The Importance of Professional Organizations and Conferences to Your EHS Compliance

The Importance of Professional Organizations and Conferences to Your EHS Compliance

tami hadley

About the Author: Tami Hadley, iSi’s Marketing Director, has been involved in numerous professional organizations as a member and leader and has served on conference planning committees for over 23 years.

Fall is a busy time for iSi as there are a number of environmental, health and safety (EHS) conferences and professional organizations we’re involved in.  At a recent conference, I was reminded how important getting out to these events can be to an EHS professional’s job.

Although EHS professional groups and conferences have one big difference, that being the frequency in which they are held, they are quite similar in their advantages.

Stay Current on Regulations

Although you may subscribe to the Federal Register, blogs and newsletters, how often do you read them? Are you looking at all of them all the time? Do your sources encompass all aspects of EHS compliance that your company is required to follow?

It’s super easy to miss something. Professional groups and conferences allow you direct access to new information and discussion about upcoming regulations. Often the regulators themselves will be the speakers and will give you some extra insight into new regulations, what has changed and why, what’s on the horizon, and what the compliance nuances are. The regulators are also there to answer your questions.

Meet People Who Have the Same Issues You Do

One of the most valuable things about conferences and meetings are the people you’ll meet. At your company you may be the only person responsible for EHS, and perhaps that can be a lonely feeling sometimes. However, you are not alone. There others in your area who are in the same boat as you are. They can help and give you advice.

Besides commiserating with you, they can give you ideas on how to solve issues, can tell you what works for them, and who the good vendors are. I’ve seen people share templates and programs with each other, visit each other’s facilities, discuss what’s working for them, and share training classes with each other.

Connecting and Recruiting

Making connections can be very valuable. One of the number one keys to making a connection is bringing value and sharing value because what you are able to give often comes back to you multiple times over. Goodwill begets goodwill. The people that you meet can introduce you to people they know who may be able to give you information or recommend a solution or a vendor.  It’s the old adage, it’s not what you know but who you know.

Are you looking for good employees to help you at your facility? These events are great for determining potential candidates and seeing who the most respected and knowledgeable professionals in the area are. You may not need someone now, but having an idea of who is in the area and having them know you will save you a ton of time later. Conversely, it’s a chance for you to highlight your expertise as well.  If you are new to the industry or to your job, a group like this can expose you to a lot of different topics and help you learn a lot of things you may not get otherwise.

Unplugging is a Good Thing

Besides the list of tasks we’re expected to accomplish each day, we are inundated by phone calls, emails, texts, persons coming by, fires to put out, etc. The day-to-day grind can really get in the way of continuing education. How many times have you been in a training class at your site and have gotten pulled out for some reason, or have been watching a webinar at your desk only to get interrupted by someone coming in your office or calling you?

Getting offsite for a day or two, or even for a lunch or a breakfast, sets aside a time for you to get your focus back onto learning something new. Even if the speaker doesn’t teach you something new, the time away to immerse yourself in the topic may jolt some new ideas because you’ve had the time to unplug from the clutter and focus on the topic at hand.

It’s OK to Sit by a Vendor

Don’t discount the value of vendors and suppliers. Sure, it’s most likely they are there to make connections, but these people can be some of your biggest sources of information and intelligence in all things EHS. Vendors and suppliers will often have some of the latest and greatest in compliance technologies, methods, best practices, products, apps, etc. You may not need them now, but having them there gives you an idea of who you can call when you need something.

Vendors can also tell you a lot about what companies like yours are doing, how problems have been solved by others and what is going on in the industry. It’s also their job to know who the EHS people are in your area and so they can also be great connectors for you. They go to a variety of events, so you may learn about other specialty groups and conferences and opportunities you didn’t already know about.

List of Organizations

I want to be a valuable connection for you, so below is a list of professional organizations which focus on EHS issues and may have chapters in your area. In addition to these organizations, look for other local groups in your area which are not affiliated with national chapters. There are a lot of them out there.

For conferences, I’ve seen that almost every state has a safety conference and an environmental conference. Sometimes they are combined or sometimes they are conducted within other conferences.

