LOTO Standard Also on OSHA’s Update List

LOTO Standard Also on OSHA’s Update List

Recently we featured that OSHA was soliciting information on powered industrial vehicles to determine the need for an updated standard.  Now OSHA is soliciting information on the lockout-tagout (LOTO) standard.  The current LOTO standard was published in 1989.  

The focus of OSHA’s efforts with LOTO centers on control circuit devices.  The LOTO standard requires energy-isolating devices to be used to control energy during servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment.  In the current standard, control circuit devices cannot be used for this purpose.  However, OSHA says it “recognizes recent technological advances may have improved the safety of control circuit-type devices.”

Since 2016, OSHA has granted variances in compliance to several companies who have been able to prove that the control circuit devices they were using could be a safe alternative.  During an evaluation of a recent variance request, OSHA decided that the time had come and the potential technology was available to consider if there was a basis to allow these devices in certain circumstances. Also, their own research has shown that these devices aren’t typically used in short servicing tasks of a machine and don’t require an extensive disassembly of the machine or entrance into it. As a result, OSHA wants feedback from the public and industry about this.

OSHA is requesting information on:

  • How employers have been using control circuit devices
  • Information about the types of circuitry and safety procedures being used;
  • Limitations of their use, to determine under what other conditions control circuit-type devices could be used safely;
  • Use and limitations of using industry consensus standards for LOTO such as ANSI/ASSPP Z244.1;
  • How the evolution of robotics technology such as collaborative robotics, robotics that move freely, or robotic devices that can be worn by workers has affected risks of worker exposure to hazardous energy;
  • The anticipated economic benefits, impacts, and other offsets that would occur if the standards were updated, such as benefits to productivity or reduction of injuries vs. costs of new equipment, servicing, or need for new training.

LOTO and electrical-related issues are found to be among OSHA’s Top 10 violations each year.  The agency is accepting comments electronically until August 18, 2019 at regulations.gov and from there, OSHA will be making a determination of what actions, if any, needs to be taken.  More information can be found here.

Temporary Personnel

iSi can provide temporary and part-time personnel to help fill in at your company in times of vacations, maternity leaves, as a stop-gap between hires, or for special projects.

iSi can help you with lockout-tagout compliance issues — Contact us today!

Is an OSHA Updated Forklift Standard on the Horizon?

Is an OSHA Updated Forklift Standard on the Horizon?

OSHA is soliciting information on powered industrial vehicles to determine the need for an updated standard.  The current standard was written in 1971, based on industry data from 1969.  OSHA realizes that national consensus standards have been updated several times and rule updates may be needed.

The term “powered industrial vehicle” refers to forklifts, fork and lift trucks, tractors, motorized hand trucks and other specialized industrial trucks that have an electrical or combustion engine.

OSHA is requesting information on:

  • Types, Age and Usage of Powered Industrial Vehicles in the Workplace
  • Maintenance and Retrofitting
  • How to Regulate Older Trucks
  • Types of Accidents and Injuries in Operating
  • Costs and Benefit of Retrofitting With Safety Features

The agency is accepting comments electronically until June 10, 2019 at regulations.gov and from there, OSHA will be making a determination of what actions, if any, needs to be taken.

Powered industrial vehicle incidents are among OSHA’s Top 10 each year, and a number of OSHA regions currently have emphasis programs dedicated to them as well.  Emphasis programs dictate that if an inspector sees a powered industrial vehicle while onsite for any other issue, the inspector can automatically include your powered industrial vehicles in the scope of the inspection. 

There are a number of common regulatory issues with powered industrial vehicles, mainly forklifts, that you need to be aware of to ensure compliance before your next inspection.  Check out our previous blog article, Forklift Top 6: Common OSHA Compliance Pitfalls for Powered Industrial Trucks

Are Your Forklifts Compliant?

Many OSHA regional emphasis programs include forklifts.  Is your program compliant and ready for inspection? Let us help!

iSi can help you with powered industrial vehicle compliance & training — Contact us today!

Methylene Chloride Banned for Consumer Use, Industry Use Continues

Methylene Chloride Banned for Consumer Use, Industry Use Continues

Update:  As of November 23, 2019 it is now against the law for any person or retailer to sell or distribute paint removal products containing methylene chloride for consumer use, including online sales.

EPA has issued a final rule to ban the use of methylene chloride for consumer use.  This rule applies to the manufacture, import, process, and distribution of methylene chloride for consumer use.  Industrial use, for now, is still allowed.

Methylene Chloride, also known as dichloromethane, is a key ingredient used in paint strippers.  It also can be found in some acrylic cements for hobbyists.

EPA has been evaluating high-hazard chemicals through the Toxic Substances Control Act, or TSCA.  EPA found the hazards associated with the methylene chloride to be an unreasonable risk.  The fumes are heavier than air and can stay in an unventilated area for several hours.  The fumes can rapidly cause dizziness, loss of consciousness, and death due to nervous system depression.

Retailers have 180 days after the rule finalization to be in compliance.  However, many retailers made pledges to stop selling it long before the rule was finalized.  Lowes, Home Depot, AutoZone, PPG and Sherwin Williams agreed to stop selling methylene chloride-containing products by the end of 2018.  Walmart agreed to stop selling products online and in stores by the end of February 2019 and Amazon targeted March 2019.  Ace Hardware is targeting the end of July 2019.

Industrial Usage Continues

In industry, methylene chloride is used not only as a paint stripper, but for general cleaning, automotive care, bath tub refinishing, metal cleaning and degreasing, lubrication, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and lithography.

EPA is still allowing usage in industry in industry at this time, but are is soliciting public comment for future rulemaking which may include training requirements, limited access rules, and/or certification.

On the employee protection side, methylene chloride usage in industry is also subject to OSHA’s Methylene Chloride Standard.  This standard lines out specific requirements for usage, medical surveillance, respiratory protection, training, hygiene facilities, protective clothing, recordkeeping, and control measures.

Occupational Exposures

Which chemicals are your facility using and have you determined all of your employee exposure responsibilities?  Let us help!

iSi can help you with worker exposure plans, sampling and strategies — Contact us today!

Centrifugal Pump Machine Guarding Issue Solved

Centrifugal Pump Machine Guarding Issue Solved

If your company has a centrifugal pump, you may have a machine guarding issue issue at risk for violation.   There is an exposed part of the machine that many manufacturers do not make guards for because the seals in this area are important for accessibility, maintenance, and operational purposes.  Below is an easy solution to fix this issue to make it machine guarding compliant and accessible at the same time.

OSHA Standard 1910.219(c)(2) provides details regarding horizontal shafting requirements.  Among those is that no one should be able to reach a finger into the machine.  Most pump manufacturers provide guards for the pump coupling, that is, the component that connects the power source to the pump.  However, guards are not typically provided for the space between the bearing frame and the casing (frame adapter).  In this space, the rotating shaft is exposed, and the packing gland or mechanical seal is located. This space is often inspected to determine if the packing gland or mechanical seal is leaking.  Placing a typical guard over this area prevents important monitoring functions.

A simple solution to this problem is to cover the frame adapter with plastic mesh and secure it with an extension spring.  The plastic mesh and extension spring come in many materials of construction to assure compatibility with the fluid being pumped. Plastic mesh or netting enables inspection of the packing gland or seal and is easily removed for maintenance. The plastic mesh can be cut, without difficulty, to fit each specific pump application.  As it is plastic rather than metal, the instances of being cut and injured on jagged edges are also removed.

In our experience, OSHA inspectors have been taking a look at these areas in their machine guarding audits.  To learn more about this machine guarding issue, contact us and we can assist!

Need Help?

Need help with machine guarding or an assessment of where you stand? 

Centrifugal Pump Without a Guard

centrifugal pump with machine guarding issue

Centrifugal Pump Without a Guard

centrifugal pump with machine guarding issue

Centrifugal Pump With a Guard

centrifugal pump with machine guarding

Centrifugal Pump With a Guard

centrifugal pump with machine guarding

iSi can help you with machine guarding issues and audits — Contact us today!

