized explosives, nonflammable gasses not under pressure, and flammable gasses about the changes in the SDSs.  Those where labels may change may require some additional training and instruction on what to do such as with bulk packagings and small containers.

How Often Should There be Changes?

OSHA is soliciting feedback on how often changes should be made to the Hazcom Standard.  GHS is updated every 2 years. OSHA wants to stay current with GHS revisions.  Only the European Union has updated their guidelines in less time than OSHA (2016) while other countries have only said they planned on it, but haven’t done anything yet.

OSHA would like to know if they should install a regular schedule of updating every 4 years, every 2 revisions of the GHS, or if they should wait until there are significant changes before doing any updates.

Where Can You Make Comments?

You may submit comments identified by Docket No. OSHA-2019-0001, electronically at http://www.regulations.gov, which is the Federal e-Rulemaking Portal.  Formal comments were due in May 2021, however, If you’d like to question witnesses or testify at OSHA’s informal hearing on September 21, 2021, submit your request by June 18, 2021 to the regulations.gov site.

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5 Ways OSHA’s Top 10 Can Make Your Safety Job Easier

5 Ways OSHA’s Top 10 Can Make Your Safety Job Easier

5 Ways OSHA’s Top 10 Can Make Your Safety Job Easier

Getting Value Out of the “Same Old List”

OSHA’s Top 10 Violations for 2020 have been announced.  So what!   OSHA’s Top 10 hasn’t changed much in the past 5 or 6 years and most of the time it’s the same violations with the order switched around.  The only “exciting” part is to see if a newcomer violation got on list.  The list still didn’t even really change in a pandemic year either.

Well as un-newsworthy as this is, believe it or not, the annual confirmation that it’s the same stuff can actually make your job easier.

First, What’s on the List?

Below is a list of the Top 10 OSHA Violations for 2020

  1. Fall Protection – General Requirements (1926.501): 5,424 violations
  2. Hazard Communication (1910.1200): 3,199 violations
  3. Respiratory Protection (1910.134): 2,649 violations
  4. Scaffolding (1926.451): 2,538 violations
  5. Ladders (1926.1053): 2,129 violations
  6. Lockout/Tagout (1910.147): 2,065 violations
  7. Powered Industrial Trucks (1910.178): 1,932 violations
  8. Fall Protection – Training Requirements (1926.503): 1,621 violations
  9. Eye and Face Protection (1926.102): 1,369 violations
  10. Machine Guarding (1910.212): 1,313 violations

Respiratory protection moved 2 spots up the list this year along with eye and face protection up one spot as well.  Ladders moved up a spot too.  Your top 2 violations were the typical fall protection and hazcom.

Well…It’s the Top 10 for a Reason

First, companies continue to have problems with these issues.  Many of them can be affected by employee behaviors such as how they choose to wear (or not wear) their PPE, conducting (or not) inspections, using (or not) injury saving controls, and situational awareness pitfalls.  As a result, some of these are going to be easier to come across on any given day.

Next, these top 10 may also be considered the low hanging fruit of inspections.  If these are the most common violations, then you could surmise inspectors are going to be looking at these.  Further proof comes from OSHA’s national, regional and local emphasis programs.  Emphasis programs allow an inspector to add to their investigation. For example, if you are having an inspection related to an employee complaint for respirators and there is an emphasis program in your area for powered industrial vehicles, OSHA inspectors can broaden their inspection if they see a forklift in your building.

A check of OSHA’s current emphasis programs includes items from the top 10.  Out of 10 OSHA regions, there are emphasis programs for:

  • Amputations (including machine guarding) – National Emphasis
  • Falls – 9 Regions
  • Powered Industrial Vehicles – 5 Regions
  • Electrical – 2 regions
  • Respirators – 1 region
  • Construction Worksites – 10 regions

Make Your Job Easier Tip 1:  Break it Down

The top 10 have specific standard references with them and from there we can see it’s a mix of general industry and construction standards.  All 10 areas of safety are important.  However, if you break the list down by the standard your company typically operates under, your focus areas are nearly cut in half and this becomes much more manageable. 

General Industry-Related ViolationsConstruction Industry-Related Violations
Hazard CommunicationFall Protection – General Requirements
Lockout-TagoutHazard Communication**
Respiratory ProtectionScaffolding
Powered Industrial TrucksLadders
Machine GuardingFall Protection – Training
Face and Eye Protection

**The 1926 standard for hazard communication refers to the 1910 standard.

Make Your Job Easier Tip 2:  Instant Safety Topics!

Dealing with the immediate site-specific injury-causing issues should always be your first focus.  However, you likely have safety committees, employee safety briefings, toolbox meetings, newsletters to write, safety emails to send, etc.  The shortened list can now be easy go-to topics. 

Get your co-workers and safety teams talking about them.  As mentioned before, some of these items are going to be related to their behaviors and decisions anyway.  Head off the top 10 one person at a time and don’t feel bad if you need to continue to cover them.  The world of sales tells us that most people need to hear about something 7 times before it sticks.

Make Your Job Easier Tip 3:  Get Your Documentation in Order

A number of these areas have specific training and/or inspection requirements.  Document, document, document! 

For training, keep records of who took training, when training was conducted, who the trainer was and what the content of the training included.

For inspections, find a way to document these and have a process in place for taking equipment which fails out of service. This will be important information for you during an inspection and can go a long way in staying away from the top 10.

Make Your Job Easier Tip 4:  Incorporate These Into Your Walkthroughs

If you’re not doing so already, set aside a little bit of time each week to conduct a safety walkthrough and incorporate these items into your checklist.  Routine walkthroughs will allow you to keep up on what’s going on at your site, gives you a chance to correct deficiencies, and gives you an opportunity to take advantage of teachable moments to the workers in those areas.  Get your employees involved in inspecting their workplace.  Have them be on the lookout for these same issues in walkthroughs and peer-to-peer observations.

Make Your Job Easier Tip 5:  Get Help

You are not Superman/Superwoman.  There are too many tasks, crises, and other forces that can get in the way of getting it all accomplished. A good manager needs a supporting cast.  If you can get someone at your company to help you with tasks, that would be great.  However, if you cannot, consider getting an outside company or safety professional to help. Consultants like iSi are here for a reason.  We have people on-staff who have been in your position and have experience with the regulations.  We can often do what needs to be done (and done correctly) in a fraction of the time it would take for you to do it, or for you to train someone else internally to do it.  This can be as simple as getting help a writing program or conducting training.  It could be having an audit done to see where you stand on compliance or a bigger project such as revamping a safety program or day-to-day onsite assistance.

In Conclusion

Use the data from the Top 10 as your instant to-do list.  If you can tackle the items that pertain to you, you can help do your part in avoiding those common fines and maybe shaking up the list for next year.

Need Help?

Need help with any of OSHA’s Top 10 issues, or anything else in the safety field?  We can help with checklists, audits, programs, training & more!


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