I can give you some specific ideas for groups and events in and around the areas in which iSi has offices: Kansas (state of Kansas and Kansas City area), Oklahoma, Georgia and surrounding states. Contact me and let me know which area(s) you’re interested in and I’ll get back with you with some ideas. In the meantime, here are some national organizations with chapters all across the U.S.:

American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP)

American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)

Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals (AHMP)

National Safety Council (NSC)

Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA)

Which national EHS organizations am I missing? Let me know and I’ll add them to this article!

Did we miss a national EHS group? Are you looking for groups and conferences in your area?  Contact us today!

OSHA’s Ammonium Regional Emphasis Program

OSHA’s Ammonium Regional Emphasis Program

Need Help?

iSi can help you determine what you need to do to get ready for enforcement.

OSHA has announced it has developed a regional emphasis program for ammonium starting October 1, 2018.

Who is Affected?

The emphasis program targets fertilizer grade ammonium nitrate and agricultural anhydrous ammonium.  Both create a significant hazard of fire and explosion and are toxic to those who handle them.  Companies who store, mix, blend, and distribute these products will be targeted in this program.

Ammonium nitrate storage issues came into prominence with the 2013 West Fertilizer facility explosion.   This regional emphasis program was a recommendation of the Chemical Safety Board’s report following the incident.

Which States are Included?

The regional emphasis includes particular states from OSHA Region VI and OSHA Region VII.  These include Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana from Region VI and Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska from Region VII.

What is the Enforcement Date?

Affected companies will have 90 days from October 1st to get their compliance activities in order before OSHA starts issuing penalties, roughly until the end of the year.   Storage of ammonium nitrate falls under 29 CFR 1910.109(i), and storage and handling of anhydrous ammonia falls under 29 CFR 1910.111.  There are other OSHA regulations and requirements which apply to the handling of these chemicals.

What’s Next?

If your company will be affected by this OSHA ammonium regional emphasis program, iSi can help you determine what you need to do to comply and be ready for any upcoming inspection.  If you don’t know if you are affected or not, we can help you make that determination.  Contact us today for pricing, or fill out our online form!

Let iSi help you determine you ammonium compliance elements!

Overheul to Discuss Link Between Safety Prequalification and Sales

Overheul to Discuss Link Between Safety Prequalification and Sales

Photo of James Overheul from iSi Environmental

James Overheul
iSi Manager of Safety & Industrial Hygiene

iSi’s Manager of Safety and Industrial Hygiene, James Overheul will be presenting “The Safety Prequalification: Where Sales and Safety Meet” at the 69th Annual Kansas Safety and Health Conference.

In recent years, you may have seen an influx of companies requiring safety data to be included within vendor prequalification documentation. Some companies use online programs such as ISNetworld and Avetta, and others have their own programs. These programs can be used to weed out vendors on the basis of safety performance, causing a bad safety record to affect your ability to do business. James will discuss the common safety statistics used in grading, methods for improving performance, and ideas on how to use these programs to boost safety support from upper management.

James will also be participating as a panelist in the open forum question and answer general session “Learning From Each Other, An Interactive Panel Discussion.”

This year’s Kansas Safety and Health Conference will be in Wichita on October 2-3, 2018.

If you’d like to see this presentation, or another safety or environmental-related presentation at your next conference, seminar or event, please email us or give us a call at (888) 264-7050.

Your company’s safety record can affect your business bottom line.  Let iSi help you find the gaps in your program! 

Livengood to Cover Identifying Industrial Hygiene Issues

Livengood to Cover Identifying Industrial Hygiene Issues

ryan livengood

Ryan Livengood, iSi Project Manager

iSi Project Manager Ryan Livengood will be presenting “How Can I Tell If I Have an Industrial Hygiene Issue and What Do I Need to Look For?” at the 69th Annual Kansas Safety and Health Conference.

The term industrial hygiene (IH) covers a wide variety of issues found in your workplace. Even seasoned safety professionals can overlook areas of concern. Which kinds of typical industrial operations trigger potential issues? How can you tell if you need sampling? In this presentation, Ryan will cover these topics plus give specific examples of operations with their corresponding potential IH issue as well as examples of typical sampling events.

This year’s Kansas Safety and Health Conference will be in Wichita on October 2-3, 2018.