OSHA Electronic Injuries and Illnesses Reporting Rules Change

OSHA Electronic Injuries and Illnesses Reporting Rules Change

OSHA electronic reporting of injuries and illnesses rules have undergone another change, and this time it’s to account for worker privacy.  The new final rule was published in the Federal Register on January 25, 2019 and is effective February 25, 2019.

What Has Changed?

Employers with more than 250 employees were to begin including OSHA Forms 300 and 301 with their electronic submittals starting in 2019.  These forms name the particular workers affected, along with the body parts injured, date of birth, date of hire, address, and treatment.  This information could have made it to the online, searchable database, compromising sensitive employee information.

The new rule removes this requirement in order to protect worker privacy.  Employers with more than 250 employees are still required to submit their 300As.

In addition, OSHA is requiring employers to submit their Employer Identification Numbers with their electronic submissions.  OSHA feels this new requirement will help better organize and track submissions and avoid duplications.

Below is a revised table of requirements.  Are you required to submit OSHA electronic reports?  If you have questions, please contact us!

osha reporting requirements

Need Help?

Need an extra hand to get your safety issues covered? How about policies/programs developed or training conducted?

iSi can help with your safety compliance issues — Contact us today!

The Federal Shutdown: EPA, OSHA and DOT

The Federal Shutdown: EPA, OSHA and DOT

We were working on preparing price proposals for two separate federal agencies this week and one greeted with a return email saying it was closed, while the other is still open.  This prompted the question…what about the other regulatory agencies we work with such as EPA, OSHA and the DOT?


In short, part of EPA is open while the other is closed.  Those functions still open involve ensuring there are personnel necessary to respond to emergencies involving safety of human life or the protection of property. 

Functions Still Open at EPA

  • Activities essential to ensure safe continued public health and safety including safe use of food and drugs and safe use of hazardous materials;
  • Superfund projects, where failure to maintain operations would pose an imminent threat;
  • EPA labs where it’s necessary to ensure physical integrity of research property and research conditions;
  • Law enforcement, legal counseling and criminal investigations;
  • Protection of federal lands/buildings/equipment; and,
  • Emergency response readiness and disaster service.

Functions Closed at EPA

  • Inspections;*
  • Non-emergency environmental site sampling;
  • New contract obligations;
  • Existing contract obligations and task orders;
  • Existing grant, cooperative agreement and interagency agreement obligations;
  • Payment activities including contracts, grants and payroll;
  • Travel;
  • New hiring; and,
  • Non-mission critical IT systems.

*While federal inspectors are on hold, please note that state environmental inspections are likely to continue using other sources of funding. 

For more information on EPA’s shutdown, take a look at their contingency plan.


At OSHA, it is business as usual because their agency is funded through September of this year.   The same goes for MSHA, so inspectors for both agencies are still out and active. 


At DOT, some agencies of DOT are busier than others are. 

It’s business as usual for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the Federal Highway Administration because they’ve already been funded by multi-year appropriations. 

Functions Closed at DOT

At other DOT agencies, about half of the staff has been furloughed.  Much of what is closed has been administrative such as rulemaking and program development, training, research, purchasing, and grants.   

Functions Open at DOT

Those functions still operational include:

  • Hazardous materials (hazmat) inspections of shippers and carriers;
  • Hazmat enforcement activities;
  • Hazmat testing facilities and cylinder reconditioning facilities;
  • Hazmat approvals and permits for emergencies only;
  • Pipeline safety regulation inspectors;
  • Those who manage rail and pipeline accidents/incident investigations; and,
  • Pipeline operations/systems inspectors.

For more information about all the DOT shutdown activities, download their Shutdown Contingency Plan.

Free Webinar

Catch our free webinar on EPA environmental reporting!

We can help with EPA, OSHA & DOT concerns — Contact us today!

Snakes as an Indoor Air Quality Issue: iSi’s Memorable Projects

Snakes as an Indoor Air Quality Issue: iSi’s Memorable Projects

At iSi we get the opportunity to come across all types of industrial hygiene and indoor air quality projects.  One of our most memorable ones involved something that isn’t typically thought of as a indoor air quality problem:  snakes!

In Chapman, Kansas, employees at a 1930s office building were complaining about an unpleasant odor in the building. The employees suspected that the odor was coming from snakes that were nesting in and around the building.

chapman snakesIn the spring and fall over the past several years, employees frequently caught snakes in the building. The snakes often poked their heads out from the ductwork and slid over toes at work stations. The snakes were confirmed to be black racers, which produce a distinctive odor when they are disturbed or active. Some settling asphalt near the building provided a place for the snakes to den, and some snakes found paths which allowed them to enter the building. With winter approaching, the snakes had no reason to leave once inside the building.

iSi’s Industrial Hygienist, Constance Timmons, met with a local wildlife biologist from Kansas State University to do a walkthrough evaluation of the building to gather background information. With the indoor air quality information that they gathered, Constance and the wildlife biologist determined that the odor was in fact due to snakes.

Although the odor was not a health hazard, iSi recommended ways to prevent the snakes from re-entering the building in the spring such as using snake traps; a drift fence between the building and the field, consisting of silt about an inch deep; and using pea gravel as a filler around the building because it does not support tunnels.

Indoor air quality project and snakesFor ongoing snake control, iSi recommended placing glue traps along the inside walls of the building, making sure that the traps are not adjacent to standing pipes. A snake is able to wrap around the pipe and leverage itself off the trap. Also, turning up the heat in the building may increase the capture of snakes on the glue traps because they are not able to hibernate when they are so warm. Building personnel were advised that, if they chose to relocate the snakes, to release them at least two miles from the building during any season but winter. Racers have a home range of 25-50 acres, and would find their way back if not released far enough away.

In the 2 days after our visit, the employees were able to catch over 23 snakes!

Do You Have An Indoor Air Quality Issue?

If you’ve got an indoor air quality issue, we feel like we’ve seen it all! Let us diagnose the problem and find the solutions.

What indoor air quality or workplace exposure issue can we help you with? Contact us today!

Frequently Asked Asbestos Questions – A Free Webinar

Frequently Asked Asbestos Questions – A Free Webinar

asbestos frequently asked questions

As a long-time asbestos abatement, survey, inspection, sampling and training firm, we get a lot of questions about asbestos.

In this webinar we will be covering the questions we are asked the most, from who regulates asbestos to where it can be found, to training and licensing requirements, how the NESHAP regulations affects rules and more!

What questions do you have? Join us on Tuesday, December 11 at 1:30 pm CST.  There is no charge to attend, but space is limited!  Register Here

Register Today!

Register here for our free asbestos webinar on December 11!

iSi’s Industrial Services team can help you with your asbestos questions and issues — Contact us today!

Semiannual Regulatory Priorities Set by EPA and OSHA

Semiannual Regulatory Priorities Set by EPA and OSHA

Twice a year each of the President’s cabinets and executive agencies submits a regulatory agenda for the upcoming months.  It’s a list of priorities and which regulatory areas they intend to focus on.  The following items were listed as priorities in EPA’s agenda and in the OSHA portion of the Department of Labor’s agenda.

EPA – Air Quality

  • New Source Review and Title V Permitting – EPA hopes to simplify the New Source Review process (preconstruction air permits). There are two memos EPA wants to make law.  The first is EPA won’t second guess preconstruction analysis that complies with procedural requirements.  The other is the rescinding of the “once in always in” rule. A rule change will allow companies who are major sources to become area sources if their potential to emit falls below thresholds, reducing regulatory requirements.
  • Electric Utility Greenhouse Gas Rules – Recently EPA proposed a new rule for greenhouse gas emissions called the Affordable Clean Energy Rule. They will continue to look at this alternative approach to the Clean Power Plan Rule.
  • Oil and Gas New Source Performance Standards – EPA has been reviewing the rule including regulation of greenhouse gases through emissions limits on methane. A proposal for public comment will be issued.
  • Safer Affordable Fuel-Efficient Vehicles Rule – EPA will hold public hearings on their August 2018 proposal to amend and establish new Corporate Average Fuel Economy and greenhouse gas emissions standards for passenger cars and light trucks for model years 2021-2026.