If you’d like to see this presentation, or another safety or environmental-related presentation at your next conference, seminar or event, please email us or give us a call at (888) 264-7050.

Do you have an industrial hygiene issue at your facility? Do you need help determining what you need to sample for?  Let iSi help!

Who Regulates Hazmat Shipments?

Who Regulates Hazmat Shipments?

In the environmental and safety world, it’s pretty simple to determine who’s the regulatory authority. For safety, in most cases it’s OSHA, and if you’re in a “state plan” state or if you’re a public entity, your state has an additional safety regulatory agency. For environmental issues, it’s EPA and for many states there is an additional state agency which covers environmental regulations plus you have municipal environmental rules. However, when it comes to shipping hazardous materials, it gets a little more complicated.

In the U.S., the shipment of hazardous materials is covered by federal regulation 49 CFR. 49 CFR addresses the shipment of hazardous materials by ground, air and vessel. The Department of Transportation (DOT) is responsible for enforcing 49 CFR.

DOT contains a variety of agencies which are responsible for ensuring specific parts of 49 CFR are being followed:

  • Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Security Administration (PHMSA);
  • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA);
  • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA); and,
  • Federal Railroad Administration (FRA).

In addition to the federal agencies, there are additional state agencies with the authority to enforce DOT regulations. For example, this could be your state’s department of transportation and additional agencies which govern the highway patrol, rail lines or pipelines. Thus, you could receive inspections from a variety of state officials and highway patrol in additional to the federal agencies.

If there was one arm of DOT which takes the lead in hazardous materials, it’s PHMSA. PHMSA’s focus is safe shipments and it creates and publicizes regulations. Thus, if you wanted to learn new information about shipping hazardous materials, start with PHMSA.

When it comes to air and vessel shipments, you’ll find that although 49 CFR has rules regarding these types of shipments, in parts, 49 CFR defers to two other agencies, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Maritime Organization who publishes the International Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG). These are international organizations, as the shipment of hazardous materials will often cross country boundaries via ocean or air. Thus, when you’re required to have training, you need the training of both 49 CFR and IATA or IMDG. IMDG can also be applicable to shipments within in the U.S. when shipping to Hawaii, Alaska or Puerto Rico.

Radioactive materials shipments are regulated under the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

Both OSHA and EPA mention and defer to DOT within its regulations. Thus, you need to be aware AND trained in both the regulations of OSHA/EPA and DOT when dealing with environmental or safety issues.

49 CFR regulations can become very confusing. If you need help determining which regulations apply to you and how you need to ship your hazardous materials, contact us and we’d be happy to help!

Need Help?

Need help sorting out your hazmat shipping requirements? What about your required training?

iSi can help you with hazmat shipping regulations — Contact us today!

Live Chat Now Available

Live Chat Now Available

Click on this button below to open up our live chat window!

iSi has added live chat as another way to contact us.  To open the chat window, click on the blue button which is hovering at the bottom of each of our pages.

Use this new feature to ask about our training, request quotes, or find specific information you’re looking for.  Right now, this is just something that will be available during the business day.  The chat window should be available Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm (central time).

Give it a try today!

Ben Smith Named iSi CFO

Ben Smith Named iSi CFO

Photo of iSi CFO Ben Smith

Ben Smith, CMA
CFO of iSi

iSi is pleased to announce that Ben Smith has been promoted to Chief Financial Officer.  Ben is a Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and has been with iSi since January 2009.  He was most recently in the position of Controller.

In his position as CFO, Ben manages all finance and accounting functions for the company.

Ben has a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) with a concentration in international business from Newman University and a B.S. in Business, Accounting from Emporia State University.

Mason Promoted to Strategic Channel Manager

Mason Promoted to Strategic Channel Manager

Photo of Marc Mason from iSi

Marc Mason
iSi Strategy Channel Manager

iSi is pleased to announce that Marc Mason has been promoted to Strategy Channel Manager.  In this role, Marc will be responsible for the overall management of the Marketing and Sales department, as well as exploring new business opportunities and technology developments.

Marc has been with iSi since May 2009 and was most recently the Strategy and Business Development Coordinator.  Marc recently relocated back to Wichita after spending nearly two years in iSi’s Atlanta office.

Marc has a B.S. in Finance and Management from Kansas State University.

James Overheul Named Manager of Safety and IH

James Overheul Named Manager of Safety and IH

Photo of James Overheul

iSi Manager of Safety and Industrial Hygiene James Overheul

iSi is pleased to announce that James Overheul has been promoted to Manager of Safety and Industrial Hygiene in the Consulting Services division.  James has been with iSi since August 2014 and was most recently a Project Manager in the Consulting Services division. 

James has over 20 years’ experience in EHS and operations in the manufacturing and chemical industries.  As a project manager for iSi, James worked with various companies to help them manage their EHS programs, mitigate risk, find solutions to issues, make culture changes and complete tasks.  James has helped companies with safety culture development and implementation, onsite safety and environmental compliance, safety and environmental auditing, and employee training. 

Livengood Joins iSi

Livengood Joins iSi

Ryan Livengood is a Project Manager with iSi

Ryan Livengood, iSi’s Newest Project Manager

iSi is pleased to announce Ryan Livengood has joined iSi’s Consulting Team as a Project Manager.   As a former corporate environmental, health and safety manager, Ryan has a vast experience in working with both environmental and safety compliance issues.

Prior to joining iSi, Ryan was the HSE Division Manager for Pepsi North America, managing safety and environmental compliance issues for all Pepsi facilities nationwide, from manufacturing and bottling plants to warehouses to maintenance sites to fleet facilities. His specialties include environmental compliance, safety compliance, industrial hygiene, and ISO 14001.

Ryan is finishing his MSPH in Industrial Hygiene from Tulane University and has a B.S. in Biology from Kansas State University.

iSi to Discuss SPCC’s Substantial Harm Criteria at Environmental Conference

iSi to Discuss SPCC’s Substantial Harm Criteria at Environmental Conference

rohn hamilton

Rohn Hamilton, P.E.

iSi’s Rohn Hamilton, P.E. will be presenting Ramifications of Triggering “Substantial Harm” Within the SPCC Plan at this year’s Midwest Environmental Compliance Conference.

SPCC Plans, or Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plans, are EPA-required plans that are implemented at sites in order to prevent the discharge of oil into navigable waters or adjoining shorelines.  SPCC Plans outline the procedures that will be used to cleanup a spill should it reach a navigable water and the measures to be implemented to prevent spills from occurring in the future.  Companies who need SPCC Plans need to further identify whether or not their company additionally qualifies as a substantial harm facility. Facilities which meet any of the substantial harm criteria are then required to develop Facility Response Plans in addition to the SPCC Plans. Rohn will be covering how to determine if your facility needs an SPCC Plan and how to tell whether or not your facility additionally meets the substantial harm criteria.

Rohn is a professional engineer providing environmental engineering compliance (spill, stormwater prevention, facility response plans) for iSi. He’s a retired Air Force Colonel, who served as the 184 Intelligence Wing’s (McConnell AFB, KS) Chief Bioenvironmental Engineer (environmental, industrial hygiene) and Medical Group Commander. He is also an Airbus 320 Captain for American Airlines.

This year’s Midwest Environmental Compliance Conference will be held April 11-12 in downtown Kansas City.  iSi is a Silver Sponsor for this year’s event and will be an exhibitor as well.  Learn more here.

midwest environmental compliance conference

Does your facility meet SPCC’s Substantial Harm Criteria?  iSi can help you determine that…contact us today!

EPA Proposing Changes to Aerosol Can Hazardous Waste Regulations

EPA Proposing Changes to Aerosol Can Hazardous Waste Regulations

EPA is proposing to allow generators to handle aerosol cans as a universal waste rather than a hazardous waste. As a result, EPA hopes to encourage more recycling, ease regulatory burdens on generators, reduce the amount of cans going to landfills, and save over $3 million per year.

The Current Aerosol Can Hazardous Waste Regulation

Aerosol cans, when discarded, are handled as hazardous waste. Entities with these are required to follow all hazardous waste rules regarding them. The number of days you can store these cans ranges from 90 to 270 depending on generator status and transportation. Retail stores who discard aerosol cans must also follow all hazardous waste rules. In some states, generators can recycle the cans for scrap metal by puncturing them and draining the contents into other containers. The can becomes non-hazardous, but the container of leftovers may be considered hazardous waste. Some states don’t allow the puncturing and recycling of cans at all, even under carbon filtration.