EPA – Water Quality

  • National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Lead and Copper and Perchlorate – EPA will be looking at the lead and copper drinking water rule in order to clarify, reduce complexity, modernize and strengthen it to make it more effective and enforceable. They will also be working on drafting a regulation for regulating perchlorate in drinking water.
  • Peak Flows Management – EPA will be updating permitting regulations for publicly owned treatment works that have separate sanitary sewer systems to deal with the excess wastewater collection that comes with wet weather.
  • “Waters of the U.S.” – EPA will be working on step 2 in the redefining of the term waters of the United States with a reevaluation of the definition, including redefining the term “navigable waters”.
  • Clean Water Act Section 404(c) – EPA will update the regulations concerning its authority in the permitting of dredged and fill material discharges. In reducing its power to veto a permit for any reason, it hopes to help increase predictability and certainty for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, landowners, investors, and businesses.
  • Steam Electric Power Generating Point Sources – EPA will publish a notice of proposed rulemaking for reconsideration of the Steam Electric Effluent Limitations Guidelines rule.

EPA – Waste and Land Contamination

  • Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances – The use of these chemicals have been prevalent in a wide variety of items such as stain resistant fabrics and carpets, cosmetics and fire-fighting foam. EPA is set to designate them as hazardous substances and is yet to determine which mechanism to use, whether it be CERCLA or the Clean Water Act.
  • Accidental Release Prevention Regulations Under Clean Air Act – EPA has proposed changes to the Risk Management Plan rule to better coordinate with OSHA and DOT rules, lessen security concerns of sharing information with local emergency planning and response organizations and ease the economic burden caused by some provisions. In the next few months, public comment will be solicited on rule changes.
  • Disposal of Coal Combustion Residues from Electric Utilities – EPA is planning to modify the final rule on disposal of coal combustion residual (CCR) as solid waste and will be amending certain performance standards to give additional flexibility to states.

EPA – Chemical Safety

  • TSCA Amendments – 2016 TSCA amendments require EPA to evaluate existing chemicals for health risks to vulnerable groups and workers who daily use them. This action will be funded by user fees from chemical manufacturers and processors when they submit test data for EPA review, manufacture or use a new chemical, or process one subject to risk evaluation.  These fees will go into effect in 2019.  Also, EPA is on a deadline to do risk evaluations and issue any new proposed rules for persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals by June 2019.
  • Lead Dust Hazards – EPA has proposed strengthening lead hazard standards on dust from floors and window sills in child-occupied facilities. Final action will be June 2019.
  • Pesticide Safety – EPA is considering changes to Certification of Pesticide Applicators regulations from 2017 and agricultural Worker Protection Standard regulations from 2015.


  • Electronic Reporting – After requiring certain employers to submit OSHA recordkeeping information to a website which would provide publicly available data, OSHA realized it couldn’t guarantee that personally identifiable information from the 300 and 301 logs wouldn’t be published. Thus, OSHA is proposing to change the Improved Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses Rule to just include the OSHA 300A summary data.
  • Beryllium – After revising the beryllium standard, OSHA realized exposure in shipyards and construction was limited to a few operations so some of the provisions required within the standard wouldn’t improve worker protection and could be redundant with other standards. OSHA will be working to revise the rule.
  • Standards Improvement Project (SIP) – OSHA will be working on Phase IV of their SIP. SIPs are used by OSHA to fix standards to correct errors, update technical references, account for new technologies and practices, delete duplicate information and fix inconsistent information.  SIPs can affect one or a number of standards.  For example, items for SIP IV include removing the requirement to put social security numbers on records and allowing for storing digital copies of x-rays rather than on film only.

Want more details?  Read the full regulatory agenda for EPA here and for OSHA here.

Want us to write an article in more detail about any of these issues?  Email our team and let us know what you’d like to see!

Need Help?

Do you need help determining which regulations apply to your facility? Contact us today!

iSi can help you determine which regulations apply to your facility. Contact us today!

OSHA’s Ammonium Regional Emphasis Program

OSHA’s Ammonium Regional Emphasis Program

Need Help?

iSi can help you determine what you need to do to get ready for enforcement.

OSHA has announced it has developed a regional emphasis program for ammonium starting October 1, 2018.

Who is Affected?

The emphasis program targets fertilizer grade ammonium nitrate and agricultural anhydrous ammonium.  Both create a significant hazard of fire and explosion and are toxic to those who handle them.  Companies who store, mix, blend, and distribute these products will be targeted in this program.

Ammonium nitrate storage issues came into prominence with the 2013 West Fertilizer facility explosion.   This regional emphasis program was a recommendation of the Chemical Safety Board’s report following the incident.

Which States are Included?

The regional emphasis includes particular states from OSHA Region VI and OSHA Region VII.  These include Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana from Region VI and Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska from Region VII.

What is the Enforcement Date?

Affected companies will have 90 days from October 1st to get their compliance activities in order before OSHA starts issuing penalties, roughly until the end of the year.   Storage of ammonium nitrate falls under 29 CFR 1910.109(i), and storage and handling of anhydrous ammonia falls under 29 CFR 1910.111.  There are other OSHA regulations and requirements which apply to the handling of these chemicals.

What’s Next?

If your company will be affected by this OSHA ammonium regional emphasis program, iSi can help you determine what you need to do to comply and be ready for any upcoming inspection.  If you don’t know if you are affected or not, we can help you make that determination.  Contact us today for pricing, or fill out our online form!

Let iSi help you determine you ammonium compliance elements!

Livengood to Cover Identifying Industrial Hygiene Issues

Livengood to Cover Identifying Industrial Hygiene Issues

ryan livengood

Ryan Livengood, iSi Project Manager

iSi Project Manager Ryan Livengood will be presenting “How Can I Tell If I Have an Industrial Hygiene Issue and What Do I Need to Look For?” at the 69th Annual Kansas Safety and Health Conference.

The term industrial hygiene (IH) covers a wide variety of issues found in your workplace. Even seasoned safety professionals can overlook areas of concern. Which kinds of typical industrial operations trigger potential issues? How can you tell if you need sampling? In this presentation, Ryan will cover these topics plus give specific examples of operations with their corresponding potential IH issue as well as examples of typical sampling events.

This year’s Kansas Safety and Health Conference will be in Wichita on October 2-3, 2018.

If you’d like to see this presentation, or another safety or environmental-related presentation at your next conference, seminar or event, please email us or give us a call at (888) 264-7050.

Do you have an industrial hygiene issue at your facility? Do you need help determining what you need to sample for?  Let iSi help!

OSHA Compliance and Temporary Workers: Who’s Responsible?

OSHA Compliance and Temporary Workers: Who’s Responsible?

When it comes to temporary workers, who’s responsible for OSHA compliance?  Is it the host employer or the staffing agency?

Overall it’s the responsibility of both parties to ensure OSHA standards are being followed and workers are being protected. As a general rule, OSHA tends to lean towards site-specific issues being handled by the host and general issues be handled by the agency.


OSHA stresses the importance of communication between both the host and the agency and recommends responsibilities be clearly lined out in any contractual language before the working relationship between both companies begins. OSHA will be reviewing any contract between the host and the staffing agency to see where the responsibilities lie.

Staffing agencies are responsible for learning the potential hazards their temporary employees may encounter at the worksite. Agencies should determine what conditions exist, what hazards could be encountered, and how to protect employees. OSHA says that agencies need not have experts in safety and health on staff, however, they should receive training in hazard identification or employ the assistance of a third-party consultant to help them with those identifications. Ignorance of the regulations, or belief that one party or the other is responsible without it in writing will not be taken as a proper excuse by OSHA.