The Proposed Aerosol Can Hazardous Waste Regulation

The proposed regulation would make discarded aerosol cans a universal waste. Other EPA universal wastes include batteries, mercury-containing equipment, and hazardous waste mercury lamps. Universal wastes can be stored and collected for up to one year and don’t need a hazardous waste manifest as long as they’re properly packaged and labeled.

As for aerosol can recycling, the proposed rule would encourage generators to collect and send their cans to a centralized hazardous waste handler for recycling. Any company recycling aerosol cans would be subject to special requirements. Only approved commercial devices for safely puncturing cans could be used. These facilities would also be required to have written procedures for operations and maintenance of the machines, how incompatible wastes would be segregated, proper hazardous waste management practices to be followed, and what emergency spill procedures would be followed.

EPA’s intent is to ease the retailer’s burden of managing aerosol can as hazardous waste, ease the generators’ burden of managing aerosol cans as hazardous waste, and to encourage more states and more entities to recycle aerosol cans.


There are still some gaps and unknowns within the regulations such as: What is the exact definition of an aerosol can, that is, would cans that do not aerate (such as shaving gel cans), be included? At what point between full, empty, “RCRA empty”, and used would the cans be eligible for universal waste consideration? Should there be a size limit on the cans; would cylinders be included? Would the equipment that some generators have already invested in to puncture and recycle their own cans be suitable under the new regulation?

EPA is accepting comments until May 15, 2018. To read more about the proposed regulation and where to send your comments, read here.

More Info

Need help sorting out your hazardous and universal waste issues?
Leiker Joins iSi Team

Leiker Joins iSi Team

Curtis Leiker, CSP is a project manager with environmental and safety experience

iSi Project Manager Curtis Leiker, CSP

iSi is pleased to announce Curtis Leiker, CSP has joined iSi’s Consulting Team as a Project Manager.   As a former environmental, health and safety coordinator from manufacturing and agricultural-related facilities, Curtis has experience in working with both environmental and safety compliance issues.

In the environmental field, Curtis is an ISO 14001 Lead Auditor who has worked with directing and strengthening corporate environmental management systems.  He also has extensive experience in environmental compliance auditing, air permitting, water, wastewater, tanks and waste as well as energy and water conservation. In the area of safety, he’s a Certified Safety Professional with experience in safety compliance auditing, program development, safety culture development, employee training, emergency preparedness, and contractor orientation.

Curtis has an M.S. in Biological and Agricultural Engineering, with an emphasis in Air Quality Engineering and a B.S. in Biological and Agricultural Engineering with an Environmental, Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences emphasis, both from Kansas State University.

iSi Discusses Safety at Petroleum Packaging Council National Meeting

iSi Discusses Safety at Petroleum Packaging Council National Meeting

Photo of James Overheul from iSi Environmental

James Overheul
iSi Project Manager

iSi Project Manager James Overheul presented “Manufacturing Plant Safety and the Downstream Impact on Sales” at this year’s Petroleum Packaging Council national conference and tradeshow.

Company safety and injury statistics are increasingly becoming a tool for companies when choosing the vendors and suppliers they want to work with.  Safety is now looked at in pre-qualification reviews, annual contract updates, in publically-available data, and in other locations.  Now more than ever, your company’s safety record can affect your bottom line not only from the impact of worker’s compensation, but in being chosen as a supplier in the first place. In this presentation, James explains what manufacturers need to look for, which statistics are most important and what they can do to improve their record.

This year’s Petroleum Packaging Council was in Tampa, Florida from March 4-6.

If you’d like to book one of iSi’s safety or environmental professionals for an upcoming conference, seminar or event, email us or give us a call at (888) 264-7050.

Your company’s safety record can affect your business bottom line.  Let iSi help you find the gaps in your program! 

iSi Discusses Environmental Compliance at Chattanooga EHS Summit

iSi Discusses Environmental Compliance at Chattanooga EHS Summit

Photo of iSi's Consulting Services Manager

Nikki Chavez, CHMM – iSi’s Consulting Services Manager

iSi’s Consulting Services Manager, Nikki Chavez, CHMM, presented “Lessons Learned:  The Most Common Issues and Gaps Found in Environmental Compliance Audits” at the Chattanooga Regional Manufacturer’s Association Annual EHS Summit.

Environmental audits can serve as a useful tool when looking to identify gaps, or even a starting point, for new and existing facilities. Nikki has conducted over 80 environmental audits at industrial facilities.  She is also an ISO 14001 Certified Lead Auditor. In this presentation, Nikki identifies the most common environmental gaps and trouble points she’s observed in the areas of waste, water, air and overall compliance.

The CRMA EHS Summit brings together professionals engaged in creating and apply new methods to address and resolve environmental issues in various fields.  Learn more at  If you could not make it to the conference, get the highlights on our previous blog post.

Environmental audits can help you determine where you stand on EPA and state compliance.  Let iSi help you find the gaps in your program! 

Changes Coming to OSHA’s Electronic Injury Reporting Rule

Changes Coming to OSHA’s Electronic Injury Reporting Rule

The deadline to submit your injuries and illnesses for 2016 electronically through the new OSHA Injury Tracking Application website is December 1.  However, recent actions by OSHA suggest this rule has the potential to look differently next year.

In January, a lawsuit against the rule was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma. The court stayed its ruling to allow OSHA to review the rule. As a condition of the stay, the court required OSHA to file status reports with the court. In the final status report recently issued, OSHA acknowledged they had reviewed the rule, have drafted regulatory text, summaries and explanations for proposed changes, and their economists are currently working on the economic impact analysis of the proposed changes.

Thus, the electronic recordkeeping rule is likely to be changed, but there are no indications of what will be changed or when. The two most contentious parts of the rule have been making injury/illness data for each company publicly available online and additional anti-retaliation rules which affect certain types of employee safety incentive programs and post-accident drug testing procedures.  There is some thought that both of these previsions may be altered or removed from the rule.

In the meantime, if your company is required to submit electronically, the rule stands as-is and you will need to get your data uploaded by December 1.   Who is required to submit electronically?  Check out our previous blog describing which companies are affected and what the process for submitting electronically entails.  Need help with the data upload or sorting this all out?  Contact us today!


iSi Covers Common Safety Audit Issues at Kansas Safety & Health Conference

iSi Covers Common Safety Audit Issues at Kansas Safety & Health Conference

Photo of iSi's Manager of Safety and Industrial Hygiene

Scott Smith, CSP – iSi’s Manager of Safety and Industrial Hygiene

iSi’s Manager of Safety and Industrial Hygiene, Scott Smith, CSP presented “Lessons Learned: The Most Common Issues and Gaps Found in Safety Compliance Audits” at the 2017 Kansas Safety & Health Conference.

Safety audits and inspections can serve as a useful tool when looking to identify gaps, or even a starting point, for new and existing facilities.  Scott Smith, CSP, as a safety consultant and ISO 18001 lead auditor, has conducted over 80 safety audits at industrial facilities.  In this presentation, he identified the most commonly found safety gaps and trouble points he’s observed.   Do you have these at your facility too and what do you need to do to correct them?

The Kansas Safety & Health Conference is held annually in the September/October time frame.  Learn more about the conference at

Is your facility compliant with OSHA regulations?  Scott Smith can help you find out. 

Mason Discusses Emergency Response at Wichita ASSE Monthly Meeting

Mason Discusses Emergency Response at Wichita ASSE Monthly Meeting

Photo of Gary Mason, CEO of iSi

Gary Mason

iSi’s CEO Gary Mason presented “Emergency Response Lessons: Chemical Fire, Neodesha, Kansas” at the monthly meeting of the Wichita Chapter American Society for Safety Engineering (ASSE).

Gary discussed the emergency response actions for a chemical fire which broke out right before Thanksgiving 2016 in Neodesha, Kansas.  Gary represented KDHE during the response and was responsible for managing the environmental impacts both during the fire and impacts on nearby public water supplies.  Gary gave insights the into response needs both during and after the fire, the planning and coordination involved, how state and federal governments work together during times of emergency response, and lessons learned from this event which attendees could take back to your own facilities.