Recordkeeping and Reporting

Both parties are responsible for ensuring employees are involved in the recordkeeping system and that proper records are kept. Both parties are also responsible for making sure employees know how and where to report work-related injuries and illnesses. Neither can discourage employees from reporting an injury. When an injury does occur, the party who finds out first should report it to the other and then both the host and the staffing agency are to work together to investigate the cause.

When it comes to annual reporting, the employer who is supervising the employee on a day-to-day basis is the one who records the injuries/illnesses on their 300 logs.  OSHA says this is most often the host employer.


Both companies are responsible for training. Staffing agencies must communicate the training that their employees already have to the host, and both the agency and the host must ensure the employees have the adequate training to do the job. The contract between the two parties should line out who’s responsible for which training.  As a rule of thumb, OSHA says that generic safety training would be the responsibility of the staffing agency and site-specific training would be the responsibility of the host site. Any training to temporary employees conducted by the host must be the same as training given to full-time employees.

PPE and Written Plans

It’s the responsibility of both parties to ensure the proper PPE is worn and provided. Neither can require the employee to purchase it themselves, that is, PPE will need to be provided to the employees. The parties can decide in their contract who’s responsible for purchase and assignment, but in examples from some of the OSHA’s guidance documents in these issues, the host employer will most likely be responsible for dictating what is proper PPE. This is because the host employer is already required to evaluate the workplace for exposure levels, have control over the processes and equipment that produce these hazards, and will be conducting surveillance of the areas. The staffing agency is responsible for knowing what those hazards are and how the employees are being protected.

Each party is required to have OSHA-required written plans when workers will be exposed to certain hazards. Example written safety plans required would include bloodborne pathogens, hearing conservation, hazcom, respiratory protection, lockout-tagout and other hazard-specific plans such hexavalent chromium or the new silica standards. The focus of each plan would be slightly different for each party, but a plan must be on file for each.

More Guidance

OSHA has a dedicated site to these issues, along with some good guidance documents for how to handle some regulations such as respiratory protection, industrial truck training, bloodborne pathogens, hazcom and more here. This site also gives examples of OSHA violations and which party was cited for which element.

Some of these issues, such as respiratory protection which has a number of requirements including medical considerations, can become tricky to navigate so please feel free to contact iSi for help in sorting out these issues.

Need Help?

Are you a host site trying to determine what you need to do?  Are you a staffing agency who needs help determining what you need to learn to comply?  Contact iSi and we can help!

How can we help make your compliance experience with temporary workers go smoother?  Contact us today!

Watch iSi’s Free Webinar Covering OSHA’s General Industry Silica Regulation

Watch iSi’s Free Webinar Covering OSHA’s General Industry Silica Regulation

A photo of a worker is potentially exposed to OSHA's general industry silica standard.


Watch our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization.

OSHA’s general industry silica standard went into effect on June 23, 2018.  iSi recorded a webinar on Friday, June 22, 2018 which covered:

  • Elements of the New Standard
  • Exposure Sampling Requirements and Compliance
  • Dust Controls
  • Respiratory Protection Implications
  • Medical Implications
  • and More!

This webinar is free — click here to watch it now!

Is your company affected?  Check out our previous blog article “Is Your Company Affected by the New General Industry Silica Standard?” to see if your industry could be a target.

We have also summarized some of the requirements of the new standard here.

OSHA Electronic Injury Reporting Due by July 1

OSHA Electronic Injury Reporting Due by July 1

Electronic injury and illness reporting is required annually by July 1st for select companies depending on size and industry.  What gets reported is also dependent on size, that is, companies with 250 or more employees submit the 300, 300A and 301 while companies with 20-249 employees submit only the 300A.  The following table summarizes the requirements for electronic reporting.  Immediately after the table is a link to the NAICS industry codes which are included in the requirements.

A table describing who is required to participate in OSHA electronic injury reporting.

Click here for a list of NAICS Codes covered industries applicable to this regulation.

How to Report

Injuries and illnesses will need to be completed through OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application website.   If you are in an OSHA-approved state program such as California, Maryland, Minnesota, South Carolina, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, you are not required to participate in electronic reporting.

For those who do need to report, you’ll be able to enter your data through three different methods.

First, you can enter data in manually through a web form.

If you have multiple records and multiple establishments, the second option allows you to upload a database file to the system.  It will need to be saved as a csv file.  You can create csv files from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.  OSHA has csv templates on their site, but these templates are more or less a list of the column names for your spreadsheet and examples of what needs to go into each.

The third option is for those of you who use automated recordkeeping systems.  For those systems, OSHA will have the ability for you to transmit that data electronically through an application programming interface (API).

If you need help submitting, or help in determining if you need to, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help you.


How can iSi help your company with OSHA recordkeeping?

OSHA Delays Enforcement of Certain Portions of Beryllium Standard

OSHA Delays Enforcement of Certain Portions of Beryllium Standard

OSHA has made some changes to enforcement dates for its beryllium standard.  Some portions are being enforced as of May 11, 2018, some have been moved to December 12, 2018, and for construction and shipyards, some provisions may never be enforced.

These are the parts of the standards which are currently being enforced as of May 11, 2018:

  • Permissible Exposure Limits in the general industry, construction, and shipyard standards.
  • General industry exposure assessment requirements;
  • General industry respiratory protection requirements;
  • General industry medical surveillance and medical removal provisions;
  • General industry requirements for changing rooms beginning March 11, 2019; and,
  • General industry requirements for engineering controls on March 10, 2020.

Moved to December 12, 2018:

  • Everything else in the general industry standard not listed above.

As for the remaining requirements from the construction and maritime industries, OSHA says with the exception of the permissible exposure limits, it will not enforce any other provisions until further notice.  [OSHA’s full announcement].

If your company produces products containing beryllium, you need to determine your exposure levels and follow guidelines set forth by the new beryllium standard.  Learn more about what these guidelines are in our previous blog post “Beryllium: What You Need to Know About OSHA’s Newest Exposure Standard”.


Need Help?

iSi can help determine if the regulation applies to you and help you comply with the standard!

Let iSi help you pull together your beryllium compliance program!

Is Your Company Affected by the New Silica General Industry Standard?

Is Your Company Affected by the New Silica General Industry Standard?

OSHA’s silica general industry standard will be enforced starting June 23, 2018.  Is your company affected by this new standard?

Silica can be found in a number of materials.  Silica is a fine particle which is a respiratory hazard.  Which industries are affected by silica, what products contain silica and which tasks generate silica exposures?  See the list below:

  • Use of Industrial Sand in Production
  • Abrasive Sand Blasting
  • Paint and Coating Production
  • Chemical Production
  • Metal Casting and Production
  • Foundry Work
  • Glass
  • Pottery
  • Ceramic
  • Porcelain Products
  • Dental Products
  • Brick
  • Artificial Stone
  • Concrete
  • Asphalt Roofing
  • Jewelry
  • Clay Products
  • Ready-Mix Concrete
  • Refractory Products
  • Refractory Furnace Installation
  • Railroad Transport
  • Filtration and Water Production

(Source: OSHA’s silica guidance and the National Industrial Sand Association)

If your company produces any of these products, you need to determine your exposure levels and follow guidelines set forth by the new silica standard.  Learn more about what these guidelines are in our previous blog post “OSHA’s Silica Rule for General Industry.”

Need Help?

iSi can help determine if the regulation applies to you and help you comply with the standard!

Let iSi help you pull together your beryllium compliance program!

Which Industries Are Affected by OSHA’s Beryllium Standard?

Which Industries Are Affected by OSHA’s Beryllium Standard?

OSHA started enforcing certain provisions of its new beryllium standard starting May 11, 2018.  Is your company affected by this new standard?