The Wichita ASSE meets at iSi Environmental’s offices the first Monday of each month.  The cost to attend is $10 and is open to all safety and environmental professionals.  Register online at

If you’re interested in having Gary present this program at your conference or seminar, contact us here.

Do you have emergency plans in place?  Could they use an update?  Give us a call!

iSi’s September EHS Training Schedule

iSi’s September EHS Training Schedule

Wichita, Kansas Classes

Our Wichita classes will be held at iSi’s Training Center at 215 S. Laura in Wichita.

Photo of drums managed by hazardous waste handlers.

RCRA Hazardous Waste Management

September 14-15, $475 (Lunch included on 2nd Day)
Register        More Info on This Class

RCRA Refresher

September 15, $225 (Lunch included)
Register      More Info on This Class

How can iSi help your company with EHS training? Check us out!

iSi Addresses Common Environmental Audit Findings at Kansas Environmental Conference

iSi Addresses Common Environmental Audit Findings at Kansas Environmental Conference

Photo of iSi's Consulting Services Manager

Nikki Chavez, CHMM – iSi’s Consulting Services Manager

iSi’s Consulting Services Manager, Nikki Chavez, CHMM, presented “Lessons Learned:  The Most Common Issues and Gaps Found in Environmental Compliance Audits” at the Kansas Environmental Conference.

Environmental audits can serve as a useful tool when looking to identify gaps, or even a starting point, for new and existing facilities. Nikki has conducted over 80 environmental audits at industrial facilities.  She is also an ISO 14001 Certified Lead Auditor. In this presentation, Nikki identifies the most common environmental gaps and trouble points she’s observed in the areas of waste, water, air and overall compliance.

The Kansas Environmental Conference is held annually in August.  iSi has been exhibiting at this conference for over 20 years, and it’s a great resource of environmental education and information. Learn more at the conference’s website.

If you’d like this presentation at your next conference or event, or would like iSi to cover other items in the environmental or safety field, contact us here.

Environmental audits can help you determine where you stand on EPA and state compliance.  Let iSi help you find the gaps in your program! 

iSi’s August EHS and Hazmat Transportation Training Schedule

iSi’s August EHS and Hazmat Transportation Training Schedule

Check out iSi’s environmental, hazmat transportation and safety training schedule for the month of August!

Wichita, Kansas Courses


A photo of a forklift used in safety training.OSHA 30 Hour Occupational Health and Safety for General Industry
August 28-31
Register     More Info on This Class

Photo of HAZWOPER training exercisesHAZWOPER 
40 Hour:  August 14-18, $725
24 Hour:  August 14-16, $625
8 Hour Refresher: September 1, $225 (Includes lunch)
Register     More Info on This Class

A photo of packaging used for DOT hazmat transportation.DOT Refresher
August 25, $325 (Includes lunch)
Register     More Info on This Class


A photo of an asbestos label used in asbestos training.Asbestos Courses
Inspector Refresher: August 4, $125
Operations & Maintenance Refresher: August 8, $125
Worker Refresher: August 9, $160
Contractor/Supervisor Refresher: August 10, $160
Register     More Info on This Class

All Wichita classes will be held at iSi’s offices at 215 S. Laura in Wichita.


Atlanta, Georgia Courses


A photo of packaging used for DOT hazmat transportation.Ground (DOT) Hazardous Materials Transportation
Initial Training:  August 28, $525  (Lunch included)
Refresher Training:  August 31, $325 (Lunch included)
Register     More Info on This Class

A photo of hazardous materials shipped in a plane.Air Hazardous Materials Transportation
For initial and refreshers
August 30, $525 (Lunch included)
Register     More Info on This Class

A photo of shipping containers carrying hazardous materials per IMDG regulation.Vessel (IMDG) Hazardous Materials Transportation
For initial and refreshers
August 29, $650 (Lunch included)
Register     More Info on This Class

A photo of hazardous waste drums.RCRA Hazardous Waste Management
August 22, $225 (Lunch included)
Register     More Info on This Class


All of our Atlanta classes will be held at the iSi offices at 2180 Satellite Blvd. in Duluth.


How can iSi help your company with EHS training? Check us out!