Beryllium is a lightweight but strong metal and exposures to beryllium occurs through inhalation or contact when making products containing beryllium.  Which industries are affected by beryllium and what products contain beryllium?  See the list below:

  • Aerospace (aircraft braking systems, engines, satellites, space telescope)
  • Automotive (anti- lock brake systems, ignitions)
  • Ceramic manufacturing (rocket covers, semiconductor chips)
  • Defense (components for  nuclear weapons, missile parts, guidance systems, optical systems)
  • Dental labs (alloys in crowns, bridges, and dental plates)
  • Electronics (x- rays, computer parts, telecommunication parts, automotive parts)
  • Energy (microwave devices, relays)
  • Medicine (laser devices, electro-medical devices, X-ray windows)
  • Nuclear energy (heat shields, reactors)
  • Sporting goods (golf clubs, bicycles)
  • Telecommunications (optical systems, wireless base stations)

(Source: OSHA’s beryllium information site)

If your company produces any of these products, you need to determine your exposure levels and follow guidelines set forth by the new beryllium standard.  Learn more about what these guidelines are in our previous blog post “Beryllium: What You Need to Know About OSHA’s Newest Exposure Standard”.

Need Help?

iSi can help determine if the regulation applies to you and help you comply with the standard!

Let iSi help you pull together your beryllium compliance program!

National Safety Council: OSHA Budget Gives Clues to Regulatory Agenda

National Safety Council: OSHA Budget Gives Clues to Regulatory Agenda

The National Safety Council (NSC) has reviewed OSHA’s Fiscal Year 2019 budget and within its budget justification section, NSC has found a number of items which give an insight into what will be OSHA priorities starting this fall through next year.  They include:

  • Revisions to fit-testing procedures;
  • Revisions to the recordkeeping rule;
  • Updated Hazard Communication Standard;
  • Final Rule on Beryllium for General Industry;
  • Crane operator certification revisions to the Cranes and Derrick Standard;
  • Including ANSI Consensus standards in the Powered Industrial Truck Section;
  • Standards improvements and educational material development; and,
  • Additional employees for enforcement, outreach and the Voluntary Protection Program.

President Trump’s budget proposal would eliminate the Chemical Safety Board and the Susan Harwood Training Grant Program.  OSHA’s budget justification seeks to keep the Chemical Safety Board and emphasizes its importance to preventing loss of life and injuries from chemical accidents.  With the money from the elimination of the Susan Harwood Training Grant, they would like to use that in other ways to develop training materials to reach large audiences.

Read more about the NSC’s research here:

Regulatory Agenda
Cuts to CSB and Harwood Grant


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OSHA’s Silica Rule for General Industry

OSHA’s Silica Rule for General Industry

The OSHA silica rule for general industry/maritime is more geared toward proving silica exposures are occurring below certain levels and thus there is more of a sampling focus.

Exposure Sampling

Employers must conduct exposure monitoring for silica if the potential for exposure could be at or above an action level of 25 µm3 (micrograms per cubic meter of air), averaged over an 8-hour day.  The maximum limit, also known as the permissible exposure limit (PEL) is 50 µm3, averaged over an 8-hour day (the old PEL was 100 µm3). If your workers’ exposures are above the PEL, your company must take measures to protect workers from exposure.

Affected employees must be notified, in writing, of assessment results and what’s being done to control exposures.  If results are above the action level but below the PEL, sampling will need to occur every 6 months until exposures are below the action level for 2 consecutive measurements.  If results are above the PEL, sampling will need to occur every 3 months until exposures are below the action level for 2 consecutive measurements.

Unless the potential for silica exposure is 0%, if there’s even a slight potential for silica exposures, it’s best to conduct the sampling to know exactly what your exposure levels are for documentation purposes. Documentation of your exposure assessment is very important for your recordkeeping files and shows due diligence with the standard.

Anytime a process or change occurs in the facility, monitoring must be conducted again.

Other Requirements

  • Dust Controls — Dust controls need to be used to protect workers from exposures above the PEL. In most cases, wet methods and ventilation can be used to aid in this.  Again, your exposure sampling will be able to tell you how well your dust controls are working.
  • Respirators — When dust controls don’t keep exposures below the PEL, respirators are required.
  • Medical Exams — Medical exams including chest X-rays and lung function tests must be offered to workers exposed at or above the action level (25 µm3) for 30 or more days per year. These must be offered every 3 years.
  • Warning Signs — Warning signs must be posted at entrances to areas where exposures above the PEL may occur.

Compliance Deadlines

Employers must comply with all requirements of the standard by June 23, 2018 with some exceptions for medical surveillance and hydraulic fracturing.

Medical surveillance for those exposed above the PEL (50 µm3) for 30 or more days must be offered to employees starting June 23, 2018.  Medical surveillance for those exposed above the action level (25 µm3) for 30 or more days starting June 23, 2020.

Hydraulic fracturing operations in the oil and gas industry must implement their engineering controls to limit exposures to the new PEL by June 23, 2021.  Significant efforts are currently being made to develop effective dust control technologies specifically for this industry.  Many of these are in development and have demonstrated promise.  Although some are commercially available, many are still in development and those available now have not been widely implemented yet.  The potential effectiveness of these controls is why OSHA has given some extra time for this industry for development and implementation.

Now What?  How Can iSi Help You With This Standard?

iSi is here to help your company comply with this new standard. We can assist with:

  • Compliance Determinations, Audits and Checklists – Helping you determine if this standard applies to you, evaluating your site for exposure potential, determining areas needing warning signs or restricted access, and making a compliance checklist for you
  • Exposure Sampling – Sampling your facility or construction sites for exposure levels, arranging for lab analysis of samples, preparing documentation for recordkeeping, and preparing your written employee notices
  • Written Program Development – Preparing your exposure control plan or respiratory protection program
  • Training – Silica training and respiratory protection training
  • Respirator Fit-Testing – Annual respirator fit-testing (after your medical surveillance is complete)
  • Answering Questions – Our safety and industrial hygiene experts on-staff can help you with any other questions you may have.

Contact us today with questions or pricing requests.



Here are some helpful resources for silica in general industry:





Need assistance in sorting out these silica changes?  Let us help!

OSHA’s Silica Rule for General Industry

Watch iSi’s Free Webinar on Silica in Construction


Watch our free webinar on the construction silica standard.

OSHA’s silica in construction standard goes into effect on September 23, 2017.  iSi recorded a webinar to cover the following aspects of the standard:

  • Elements of the New Standard
  • Exposure Sampling Requirements and Compliance
  • Engineering and Equipment Controls Overview
  • Respiratory Protection
  • Housekeeping
  • Medical Surveillance
  • Training Requirements

This webinar is free – click here to go to it.  If you have questions or need help with silica issues afterwards, please contact us!


OSHA’s silica in construction standard goes into effect on September 23, 2017.  iSi recorded a webinar to cover the following aspects of the standard:

  • Elements of the New Standard
  • Exposure Sampling Requirements and Compliance
  • Engineering and Equipment Controls Overview
  • Respiratory Protection
  • Housekeeping
  • Medical Surveillance
  • Training Requirements

This webinar is free – click here to go to it.  If you have questions or need help with silica issues afterwards, please contact us!



Watch our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization.

Need help sorting out these new silica requirements? Let iSi help!

Changes Coming to OSHA’s Electronic Injury Reporting Rule

Changes Coming to OSHA’s Electronic Injury Reporting Rule

The deadline to submit your injuries and illnesses for 2016 electronically through the new OSHA Injury Tracking Application website is December 1.  However, recent actions by OSHA suggest this rule has the potential to look differently next year.

In January, a lawsuit against the rule was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma. The court stayed its ruling to allow OSHA to review the rule. As a condition of the stay, the court required OSHA to file status reports with the court. In the final status report recently issued, OSHA acknowledged they had reviewed the rule, have drafted regulatory text, summaries and explanations for proposed changes, and their economists are currently working on the economic impact analysis of the proposed changes.

Thus, the electronic recordkeeping rule is likely to be changed, but there are no indications of what will be changed or when. The two most contentious parts of the rule have been making injury/illness data for each company publicly available online and additional anti-retaliation rules which affect certain types of employee safety incentive programs and post-accident drug testing procedures.  There is some thought that both of these previsions may be altered or removed from the rule.

In the meantime, if your company is required to submit electronically, the rule stands as-is and you will need to get your data uploaded by December 1.   Who is required to submit electronically?  Check out our previous blog describing which companies are affected and what the process for submitting electronically entails.  Need help with the data upload or sorting this all out?  Contact us today!


Silica Rule Enforcement: OSHA Giving “Good Faith Efforts” a 30 Day Extension

Silica Rule Enforcement: OSHA Giving “Good Faith Efforts” a 30 Day Extension

osha-silica-dust-construction-general industry-webinar


View our free webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization.

OSHA’s new Silica in Construction Rule (29 CFR 1926.1153) went into effect on September 23, 2017. For most regulations, this is typically the day the agency can start enforcing the rule and issuing citations. Because of the way the rule is structured, with the Table 1 approach, OSHA’s instructed its regional administrators to take employers’ good faith efforts into account when conducting inspections over the next 30 days.

This means if you are required to comply with the new rule, and making an effort to come into compliance, OSHA will likely use any potential violations as an opportunity for assistance and outreach rather than enforcement.   This will occur for 30 days, or until October 23, 2017. After that time, inspection and citation directives will be finalized and the rule will be fully enforced.

If OSHA finds your company is NOT trying to comply yet, they will be conducting air exposure monitoring of your site, and you will be eligible for citations. Any citations issued before October 23, 2017 will need to be reviewed by OSHA’s National Office.

Are you making a good faith effort right not? What do you need to be working on to comply with the standard? Watch our free silica in construction webinar!


View our free webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization.

OSHA’s new Silica in Construction Rule (29 CFR 1926.1153) went into effect on September 23. For most regulations, this is typically the day the agency can start enforcing the rule and issuing citations. Because of the way the rule is structured, with the Table 1 approach, OSHA’s instructed its regional administrators to take employers’ good faith efforts into account when conducting inspections over the next 30 days.

This means if you are required to comply with the new rule, and making an effort to come into compliance, OSHA will likely use any potential violations as an opportunity for assistance and outreach rather than enforcement.   This will occur for 30 days, or until October 23. After that time, inspection and citation directives will be finalized and the rule will be fully enforced.

If OSHA finds your company is NOT trying to comply yet, they will be conducting air exposure monitoring of your site, and you will be eligible for citations. Any citations issued before October 23 will need to be reviewed by OSHA’s National Office.

Are you making a good faith effort right not? What do you need to be working on to comply with the standard? Watch our free silica in construction webinar!

OSHA Announces Its 2017 Top 10 Violations

OSHA Announces Its 2017 Top 10 Violations

This week at the National Safety Council’s annual Congress and Expo, OSHA announced its Top 10 Most Commonly Cited Violations for 2017.   The list combines both general industry (1910) and construction standard (1926) citations.

For the past few years the list has included much of the same topics, just in a different order.  This year is much of the same, however, general electrical hazards have dropped from the list and fall protection training has taken its place.

Here is the new Top 10:

  1.   Fall Protection – General Requirements (1926.501)
  2.   Hazard Communication (1910.1200)
  3.   Scaffolding (1926.451)
  4.   Respiratory Protection (1910.134)
  5.   Lockout/Tagout (1910.147)
  6.   Ladders (1926.1053)
  7.   Powered Industrial Trucks (1910.178)
  8.   Machine Guarding (1910.212)
  9.   Fall Protection – Training Requirements (1926.503)
  10. Electrical – Wiring Methods (1910.305)

Source: National Safety Council

Do you have these issues at your worksite?  Let us help you find out with an OSHA safety audit!

Fall Protection Requirements Updated

Fall Protection Requirements Updated

Walking-Working Surfaces Final Rule for General Industry Incorporates Construction Standards

OSHA has incorporated Construction Standards into the General Industry Walking-Working Surfaces and Fall Protection Systems Standard. Walking-working surfaces can be floors, stairs, ladders, roofs, ramps, scaffolds, elevated walkways or fall protection systems.

Some of tasks required immediately include employee training in slips, trips, falls and fall protection equipment, as well as regular inspections and maintenance of walking-working surfaces.  Inspections, maintenance, and replacements (if needed) of fall protection equipment is also required.

The rule allows employers some leeway in choosing the fall protection systems which work best for them, which has been a part of the OSHA 1926 Construction Standard. It also phases in certain protections for fixed ladder systems which extend over 24 feet. For now, cages and wells on existing ladders are ok until the year 2036. However, any new or replacement ladders must have ladder safety or personal fall arrest systems installed on them starting next year.

The new rule incorporates language for those who use rope descent systems, or RDS. No RDS should be used at heights higher than 300 feet above grade, and employers are to have the anchorage points of these RDS systems certified by November 20, 2017. This certification requires inspection, testing, and verification that it’s capable of holding 5,000 lbs. per employee.

With the rule, OSHA has deferred scaffolding requirements to the construction standard.

For more information, check out the Walking-Working Surfaces rule’s frequently asked questions site.

A table of fall protection compliance deadlines for the new general industry walking-working surfaces standard.

Walking-Working Surfaces Final Rule for General Industry Incorporates Construction Standards

OSHA has incorporated Construction Standards into the General Industry Walking-Working Surfaces and Fall Protection Systems Standard. Walking-working surfaces can be floors, stairs, ladders, roofs, ramps, scaffolds, elevated walkways or fall protection systems.

Some of tasks required immediately include employee training in slips, trips, falls and fall protection equipment, as well as regular inspections and maintenance of walking-working surfaces.  Inspections, maintenance, and replacements (if needed) of fall protection equipment is also required.

The rule allows employers some leeway in choosing the fall protection systems which work best for them, which has been a part of the OSHA 1926 Construction Standard. It also phases in certain protections for fixed ladder systems which extend over 24 feet. For now, cages and wells on existing ladders are ok until the year 2036. However, any new or replacement ladders must have ladder safety or personal fall arrest systems installed on them starting next year.

The new rule incorporates language for those who use rope descent systems, or RDS. No RDS should be used at heights higher than 300 feet above grade, and employers are to have the anchorage points of these RDS systems certified by November 20, 2017. This certification requires inspection, testing, and verification that it’s capable of holding 5,000 lbs. per employee.

With the rule, OSHA has deferred scaffolding requirements to the construction standard.

For more information, check out the Walking-Working Surfaces rule’s frequently asked questions site.

A table of fall protection compliance deadlines for the new general industry walking-working surfaces standard.

iSi can help with fall protection training, programs and equipment inspections!

OSHA Briefs: Recordkeeping, Crane Delays, Monorail Hoists Change

OSHA Briefs: Recordkeeping, Crane Delays, Monorail Hoists Change

We have a few OSHA updates today, one regarding electronic recordkeeping and the others regarding crane compliance.

Recordkeeping Delay

OSHA has proposed a new date for electronic recordkeeping.  The original date had been postponed until July 1, then OSHA issued a statement which for all purposes said “we’ll let you know.”  Now the deadline has been proposed for December 1, 2017.  This new date would still allow for a four-month window to get your records in.  However, no method for submitting has been announced.  We’ll keep you posted on these developments.

In the areas of cranes, there has been movement on a couple of items.

Crane Operator Training Delay

The deadline to get your crane operators officially certified has been continuously delayed since the rule became law in 2010.  The most recent compliance certification November 10, 2017.  However, OSHA is proposing to move this date once again.  They haven’t issued an official date, but it’s thought to be November 10, 2018.  UPDATE:  The new compliance deadline for operator certification has indeed been set to November 10, 2018.

Monorail Hoist Compliance Change

OSHA has announced a change to its enforcement policy for monorail hoists.  Monorail hoists are like those pictured above and are often used to place storage tanks for propane and oil, engines, commercial generators, precast concrete components such as septic systems and vaults, electrical transformers, temporary storage units, and other components.

Until recently, monorail hoists were enforced under the Cranes and Derricks in Construction standard.  OSHA, along with a number of stakeholders, realized that while still a safety issue, these hoists did not operate in the same way other equipment enforced under this standard did.