Smith to Give Machine Guarding Presentation at Oklahoma Safety & Health Conference

Smith to Give Machine Guarding Presentation at Oklahoma Safety & Health Conference

Photo of iSi's Manager of Safety and Industrial Hygiene

Scott Smith, CSP – iSi’s Manager of Safety and Industrial Hygiene

iSi’s Manager of Safety and Industrial Hygiene, Scott Smith, CSP will be presenting “Test Your Spotter Skills – Spot the Machine Guarding Violation” at this year’s Oklahoma Safety & Health Conference.

This year’s conference has a racing theme, “Safety at Peak Performance.”  In addition to covering OSHA’s machine guarding regulations, Scott will give attendees the opportunity to “test their spotter skills” by identifying the violations from photos of real-life guarding violations Scott has come across in his projects.  One of Scott’s project specialties at iSi is machine guarding compliance, including audits, inspections, written programs, and assisting with compliance solutions.

This year’s Oklahoma Safety & Health Conference will be in Norman, Oklahoma from June 21 to 23.  iSi will also have a booth at the event.  Check out Scott’s presentation by registering for the conference or learn more at

Is your machine guarding safe for your workers and compliant with OSHA regulations?  Scott Smith can help you find out. 

Mason Joins PrairieChar Advisory Board

Mason Joins PrairieChar Advisory Board

Photo of Gary Mason, CEO of iSi

iSi CEO Gary Mason has joined the Board of Advisors of PrairieChar.

iSi’s Gary Mason has joined the Board of Advisors for biomass waste recycling innovator PrairieChar, Inc..  PrairieChar has developed an innovative approach to converting biomass waste into products such as organic fertilizer, phosphoric acid, and specialty phosphoric chemicals.  They are providing a management solution for feedlot animal manure that not only produces a profitable renewable product for both energy and agricultural markets, but reduces its impact to the environment.

Mason said, “It is a great opportunity to be a part of the PrairieChar team.  PrairieChar’s technology provides an environmentally sound way to manure that will protect our waterways from nutrient leaching and runoff.  Nitrate leaching is hard to remove from our drinking water and phosphate runoff is the primary cause of toxic blue-green algae in our waterways.”

More information about PrairieChar can be found at

iSi’s Gary Mason has joined the Board of Advisors for biomass waste recycling innovator PrairieChar, Inc..  PrairieChar has developed an innovative approach to converting biomass waste into products such as organic fertilizer, phosphoric acid, and specialty phosphoric chemicals.  They are providing a management solution for feedlot animal manure that not only produces a profitable renewable product for both energy and agricultural markets, but reduces its impact to the environment.

Mason said, “It is a great opportunity to be a part of the PrairieChar team.  PrairieChar’s technology provides an environmentally sound way to manure that will protect our waterways from nutrient leaching and runoff.  Nitrate leaching is hard to remove from our drinking water and phosphate runoff is the primary cause of toxic blue-green algae in our waterways.”

More information about PrairieChar can be found at

How can iSi help your company with EPA environmental compliance? Check us out!

iSi Speaks at Economic Development Group Luncheon

iSi Speaks at Economic Development Group Luncheon

iSi enjoys the opportunity to present to industry groups, professional organizations, and other business groups. Our Consulting Services Manager Nikki Chavez was the keynote speaker for this month’s Cowley County Economic Development luncheon.  Nikki presented “Environmental and Safety Regulations: What Applies to Me and How Do I Take Care of It All?”

If your organization is looking for presenters or more information on environmental, safety or occupational health-related subjects, contact us today!

EPA Broadens Definition of “Remote” Sites for Stationary Engine Air Compliance

EPA Broadens Definition of “Remote” Sites for Stationary Engine Air Compliance

A change in the definition of what a “remote” site is in EPA’s NESHAP Subpart ZZZZ air compliance regulations could bring good news for companies with stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE).  Stationary RICE engines are typically used at natural gas compressor stations, for other uses in the oil and gas industry and for landfills.

The modified definition, which went into effect January 30, 2016, makes a change to what is considered to be “remote.”  If a company’s RICE is remote, the engine will be exempt from Subpart ZZZZ requirements for initial compliance testing.

According to the new rule, a remote engine is now considered to be:

There’s more!  Click here to continue…


How can iSi help your company with EPA air emissions compliance? Check us out!

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