Until a better option can be found, OSHA will not be enforcing the crane standard when it comes to these devices as long as your company…

  • Complies with 1926.554 Overhead Hoists for Construction or the General Duty Clause for General Industry;
  • Trains operators to safely use them;
  • Makes determinations that each operator is qualified to safely use them per 1926.20, General Safety and Health Provisions; and,
  • Follows the OSHA construction standards applicable to each vehicle or support system when your monorail hoists are mounted to work vehicles, utility trailers, scaffolding systems, or other mobile or stationary supports.

More info on the monorail hoists enforcement policy can be found here.

How can iSi help your company with safety compliance? Check us out!

Ensure Safety Incentives Promote the Positive

Ensure Safety Incentives Promote the Positive

OSHA Electronic Reporting Rule Adds Language About Disincentivising Employees From Reporting

Another piece put with OSHA’s recent final rule regarding electronic injury/illness submittals was some additional language and safeguards to protect workers from deterrence in reporting injuries.

Ensure your safety incentive and discipline programs do not deter or discourage employees from reporting injuries and illnesses. OSHA still will allow incentive programs, but want to make sure employers know that they must be structured in a way that does NOT discourage workers from reporting injuries.

Incentive programs which withhold or deny a benefit because an employee reported an injury are illegal. These could include those which disqualify or withhold rewards from the person reporting or a whole group of workers if an injury is reported. Discipline programs which punish workers who report injuries regardless of fault is also not allowed, as is making the reporting process so cumbersome and/or filled with paperwork that it becomes easier for the employee not to do it. OSHA says you can still have incentive programs, but instead, opt for positive incentive programs which promote worker participation in safety-related activities.

iSi helps companies improve their safety culture.  How can we help you?

Fit Testing: NIOSH Affirms OSHA’s Annual Fit-Test Requirements

Fit Testing: NIOSH Affirms OSHA’s Annual Fit-Test Requirements

A study published by NIOSH has affirmed the need for OSHA’s requirement for annual fit-testing for filtering facepiece respirators and other tight-fitting respirators.

In its study, NIOSH followed 229 subjects over three years’ time, making fit and physical characteristic measurements every 6 months. It was found that after one year, 10% of the subjects had changes in fit. In two years it was 20%, and in the third year, it was up to 26%. OSHA’s intended threshold for fit changes, when it made its rules in 1998, was 7% annually.

NIOSH also found that subjects who had lost 20 or more pounds had respirator fit changes. The greater the weight loss, the higher the chance that the respirator fit changed. Thus, NIOSH recommends those persons who lose 20 or more pounds get priority fit-test scheduling, even it is less than a year since their last fit-test.

In addition to weight loss and gain, other events such as dental changes, facial scarring and cosmetic surgery can affect respirator fit as well.

If your company has a group of employees who need their required annual fit-testing and/or their required annual respiratory protection refresher training, iSi can help! iSi can conduct both qualitative and quantitative fit testing.  Request a price quote here.

Note: NIOSH’s study can be found at: https://blogs.cdc.gov/niosh-science-blog/2016/01/05/fit-testing/


Does this apply to your company?  Do you have questions?  Contact us!

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OSHA’s Silica Rule for General Industry

OSHA’s Silica Rule for Construction


Watch our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your company.

Construction requirements are more geared toward methods of controlling exposures and silica exposure sampling.

Table 1

The construction standard has a table of common construction tasks and the instructions on how to control dust for each.  This is referred to as Table 1.  As long as your company is following the actions required of Table 1, your company will not be required to conduct sampling and won’t be subject to the PEL requirement. Please note that some of the instructions in Table 1 require workers to wear respirators.  If your workers currently do not wear respirators, use of respirators will trigger the need to comply with 29 CFR 1910.134 for use of respirators.  This would include developing a written respiratory protection program, annual respirator physicals, annual respirator training and annual respirator fit-testing. Contact us here for a copy of Table 1

What if You Don’t Want to Follow Table 1?  More on Silica Exposure Sampling

Employers who choose not to follow the guidance of Table 1 will then be subject to the requirements of the action level and the PEL.  This triggers the additional sampling and monitoring requirements that the general industry standard requires. Employers will need to conduct exposure monitoring for silica if the potential for exposure could be at or above an action level of 25 µm3 (micrograms per cubic meter of air), averaged over an 8-hour day.  The PEL is 50 µm3, averaged over an 8-hour day (the old PEL for construction was 250 µm3).

Affected employees must be notified in writing of assessment results and if it’s above the PEL, the notification will need to include what’s being done to control exposures.  If results are above the action level but below the PEL, sampling will need to occur every 6 months until exposures are below the action level for 2 consecutive measurements.  If results are above the PEL, sampling will need to occur every 3 months until exposures are below the action level for 2 consecutive measurements. Unless the potential for silica exposure is 0%, if there’s even a slight potential for silica exposures, it’s best to conduct the sampling to know exactly what your exposure levels are for documentation purposes.

Documentation of your exposure assessment is very important for your recordkeeping files and shows due diligence with the standard. Anyone above the PEL and not using Table 1 must take measures to protect workers from exposure.  Dust controls need to be used to protect workers from exposures above the PEL. When dust controls don’t work, respirators are required.

Other Requirements for Construction

  • Medical Exams — Medical exams that include chest X-rays and lung function tests must be offered to workers who are required by the standard to wear respirators for 30 or more days per year. These exams must be offered every 3 years.
  • Competent Person — Your company will need to designate a competent person to implement the your written exposure control plan.
  • Restricted Access — Procedures for how your company will restrict access to work areas where high exposures may occur must be included in your written exposure control plan.

Compliance Deadlines

Employers must comply with all requirements of the standard by September 23, 2017.  If your company chooses to use exposure sampling and laboratory analysis, then the compliance deadline for laboratory evaluation of exposure samples is June 23, 2018.

Now What?  How Can iSi Help You With This Standard?

iSi is here to help your company comply with this new standard. We can assist with:

  • Compliance Determinations, Audits and Checklists – Helping you determine if this standard applies to you, evaluating your site for exposure potential, determining areas needing warning signs or restricted access, and making a compliance checklist for you
  • Exposure Sampling – Sampling your facility or construction sites for exposure levels, arranging for lab analysis of samples, preparing documentation for recordkeeping, and preparing your written employee notices
  • Written Program Development – Preparing your exposure control plan or respiratory protection program
  • Training – Silica training and respiratory protection training
  • Respirator Fit-Testing – Annual respirator fit-testing (after your medical surveillance is complete)
  • Answering Questions – Our safety and industrial hygiene experts on-staff can help you with any other questions you may have.

Contact us today with questions or pricing requests.


Attend our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization.

Construction requirements are more geared toward methods of controlling exposures and silica exposure sampling.

Table 1

The construction standard has a table of common construction tasks and the instructions on how to control dust for each.  This is referred to as Table 1.  As long as your company is following the actions required of Table 1, your company will not be required to conduct sampling and won’t be subject to the PEL requirement. Please note that some of the instructions in Table 1 require workers to wear respirators.  If your workers currently do not wear respirators, use of respirators will trigger the need to comply with 29 CFR 1910.134 for use of respirators.  This would include developing a written respiratory protection program, annual respirator physicals, annual respirator training and annual respirator fit-testing. Contact us here for a copy of Table 1

What if You Don’t Want to Follow Table 1?  More on Silica Exposure Sampling

Employers who choose not to follow the guidance of Table 1 will then be subject to the requirements of the action level and the PEL.  This triggers the additional sampling and monitoring requirements that the general industry standard requires. Employers will need to conduct exposure monitoring for silica if the potential for exposure could be at or above an action level of 25 µm3 (micrograms per cubic meter of air), averaged over an 8-hour day.  The PEL is 50 µm3, averaged over an 8-hour day (the old PEL for construction was 250 µm3).

Affected employees must be notified in writing of assessment results and if it’s above the PEL, the notification will need to include what’s being done to control exposures.  If results are above the action level but below the PEL, sampling will need to occur every 6 months until exposures are below the action level for 2 consecutive measurements.  If results are above the PEL, sampling will need to occur every 3 months until exposures are below the action level for 2 consecutive measurements. Unless the potential for silica exposure is 0%, if there’s even a slight potential for silica exposures, it’s best to conduct the sampling to know exactly what your exposure levels are for documentation purposes.

Documentation of your exposure assessment is very important for your recordkeeping files and shows due diligence with the standard. Anyone above the PEL and not using Table 1 must take measures to protect workers from exposure.  Dust controls need to be used to protect workers from exposures above the PEL. When dust controls don’t work, respirators are required.

Other Requirements for Construction

  • Medical Exams — Medical exams that include chest X-rays and lung function tests must be offered to workers who are required by the standard to wear respirators for 30 or more days per year. These exams must be offered every 3 years.
  • Competent Person — Your company will need to designate a competent person to implement the your written exposure control plan.
  • Restricted Access — Procedures for how your company will restrict access to work areas where high exposures may occur must be included in your written exposure control plan.

Compliance Deadlines

Employers must comply with all requirements of the standard by September 23, 2017.  If your company chooses to use exposure sampling and laboratory analysis, then the compliance deadline for laboratory evaluation of exposure samples is June 23, 2018.

Now What?  How Can iSi Help You With This Standard?

iSi is here to help your company comply with this new standard. We can assist with:

  • Compliance Determinations, Audits and Checklists – Helping you determine if this standard applies to you, evaluating your site for exposure potential, determining areas needing warning signs or restricted access, and making a compliance checklist for you
  • Exposure Sampling – Sampling your facility or construction sites for exposure levels, arranging for lab analysis of samples, preparing documentation for recordkeeping, and preparing your written employee notices
  • Written Program Development – Preparing your exposure control plan or respiratory protection program
  • Training – Silica training and respiratory protection training
  • Respirator Fit-Testing – Annual respirator fit-testing (after your medical surveillance is complete)
  • Answering Questions – Our safety and industrial hygiene experts on-staff can help you with any other questions you may have.

Contact us today with questions or pricing requests.

Need help sorting out these new silica requirements? Let iSi help!

OSHA’s Silica Rule for General Industry

OSHA’s New Silica Rule


Watch our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization.

OSHA’s crystalline silica rule has been finalized.  There are separate requirements for general industry/maritime and construction.

First, How Do You Become Exposed to Silica?

Crystalline silica can cause respirable and kidney disease and some cancers. Crystalline silica is a basic component of sand, soil, granite and many minerals.  Common forms include quartz, cristobalite and tridymite.  It becomes respirable when it is cut, ground, drilled or chipped.

In general industry and maritime, silica is associated with industries such as concrete and ready-mix concrete products, cut stone, foundries, support for oil and gas operations, railroads, asphalt roofing materials, jewelry, dental labs, porcelain enameling, shipyards, structural clay and pottery.

In construction, silica exposures come with working with materials containing silica.  Grinding, drilling, sawing, cutting or chipping concrete, stone, cement or cement fiberboard would all be examples of potential silica exposures.

Requirements Applicable to Both General Industry/Maritime and Construction

The general industry/maritime and the construction regulations share some requirements including:

  • Written Exposure Control Plan — Your company must prepare and implement a written exposure control plan that identifies tasks which could create exposures and the methods your company will use to protect workers.
  • Housekeeping — Housekeeping practices such as dry sweeping, dry brushing, and the use of compressed air (unless used in conjunction with a ventilation system) which expose workers to silica where feasible alternatives are available is not allowed.
  • Training — Worker training in silica exposure is required. Workers must be able to demonstrate: knowledge of hazards, specific tasks which could cause exposures, the employer’s methods of controlling exposures, information from the standard and the purpose and description of the medical surveillance program.  To help document demonstration of knowledge, you may want to give a quiz.
  • Recordkeeping — Your company must keep detailed records of silica exposure and medical exams on file. For general industry/maritime, it’s all detailed exposure sampling records.  How your company chooses to comply with the standard will determine which records you keep.

What’s Unique to Each?

We have written separate blog posts about the general industry and construction rules.  Go to:  CONSTRUCTION    GENERAL INDUSTRY

Now What?  How Can iSi Help You With This Standard?

iSi is here to help your company comply with this new standard. We can assist with:

  • Compliance Determinations, Audits and Checklists – Helping you determine if this standard applies to you, evaluating your site for exposure potential, determining areas needing warning signs or restricted access, and making a compliance checklist for you
  • Exposure Sampling – Sampling your facility or construction sites for exposure levels, arranging for lab analysis of samples, preparing documentation for recordkeeping, and preparing your written employee notices
  • Written Program Development – Preparing your exposure control plan or respiratory protection program
  • Training – Silica training and respiratory protection training
  • Respirator Fit-Testing – Annual respirator fit-testing (after your medical surveillance is complete)
  • Answering Questions – Our safety and industrial hygiene experts on-staff can help you with any other questions you may have.

Contact us today or watch our free webinar about the changes using the link below.


Watch our webinar to determine how these regulations apply to your organization.

OSHA’s crystalline silica rule has been finalized.  There are separate requirements for general industry/maritime and construction.

First, How Do You Become Exposed to Silica?

Crystalline silica can cause respirable and kidney disease and some cancers. Crystalline silica is a basic component of sand, soil, granite and many minerals.  Common forms include quartz, cristobalite and tridymite.  It becomes respirable when it is cut, ground, drilled or chipped.

In general industry and maritime, silica is associated with industries such as concrete and ready-mix concrete products, cut stone, foundries, support for oil and gas operations, railroads, asphalt roofing materials, jewelry, dental labs, porcelain enameling, shipyards, structural clay and pottery.

In construction, silica exposures come with working with materials containing silica.  Grinding, drilling, sawing, cutting or chipping concrete, stone, cement or cement fiberboard would all be examples of potential silica exposures.

Requirements Applicable to Both General Industry/Maritime and Construction

The general industry/maritime and the construction regulations share some requirements including:

  • Written Exposure Control Plan — Your company must prepare and implement a written exposure control plan that identifies tasks which could create exposures and the methods your company will use to protect workers.
  • Housekeeping — Housekeeping practices such as dry sweeping, dry brushing, and the use of compressed air (unless used in conjunction with a ventilation system) which expose workers to silica where feasible alternatives are available is not allowed.
  • Training — Worker training in silica exposure is required. Workers must be able to demonstrate: knowledge of hazards, specific tasks which could cause exposures, the employer’s methods of controlling exposures, information from the standard and the purpose and description of the medical surveillance program.  To help document demonstration of knowledge, you may want to give a quiz.
  • Recordkeeping — Your company must keep detailed records of silica exposure and medical exams on file. For general industry/maritime, it’s all detailed exposure sampling records.  How your company chooses to comply with the standard will determine which records you keep.

What’s Unique to Each?

We have written separate blog posts about the general industry and construction rules.  Go to:  CONSTRUCTION    GENERAL INDUSTRY

Now What?  How Can iSi Help You With This Standard?

iSi is here to help your company comply with this new standard. We can assist with:

  • Compliance Determinations, Audits and Checklists – Helping you determine if this standard applies to you, evaluating your site for exposure potential, determining areas needing warning signs or restricted access, and making a compliance checklist for you
  • Exposure Sampling – Sampling your facility or construction sites for exposure levels, arranging for lab analysis of samples, preparing documentation for recordkeeping, and preparing your written employee notices
  • Written Program Development – Preparing your exposure control plan or respiratory protection program
  • Training – Silica training and respiratory protection training
  • Respirator Fit-Testing – Annual respirator fit-testing (after your medical surveillance is complete)
  • Answering Questions – Our safety and industrial hygiene experts on-staff can help you with any other questions you may have.

Contact us today or watch our free webinar about the changes using the link below.

How can iSi help your company with OSHA silica compliance? Check us out!

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